    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        This is just like the standard WSGIServer __init__, except with a
        few additional ``kwargs``:

        :param resource: The URL which has to be identified as a socket.io request.  Defaults to the /socket.io/ URL.
        :param transports: Optional list of transports to allow. List of
            strings, each string should be one of
        :param policy_server: Boolean describing whether or not to use the
            Flash policy server.  Default True.
        :param policy_listener : A tuple containing (host, port) for the 
            policy server.  This is optional and used only if policy server 
            is set to true.  The default value is
        self.sockets = {}
        if 'namespace' in kwargs:
            print("DEPRECATION WARNING: use resource instead of namespace")
            self.resource = kwargs.pop('namespace', 'socket.io')
            self.resource = kwargs.pop('resource', 'socket.io')

        self.transports = kwargs.pop('transports', None)

        if kwargs.pop('policy_server', True):
            policylistener = kwargs.pop('policy_listener', (args[0][0], 10843))
            self.policy_server = FlashPolicyServer(policylistener)
            self.policy_server = None

        kwargs['handler_class'] = SocketIOHandler
        super(SocketIOServer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class SocketIOServer(WSGIServer):
    """A WSGI Server with a resource that acts like an SocketIO."""

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.sockets = {}
        if "resource" in kwargs:
            print "DEPRECATION WARNING: use `namespace` instead of `resource`"
        self.namespace = kwargs.pop("resource", kwargs.pop("namespace", "socket.io"))
        self.transports = kwargs.pop("transports", None)

        if kwargs.pop("policy_server", True):
            self.policy_server = FlashPolicyServer()
            self.policy_server = None

        kwargs["handler_class"] = SocketIOHandler
        super(SocketIOServer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def start_accepting(self):
        if self.policy_server is not None:
            except error, ex:
                sys.stderr.write("FAILED to start flash policy server: %s\n" % (ex,))
            except Exception:
                sys.stderr.write("FAILED to start flash policy server.\n\n")
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        This is just like the standard WSGIServer __init__, except with a
        few additional ``kwargs``:

        :param namespace: The namespace to use. Defaults to the global
        :param transports: Optional list of transports to allow. List of
            strings, each string should be one of
        :param policy_server: Boolean describing whether or not to use the
            Flash policy server.  Default True.
        self.sockets = {}
        if 'resource' in kwargs:
            print "DEPRECATION WARNING: use `namespace` instead of `resource`"
        self.namespace = kwargs.pop('resource',
                                    kwargs.pop('namespace', 'socket.io'))
        self.transports = kwargs.pop('transports', None)

        if kwargs.pop('policy_server', True):
            self.policy_server = FlashPolicyServer()
            self.policy_server = None

        kwargs['handler_class'] = SocketIOHandler
        super(SocketIOServer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     self.sessions = {}
     self.resource = kwargs.pop('resource')
     if kwargs.pop('policy_server', True):
         self.policy_server = FlashPolicyServer()
         self.policy_server = None
     kwargs['handler_class'] = SocketIOHandler
     super(SocketIOServer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class SocketIOServer(WSGIServer):
    """A WSGI Server with a resource that acts like an SocketIO."""

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        This is just like the standard WSGIServer __init__, except with a
        few additional ``kwargs``:

        :param resource: The URL which has to be identified as a socket.io request.  Defaults to the /socket.io/ URL.
        :param transports: Optional list of transports to allow. List of
            strings, each string should be one of
        :param policy_server: Boolean describing whether or not to use the
            Flash policy server.  Default True.
        :param policy_listener : A tuple containing (host, port) for the
            policy server.  This is optional and used only if policy server
            is set to true.  The default value is
        self.sockets = {}
        if 'namespace' in kwargs:
            print("DEPRECATION WARNING: use resource instead of namespace")
            self.resource = kwargs.pop('namespace', 'socket.io')
            self.resource = kwargs.pop('resource', 'socket.io')

        self.transports = kwargs.pop('transports', None)

        if kwargs.pop('policy_server', True):
                address = args[0][0]
            except TypeError:
                address = args[0].address[0]
            policylistener = kwargs.pop('policy_listener', (address, 10843))
            self.policy_server = FlashPolicyServer(policylistener)
            self.policy_server = None

        kwargs['handler_class'] = SocketIOHandler
        super(SocketIOServer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def start_accepting(self):
        if self.policy_server is not None:
                if not self.policy_server.started:
            except error, ex:
                    'FAILED to start flash policy server: %s\n' % (ex, ))
            except Exception:
                sys.stderr.write('FAILED to start flash policy server.\n\n')
class SocketIOServer(WSGIServer):
    """A WSGI Server with a resource that acts like an SocketIO."""

