def test_ensure_jobs_conservation_with_multiple_demand_and_no_supply(): num_buffers = 5 num_activities = 5 mu1 = 1 mu2 = 2 mu3 = 3 mud1 = 4 mud2 = 5 buffer_processing_matrix = np.array([[-mu1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [mu1, -mu2, mu3, 0, -mud2], [0, 0, 0, 0, -mud2], [0, mu2, -mu3, -mud1, 0], [0, 0, 0, -mud1, 0]]) ind_surplus_buffers = [1, 3] s0 = stinit.DeterministicCRWStateInitialiser(np.zeros((num_buffers, 1))) job_generator = drjg(np.ones((num_buffers, 1)), buffer_processing_matrix, sim_time_interval=1) env = ControlledRandomWalk(np.ones((num_buffers, 1)), np.ones((num_buffers, 1)), np.zeros((num_buffers, num_activities)), job_generator, s0, model_type='pull', ind_surplus_buffers=ind_surplus_buffers) state = np.zeros((num_buffers, 1)) routing_jobs_matrix = env.ensure_jobs_conservation( buffer_processing_matrix, state) assert np.all(routing_jobs_matrix == np.zeros((num_buffers, num_activities)))
def test_controlled_random_walk_reset(): """Check that the CRW reset do reset its state and its job generator seed""" cost_per_buffer = np.array([[3.5]]) capacity = np.ones((1, 1)) * np.inf constituency_matrix = np.ones((1, 1)) demand_rate = np.array([[1000]]) buffer_processing_matrix = np.array([[5]]) initial_state = np.array([[20]]) seed = 42 job_generator = prjg(sim_time_interval=1, demand_rate=demand_rate, buffer_processing_matrix=buffer_processing_matrix, job_gen_seed=seed) initial_random_state = job_generator.np_random.get_state()[1] s0 = stinit.DeterministicCRWStateInitialiser(initial_state=initial_state) env = ControlledRandomWalk(cost_per_buffer=cost_per_buffer, capacity=capacity, constituency_matrix=constituency_matrix, job_generator=job_generator, state_initialiser=s0) next_state, _, _, _ = env.step(action=np.ones((1, 1))) next_random_state = job_generator.np_random.get_state()[1] assert np.any(next_state != initial_state) assert np.any(next_random_state != initial_random_state) env.reset_with_random_state() new_initial_state = env.state new_initial_random_state = job_generator.np_random.get_state()[1] assert np.all(new_initial_state == initial_state) assert np.all(new_initial_random_state == initial_random_state)
def test_routing_two_serially_connected_resources_one_buffer_each(): """Two resources with 1 buffer each. There are 2 possible actions. At every iteration, each resource chooses whether to work on its buffer or idle. If it works, jobs are processed at some rate. Jobs processed from resource 1 go to the buffer at resource 2. Events are generated deterministically at the rate given by the mean rate.""" cost_per_buffer = np.array([[2], [4]]) d1 = 1 # Rate of job arrival at buffer 1 d2 = 0 # Rate of job arrival at buffer 2 demand_rate = np.array([[d1], [d2]]) initial_state = np.array([[0], [0]]) capacity = np.array([[10], [10]]) mu1 = 1 # Rate of job processing at buffer 1 mu2 = 1 # Rate of job processing at buffer 2 # Jobs processed at buffer 1 are routed to buffer 2. # Rows: buffer, columns: influence of activity. # Actions mean scheduling processing in one buffer. buffer_processing_matrix = np.array([[-mu1, 0], [mu1, -mu2]]) # activity 1 (column 0), processed job at buffer 1 (row 0) will be routed to buffer 2 (row 1). # Each row corresponds with a time-step. The resource can only work in one buffer at a time. actions = np.array([[0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1], [1, 1]]) # Expected number of jobs jobs = np.array([ [1, 0], # None buffer work. A new job gets to buffer 1 (b1) [ 1, 1 ], # Process b1 so job goes to buffer 2 (b2, then new job arrives at b1. [1, 1], # Process b1 and b2, since a new job arrives at