    def showDuplicates(self,
        """View in which a host can see which students have been assigned
       multiple slots.

    For params see base.view.Public().

        from google.appengine.api import taskqueue

        from soc.modules.gsoc.logic.models.proposal_duplicates import logic \
            as duplicates_logic
        from soc.modules.gsoc.logic.models.proposal_duplicates_status import \
            logic as ds_logic

        program_entity = program_logic.getFromKeyFieldsOr404(kwargs)

        context = helper.responses.getUniversalContext(request)
        helper.responses.useJavaScript(context, params['js_uses_all'])
        context['page_name'] = page_name

        fields = {'program': program_entity, 'is_duplicate': True}

        template = 'modules/gsoc/program/show_duplicates.html'

        context['duplicates'] = duplicates_logic.getForFields(fields)
        duplicates_status = ds_logic.getOrCreateForProgram(program_entity)
        context['duplicates_status'] = duplicates_status

        if request.POST:
            post_data = request.POST

            # pass along these params as POST to the new task
            task_params = {'program_key': program_entity.key().id_or_name()}
            task_url = '/tasks/gsoc/proposal_duplicates/start'

            # checks if the task newly added is the first task
            # and must be performed repeatedly every hour or
            # just be performed once right away
            if 'calculate' in post_data:
                task_params['repeat'] = 'yes'
            elif 'recalculate' in post_data:
                task_params['repeat'] = 'no'

            # adds a new task
            new_task = taskqueue.Task(params=task_params, url=task_url)

        return helper.responses.respond(request,
  def showDuplicates(self, request, access_type, page_name=None,
                     params=None, **kwargs):
    """View in which a host can see which students have been assigned
       multiple slots.

    For params see base.view.Public().

    from google.appengine.api import taskqueue

    from soc.modules.gsoc.logic.models.proposal_duplicates import logic \
        as duplicates_logic
    from soc.modules.gsoc.logic.models.proposal_duplicates_status import \
        logic as ds_logic

    program_entity = program_logic.getFromKeyFieldsOr404(kwargs)

    context = helper.responses.getUniversalContext(request)
    helper.responses.useJavaScript(context, params['js_uses_all'])
    context['page_name'] = page_name

    fields = {'program': program_entity,
              'is_duplicate': True}

    template = 'modules/gsoc/program/show_duplicates.html'

    context['duplicates'] = duplicates_logic.getForFields(fields)
    duplicates_status = ds_logic.getOrCreateForProgram(program_entity)
    context['duplicates_status'] = duplicates_status

    if request.POST:
      post_data = request.POST

      # pass along these params as POST to the new task
      task_params = {'program_key': program_entity.key().id_or_name()}
      task_url = '/tasks/gsoc/proposal_duplicates/start'

      # checks if the task newly added is the first task
      # and must be performed repeatedly every hour or
      # just be performed once right away
      if 'calculate' in post_data:
        task_params['repeat'] = 'yes'
      elif 'recalculate' in post_data:
        task_params['repeat'] = 'no'

      # adds a new task
      new_task = taskqueue.Task(params=task_params, url=task_url)

    return helper.responses.respond(request, template=template,
def start(request, *args, **kwargs):
    """Starts the task to find all duplicate proposals which are about to be
  accepted for a single GSoCProgram.

  Expects the following to be present in the POST dict:
    program_key: Specifies the program key name for which to find the
                 duplicate proposals
    repeat: Specifies if a new task that must be performed again an hour
            later, with the same POST data

    request: Django Request object

    from soc.logic.helper import timeline as timeline_helper

    post_dict = request.POST

    # retrieve the program_key and survey_key from POST data
    program_key = post_dict.get('program_key')
    repeat = post_dict.get('repeat')

    if not (program_key and repeat):
        # invalid task data, log and return OK
        return error_handler.logErrorAndReturnOK('Invalid task data: %s' %

    # get the program for the given keyname
    program_entity = program_logic.getFromKeyName(program_key)

    if not program_entity:
        # invalid program specified, log and return OK
        return error_handler.logErrorAndReturnOK(
            'Invalid program specified: %s' % program_key)