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        This is just like the standard WSGIServer __init__, except with a
        few additional ``kwargs``:

        :param resource: The URL which has to be identified as a socket.io request.  Defaults to the /socket.io/ URL.
        :param transports: Optional list of transports to allow. List of
            strings, each string should be one of
        :param policy_server: Boolean describing whether or not to use the
            Flash policy server.  Default True.
        :param policy_listener : A tuple containing (host, port) for the 
            policy server.  This is optional and used only if policy server 
            is set to true.  The default value is
        self.sockets = {}
        if 'namespace' in kwargs:
            print("DEPRECATION WARNING: use resource instead of namespace")
            self.resource = kwargs.pop('namespace', 'socket.io')
            self.resource = kwargs.pop('resource', 'socket.io')

        self.transports = kwargs.pop('transports', None)

        if kwargs.pop('policy_server', True):
                address = args[0][0]
            except TypeError:
                address = args[0].address[0]
            policylistener = kwargs.pop('policy_listener', (address, 10843))
            self.policy_server = FlashPolicyServer(policylistener)
            self.policy_server = None

        kwargs['handler_class'] = SocketIOHandler
        super(SocketIOServer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def start_accepting(self):
        if self.policy_server is not None:
                if not self.policy_server.started:
            except error, ex:
                    'FAILED to start flash policy server: %s\n' % (ex, ))
            except Exception:
                sys.stderr.write('FAILED to start flash policy server.\n\n')
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        address_family = kwargs.pop('address_family', socket.AF_INET)
        socket_type = kwargs.pop('socket_type', socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        backlog = kwargs.pop('backlog', 2048)

        listener = args[0]
        if isinstance(listener, tuple):
            host, port = listener
            _socket = create_socket(host, port, address_family,
                                    socket_type, backlog=backlog)
            _socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
            args = [_socket] + list(args[1:])
            # it's already a socket..
            host, port = listener.getsockname()

        # socketio makes the assumption that listener is a host/port
        # tuple, which is a false assumption, it can be a socket.
        # it uses listener in its constructor to set the policy server
        # Let's set it ourselves here afterwards.
        old_policy_server = kwargs.pop('policy_server', True)
        kwargs['policy_server'] = False
        super(Server, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        if old_policy_server:
            policylistener = kwargs.pop('policy_listener', (host, 10843))
            self.policy_server = FlashPolicyServer(policylistener)
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """This is just like the standard WSGIServer __init__, except with a
        few additional ``kwargs``:

        :param resource: The URL which has to be identified as a
            socket.io request.  Defaults to the /socket.io/ URL.

        :param transports: Optional list of transports to allow. List of
            strings, each string should be one of

        :param policy_server: Boolean describing whether or not to use the
            Flash policy server.  Default True.

        :param policy_listener : A tuple containing (host, port) for the
            policy server.  This is optional and used only if policy server
            is set to true.  The default value is

        :param heartbeat_interval: int The timeout for the server, we
            should receive a heartbeat from the client within this
            interval. This should be less than the

        :param heartbeat_timeout: int The timeout for the client when
            it should send a new heartbeat to the server. This value
            is sent to the client after a successful handshake.

        :param close_timeout: int The timeout for the client, when it
            closes the connection it still X amounts of seconds to do
            re open of the connection. This value is sent to the
            client after a successful handshake.

        self.sockets = {}
        if "namespace" in kwargs:
            print("DEPRECATION WARNING: use resource instead of namespace")
            self.resource = kwargs.pop("namespace", "socket.io")
            self.resource = kwargs.pop("resource", "socket.io")

        self.transports = kwargs.pop("transports", None)

        if kwargs.pop("policy_server", True):
                address = args[0][0]
            except TypeError:
                address = args[0].address[0]
            policylistener = kwargs.pop("policy_listener", (address, 10843))
            self.policy_server = FlashPolicyServer(policylistener)
            self.policy_server = None

        # Extract other config options
        self.config = {"heartbeat_timeout": 60, "close_timeout": 60, "heartbeat_interval": 25}
        for f in ("heartbeat_timeout", "heartbeat_interval", "close_timeout"):
            if f in kwargs:
                self.config[f] = int(kwargs.pop(f))

        kwargs["handler_class"] = SocketIOHandler
        super(SocketIOServer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        This is just like the standard WSGIServer __init__, except with a
        few additional ``kwargs``:

