def main():
    import sys
    import hou

    import soho
    import sohoglue
    import SOHOcommon

    import sys
    import ctypes
    if hasattr(sys, 'setdlopenflags'):
        sys.setdlopenflags(sys.getdlopenflags() | ctypes.RTLD_GLOBAL)

    import _vfh_ipr

    from soho import SohoParm

    LogLevel = type('Enum', (), {
        'Msg': 0,
        'Info': 1,
        'Progress': 2,
        'Warning': 3,
        'Error': 4,
        'Debug': 5

    def logMessage(level, fmt, *args):
        _vfh_ipr.logMessage(level, fmt % args)

    def printDebug(fmt, *args):
        logMessage(LogLevel.Debug, fmt, *args)

    def dumpObjects(listName):
        printDebug("Checking \"%s\"" % listName)
        for obj in soho.objectList(listName):
            printDebug("   %s", obj.getName())

    def exportObjects(listName):
        for obj in soho.objectList(listName):

    def deleteObjects(listName):
        for obj in soho.objectList(listName):

    def getViewParams(camera, sohoCam, t):
        camParms = {
            'space:world': SohoParm('space:world', 'real', [], False),
            'focal': SohoParm('focal', 'real', [0.050], False),
            'aperture': SohoParm('aperture', 'real', [0.0414214], False),
            'orthowidth': SohoParm('orthowidth', 'real', [2], False),
            'near': SohoParm('near', 'real', [0.001], False),
            'far': SohoParm('far', 'real', [1000], False),
            'res': SohoParm('res', 'int', [640, 480], False),
            'projection': SohoParm('projection', 'string', ["perspective"],
            'cropl': SohoParm('cropl', 'real', [-1], False),
            'cropr': SohoParm('cropr', 'real', [-1], False),
            'cropb': SohoParm('cropb', 'real', [-1], False),
            'cropt': SohoParm('cropt', 'real', [-1], False),
            'camera': SohoParm('camera', 'string', ['/obj/cam1'], False)

        camParmsEval = sohoCam.evaluate(camParms, t)
        if not camParmsEval:
            return {}

        viewParams = {}
        for key in camParmsEval:
            viewParams[key] = camParmsEval[key].Value[0]

        viewParams['transform'] = camParmsEval['space:world'].Value
        viewParams['ortho'] = 1 if camParmsEval['projection'].Value[0] in {
        } else 0
        viewParams['res'] = camParmsEval['res'].Value

        cropX = viewParams['res'][0] * viewParams['cropl']
        cropY = viewParams['res'][1] * (1.0 - viewParams['cropt'])
        cropW = viewParams['res'][0] * (viewParams['cropr'] -
        cropH = viewParams['res'][1] * (viewParams['cropt'] -

        printDebug("  Res: %s" % viewParams['res'])
        printDebug("  Crop: %i-%i %i x %i " % (cropX, cropY, cropW, cropH))

        return viewParams

    def exportView(rop, camera, sohoCam, t):

        _vfh_ipr.exportView(viewParams=getViewParams(camera, sohoCam, t))

    mode = soho.getDefaultedString('state:previewmode', ['default'])[0]

    # Evaluate an intrinsic parameter (see HDK_SOHO_API::evaluate())
    # The 'state:time' parameter evaluates the time from the ROP.
    now = soho.getDefaultedFloat('state:time', [0.0])[0]

    # Evaluate the 'camera' parameter as a string.
    # If the 'camera' parameter doesn't exist, use ['/obj/cam1'].
    # SOHO always returns lists of values.
    camera = soho.getDefaultedString('camera', ['/obj/cam1'])[0]

    # MPlay / Render View port.
    port = soho.getDefaultedInt("vm_image_mplay_socketport", [0])[0]

    # ROP node.
    ropPath = soho.getOutputDriver().getName()
    ropNode = hou.node(ropPath)

    printDebug("Initialize SOHO...")