b1, and a job is # routed to b2, both buffers remain the same [ 2, 0 ], # Process b2 but not b1, so b1 accumulates one job, and b2 gets empty [2, 0] ]) # Process b1 and b2, so b1 has same number of jobs at the end, while # b2 aims to process the empty buffer and then gets one job routed from b1. # Expected cost cost = [2, 6, 6, 4, 4] job_generator = drjg(demand_rate, buffer_processing_matrix, sim_time_interval=1) assert job_generator.routes == {(1, 0): (0, 0)} s0 = stinit.DeterministicCRWStateInitialiser(initial_state) env = ControlledRandomWalk(cost_per_buffer, capacity, np.eye(2), job_generator, s0) for i in range(5): s, r, d, t = env.step(actions[i].reshape((2, 1))) assert np.all(s == jobs[i].reshape([2, 1])) np.testing.assert_approx_equal(r, -cost[i])
def test_ensure_jobs_conservation_with_not_enough_jobs(): num_buffers = 2 num_activities = 2 buffer_processing_matrix = np.array([[-2, 0], [2, -3]]) s0 = stinit.DeterministicCRWStateInitialiser(np.zeros((num_buffers, 1))) job_generator = drjg(np.ones((num_buffers, 1)), buffer_processing_matrix, sim_time_interval=1) env = ControlledRandomWalk(np.ones((num_buffers, 1)), np.ones((num_buffers, 1)), np.zeros((num_buffers, num_activities)), job_generator, s0) state = np.ones((num_buffers, 1)) routing_jobs_matrix = env.ensure_jobs_conservation( buffer_processing_matrix, state) assert np.all(routing_jobs_matrix == np.array([[-1, 0], [1, -1]]))
def test_exceed_capacity_single_buffer(): """One resource with one buffer. Check number of jobs is always equal or less than maximum capacity, for the corner case when initial_state > capacity""" cost_per_buffer = np.array([[3.5]]) demand_rate = np.array([[3]]) initial_state = np.array([[10]]) capacity = np.array([[5]]) job_generator = drjg(demand_rate, -np.ones((1, 1)), sim_time_interval=1) s0 = stinit.DeterministicCRWStateInitialiser(initial_state) env = ControlledRandomWalk(cost_per_buffer, capacity, np.ones((1, 1)), job_generator, s0) action = np.ones((1, 1)) with pytest.raises(AssertionError): _ = env.step(action)
def test_scheduling_multiple_buffers_events(): """One resource (station) with 3 buffers. Thus, there are 4 possible actions namely schedule each buffer or idle. At every iteration, if the resource chooses to schedule to work one buffer, then the jobs of that buffer are removed deterministically at some processing rate. Then, new jobs arrive also at some deterministic rate. The number of jobs in a buffer is always nonnegative and less than or equal to capacity. """ cost_per_buffer = np.array([[1.1], [2.2], [3.3]]) d1 = 1 # Rate of job arrival at buffer 1 d2 = 2 # Rate of job arrival at buffer 2 d3 = 3 # Rate of job arrival at buffer 3 demand_rate = np.array([[d1], [d2], [d3]]) initial_state = np.array([[0], [0], [0]]) capacity = np.array([[40], [40], [40]]) mu1 = 1 # Rate of job processing at buffer 1 mu2 = 2 # Rate of job processing at buffer 2 mu3 = 3 # Rate of job processing at buffer 3 # Rows: buffer, columns: influence of activity. # Actions mean scheduling processing in one buffer. # There is no routing in this case, so this is a diagonal matrix. buffer_processing_matrix = np.array([[-mu1, 0, 0], [0, -mu2, 0], [0, 0, -mu3]]) # Each row corresponds with a time-step. The resource can only work in one buffer at a time. actions = np.array([[0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) # When the resource works on a buffer, it compensate the arrivals, so the number of jobs remain # constant. Otherwise, the arrivals increases the number of jobs at the demand rate. jobs = np.array([[1, 2, 0], [1, 4, 3], [1, 6, 6], [2, 6, 9], [3, 8, 9], [4, 8, 12], [4, 10, 15], [5, 