        :param namespace: The namespace to use. Defaults to the global
        :param transports: Optional list of transports to allow. List of
            strings, each string should be one of
        :param policy_server: Boolean describing whether or not to use the
            Flash policy server.  Default True.
        self.sockets = {}
        if 'resource' in kwargs:
            print "DEPRECATION WARNING: use `namespace` instead of `resource`"
        self.namespace = kwargs.pop('resource', kwargs.pop('namespace',
        self.transports = kwargs.pop('transports', None)

        if kwargs.pop('policy_server', True):
            self.policy_server = FlashPolicyServer()
            self.policy_server = None

        kwargs['handler_class'] = SocketIOHandler
        super(SocketIOServer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        This is just like the standard WSGIServer __init__, except with a
        few additional ``kwargs``:

        :param resource: The URL which has to be identified as a socket.io request.  Defaults to the /socket.io/ URL.
        :param transports: Optional list of transports to allow. List of
            strings, each string should be one of
        :param policy_server: Boolean describing whether or not to use the
            Flash policy server.  Default True.
        :param policy_listener : A tuple containing (host, port) for the 
            policy server.  This is optional and used only if policy server 
            is set to true.  The default value is
        self.sockets = {}
        if 'namespace' in kwargs:
            print("DEPRECATION WARNING: use resource instead of namespace")
            self.resource = kwargs.pop('namespace', 'socket.io')
            self.resource = kwargs.pop('resource', 'socket.io')

        self.transports = kwargs.pop('transports', None)

        if kwargs.pop('policy_server', True):
            policylistener = kwargs.pop('policy_listener', (args[0][0], 10843))
            self.policy_server = FlashPolicyServer(policylistener)
            self.policy_server = None

        kwargs['handler_class'] = SocketIOHandler
        super(SocketIOServer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     self.sessions = {}
     self.resource = kwargs.pop('resource')
     if kwargs.pop('policy_server', True):
         self.policy_server = FlashPolicyServer()
         self.policy_server = None
     kwargs['handler_class'] = SocketIOHandler
     super(SocketIOServer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class SocketIOServer(WSGIServer):
    """A WSGI Server with a resource that acts like an SocketIO."""

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        This is just like the standard WSGIServer __init__, except with a
        few additional ``kwargs``:

        :param namespace: The namespace to use. Defaults to the global
        :param transports: Optional list of transports to allow. List of
            strings, each string should be one of
        :param policy_server: Boolean describing whether or not to use the
            Flash policy server.  Default True.
        self.sockets = {}
        if 'resource' in kwargs:
            print "DEPRECATION WARNING: use `namespace` instead of `resource`"
        self.namespace = kwargs.pop('resource', kwargs.pop('namespace',
        self.transports = kwargs.pop('transports', None)

        if kwargs.pop('policy_server', True):
            policylistener = kwargs.pop('policy_listener', (args[0][0], 843))
            self.policy_server = FlashPolicyServer(policylistener)
            self.policy_server = None

        kwargs['handler_class'] = SocketIOHandler
        super(SocketIOServer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def start_accepting(self):
        if self.policy_server is not None:
            except error, ex:
                    'FAILED to start flash policy server: %s\n' % (ex, ))
            except Exception:
                sys.stderr.write('FAILED to start flash policy server.\n\n')
class SocketIOServer(WSGIServer):
    """A WSGI Server with a resource that acts like an SocketIO."""
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        This is just like the standard WSGIServer __init__, except with a
        few additional ``kwargs``:

        :param namespace: The namespace to use. Defaults to the global
        :param transports: Optional list of transports to allow. List of
            strings, each string should be one of
        :param policy_server: Boolean describing whether or not to use the
            Flash policy server.  Default True.
        self.sockets = {}
        if 'resource' in kwargs:
            print "DEPRECATION WARNING: use `namespace` instead of `resource`"
        self.namespace = kwargs.pop('resource',
                                    kwargs.pop('namespace', 'socket.io'))
        self.transports = kwargs.pop('transports', None)

        if kwargs.pop('policy_server', True):
            self.policy_server = FlashPolicyServer()
            self.policy_server = None

        kwargs['handler_class'] = SocketIOHandler
        super(SocketIOServer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def start_accepting(self):
        if self.policy_server is not None:
            except error, ex:
                sys.stderr.write('FAILED to start flash policy server: %s\n' %
                                 (ex, ))
            except Exception:
                sys.stderr.write('FAILED to start flash policy server.\n\n')
class SocketIOServer(WSGIServer):
    """A WSGI Server with a resource that acts like an SocketIO."""
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.sessions = {}
        self.resource = kwargs.pop('resource')
        if kwargs.pop('policy_server', True):
            self.policy_server = FlashPolicyServer()
            self.policy_server = None
        kwargs['handler_class'] = SocketIOHandler
        super(SocketIOServer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def start_accepting(self):
        if self.policy_server is not None:
            except error, ex:
                sys.stderr.write('FAILED to start flash policy server: %s\n' %
                                 (ex, ))
            except Exception:
                sys.stderr.write('FAILED to start flash policy server.\n\n')
class SocketIOServer(WSGIServer):
    """A WSGI Server with a resource that acts like an SocketIO."""

