def _googleAuth(user):
    google_auth = UserSocialAuth()
    google_auth.user = user
    google_auth.provider = 'google'
    google_auth.uid = user.email
    google_auth.extra_data = '{}'
    return google_auth
def _googleAuth(user):
    google_auth = UserSocialAuth()
    google_auth.user = user
    google_auth.provider = 'google'
    google_auth.uid = user.email
    google_auth.extra_data = '{}'
    return google_auth

    def authenticate(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Authenticate user using social credentials

        Authentication is made if this is the correct backend, backend
        verification is made by kwargs inspection for current backend
        name presence.
        # Validate backend and arguments. Require that the Social Auth
        # response be passed in as a keyword argument, to make sure we
        # don't match the username/password calling conventions of
        # authenticate.
        if not (self.name and kwargs.get(self.name) and 'response' in kwargs):
            return None

        response = kwargs.get('response')
        details = self.get_user_details(response)
        uid = self.get_user_id(details, response)
        is_new = False
        user = kwargs.get('user')

            social_user = self.get_social_auth_user(uid)
        except UserSocialAuth.DoesNotExist:
            if user is None and HOLD_SOCIAL_USER and not CREATE_USERS:
                # create fake user, and create social user in session
                user = User()
                user.is_fake = True
                social_user = UserSocialAuth(user=user, uid=uid, provider=self.name)
                user.social_user = social_user
                if LOAD_EXTRA_DATA:
                    extra_data = self.extra_data(user, uid, response, details)
                    if extra_data and social_user.extra_data != extra_data:
                        social_user.extra_data = extra_data
                        # todo: get request
                        #self.request.session[SESSION_USER_NAME] = UserSocialAuth.objects.get(id=social_user.id)
                        #request.session['tmpUserProfile'] = user.get_profile()
                # sending pre_update signal
                self.update_user_details(user, response, details, is_new)
                return user
            if user is None:  # new user
                if not CREATE_USERS or not kwargs.get('create_user', True):
                    # Send signal for cases where tracking failed registering
                    # is useful.
                    return None

                email = details.get('email')
                if email and ASSOCIATE_BY_MAIL:
                    # try to associate accounts registered with the same email
                    # address, only if it's a single object. ValueError is
                    # raised if multiple objects are returned
                        user = User.objects.get(email=email)
                    except MultipleObjectsReturned:
                        raise ValueError('Not unique email address supplied')
                    except User.DoesNotExist:
                        user = None
                if not user:
                    username = self.username(details)
                    user = User.objects.create_user(username=username,
                    is_new = True

                social_user = self.associate_auth(user, uid, response, details)
            except IntegrityError:
                # Protect for possible race condition, those bastard with FTL
                # clicking capabilities
                social_user = self.get_social_auth_user(uid)

        # Raise ValueError if this account was registered by another user.
        if user and user != social_user.user:
            raise ValueError('Account already in use.', social_user)
        user = social_user.user

        # Flag user "new" status
        setattr(user, 'is_new', is_new)

        # Update extra_data storage, unless disabled by setting
        if LOAD_EXTRA_DATA:
            extra_data = self.extra_data(user, uid, response, details)
            if extra_data and social_user.extra_data != extra_data:
                social_user.extra_data = extra_data

        user.social_user = social_user

        # Update user account data.
        self.update_user_details(user, response, details, is_new)
        return user