    # obtain the proposal duplicate status
    pds_entity = pds_logic.getOrCreateForProgram(program_entity)

    if pds_entity.status == 'idle':
        # delete all old duplicates
        prop_duplicates = pd_logic.deleteAllForProgram(program_entity)

        # pass these data along params as POST to the new task
        task_params = {'program_key': program_key}
        task_url = '/tasks/gsoc/proposal_duplicates/calculate'

        new_task = taskqueue.Task(params=task_params, url=task_url)
        # add a new task that performs duplicate calculation per
        # organization

        # update the status of the PDS entity to processing
        fields = {'status': 'processing'}
        pds_logic.updateEntityProperties(pds_entity, fields)

    # Add a new clone of this task that must be performed an hour later because
    # the current task is part of the task that repeatedly runs but repeat
    # it before accepted students are announced only.
    if repeat == 'yes' and timeline_helper.isBeforeEvent(
            program_entity.timeline, 'accepted_students_announced_deadline'):
        # pass along these params as POST to the new task
        task_params = {'program_key': program_key, 'repeat': 'yes'}
        task_url = '/tasks/gsoc/proposal_duplicates/start'

        new_task = taskqueue.Task(params=task_params,

    # return OK
    return http.HttpResponse()
def calculate(request, *args, **kwargs):
    """Calculates the duplicate proposals in a given program for
  a student on a per Organization basis.

  Expects the following to be present in the POST dict:
    program_key: Specifies the program key name for which to find the
                 duplicate proposals
    org_cursor: Specifies the organization datastore cursor from which to
                start the processing of finding the duplicate proposals

    request: Django Request object

    from soc.modules.gsoc.logic.models.student_proposal import logic \
        as sp_logic

    post_dict = request.POST

    program_key = post_dict.get('program_key')
    if not program_key:
        # invalid task data, log and return OK
        return error_handler.logErrorAndReturnOK('Invalid program key: %s' %

    program_entity = program_logic.getFromKeyName(program_key)
    if not program_entity:
        # invalid program specified, log and return OK
        return error_handler.logErrorAndReturnOK(
            'Invalid program specified: %s' % program_key)

    fields = {'scope': program_entity, 'slots >': 0, 'status': 'active'}

    # get the organization and update the cursor if possible
    q = org_logic.getQueryForFields(fields)

    # retrieve the org_cursor from POST data
    org_cursor = post_dict.get('org_cursor')

    if org_cursor:
        org_cursor = str(org_cursor)

    result = q.fetch(1)
    # update the cursor
    org_cursor = q.cursor()

    if result:
        org_entity = result[0]

        # get all the proposals likely to be accepted in the program
        accepted_proposals = sp_logic.getProposalsToBeAcceptedForOrg(

        for ap in accepted_proposals:
            student_entity = ap.scope
            proposal_duplicate = pd_logic.getForFields(
                {'student': student_entity}, unique=True)
            if proposal_duplicate and ap.key(
            ) not in proposal_duplicate.duplicates:
                # non-counted (to-be) accepted proposal found
                pd_fields = {
                    'duplicates': proposal_duplicate.duplicates + [ap.key()],
                pd_fields['is_duplicate'] = len(pd_fields['duplicates']) >= 2
                if org_entity.key() not in proposal_duplicate.orgs:
                    pd_fields['orgs'] = proposal_duplicate.orgs + [

                proposal_duplicate = pd_logic.updateEntityProperties(
                    proposal_duplicate, pd_fields)
                pd_fields = {
                    'program': program_entity,
                    'student': student_entity,
                    'orgs': [org_entity.key()],
                    'duplicates': [ap.key()],
                    'is_duplicate': False
                proposal_duplicate = pd_logic.updateOrCreateFromFields(

        # Adds a new task that performs duplicate calculation for
        # the next organization.
        task_params = {
            'program_key': program_key,
            'org_cursor': unicode(org_cursor)
        task_url = '/tasks/gsoc/proposal_duplicates/calculate'

        new_task = taskqueue.Task(params=task_params, url=task_url)
        # There aren't any more organizations to process. So delete
        # all the proposals for which there are not more than one
        # proposal for duplicates property.
        pd_logic.deleteAllForProgram(program_entity, non_dupes_only=True)