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.sessions = {}
        self.resource = kwargs.pop('resource')
        if kwargs.pop('policy_server', True):
            self.policy_server = FlashPolicyServer()
            self.policy_server = None
        kwargs['handler_class'] = SocketIOHandler
        super(SocketIOServer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def start_accepting(self):
        if self.policy_server is not None:
            except error, ex:
                sys.stderr.write('FAILED to start flash policy server: %s\n' % (ex, ))
            except Exception:
                sys.stderr.write('FAILED to start flash policy server.\n\n')
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):

        self.resource = kwargs.pop('resource')
        if kwargs.pop('policy_server', False):
            self.policy_server = FlashPolicyServer()
            self.policy_server = None
        self.worker = kwargs.pop('worker', None)
        kwargs['handler_class'] = RedBarrelSocketIOHandler
        if kwargs.pop('memory', True):
            self.sessions = RedBarrelSessionManager(MEM)
            self.sessions = RedBarrelSessionManager(REDIS)
        super(SocketIOServer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.sockets = {}
        if "resource" in kwargs:
            print "DEPRECATION WARNING: use `namespace` instead of `resource`"
        self.namespace = kwargs.pop("resource", kwargs.pop("namespace", "socket.io"))
        self.transports = kwargs.pop("transports", None)

        if kwargs.pop("policy_server", True):
            self.policy_server = FlashPolicyServer()
            self.policy_server = None

        kwargs["handler_class"] = SocketIOHandler
        super(SocketIOServer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.sockets = {}
        if 'resource' in kwargs:
            print "DEPRECATION WARNING: use `namespace` instead of `resource`"
        self.namespace = kwargs.pop('resource', kwargs.pop('namespace',
        self.transports = kwargs.pop('transports', None)

        if kwargs.pop('policy_server', True):
            self.policy_server = FlashPolicyServer()
            self.policy_server = None

        kwargs['handler_class'] = SocketIOHandler
        super(SocketIOServer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """This is just like the standard WSGIServer __init__, except with a
        few additional ``kwargs``:

        :param resource: The URL which has to be identified as a
            socket.io request.  Defaults to the /socket.io/ URL.

        :param transports: Optional list of transports to allow. List of
            strings, each string should be one of

        :param policy_server: Boolean describing whether or not to use the
            Flash policy server.  Default True.

        :param policy_listener: A tuple containing (host, port) for the
            policy server.  This is optional and used only if policy server
            is set to true.  The default value is

        :param heartbeat_interval: int The timeout for the server, we
            should receive a heartbeat from the client within this
            interval. This should be less than the

        :param heartbeat_timeout: int The timeout for the client when
            it should send a new heartbeat to the server. This value
            is sent to the client after a successful handshake.

        :param close_timeout: int The timeout for the client, when it
            closes the connection it still X amounts of seconds to do
            re open of the connection. This value is sent to the
            client after a successful handshake.

        :param log_file: str The file in which you want the PyWSGI
            server to write its access log.  If not specified, it
            is sent to `stderr` (with gevent 0.13).

        self.sockets = {}
        if 'namespace' in kwargs:
            print("DEPRECATION WARNING: use resource instead of namespace")
            self.resource = kwargs.pop('namespace', 'socket.io')
            self.resource = kwargs.pop('resource', 'socket.io')

        self.transports = kwargs.pop('transports', None)

        if kwargs.pop('policy_server', True):
                address = args[0][0]
            except TypeError:
                    address = args[0].address[0]
                except AttributeError:
                    address = args[0].cfg_addr[0]
            policylistener = kwargs.pop('policy_listener', (address, 10843))
            self.policy_server = FlashPolicyServer(policylistener)
            self.policy_server = None

        # Extract other config options
        self.config = {
            'heartbeat_timeout': 60,
            'close_timeout': 60,
            'heartbeat_interval': 25,
        for f in ('heartbeat_timeout', 'heartbeat_interval', 'close_timeout'):
            if f in kwargs:
                self.config[f] = int(kwargs.pop(f))

        if not 'handler_class' in kwargs:
            kwargs['handler_class'] = SocketIOHandler

        if not 'ws_handler_class' in kwargs:
            self.ws_handler_class = WebSocketHandler
            self.ws_handler_class = kwargs.pop('ws_handler_class')

        log_file = kwargs.pop('log_file', None)
        if log_file:
            kwargs['log'] = open(log_file, 'a')

        super(SocketIOServer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class SocketIOServer(WSGIServer):
    """A WSGI Server with a resource that acts like an SocketIO."""