    # Initialize SOHO with the camera.
    # XXX: This doesn't work for me, but it should according to the documentation...
    #   soho.initialize(now, camera)
    if not sohoglue.initialize(now, camera, None):
        soho.error("Unable to initialize rendering module with given camera")

    # Now, add objects to our scene
    soho.addObjects(now, "*", "*", "*", True)

    # Before we can evaluate the scene from SOHO, we need to lock the object lists.

    for sohoCam in soho.objectList('objlist:camera'):
        soho.error("Unable to find viewing camera for render")

    sohoOverride = soho.getDefaultedString('soho_overridefile', ['Unknown'])[0]

    printDebug("Processing Mode: \"%s\"" % mode)

    if mode in {"generate"}:
        # generate: Generation phase of IPR rendering
        # In generate mode, SOHO will keep the pipe (soho_pipecmd)
        # command open between invocations of the soho_program.
        #   objlist:all
        #   objlist:camera
        #   objlist:light
        #   objlist:instance
        #   objlist:fog
        #   objlist:space
        #   objlist:mat
        printDebug("IPR Port: %s" % port)
        printDebug("Driver: %s" % ropPath)
        printDebug("Camera: %s" % camera)
        printDebug("Now: %.3f" % now)

                      viewParams=getViewParams(camera, sohoCam, now))

    elif mode in {"update"}:
        # update: Send updated changes from previous generation
        # In this rendering mode, the special object list parameters:
        #   objlist:dirtyinstance
        #   objlist:dirtylight
        #   objlist:dirtyspace
        #   objlist:dirtyfog
        # will contain the list of all objects modified since the last render
        # (whether a generate or update).
        # As well, the parameters:
        #   objlist:deletedinstance
        #   objlist:deletedlight
        #   objlist:deletedspace
        #   objlist:deletedfog
        # will list all objects which have been deleted from the scene.

        if not _vfh_ipr.isRopValid():
                          viewParams=getViewParams(camera, sohoCam, now))
            if _vfh_ipr.setTime(now):
                # Have to handle "time" event manually here.

            # Update view.
            exportView(ropPath, camera, sohoCam, now)

mode = soho.getDefaultedString('state:previewmode', ['default'])[0]

# Evaluate an intrinsic parameter (see HDK_SOHO_API::evaluate())
# The 'state:time' parameter evaluates the time from the ROP.
now = soho.getDefaultedFloat('state:time', [0.0])[0]

# Evaluate the 'camera' parameter as a string.
# If the 'camera' parameter doesn't exist, use ['/obj/cam1'].
# SOHO always returns lists of values.
camera = soho.getDefaultedString('camera', ['/obj/cam1'])[0]

# MPlay / Render View port.
port = soho.getDefaultedInt("vm_image_mplay_socketport", [0])[0]

# ROP node.
ropPath = soho.getOutputDriver().getName()
ropNode = hou.node(ropPath)

# Use callbacks or SOHO
render_rt_update_mode = hou.evalParm("render_rt_update_mode")

printDebug("Initialize SOHO...")

# Initialize SOHO with the camera.
# XXX: This doesn't work for me, but it should according to the documentation...
#   soho.initialize(now, camera)
if not sohoglue.initialize(now, camera, None):
    soho.error("Unable to initialize rendering module with given camera")
文件: APS.py 项目: symek/haps

motion_blur_params = APSmisc.initializeMotionBlur(cam, now)
FPS = soho.getDefaultedFloat('state:fps', [24])[0]
FPSinv = 1.0 / FPS

aps = APSobj.Appleseed()
scene = aps.scene

Sampling = {
    soho.getDefaultedInt('aps_passes', [''])[0],
    if not soho.getDefaultedInt('aps_adaptivesampling', [''])[0] else '',
    soho.getDefaultedInt('aps_minsamples', ['16'])[0],
    soho.getDefaultedInt('aps_batchsize', ['16'])[0],
    soho.getDefaultedFloat('aps_variance', ['0.1'])[0],
文件: LSD.py 项目: cinepost/Lava
    LSDmisc.header(now, propdefs)

    if mode == 'generate':
        # Notify mantra that it's rendering for IPR
        print 'cmd_iprmode generate'

    for i in range(0, numpathmap):
        map = soho.getDefaultedString('lv_pathmap%d' % (i + 1), [])
        if map and len(map) == 2:
            cmd_pathmap(map[0], map[1])

    if not LSDhooks.call('pre_otl', parmlist, objparms, now, camera):
        # Output OTLs loaded by Houdini
        otls = soho.getDefaultedString('state:otllist', [])
        if soho.getDefaultedInt('lv_otlfullpath', [0])[0]:
            for i in range(len(otls)):
                otls[i] = hou.expandString(otls[i])
        if len(otls):
            cmd_comment("OTLs loaded into the .hip file")

        # Output OTL preferences set in Houdini
        otprefs = soho.getDefaultedString('state:otprefer', [])
        if soho.getDefaultedInt('lv_otlfullpath', [0])[0]:
            for i in range(1, len(otprefs), 2):
                otprefs[i] = hou.expandString(otprefs[i])
        if len(otprefs):
            cmd_comment("OTL preferences from the .hip file")