        # update the proposal duplicate status and its timestamp
        pds_entity = pds_logic.getOrCreateForProgram(program_entity)
        new_fields = {
            'status': 'idle',
            'calculated_on': datetime.datetime.now()
        pds_logic.updateEntityProperties(pds_entity, new_fields)

    # return OK
    return http.HttpResponse()
class View(organization.View):
    """View methods for the Organization model.
    def __init__(self, params=None):
        """Defines the fields and methods required for the base View class
    to provide the user with list, public, create, edit and delete views.

      params: a dict with params for this View

        rights = access.GSoCChecker(params)
        rights['any_access'] = ['allow']
        rights['show'] = ['allow']
        rights['create'] = ['checkIsDeveloper']
        rights['edit'] = [('checkHasRoleForKeyFieldsAsScope', org_admin_logic),
                          ('checkGroupIsActiveForLinkId', org_logic)]
        rights['delete'] = ['checkIsDeveloper']
        rights['home'] = ['allow']
        rights['public_list'] = ['allow']
        rights['applicant'] = [('checkIsOrgAppAccepted', org_app_logic)]
        rights['apply_mentor'] = ['checkIsUser']
        rights['list_requests'] = [('checkHasRoleForKeyFieldsAsScope',
        rights['list_roles'] = [('checkHasRoleForKeyFieldsAsScope',
        rights['list_proposals'] = [
            ('checkHasAny', [[('checkHasRoleForKeyFieldsAsScope',
                               [org_admin_logic, ['active', 'inactive']]),
                               [mentor_logic, ['active', 'inactive']])]])

        new_params = {}
        new_params['logic'] = org_logic
        new_params['rights'] = rights

        new_params['scope_view'] = program_view

        new_params['name'] = "GSoC Organization"
        new_params['module_name'] = "organization"
        new_params['sidebar_grouping'] = 'Organizations'

        new_params['module_package'] = 'soc.modules.gsoc.views.models'
        new_params['url_name'] = 'gsoc/org'
        new_params['document_prefix'] = 'gsoc_org'

        new_params['mentor_role_name'] = 'gsoc_mentor'
        new_params['mentor_url_name'] = 'gsoc/mentor'
        new_params['org_admin_role_name'] = 'gsoc_org_admin'

        patterns = []

        patterns += [
             "Pick a list of suggested tags."),

        new_params['extra_django_patterns'] = patterns

        new_params['extra_dynaexclude'] = [
            'slots', 'slots_calculated', 'nr_applications', 'nr_mentors'

        new_params['create_extra_dynaproperties'] = {
                help_text=ugettext("A list of comma seperated tags"),
                example_text="e.g. python, django, appengine",
                group="1. Public Info"),
            gsoc_cleaning.cleanTagsList('tags', gsoc_cleaning.COMMA_SEPARATOR),
                    'rows': 25,
                    'cols': 100

        new_params['org_app_logic'] = org_app_logic

        params = dicts.merge(params, new_params, sub_merge=True)

        super(View, self).__init__(params)

        self._params['public_field_extra'] = lambda entity: {
            'ideas': lists.urlize(entity.ideas, 'Click Here'),
            'tags': entity.tags_string(entity.org_tag),
        self._params['select_field_extra'] = self._params['public_field_extra']

    def _editGet(self, request, entity, form):
        """See base.View._editGet().

        if entity.org_tag:
            form.fields['tags'].initial = entity.tags_string(entity.org_tag)

        return super(View, self)._editGet(request, entity, form)

    def _editPost(self, request, entity, fields):
        """See base.View._editPost().

        super(View, self)._editPost(request, entity, fields)

        fields['org_tag'] = {
            'tags': fields['tags'],
            'scope': entity.scope if entity else fields['scope']

    def pickSuggestedTags(self,
        """Returns a JSON representation of a list of organization tags
     that are suggested for a given GSoCProgram in scope.

        if 'scope_path' not in request.GET:
            data = []
            program = program_logic.getFromKeyName(
            if not program:
                data = []
                fun = soc.cache.logic.cache(OrgTag.get_for_custom_query)
                suggested_tags = fun(OrgTag,
                                     filter={'scope': program},
                # TODO: this should be refactored after the issue with autocompletion
                #       is resolved
                data = simplejson.dumps({
                        'link_id': item['tag']
                    } for item in
                     [dicts.toDict(tag, ['tag']) for tag in suggested_tags]],
                    'autocomplete_options': {
                        'multiple': True,
                        'selectFirst': False

        return self.json(request, data, False)

    # TODO (dhans): merge common items with the GCI module in a single function
    def _getExtraMenuItems(self, role_description, params=None):
        """Used to create the specific Organization menu entries.