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """This is just like the standard WSGIServer __init__, except with a
        few additional ``kwargs``:

        :param resource: The URL which has to be identified as a
            socket.io request.  Defaults to the /socket.io/ URL.

        :param transports: Optional list of transports to allow. List of
            strings, each string should be one of

        :param policy_server: Boolean describing whether or not to use the
            Flash policy server.  Default True.

        :param policy_listener : A tuple containing (host, port) for the
            policy server.  This is optional and used only if policy server
            is set to true.  The default value is

        :param heartbeat_interval: int The timeout for the server, we
            should receive a heartbeat from the client within this
            interval. This should be less than the

        :param heartbeat_timeout: int The timeout for the client when
            it should send a new heartbeat to the server. This value
            is sent to the client after a successful handshake.

        :param close_timeout: int The timeout for the client, when it
            closes the connection it still X amounts of seconds to do
            re open of the connection. This value is sent to the
            client after a successful handshake.

        self.sockets = {}
        if 'namespace' in kwargs:
            print("DEPRECATION WARNING: use resource instead of namespace")
            self.resource = kwargs.pop('namespace', 'socket.io')
            self.resource = kwargs.pop('resource', 'socket.io')

        self.transports = kwargs.pop('transports', None)

        if kwargs.pop('policy_server', True):
                address = args[0][0]
            except TypeError:
                address = args[0].address[0]
            policylistener = kwargs.pop('policy_listener', (address, 10843))
            self.policy_server = FlashPolicyServer(policylistener)
            self.policy_server = None

        # Extract other config options
        self.config = {
            'heartbeat_timeout': 60,
            'close_timeout': 60,
            'heartbeat_interval': 25,
        for f in ('heartbeat_timeout', 'heartbeat_interval', 'close_timeout'):
            if f in kwargs:
                self.config[f] = int(kwargs.pop(f))

        if not 'handler_class' in kwargs:
            kwargs['handler_class'] = SocketIOHandler

        if not 'ws_handler_class' in kwargs:
            self.ws_handler_class = WebSocketHandler
            self.ws_handler_class = kwargs.pop('ws_handler_class')

        super(SocketIOServer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def start_accepting(self):
        if self.policy_server is not None:
                if not self.policy_server.started:
            except error, ex:
                    'FAILED to start flash policy server: %s\n' % (ex, ))
            except Exception:
                sys.stderr.write('FAILED to start flash policy server.\n\n')
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """This is just like the standard WSGIServer __init__, except with a
        few additional ``kwargs``:

        :param resource: The URL which has to be identified as a
            socket.io request.  Defaults to the /socket.io/ URL.

        :param transports: Optional list of transports to allow. List of
            strings, each string should be one of

        :param policy_server: Boolean describing whether or not to use the
            Flash policy server.  Default True.

        :param policy_listener: A tuple containing (host, port) for the
            policy server.  This is optional and used only if policy server
            is set to true.  The default value is

        :param heartbeat_interval: int The timeout for the server, we
            should receive a heartbeat from the client within this
            interval. This should be less than the

        :param heartbeat_timeout: int The timeout for the client when
            it should send a new heartbeat to the server. This value
            is sent to the client after a successful handshake.

        :param close_timeout: int The timeout for the client, when it
            closes the connection it still X amounts of seconds to do
            re open of the connection. This value is sent to the
            client after a successful handshake.

        :param log_file: str The file in which you want the PyWSGI
            server to write its access log.  If not specified, it
            is sent to `stderr` (with gevent 0.13).

        self.sockets = {}
        if 'namespace' in kwargs:
            print("DEPRECATION WARNING: use resource instead of namespace")
            self.resource = kwargs.pop('namespace', 'socket.io')
            self.resource = kwargs.pop('resource', 'socket.io')

        self.transports = kwargs.pop('transports', None)

        if kwargs.pop('policy_server', True):
                address = args[0][0]
            except TypeError:
                    address = args[0].address[0]
                except AttributeError:
                    address = args[0].cfg_addr[0]
            policylistener = kwargs.pop('policy_listener', (address, 10843))
            self.policy_server = FlashPolicyServer(policylistener)
            self.policy_server = None