12, 15], [6, 12, 18], [6, 14, 21], [7, 16, 21]]) # Expected cost Computed as dot product of cost_per_buffer and number of jobs at each iteration. cost = [5.5, 19.8, 34.1, 45.1, 50.6, 61.6, 75.9, 81.4, 92.4, 106.7, 112.2] job_generator = drjg(demand_rate, buffer_processing_matrix, sim_time_interval=1) s0 = stinit.DeterministicCRWStateInitialiser(initial_state) env = ControlledRandomWalk(cost_per_buffer, capacity, np.ones((1, 3)), job_generator, s0) for i in range(11): s, r, d, t = env.step(actions[i].reshape((3, 1))) assert np.all(s == jobs[i].reshape([3, 1])) np.testing.assert_approx_equal(r, -cost[i])
def test_routing_three_buffer_tree_topology(): """ Three resources with 1 buffer each, one parent with two children. There are 4 possible actions: children resources choose to idle or work on their respective buffer, while parent choose whether work and route to one child or work and route to the other. Events are generated deterministically at the rate given by the mean rate. """ cost_per_buffer = np.array([[2], [4], [4]]) d1 = 1 # Rate of job arrival at buffer 1 d2 = 0 # Rate of job arrival at buffer 2 d3 = 0 # Rate of job arrival at buffer 3 demand_rate = np.array([[d1], [d2], [d3]]) initial_state = np.array([[0], [0], [0]]) capacity = np.array([[10], [10], [10]]) mu12 = 1 # Rate of processing jobs at buffer 1 and routing to buffer 2 mu13 = 1 # Rate of processing jobs at buffer 1 and routing to buffer 3 mu2 = 1 # Rate of processing jobs at buffer 2 mu3 = 1 # Rate of processing jobs at buffer 3 # Jobs processed at buffer 1 are routed to either buffer 2 or 3. buffer_processing_matrix = np.array([[-mu12, -mu13, 0, 0], [mu12, 0, -mu2, 0], [0, mu13, 0, -mu3]]) # Each row corresponds with a time-step. The resource can only work in one buffer at a time. actions = np.array([[0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0, 1]]) # Expected jobs jobs = np.array([[0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 2], [0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 3], [0, 1, 4], [1, 0, 4], [2, 0, 3], [2, 0, 3], [2, 1, 3], [2, 1, 3], [2, 2, 2]]) job_generator = drjg(demand_rate, buffer_processing_matrix, sim_time_interval=1) assert job_generator.routes == {(1, 0): (0, 0), (2, 1): (0, 1)} s0 = stinit.DeterministicCRWStateInitialiser(initial_state) constituency_matrix = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1]]) env = ControlledRandomWalk(cost_per_buffer, capacity, constituency_matrix, job_generator, s0) for i in range(actions.shape[0]): s, r, d, t = env.step(actions[i].reshape((4, 1))) assert np.all(s == jobs[i].reshape([3, 1]))
def test_assert_surplus_buffers_consistent_with_job_generator_wrong_one_surplus_buffer( ): ind_surplus_buffers = [2] mud = 1e2 buffer_processing_matrix = np.array([[-10, 100, 0], [10, 0, -mud], [0, 0, -mud]]) job_generator = ScaledBernoulliServicesPoissonArrivalsGenerator( np.array([[0], [0], [9]]), buffer_processing_matrix) assert not ControlledRandomWalk.is_surplus_buffers_consistent_with_job_generator( ind_surplus_buffers, job_generator.demand_nodes)
def test_scheduling_single_buffer_events_constant(): """One resource (station) with 1 buffers. Thus, there are 2 possible actions namely process or idle. At every iteration, we fill but also process the buffer, so the num of jobs remain constant = initial_state.""" cost_per_buffer = np.array([[3.5]]) demand_rate = np.array([[1]]) initial_state = np.array([[2]]) capacity = np.array([[20]]) job_generator = drjg(demand_rate, -np.ones((1, 1)), sim_time_interval=1) s0 = stinit.DeterministicCRWStateInitialiser(initial_state) env = ControlledRandomWalk(cost_per_buffer, capacity, np.ones((1, 1)), job_generator, s0) action = np.ones((1, 1)) for i in range(100): s, r, d, t = env.step(action) assert s[0, 0] == initial_state assert r == -cost_per_buffer[0] * s