    For args see group.View._getExtraMenuItems().
        submenus = []

        group_entity = role_description['group']
        program_entity = group_entity.scope
        roles = role_description['roles']

        mentor_entity = roles.get('gsoc_mentor')
        admin_entity = roles.get('gsoc_org_admin')

        is_active_mentor = mentor_entity and mentor_entity.status == 'active'
        is_active_admin = admin_entity and admin_entity.status == 'active'

        if admin_entity or mentor_entity:
            # add a link to view all the student proposals
            submenu = (redirects.getListProposalsRedirect(
                params), "Manage Student Proposals", 'any_access')

            # add a link to manage student projects after they have been announced
            if timeline_helper.isAfterEvent(
                submenu = (redirects.getManageOverviewRedirect(
                    group_entity, {'url_name': 'gsoc/student_project'}),
                           "Manage Student Projects", 'any_access')

        if is_active_admin:
            # add a link to the management page
            submenu = (redirects.getListRolesRedirect(group_entity, params),
                       "Manage Admins and Mentors", 'any_access')

            # add a link to invite an org admin
            submenu = (redirects.getInviteRedirectForRole(
                'gsoc/org_admin'), "Invite an Admin", 'any_access')

            # add a link to invite a member
            submenu = (redirects.getInviteRedirectForRole(
                group_entity, 'gsoc/mentor'), "Invite a Mentor", 'any_access')

            # add a link to the request page
            submenu = (redirects.getListRequestsRedirect(group_entity, params),
                       "List Requests and Invites", 'any_access')

            # add a link to the edit page
            submenu = (redirects.getEditRedirect(group_entity, params),
                       "Edit Organization Profile", 'any_access')

        if is_active_admin or is_active_mentor:
            submenu = (redirects.getCreateDocumentRedirect(
                group_entity, params['document_prefix']),
                       "Create a New Document", 'any_access')

            submenu = (redirects.getListDocumentsRedirect(
                params['document_prefix']), "List Documents", 'any_access')

        if is_active_admin:
            # add a link to the resign page
            submenu = (redirects.getManageRedirect(
                roles['gsoc_org_admin'], {'url_name': 'gsoc/org_admin'}),
                       "Resign as Admin", 'any_access')

            # add a link to the edit page
            submenu = (redirects.getEditRedirect(
                roles['gsoc_org_admin'], {'url_name': 'gsoc/org_admin'}),
                       "Edit My Admin Profile", 'any_access')

        if is_active_mentor:
            # add a link to the resign page
            submenu = (redirects.getManageRedirect(
                {'url_name': 'gsoc/mentor'}), "Resign as Mentor", 'any_access')

            # add a link to the edit page
            submenu = (redirects.getEditRedirect(roles['gsoc_mentor'],
                                                 {'url_name': 'gsoc/mentor'}),
                       "Edit My Mentor Profile", 'any_access')

        return submenus

    def getListProposalsData(self, request, params_collection, org_entity):
        """Returns the list data for listProposals.

      request: HTTPRequest object
      params_collection: List of list Params indexed with the idx of the list
      org_entity: GSoCOrganization entity for which the lists are generated

        from soc.modules.gsoc.logic.models.proposal_duplicates import logic \
            as pd_logic
        from soc.modules.gsoc.logic.models.ranker_root import logic \
            as ranker_root_logic

        idx = lists.getListIndex(request)

        # default list settings
        args = []
        visibility = None

        if idx == 0:
            filter = {'org': org_entity, 'status': 'new'}
        elif idx == 1:
            # retrieve the ranker
            fields = {
                'link_id': student_proposal.DEF_RANKER_NAME,
                'scope': org_entity

            ranker_root = ranker_root_logic.getForFields(fields, unique=True)
            ranker = ranker_root_logic.getRootFromEntity(ranker_root)

            status = {}

            program_entity = org_entity.scope

            # only when the program allows allocations
            # we show that proposals are likely to be
            # accepted or rejected
            if program_entity.allocations_visible:
                proposals = sp_logic.getProposalsToBeAcceptedForOrg(org_entity)

                duplicate_proposals = []

