def handle(self, *args, **options): youtube = build( YOUTUBE_API_SERVICE_NAME, YOUTUBE_API_VERSION, developerKey=settings.GOOGLE_API_SERVER_KEY) count_all = 0 count_none = 0 count_incorrect = 0 for song in Song.objects.all(): print(str(song)) count_all += 1 if not song.youtube_id(): print(' - no link') count_none += 1 else: id = song.youtube_id() response = youtube.videos().list( part='id,snippet', id=id).execute() if not response['items']: print(' - incorrect link, deleting') count_incorrect += 1 song.link_youtube = None if song.youtube_id(): print(' - OK') continue # The link is missing - try to find a new one. head_contribution = EntityContribution.head_contribution( EntityContribution.objects.filter( query = str(song) + ' ' + str(head_contribution.artist) print(' - would look for: ' + query) candidates = maxResults=1, part='id,snippet', q=query).execute() if not candidates['items']: print(' - no results :(') else: candidate = candidates['items'][0] title = candidate['snippet']['title'] channelTitle = candidate['snippet']['channelTitle'] print(' - top: ' + title + ' (' + channelTitle + ')') print(' does it look good? (y/n)') answer = input() if answer == 'y' or answer == 'yes': song.set_youtube_id(candidate['id']['videoId']) print(' - set!') print('all songs: ' + str(count_all)) print('no link: ' + str(count_none)) print('invalid link (fixed): ' + str(count_incorrect))
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): form = self.get_form() formset = self.formset # This updates |instance| fields in the formset with parsed objects. if not formset.is_valid(): return self.form_invalid(form) # Pick head contribution to put into the slug. head = EntityContribution.head_contribution( [x.instance for x in self.formset]) assert head form.set_artist_for_slug(head.artist.__str__()) if form.is_valid(): return self.form_valid(form) else: return self.form_invalid(form)