        # Extract other config options
        self.config = {
            'heartbeat_timeout': 60,
            'close_timeout': 60,
            'heartbeat_interval': 25,
        for f in ('heartbeat_timeout', 'heartbeat_interval', 'close_timeout'):
            if f in kwargs:
                self.config[f] = int(kwargs.pop(f))

        if not 'handler_class' in kwargs:
            kwargs['handler_class'] = SocketIOHandler

        if not 'ws_handler_class' in kwargs:
            self.ws_handler_class = WebSocketHandler
            self.ws_handler_class = kwargs.pop('ws_handler_class')

        log_file = kwargs.pop('log_file', None)
        if log_file:
            kwargs['log'] = open(log_file, 'a')

        super(SocketIOServer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class SocketIOServer(WSGIServer):
    """A WSGI Server with a resource that acts like an SocketIO."""
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """This is just like the standard WSGIServer __init__, except with a
        few additional ``kwargs``:

        :param resource: The URL which has to be identified as a
            socket.io request.  Defaults to the /socket.io/ URL.

        :param transports: Optional list of transports to allow. List of
            strings, each string should be one of

        :param policy_server: Boolean describing whether or not to use the
            Flash policy server.  Default True.

        :param policy_listener: A tuple containing (host, port) for the
            policy server.  This is optional and used only if policy server
            is set to true.  The default value is

        :param heartbeat_interval: int The timeout for the server, we
            should receive a heartbeat from the client within this
            interval. This should be less than the

        :param heartbeat_timeout: int The timeout for the client when
            it should send a new heartbeat to the server. This value
            is sent to the client after a successful handshake.

        :param close_timeout: int The timeout for the client, when it
            closes the connection it still X amounts of seconds to do
            re open of the connection. This value is sent to the
            client after a successful handshake.

        :param log_file: str The file in which you want the PyWSGI
            server to write its access log.  If not specified, it
            is sent to `stderr` (with gevent 0.13).

        self.sockets = {}
        if 'namespace' in kwargs:
            print("DEPRECATION WARNING: use resource instead of namespace")
            self.resource = kwargs.pop('namespace', 'socket.io')
            self.resource = kwargs.pop('resource', 'socket.io')

        self.transports = kwargs.pop('transports', None)

        if kwargs.pop('policy_server', True):
                address = args[0][0]
            except TypeError:
                    address = args[0].address[0]
                except AttributeError:
                    address = args[0].cfg_addr[0]
            policylistener = kwargs.pop('policy_listener', (address, 10843))
            self.policy_server = FlashPolicyServer(policylistener)
            self.policy_server = None

        # Extract other config options
        self.config = {
            'heartbeat_timeout': 60,
            'close_timeout': 60,
            'heartbeat_interval': 25,
        for f in ('heartbeat_timeout', 'heartbeat_interval', 'close_timeout'):
            if f in kwargs:
                self.config[f] = int(kwargs.pop(f))

        if not 'handler_class' in kwargs:
            kwargs['handler_class'] = SocketIOHandler

        if not 'ws_handler_class' in kwargs:
            self.ws_handler_class = WebSocketHandler
            self.ws_handler_class = kwargs.pop('ws_handler_class')

        log_file = kwargs.pop('log_file', None)
        if log_file:
            kwargs['log'] = open(log_file, 'a')

        super(SocketIOServer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def start_accepting(self):
        if self.policy_server is not None:
                if not self.policy_server.started:
            except error:
                sys.stderr.write('FAILED to start flash policy server: %s\n' %
                                 (ex, ))
            except Exception:
                sys.stderr.write('FAILED to start flash policy server.\n\n')
        super(SocketIOServer, self).start_accepting()

    def stop(self, timeout=None):
        if self.policy_server is not None:
        super(SocketIOServer, self).stop(timeout=timeout)

    def handle(self, socket, address):
        # Pass in the config about timeouts, heartbeats, also...
        handler = self.handler_class(self.config, socket, address, self)

    def get_socket(self, sessid=''):
        """Return an existing or new client Socket."""

        socket = self.sockets.get(sessid)

        if sessid and not socket:
            return None  # you ask for a session that doesn't exist!
        if socket is None:
            socket = Socket(self, self.config)
            self.sockets[socket.sessid] = socket

        return socket
class SocketIOServer(WSGIServer):
    """A WSGI Server with a resource that acts like an SocketIO."""
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """This is just like the standard WSGIServer __init__, except with a
        few additional ``kwargs``:

        :param resource: The URL which has to be identified as a
            socket.io request.  Defaults to the /socket.io/ URL.

