def __main__(): """ Monitor MultiNest scan via command line arguments. """ # Make parser for command line arguments parser = arg_parser(description="Monitor MultiNest scan") parser.add_argument("root", help="Prefix of MultiNest output filenames (root)", type=str) parser.add_argument( "--tol", dest="tol", help="MultiNest evidence tolerance factor (tol)", type=float, default=0.1, required=False ) parser.add_argument( "--maxiter", dest="maxiter", help="MultiNest maximum number of iterations (maxiter)", type=int, default=float("inf"), required=False, ) parser.add_argument( "--watch", dest="watch_mode", help="Whether to watch rather than snapshot", action="store_true", default=False, required=False, ) # Fetch arguments tol = parser.parse_args().tol assert tol > 0.0, "tol <= 0: %s" % tol maxiter = parser.parse_args().maxiter assert maxiter > 0, "maxiter <= 0: %s" % maxiter root = parser.parse_args().root watch_mode = parser.parse_args().watch_mode if watch_mode: watch(root, tol, maxiter) else: print_snapshot(root, tol, maxiter)
def watch(root, tol=float("inf"), maxiter=float("inf")): """ :param root: Prefix of MultiNest output filenames (root) :type root: string :param tol: MultiNest evidence tolerance factor (tol) :type tol: float :param maxiter: MultiNest maximum number of iterations (maxiter) :type maxiter: int :returns: All information about MultiNest scan :rtype: dict """ # Find folder containing MultiNest output files folder = dirname(root) assert isdir(folder), "Cannot find: %s" % folder live_name = basename(root + "live.points") # Watch folder containing MultiNest output files watch_ = inotify.Inotify(block_duration_s=10) watch_.add_watch(folder) # Data-holders time_data = [] ln_delta_data = [] time_start = print("Start time: %s" % time_start) for event in watch_.event_gen(): if event and event[3] == live_name: # Snap MultiNest scan try: snap_time = snap = snapshot(root, tol, maxiter) except Exception as error: warn(error.message) continue # Record data about delta time_data.append(snap_time) ln_delta = [mode["ln_delta"] for mode in snap["modes"].values()] ln_delta_data.append(ln_delta) else: # Make plot of progress fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) # ax.set_yscale('symlog') plt.gcf().autofmt_xdate() plt.xlabel(r'Time') plt.ylabel(r'$\ln \Delta \mathcal{Z}$') # Extrapolate time-remaining and plot, if possible time_float = [(t - time_start).total_seconds() for t in time_data] for n_mode, ln_delta in enumerate(map(list, zip(*ln_delta_data))): fit = np.polyfit(ln_delta, time_float, 10) time_func = np.poly1d(fit) time_seconds = time_func(log(tol)) guess_time_end = time_start + timedelta(seconds=time_seconds) estimate_seconds = [time_func(x) for x in ln_delta] estimate_time = [time_start + timedelta(seconds=e) for e in estimate_seconds] plt.plot(estimate_time + [guess_time_end], ln_delta + [log(tol)]) plt.plot(time_data, ln_delta, "*") plt.axhline(log(tol), color="r") print("Mode: %s. Estimated end time: %s" %(n_mode, guess_time_end)) plt.savefig("progress.png") plt.close() # Quit watching if MultiNest scan has stopped try: if snap["global"]["stop"]: print_snapshot(root, tol, maxiter) time_end = delta_time = time_end - time_start print("End time: %s" % time_end) print("Total time: %s" % delta_time) break except NameError: continue