                # get all the duplicate entities if duplicates can be shown
                # to the organizations and make a list of all such proposals.
                if program_entity.duplicates_visible:
                    duplicate_properties = {
                        'orgs': org_entity,
                        'is_duplicate': True
                    duplicates = pd_logic.getForFields(duplicate_properties)

                    for duplicate in duplicates:

                for proposal in proposals:
                    proposal_key = proposal.key()
                    if proposal.status == 'pending' and proposal_key in duplicate_proposals:
                        status[proposal_key] = """<strong><font color="red">
                        status[proposal_key] = """<strong><font color="green">
                Pending acceptance</font><strong>"""

            filter = {
                'org': org_entity,
                'status': ['accepted', 'pending', 'rejected']

            # some extras for the list
            args = [ranker, status]
            visibility = 'review'
        elif idx == 2:
            # check if the current user is a mentor
            user_entity = user_logic.getCurrentUser()

            fields = {
                'user': user_entity,
                'scope': org_entity,
                'status': ['active', 'inactive']
            mentor_entity = mentor_logic.getForFields(fields, unique=True)

            filter = {
                'org': org_entity,
                'mentor': mentor_entity,
                'status': ['pending', 'accepted', 'rejected']
        elif idx == 3:
            filter = {'org': org_entity, 'status': 'invalid'}
            return lists.getErrorResponse(request, "idx not valid")

        params = params_collection[idx]
        contents = helper.lists.getListData(request,

        return lists.getResponse(request, contents)

    def listProposals(self,
        """Lists all proposals for the organization given in kwargs.

    For params see base.View.public().

        from soc.modules.gsoc.logic.models.proposal_duplicates_status import \
            logic as ds_logic

            org_entity = self._logic.getFromKeyFieldsOr404(kwargs)
        except out_of_band.Error, error:
            return helper.responses.errorResponse(
                error, request, template=params['error_public'])

        program_entity = org_entity.scope
        is_after_deadline = timeline_helper.isAfterEvent(
            program_entity.timeline, 'accepted_students_announced_deadline')
        if is_after_deadline:
            redirect_fun = redirects.getProposalCommentRedirect
            redirect_fun = redirects.getReviewRedirect

        context = {}
        context['entity'] = org_entity
        # whether or not the amount of slots assigned should be shown
        context['slots_visible'] = org_entity.scope.allocations_visible

        # used to check the status of the duplicate process
        context['duplicate_status'] = ds_logic.getOrCreateForProgram(

        program_entity = org_entity.scope
        page_name = '%s %s (%s)' % (page_name, org_entity.name,

        list_params = student_proposal_view.view.getParams().copy()
        list_params['list_template'] = 'soc/student_proposal/list_for_org.html'

        np_params = list_params.copy()  # new proposals
        description = ugettext('List of new %s sent to %s') % (
            np_params['name_plural'], org_entity.name)
        np_params['list_description'] = description
        np_params['public_row_extra'] = lambda entity: {
            'link': redirect_fun(entity, np_params),

        rp_params = list_params.copy()  # ranked proposals
        rp_params['review_field_keys'] = [
            'rank', 'title', 'student', 'mentor', 'score', 'status',
            'last_modified_on', 'abstract', 'content', 'additional_info',
        rp_params['review_field_hidden'] = [
            'abstract', 'content', 'additional_info', 'created_on'
        rp_params['review_field_names'] = [
            'Rank', 'Title', 'Student', 'Mentor', 'Score', 'Status',
            'Last Modified On', 'Abstract', 'Content', 'Additional Info',
            'Created On'
        rp_params['review_field_no_filter'] = ['status']
        rp_params['review_field_prefetch'] = ['scope', 'mentor', 'program']
        rp_params['review_field_extra'] = lambda entity, ranker, status: {
              'rank': ranker.FindRanks([[entity.score]])[0] + 1,
              'student': entity.scope.name(),
              'mentor': entity.mentor.name() if entity.mentor else
                  '%s Proposed' % len(entity.possible_mentors),
              'status': status.get(entity.key(),
                  '<font color="red">Pending rejection</font>') if (
                  entity.program.allocations_visible \
                  and entity.status == 'pending') else entity.status,
        rp_params['review_row_action'] = {
            "type": "redirect_custom",
            "parameters": dict(new_window=True),
        rp_params['review_row_extra'] = lambda entity, *args: {
            'link': redirect_fun(entity, rp_params)
        rp_params['review_field_props'] = {
            "score": {
                "sorttype": "integer",
            "rank": {
                "sorttype": "integer",
        rp_params['review_conf_min_num'] = 50