        :param transports: Optional list of transports to allow. List of
            strings, each string should be one of

        :param policy_server: Boolean describing whether or not to use the
            Flash policy server.  Default True.

        :param policy_listener : A tuple containing (host, port) for the
            policy server.  This is optional and used only if policy server
            is set to true.  The default value is

        :param heartbeat_interval: int The timeout for the server, we
            should receive a heartbeat from the client within this
            interval. This should be less than the

        :param heartbeat_timeout: int The timeout for the client when
            it should send a new heartbeat to the server. This value
            is sent to the client after a successful handshake.

        :param close_timeout: int The timeout for the client, when it
            closes the connection it still X amounts of seconds to do
            re open of the connection. This value is sent to the
            client after a successful handshake.

        self.sockets = {}
        if 'namespace' in kwargs:
            print("DEPRECATION WARNING: use resource instead of namespace")
            self.resource = kwargs.pop('namespace', 'socket.io')
            self.resource = kwargs.pop('resource', 'socket.io')

        self.transports = kwargs.pop('transports', None)

        if kwargs.pop('policy_server', True):
                address = args[0][0]
            except TypeError:
                address = args[0].address[0]
            policylistener = kwargs.pop('policy_listener', (address, 10843))
            self.policy_server = FlashPolicyServer(policylistener)
            self.policy_server = None

        # Extract other config options
        self.config = {
            'heartbeat_timeout': 60,
            'close_timeout': 60,
            'heartbeat_interval': 25,
        for f in ('heartbeat_timeout', 'heartbeat_interval', 'close_timeout'):
            if f in kwargs:
                self.config[f] = int(kwargs.pop(f))

        kwargs['handler_class'] = SocketIOHandler
        super(SocketIOServer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def start_accepting(self):
        if self.policy_server is not None:
                if not self.policy_server.started:
            except error, ex:
                sys.stderr.write('FAILED to start flash policy server: %s\n' %
                                 (ex, ))
            except Exception:
                sys.stderr.write('FAILED to start flash policy server.\n\n')
class SocketIOServer(WSGIServer):
    """A WSGI Server with a resource that acts like an SocketIO."""

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """This is just like the standard WSGIServer __init__, except with a
        few additional ``kwargs``:

        :param resource: The URL which has to be identified as a
            socket.io request.  Defaults to the /socket.io/ URL.

        :param transports: Optional list of transports to allow. List of
            strings, each string should be one of

        :param policy_server: Boolean describing whether or not to use the
            Flash policy server.  Default True.

        :param policy_listener: A tuple containing (host, port) for the
            policy server.  This is optional and used only if policy server
            is set to true.  The default value is

        :param heartbeat_interval: int The timeout for the server, we
            should receive a heartbeat from the client within this
            interval. This should be less than the

        :param heartbeat_timeout: int The timeout for the client when
            it should send a new heartbeat to the server. This value
            is sent to the client after a successful handshake.

        :param close_timeout: int The timeout for the client, when it
            closes the connection it still X amounts of seconds to do
            re open of the connection. This value is sent to the
            client after a successful handshake.

        :param log_file: str The file in which you want the PyWSGI
            server to write its access log.  If not specified, it
            is sent to `stderr` (with gevent 0.13).

        self.sockets = {}
        if 'namespace' in kwargs:
            print("DEPRECATION WARNING: use resource instead of namespace")
            self.resource = kwargs.pop('namespace', 'socket.io')
            self.resource = kwargs.pop('resource', 'socket.io')

        self.transports = kwargs.pop('transports', None)

        if kwargs.pop('policy_server', True):
                address = args[0][0]
            except TypeError:
                    address = args[0].address[0]
                except AttributeError:
                    address = args[0].cfg_addr[0]
            policylistener = kwargs.pop('policy_listener', (address, 10843))
            self.policy_server = FlashPolicyServer(policylistener)
            self.policy_server = None

