def test_ppo_agent_play(env_name): """ Extension of the agent set up and initialisation test to include playing episodes. """ # Set up environment using default parameters. # Environment parameters do not affect the test result here. tf_env, action_dims = rl_env_from_snc_env(load_scenario( env_name, job_gen_seed=10)[1], discount_factor=0.99, normalise_observations=False) # Instantiate and initialise a PPO agent for the environment. ppo_agent = create_ppo_agent(tf_env, num_epochs=10) ppo_agent.initialize() # Reset the environment tf_env.reset() # Play 5 time steps in the environment. for _ in range(5): # Since we do not have the state stored at this point we capture it from the environment # fresh each time step as a TimeStep object (a named tuple). time_step = tf_env.current_time_step() # Attain our agent's action. action_step = ppo_agent.collect_policy.action(time_step) # Ensure that the action is one-hot as expected if isinstance(action_step.action, tuple): action = tf.concat(action_step.action, axis=-1) else: action = action_step.action # Ensure that the action is binary as expected. assert snc.is_binary(action) # Play the action out in the environment. tf_env.step(action_step.action)
def test_ppo_agent_init_with_multiple_resource_sets(): """ Tests agent set up and initialisation with multiple action subspaces (multiple resource sets). """ # Set the environment name for this case as the asserts are difficult to make as variables. env_name = 'double_reentrant_line_shared_res_homogeneous_cost' # Set up the environment parameters. # Environment parameters do not affect the test result here. tf_env, _ = rl_env_from_snc_env(load_scenario(env_name, job_gen_seed=10)[1], discount_factor=0.99, normalise_observations=False) # Instantiate and initialise a PPO agent for the environment. ppo_agent = create_ppo_agent(tf_env, num_epochs=10) ppo_agent.initialize() # Validate initialisation by checking some properties of the initalised agent. assert isinstance(ppo_agent.action_spec, tuple) assert len(ppo_agent.action_spec) == 2 assert isinstance(ppo_agent.action_spec[0], BoundedTensorSpec) assert isinstance(ppo_agent.action_spec[1], BoundedTensorSpec) assert ppo_agent.action_spec[0].shape == tf.TensorShape((1, 3)) assert ppo_agent.action_spec[1].shape == tf.TensorShape((1, 3)) assert == "PPO_Agent" assert ppo_agent.time_step_spec == tf_env.time_step_spec()
def get_ppo_agent( env: TFPyEnvironment, num_epochs: int, discount_factor: float, debug: bool = False, agent_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ) -> Union[ReinforceAgent, PPOAgent]: """ Builds and initialises a reinforcement learning agent for the environment. :param env: The TensorFlow environment used to set up the agent with correct action spaces etc. :param num_epochs: The (maximal) number of internal PPO epochs to run. :param discount_factor: The discount applied to future rewards. :param debug: Flag which determines whether to include extra TensorBoard logs for debugging. :param agent_params: A dictionary of possible overrides for the default TF-Agents agent set up. :return: An initialised RL agent. """ # Set up a training step counter. global_step = tf.compat.v1.train.get_or_create_global_step() agent = create_ppo_agent( env, num_epochs, gamma=discount_factor, debug=debug, training_step_counter=global_step, agent_params=agent_params ) agent.initialize() agent.train = tf.function(agent.train) return agent
def test_rl_simulation_agent_normalise_obs_property(): """Ensure that the _normalise_obs property of RLSimulationAgent is set correctly.""" # Set up the agent as before. seed = 72 env = load_scenario("single_server_queue", job_gen_seed=seed).env rl_env, _ = rl_env_from_snc_env(env, discount_factor=0.99, normalise_observations=False) ppo_agent = create_ppo_agent(rl_env, gamma=0.90) ppo_agent.initialize() del rl_env ppo_sim_agent = RLSimulationAgent(env, ppo_agent, normalise_obs=False) assert ppo_sim_agent._normalise_obs is False ppo_sim_agent = RLSimulationAgent(env, ppo_agent, normalise_obs=True) assert ppo_sim_agent._normalise_obs is True
def test_rl_simulation_agent_discount_factor_ppo(): """ Tests that the discount factor is passed from a PPO agent to an RLSimulationAgent correctly. """ # Set up the agent as before. seed = 72 env = load_scenario("single_server_queue", job_gen_seed=seed).env rl_env, _ = rl_env_from_snc_env(env, discount_factor=0.99, normalise_observations=False) ppo_agent = create_ppo_agent(rl_env, gamma=0.90) ppo_agent.initialize() del rl_env ppo_sim_agent = RLSimulationAgent(env, ppo_agent, normalise_obs=False) assert ppo_sim_agent.discount_factor == 0.90
def test_ppo_agent_init(env_name, expected_action_spec_shape): """ Tests agent set up and initialisation. """ # Set up environment using default parameters. # Environment parameters do not affect the test result here. tf_env, _ = rl_env_from_snc_env(load_scenario(env_name, job_gen_seed=10)[1], discount_factor=0.99, normalise_observations=False) # Instantiate and initialise a PPO agent for the environment. ppo_agent = create_ppo_agent(tf_env, num_epochs=10) ppo_agent.initialize() # Validate initialisation by checking relevant properties of the initalised agent. assert isinstance(ppo_agent.action_spec, BoundedTensorSpec) assert ppo_agent.action_spec.shape == expected_action_spec_shape assert == "PPO_Agent" assert ppo_agent.time_step_spec == tf_env.time_step_spec()
