  def _constructFilterForProjectSelection(self, survey, params):
    """Returns the filter needed for the Project selection view.

    Constructs a filter that returns all valid projects for which the current
    user is the mentor. Only for the projects in the program given by the
    survey's scope of course.

    For args see project_survey.View._constructFilterForProjectSelection().

    from soc.logic.models.mentor import logic as mentor_logic

    survey_logic = params['logic']

    user_entity = user_logic.getForCurrentAccount()

    # get the mentor entities for the current user and program
    fields = {'user': user_entity,
              'program': survey_logic.getScope(survey),
              'status': 'active'}

    mentor_entities = mentor_logic.getForFields(fields)

    # TODO: Ensure that this doesn't break when someone is a mentor for
    # a lot of organizations.

    fields = {'mentor': mentor_entities,
              'status': 'accepted'}

    return fields
文件: access.py 项目: jamslevy/gsoc
  def checkIsNotParticipatingInProgramInScope(self, django_args):
    """Checks if the current user has no roles for the given 
       program in django_args.

      django_args: a dictionary with django's arguments

       AccessViolationResponse: if the current user has a student, mentor or
                                org admin role for the given program.

    if not django_args.get('scope_path'):
      raise out_of_band.AccessViolation(message_fmt=DEF_PAGE_DENIED_MSG)

    program_entity = program_logic.getFromKeyNameOr404(
    user_entity = user_logic.getForCurrentAccount()

    filter = {'user': user_entity,
              'scope': program_entity,
              'status': 'active'}

    # check if the current user is already a student for this program
    student_role = student_logic.getForFields(filter, unique=True)

    if student_role:
      raise out_of_band.AccessViolation(

    # fill the role_list with all the mentor and org admin roles for this user
    # role_list = []

    filter = {'user': user_entity,
              'program': program_entity,
              'status': 'active'}

    mentor_role = mentor_logic.getForFields(filter, unique=True)
    if mentor_role:
      # the current user has a role for the given program
      raise out_of_band.AccessViolation(

    org_admin_role = org_admin_logic.getForFields(filter, unique=True)
    if org_admin_role:
      # the current user has a role for the given program
      raise out_of_band.AccessViolation(

    # no roles found, access granted
文件: survey.py 项目: ajaksu/Melange
  def getMentorforProject(self, user, project):
    """Get Student Projects that are being mentored by the given User.

      user = survey taking user
      project = survey taker's student project

    from soc.logic.models.mentor import logic as mentor_logic
    import soc.models.mentor

    # TODO filter for accepted, midterm_passed, etc?
    # TODO this should be done a program basis not user

    user_mentors = mentor_logic.getForFields({'user': user}) 

    if not user_mentors:
      return []

    return set([project.mentor for project in sum(
             for mentor in user_mentors), [])
        if project.key() == project.key()])
文件: access.py 项目: jamslevy/gsoc
  def checkRoleAndStatusForStudentProposal(self, django_args, allowed_roles,
                                           role_status, proposal_status):
    """Checks if the current user has access to the given proposal.

      django_args: a dictionary with django's arguments
      allowed_roles: list with names for the roles allowed to pass access check
      role_status: list with states allowed for the role
      proposal_status: a list with states allowed for the proposal

         - If there is no proposal found
         - If the proposal is not in one of the required states.
         - If the user does not have any ofe the required roles


    # bail out with 404 if no proposal is found
    proposal_entity = student_proposal_logic.getFromKeyFieldsOr404(django_args)

    if not proposal_entity.status in proposal_status:
      # this proposal can not be accessed at the moment
      raise out_of_band.AccessViolation(

    user_entity = self.user

    if 'proposer' in allowed_roles:
      # check if this proposal belongs to the current user
      student_entity = proposal_entity.scope
      if (user_entity.key() == student_entity.user.key()) and (
          student_entity.status in role_status):

    filter = {'user': user_entity,
        'status': role_status}

    if 'host' in allowed_roles:
      # check if the current user is a host for this proposal's program
      filter['scope'] =  proposal_entity.program

      if host_logic.getForFields(filter, unique=True):

    if 'org_admin' in allowed_roles:
      # check if the current user is an admin for this proposal's org
      filter['scope'] = proposal_entity.org

      if org_admin_logic.getForFields(filter, unique=True):

    if 'mentor' in allowed_roles:
      # check if the current user is a mentor for this proposal's org
      filter['scope'] = proposal_entity.org

      if mentor_logic.getForFields(filter, unique=True):

    # no roles found, access denied
    raise out_of_band.AccessViolation(