        description = ugettext('%s already under review sent to %s') % (
            rp_params['name_plural'], org_entity.name)
        rp_params['list_description'] = description

        mp_params = list_params.copy()  # proposals mentored by current user
        description = ugettext('List of %s sent to %s you are mentoring') % (
            mp_params['name_plural'], org_entity.name)
        mp_params['list_description'] = description
        mp_params['public_row_extra'] = lambda entity: {
            'link': redirect_fun(entity, mp_params)

        ip_params = list_params.copy()  # invalid proposals
        ip_params['list_description'] = ugettext(
            'List of invalid %s sent to %s ') % (ip_params['name_plural'],
        ip_params['public_row_extra'] = lambda entity: {
            'link': redirect_fun(entity, ip_params)

        if lists.isDataRequest(request):
            # retrieving data for a list
            return self.getListProposalsData(
                request, [np_params, rp_params, mp_params, ip_params],

        # fill contents for all the needed lists
        contents = []

        # check if there are new proposals if so show them in a separate list
        fields = {'org': org_entity, 'status': 'new'}
        new_proposal = sp_logic.getForFields(fields, unique=True)

        if new_proposal:
            # we should add this list because there is a new proposal
            np_list = helper.lists.getListGenerator(request, np_params, idx=0)

        order = ['-score']
        # the list of proposals that have been reviewed should always be shown
        rp_list = helper.lists.getListGenerator(request,

        # check whether the current user is a mentor for the organization
        user_entity = user_logic.getCurrentUser()

        fields = {
            'user': user_entity,
            'scope': org_entity,
            'status': ['active', 'inactive']
        mentor_entity = mentor_logic.getForFields(fields, unique=True)

        if mentor_entity:
            # show the list of all proposals that this user is mentoring
            mp_list = helper.lists.getListGenerator(request, mp_params, idx=2)

        # check if there are invalid proposals if so show them in a separate list
        fields = {'org': org_entity, 'status': 'invalid'}
        invalid_proposal = sp_logic.getForFields(fields, unique=True)
        if invalid_proposal:
            ip_list = helper.lists.getListGenerator(request, ip_params, idx=3)

        return self._list(request, list_params, contents, page_name, context)
def start(request, *args, **kwargs):
  """Starts the task to find all duplicate proposals which are about to be
  accepted for a single GSoCProgram.

  Expects the following to be present in the POST dict:
    program_key: Specifies the program key name for which to find the
                 duplicate proposals
    repeat: Specifies if a new task that must be performed again an hour
            later, with the same POST data

    request: Django Request object

  from soc.logic.helper import timeline as timeline_helper

  post_dict = request.POST

  # retrieve the program_key and survey_key from POST data
  program_key = post_dict.get('program_key')
  repeat = post_dict.get('repeat')

  if not (program_key and repeat):
    # invalid task data, log and return OK
    return error_handler.logErrorAndReturnOK(
        'Invalid task data: %s' % post_dict)

  # get the program for the given keyname
  program_entity = program_logic.getFromKeyName(program_key)

  if not program_entity:
    # invalid program specified, log and return OK
    return error_handler.logErrorAndReturnOK(
        'Invalid program specified: %s' % program_key)

  # obtain the proposal duplicate status
  pds_entity = pds_logic.getOrCreateForProgram(program_entity)

  if pds_entity.status == 'idle':
    # delete all old duplicates
    prop_duplicates = pd_logic.deleteAllForProgram(program_entity)