def test_ppo_agent_learning(env_name): """ Extension of the play test for an agent playing in the environment to include training. Note: This does not test that training improves the policy. It simply tests that the training loop runs effectively and changes the policy parameters. """ # Set up environment using default parameters. # Environment parameters do not affect the test result here. tf_env, _ = rl_env_from_snc_env(load_scenario( env_name, job_gen_seed=10, override_env_params={'max_episode_length': 25})[1], discount_factor=0.99, normalise_observations=False) # Set up a training step counter. global_step = tf.compat.v1.train.get_or_create_global_step() # Instantiate a PPO agent ppo_agent = create_ppo_agent(tf_env, num_epochs=10, training_step_counter=global_step) # Instantiate a replay buffer. replay_buffer = TFUniformReplayBuffer( data_spec=ppo_agent.collect_data_spec, batch_size=tf_env.batch_size, max_length=1000) # Use a driver to handle data collection for the agent. This handles a lot of the backend # TensorFlow set up and solves previous errors with episodes of differing lengths. collect_driver = DynamicEpisodeDriver(tf_env, ppo_agent.collect_policy, observers=[replay_buffer.add_batch], num_episodes=2) # = tf.function( # Get the initial states of the agent and environment before training. time_step = tf_env.reset() policy_state = ppo_agent.collect_policy.get_initial_state( tf_env.batch_size) # Take a copy of the variables in order to ensure that training does lead to parameter changes. initial_vars = deepcopy(ppo_agent.trainable_variables) assert len(initial_vars) > 0, "Agent has no trainable variables." # Set up a minimal training loop to simply test training mechanics work. for _ in range(5): # Collect experience. time_step, policy_state =, policy_state=policy_state) # Now the replay buffer should have data in it so we can collect the data and train the # agent. experience = replay_buffer.gather_all() ppo_agent.train(experience) # Clear the replay buffer and return to play. replay_buffer.clear() # Check that training has had some effect for v1, v2 in zip(initial_vars, ppo_agent.trainable_variables): assert not np.allclose(v1.numpy(), v2.numpy())
def load_rl_agent( env: ControlledRandomWalk, rl_algorithm: str, load_path: str, discount_factor: float = 0.99, agent_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> RLSimulationAgent: """ Instantiates an RL agent in the RLSimulationAgent interface for compatibility and loads the weights from training into it. :param env: The controlled random walk environment for which the agent is required. :param rl_algorithm: The name of the RL algorithm used to train the agent. :param load_path: Path to a directory where TensorFlow checkpoints have been saved (i.e. where the model's weights are saved). :param discount_factor: A scalar discount factor to pass to the agent. :param agent_params: A dictionary of possible overrides for the default TF-Agents agent set up. :return: An RL agent initialised with saved weights ready for evaluation. """ # Lazy import of TensorFlow as if no RL agent is run then it isn't needed. import tensorflow as tf # Attain a TensorFlow compatible version of the environment. # We need a TensorFlow environment to initialise the agent correctly. # First determine whether or not to normalise observations, PPO has its own normalisation so we # only normalise for reinforce agents or PPO agents where normalisation is turned off. normalise_obs = rl_algorithm == 'reinforce' or \ (rl_algorithm == 'ppo' and not agent_params.get('normalize_observations', True)) tf_env, _ = rl_env.rl_env_from_snc_env( env, discount_factor, normalise_observations=normalise_obs) # Set up an enumeration of functions which build agents to allow for extending to new agents. # Pick out the correct RL agent from those we have implemented. if rl_algorithm.lower() == 'reinforce': agent = create_reinforce_agent(tf_env, gamma=discount_factor, agent_params=agent_params) elif rl_algorithm.lower() == 'ppo': agent = create_ppo_agent(tf_env, gamma=discount_factor, agent_params=agent_params) else: raise NotImplementedError( "An agent using the RL algorithm requested is not yet implemented") # Initialise the agent and load in parameters from the most recent save. # Note that this can be adjusted to load in weights from any point in training (so long as they # have been saved). agent.initialize() restorer = tf.train.Checkpoint(agent=agent) restore_manager = tf.train.CheckpointManager(restorer, directory=load_path, max_to_keep=20) restorer.listed = agent.trainable_variables restoration = restorer.restore(restore_manager.latest_checkpoint) restoration.run_restore_ops() # Check that the weights have been loaded and that the model from which the weights were saved # matches the model which they are being loaded into. restoration.assert_nontrivial_match() restoration.assert_existing_objects_matched() # We name the agent in line with the checkpoint used to restore the weights. This aids in # identifying which experiment run is being looked at from log files. agent_name = f"RLSimulationAgent - {restore_manager.latest_checkpoint}" # Finally wrap the agent for compatibility with the SNC simulator. simulation_agent = RLSimulationAgent(env, agent, normalise_obs, name=agent_name) return simulation_agent