def test_below_capacity_single_buffer(): """One resource with one buffer. Check number of jobs is always equal or less than maximum capacity.""" cost_per_buffer = np.array([[3.5]]) demand_rate = np.array([[3]]) initial_state = np.array([[0]]) capacity = np.array([[20]]) job_generator = drjg(demand_rate, -np.ones((1, 1)), sim_time_interval=1) s0 = stinit.DeterministicCRWStateInitialiser(initial_state) env = ControlledRandomWalk(cost_per_buffer, capacity, np.ones((1, 1)), job_generator, s0) action = np.ones((1, 1)) for i in range(10): s, r, d, t = env.step(action) assert 0 <= s <= capacity with pytest.raises(AssertionError): _ = env.step(action)
def test_job_conservation_multiple_routes_leave_same_buffer(): demand_rate = np.zeros((3, 1)) cost_per_buffer = np.ones((3, 1)) initial_state = np.array([[3], [3], [1]]) capacity = np.ones((3, 1)) * np.inf buffer_processing_matrix = np.array([[-2, -5, 0, 0], [2, 0, -10, 0], [0, 5, 0, -10]]) constituency_mat = np.eye(4) job_generator = drjg(demand_rate, buffer_processing_matrix, sim_time_interval=1) job_conservation_flag = True s0 = stinit.DeterministicCRWStateInitialiser(initial_state) env = ControlledRandomWalk(cost_per_buffer, capacity, constituency_mat, job_generator, s0, job_conservation_flag) s, r, d, t = env.step(np.array([1, 1, 1, 1])[:, None]) # Depending on the order of activities we can get different result, since they are given by a # dictionary # In a event driven simulator, the order would be FIFO assert (s == np.array([[0], [2], [1]])).all() or (s == np.array( [[0], [0], [3]])).all()
def test_scheduling_single_buffer_events_remove_two_until_empty(): """One resource (station) with 1 buffers. Thus, there are 2 possible actions namely process or idle. We don't fill the buffer, just remove jobs, two at a time.""" cost_per_buffer = np.array([[3.5]]) demand_rate = np.array([[0]]) initial_state = np.array([[20]]) capacity = np.array([[20]]) job_generator = drjg(demand_rate, -2 * np.ones((1, 1)), sim_time_interval=1) s0 = stinit.DeterministicCRWStateInitialiser(initial_state) env = ControlledRandomWalk(cost_per_buffer, capacity, np.ones((1, 1)), job_generator, s0) action = np.ones((1, 1)) for i in range(10): s, r, d, t = env.step(action) assert s[0, 0] == np.max([0, initial_state[0] - (i + 1) * 2]) assert r == -cost_per_buffer[0] * s with pytest.raises(AssertionError): _ = env.step(action)
def test_scheduling_single_buffer_events_grow_one(): """One resource (station) with 1 buffers. Thus, there are 2 possible actions namely process or idle. At every iteration, we process one job but fill with two, so jobs grow 1 at a time up to achieving maximum capacity.""" cost_per_buffer = np.array([[3.5]]) demand_rate = np.array([[2]]) initial_state = np.array([[2]]) capacity = np.array([[20]]) job_generator = drjg(demand_rate, -np.ones((1, 1)), sim_time_interval=1) s0 = stinit.DeterministicCRWStateInitialiser(initial_state) env = ControlledRandomWalk(cost_per_buffer, capacity, np.ones((1, 1)), job_generator, s0) action = np.ones((1, 1)) for i in range(18): s, r, d, t = env.step(action) assert s[0, 0] == 1 + i + initial_state[0] assert r == -cost_per_buffer[0] * s with pytest.raises(AssertionError): _ = env.step(action)