        # Extract other config options
        self.config = {
            'heartbeat_timeout': 60,
            'close_timeout': 60,
            'heartbeat_interval': 25,
        for f in ('heartbeat_timeout', 'heartbeat_interval', 'close_timeout'):
            if f in kwargs:
                self.config[f] = int(kwargs.pop(f))

        if not 'handler_class' in kwargs:
            kwargs['handler_class'] = SocketIOHandler

        if not 'ws_handler_class' in kwargs:
            self.ws_handler_class = WebSocketHandler
            self.ws_handler_class = kwargs.pop('ws_handler_class')

        log_file = kwargs.pop('log_file', None)
        if log_file:
            kwargs['log'] = open(log_file, 'a')

        super(SocketIOServer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def start_accepting(self):
        if self.policy_server is not None:
                if not self.policy_server.started:
            except error as ex:
                    'FAILED to start flash policy server: %s\n' % (ex, ))
            except Exception:
                sys.stderr.write('FAILED to start flash policy server.\n\n')
        super(SocketIOServer, self).start_accepting()

    def stop(self, timeout=None):
        if self.policy_server is not None:
        super(SocketIOServer, self).stop(timeout=timeout)

    def handle(self, socket, address):
        # Pass in the config about timeouts, heartbeats, also...
        handler = self.handler_class(self.config, socket, address, self)

    def get_socket(self, sessid=''):
        """Return an existing or new client Socket."""

        socket = self.sockets.get(sessid)

        if sessid and not socket:
            return None  # you ask for a session that doesn't exist!
        if socket is None:
            socket = Socket(self, self.config)
            self.sockets[socket.sessid] = socket

        return socket
 def _get_server(self):
     return FlashPolicyServer()
class SocketIOServer(WSGIServer):
    """A WSGI Server with a resource that acts like an SocketIO."""

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """This is just like the standard WSGIServer __init__, except with a
        few additional ``kwargs``:

        :param resource: The URL which has to be identified as a
            socket.io request.  Defaults to the /socket.io/ URL.

        :param transports: Optional list of transports to allow. List of
            strings, each string should be one of

        :param policy_server: Boolean describing whether or not to use the
            Flash policy server.  Default True.

        :param policy_listener: A tuple containing (host, port) for the
            policy server.  This is optional and used only if policy server
            is set to true.  The default value is

        :param heartbeat_interval: int The timeout for the server, we
            should receive a heartbeat from the client within this
            interval. This should be less than the

        :param heartbeat_timeout: int The timeout for the client when
            it should send a new heartbeat to the server. This value
            is sent to the client after a successful handshake.

        :param close_timeout: int The timeout for the client, when it
            closes the connection it still X amounts of seconds to do
            re open of the connection. This value is sent to the
            client after a successful handshake.

        :param log_file: str The file in which you want the PyWSGI
            server to write its access log.  If not specified, it
            is sent to `stderr` (with gevent 0.13).

        if 'namespace' in kwargs:
            print("DEPRECATION WARNING: use resource instead of namespace")
            self.resource = kwargs.pop('namespace', 'socket.io')
            self.resource = kwargs.pop('resource', 'socket.io')

        self.transports = kwargs.pop('transports', None)

        if kwargs.pop('policy_server', True):
                address = args[0][0]
            except TypeError:
                    address = args[0].address[0]
                except AttributeError:
                    address = args[0].cfg_addr[0]
            policylistener = kwargs.pop('policy_listener', (address, 10843))
            self.policy_server = FlashPolicyServer(policylistener)
            self.policy_server = None

        # Extract other config options
        self.config = {
            'heartbeat_timeout': 60,
            'close_timeout': 60,
            'heartbeat_interval': 25,
        for f in ('heartbeat_timeout', 'heartbeat_interval', 'close_timeout'):
            if f in kwargs:
                self.config[f] = int(kwargs.pop(f))

        if not 'handler_class' in kwargs:
            kwargs['handler_class'] = SocketIOHandler

        if not 'ws_handler_class' in kwargs:
            self.ws_handler_class = WebSocketHandler
            self.ws_handler_class = kwargs.pop('ws_handler_class')

        log_file = kwargs.pop('log_file', None)
        if log_file:
            kwargs['log'] = open(log_file, 'a')
        if not 'socket_manager_config' in kwargs:
            socket_manager_config = {}
            socket_manager_config = kwargs.pop('socket_manager_config')

        self.config['socket_manager'] = socket_manager_config
        socket_manager_class = socket_manager_config.get("class", None)
        if not socket_manager_class:
            socket_manager_class = SocketManager
            #dynamically import the manager class (must be absolute class path!)
            module_name, class_name = socket_manager_class.rsplit('.', 1)
            mod = __import__(module_name, fromlist=[class_name])
            socket_manager_class = getattr(mod, class_name)
        self.socket_manager = socket_manager_class(self.config)
        super(SocketIOServer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def start(self):
        super(SocketIOServer, self).start()
    def start_accepting(self):
        if self.policy_server is not None:
                if not self.policy_server.started:
            except error, ex:
                    'FAILED to start flash policy server: %s\n' % (ex, ))
            except Exception:
                sys.stderr.write('FAILED to start flash policy server.\n\n')