    def get_change_event(self, timeout=0):
        Returns a nested dictionary containing all devices which have
        experienced a change at chassis level

            timeout: Timeout in milliseconds (optional). If timeout == 0,
                this method will block until a change is detected.

            (bool, dict):
                - True if call successful, False if not;
                - A nested dictionary where key is a device type,
                  value is a dictionary with key:value pairs in the format of
                  where device_id is the device ID for this device and
                             status='1' represents device inserted,
                             status='0' represents device removed.
                  Ex. {'fan':{'0':'0', '2':'1'}, 'sfp':{'11':'0'}}
                      indicates that fan 0 has been removed, fan 2
                      has been inserted and sfp 11 has been removed.
        # Initialize SFP event first
        if not self.sfp_event_initialized:
            from sonic_platform.sfp_event import sfp_event
            self.sfp_event = sfp_event()
            self.MAX_SELECT_EVENT_RETURNED = self.PORT_END
            self.sfp_event_initialized = True

        wait_for_ever = (timeout == 0)
        port_dict = {}
        if wait_for_ever:
            timeout = MAX_SELECT_DELAY
            while True:
                status = self.sfp_event.check_sfp_status(port_dict, timeout)
                if not port_dict == {}:
            status = self.sfp_event.check_sfp_status(port_dict, timeout)

        if status:
            # get_change_event has the meaning of retrieving all the notifications through a single call.
            # Typically this is implemented via a select framework which requires the underlay file-reading 
            # interface able to retrieve all notifications without blocking once the fd has been selected. 
            # However, sdk doesn't provide any interface satisfied the requirement. as a result,
            # check_sfp_status returns only one notification may indicate more notifications in its queue.
            # In this sense, we have to iterate in a loop to get all the notifications in case that
            # the first call returns at least one.
            i = 0
            while i < self.MAX_SELECT_EVENT_RETURNED:
                status = self.sfp_event.check_sfp_status(port_dict, 0)
                if not status:
                i = i + 1
            return True, {'sfp':port_dict}
            return True, {'sfp':{}}
    def get_change_event(self, timeout=0):
        Returns a nested dictionary containing all devices which have
        experienced a change at chassis level

            timeout: Timeout in milliseconds (optional). If timeout == 0,
                this method will block until a change is detected.

            (bool, dict):
                - True if call successful, False if not;
                - A nested dictionary where key is a device type,
                  value is a dictionary with key:value pairs in the format of
                  where device_id is the device ID for this device and
                             status='1' represents device inserted,
                             status='0' represents device removed.
                  Ex. {'fan':{'0':'0', '2':'1'}, 'sfp':{'11':'0'}}
                      indicates that fan 0 has been removed, fan 2
                      has been inserted and sfp 11 has been removed.
        # Initialize SFP event first
        if not self.sfp_event_initialized:
            from sonic_platform.sfp_event import sfp_event
            self.sfp_event = sfp_event()
            self.MAX_SELECT_EVENT_RETURNED = self.PORT_END
            self.sfp_event_initialized = True

        wait_for_ever = (timeout == 0)
        port_dict = {}
        error_dict = {}
        if wait_for_ever:
            timeout = MAX_SELECT_DELAY
            while True:
                status = self.sfp_event.check_sfp_status(
                    port_dict, error_dict, timeout)
                if bool(port_dict):
            status = self.sfp_event.check_sfp_status(port_dict, error_dict,

        if status:
            result_dict = {'sfp': port_dict}
            if error_dict:
                result_dict['sfp_error'] = error_dict
            return True, result_dict
            return True, {'sfp': {}}
    def executor(self, mock_module_state, mock_error_type, expect_status, description=None):
        from sonic_platform.sfp_event import sfp_event

        event = sfp_event()
        event.on_pmpe = MagicMock(return_value=(True, [0,1], mock_module_state, mock_error_type))
        port_change = {}
        error_dict = {}
        found = event.check_sfp_status(port_change, error_dict, 0)
        assert found
        expect_status_str = str(expect_status)
        assert 1 in port_change and port_change[1] == expect_status_str
        assert 2 in port_change and port_change[2] == expect_status_str
        if description:
            assert 1 in error_dict and error_dict[1] == description
            assert 2 in error_dict and error_dict[2] == description
    def get_change_event(self, timeout=0):
        # logger.log_error("Get-change-event with thread-{} start ".format(
        #    str(os.getpid())+str(threading.current_thread().ident)))
        if not self.sfp_event_initialized:
            from sonic_platform.sfp_event import sfp_event
            # use the same stub as direct sfp ops does
            self.sfp_event_stub = self.sfp_stub

            logger.log_info("Initializing sfp_event with num {} and stub {} : sfp stub {}".format(
                NUM_SFP, self.sfp_event_stub, self.sfp_stub))
            self.sfp_event_list = sfp_event(NUM_SFP, self.sfp_event_stub)
            self.sfp_event_initialized = True

        timeout = 0
        port_dict = {}
        self.sfp_event_list.check_sfp_status(port_dict, timeout)

        return True, {'sfp': port_dict}