def env_job_conservation(job_conservation_flag): demand_rate = np.zeros((2, 1)) cost_per_buffer = np.array([[2], [4]]) initial_state = np.array([[0], [0]]) capacity = np.array([[10], [10]]) buffer_processing_matrix = np.array([[-1, 0], [1, -1]]) job_generator = drjg(demand_rate, buffer_processing_matrix, sim_time_interval=1) s0 = stinit.DeterministicCRWStateInitialiser(initial_state) return initial_state, ControlledRandomWalk(cost_per_buffer, capacity, np.eye(2), job_generator, s0, job_conservation_flag)
def test_exceed_capacity_multiple_buffer(): """One resource with three buffers. Check number of jobs is always equal or less than maximum capacity.""" cost_per_buffer = np.array([[1.1], [2.2], [3.3]]) d1 = 1 # Rate of job arrival at buffer 1 d2 = 2 # Rate of job arrival at buffer 2 d3 = 3 # Rate of job arrival at buffer 3 demand_rate = np.array([[d1], [d2], [d3]]) initial_state = np.array([[0], [0], [0]]) capacity = np.array([[4], [10], [13]]) mu1 = 1 # Rate of job processing at buffer 1 mu2 = 2 # Rate of job processing at buffer 2 mu3 = 3 # Rate of job processing at buffer 3 # Rows: buffer, columns: influence of activity. # Actions mean scheduling processing in one buffer. # There is no routing, so this is a diagonal matrix. buffer_processing_matrix = np.array([[-mu1, 0, 0], [0, -mu2, 0], [0, 0, -mu3]]) # Each row corresponds with a time-step. The resource can only work in one buffer at a time. actions = np.array([[0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0]]) # When we reach the maximum capacity, the amount of jobs remain constant, since processing rate # is equal to demand rate. jobs = np.array([[1, 2, 0], [1, 4, 3], [1, 6, 6], [2, 6, 9], [3, 8, 9], [4, 8, 12], [4, 10, 13]]) job_generator = drjg(demand_rate, buffer_processing_matrix, sim_time_interval=1) s0 = stinit.DeterministicCRWStateInitialiser(initial_state) env = ControlledRandomWalk(cost_per_buffer, capacity, np.ones((1, 3)), job_generator, s0) for i in range(6): s, r, d, t = env.step(actions[i].reshape((3, 1))) assert np.all(s == jobs[i].reshape([3, 1])) with pytest.raises(AssertionError): _ = env.step(actions[6].reshape((3, 1)))
def create_pull_model(ind_surplus_buffers): model_type = 'pull' mud = 1e2 buffer_processing_matrix = np.array([[-10, 0, 100], [10, -mud, 0], [0, -mud, 0]]) demand_rate = np.array([0, 0, 9])[:, None] job_generator = ScaledBernoulliServicesPoissonArrivalsGenerator( demand_rate, buffer_processing_matrix) return ControlledRandomWalk(np.array([1, 0.5, 10])[:, None], np.ones((3, 1)) * np.inf, np.eye(3), job_generator, DeterministicCRWStateInitialiser(demand_rate), model_type=model_type, ind_surplus_buffers=ind_surplus_buffers)
def test_index_phys_resources_with_repeated_indexes(): index_phys_resources = (0, 0) # Other needed parameters cost_per_buffer = np.zeros((2, 1)) demand_rate = np.zeros((2, 1)) initial_state = np.zeros((2, 1)) capacity = np.zeros((2, 1)) constituency_mat = np.eye(2) buffer_processing_mat = np.eye(2) job_generator = drjg(demand_rate, buffer_processing_mat, sim_time_interval=1) s0 = stinit.DeterministicCRWStateInitialiser(initial_state) with pytest.raises(AssertionError): ControlledRandomWalk(cost_per_buffer, capacity, constituency_mat, job_generator, s0, index_phys_resources=index_phys_resources)
def test_valid_index_phys_resources_1_2(): index_phys_resources = (0, 1) # Other needed parameters cost_per_buffer = np.zeros((2, 1)) demand_rate = np.zeros((2, 1)) initial_state = np.zeros((2, 1)) capacity = np.zeros((2, 1)) constituency_mat = np.eye(2) buffer_processing_mat = np.eye(2) job_generator = drjg(demand_rate, buffer_processing_mat, sim_time_interval=1) s0 = stinit.DeterministicCRWStateInitialiser(initial_state) env = ControlledRandomWalk(cost_per_buffer, capacity, constituency_mat, job_generator, s0, index_phys_resources=index_phys_resources) assert env.index_phys_resources == index_phys_resources