    # pass these data along params as POST to the new task
    task_params = {'program_key': program_key}
    task_url = '/tasks/gsoc/proposal_duplicates/calculate'

    new_task = taskqueue.Task(params=task_params, url=task_url)
    # add a new task that performs duplicate calculation per
    # organization

    # update the status of the PDS entity to processing
    fields = {'status': 'processing'}
    pds_logic.updateEntityProperties(pds_entity, fields)

  # Add a new clone of this task that must be performed an hour later because
  # the current task is part of the task that repeatedly runs but repeat
  # it before accepted students are announced only.
  if repeat == 'yes' and timeline_helper.isBeforeEvent(
      program_entity.timeline, 'accepted_students_announced_deadline'):
    # pass along these params as POST to the new task
    task_params = {'program_key': program_key,
                   'repeat': 'yes'}
    task_url = '/tasks/gsoc/proposal_duplicates/start'

    new_task = taskqueue.Task(params=task_params, url=task_url,

  # return OK
  return http.HttpResponse()
def calculate(request, *args, **kwargs):
  """Calculates the duplicate proposals in a given program for
  a student on a per Organization basis.

  Expects the following to be present in the POST dict:
    program_key: Specifies the program key name for which to find the
                 duplicate proposals
    org_cursor: Specifies the organization datastore cursor from which to
                start the processing of finding the duplicate proposals

    request: Django Request object

  from soc.modules.gsoc.logic.models.student_proposal import logic \
      as sp_logic

  post_dict = request.POST

  program_key = post_dict.get('program_key')
  if not program_key:
    # invalid task data, log and return OK
    return error_handler.logErrorAndReturnOK(
        'Invalid program key: %s' % post_dict)

  program_entity = program_logic.getFromKeyName(program_key)
  if not program_entity:
    # invalid program specified, log and return OK
    return error_handler.logErrorAndReturnOK(
        'Invalid program specified: %s' % program_key)

  fields = {'scope': program_entity,
            'slots >': 0,
            'status': 'active'}

  # get the organization and update the cursor if possible
  q = org_logic.getQueryForFields(fields)

  # retrieve the org_cursor from POST data
  org_cursor = post_dict.get('org_cursor')

  if org_cursor:
    org_cursor = str(org_cursor)

  result = q.fetch(1)
  # update the cursor
  org_cursor = q.cursor()

  if result:
    org_entity = result[0]

    # get all the proposals likely to be accepted in the program
    accepted_proposals = sp_logic.getProposalsToBeAcceptedForOrg(org_entity)

    for ap in accepted_proposals:
      student_entity = ap.scope
      proposal_duplicate = pd_logic.getForFields({'student': student_entity},
      if proposal_duplicate and ap.key() not in proposal_duplicate.duplicates:
        # non-counted (to-be) accepted proposal found
        pd_fields = {
            'duplicates': proposal_duplicate.duplicates + [ap.key()],
        pd_fields['is_duplicate'] = len(pd_fields['duplicates']) >= 2
        if org_entity.key() not in proposal_duplicate.orgs:
          pd_fields['orgs'] = proposal_duplicate.orgs + [org_entity.key()]

        proposal_duplicate = pd_logic.updateEntityProperties(
            proposal_duplicate, pd_fields)
        pd_fields  = {
            'program': program_entity,
            'student': student_entity,
            'duplicates': [ap.key()],
            'is_duplicate': False
        proposal_duplicate = pd_logic.updateOrCreateFromFields(pd_fields)

    # Adds a new task that performs duplicate calculation for
    # the next organization.
    task_params = {'program_key': program_key,
                   'org_cursor': unicode(org_cursor)}
    task_url = '/tasks/gsoc/proposal_duplicates/calculate'

    new_task = taskqueue.Task(params=task_params, url=task_url)
    # There aren't any more organizations to process. So delete
    # all the proposals for which there are not more than one
    # proposal for duplicates property.
    pd_logic.deleteAllForProgram(program_entity, non_dupes_only=True)

    # update the proposal duplicate status and its timestamp
    pds_entity = pds_logic.getOrCreateForProgram(program_entity)
    new_fields = {'status': 'idle',
                  'calculated_on': datetime.datetime.now()}
    pds_logic.updateEntityProperties(pds_entity, new_fields)

  # return OK
  return http.HttpResponse()