class Group:
    def __init__(self, name, preferences, quota):
        @preferences: IE (2, 0, 1). Tuple of group's preferences over applicants with preferences[0] being the most preferred applicant.
        @rankings: IE {0:1, 2:0, 1:2}. Dictionary of rank of each applicant.
        # self.preferences = preferences
        self.applicantToRank = makeRankings(preferences) # ["andrew", "will"]
        self.name = name
        self.quota = quota
        self.waitList = SortedDict() # rank --> applicant

    def addToWaitList(self, applicant):
        rank = self.applicantToRank[applicant]
        self.waitList[rank] = applicant

    def acceptQuota(self):
        accepted = self.waitList.islice(0, self.quota)
        acceptedApplicants = [self.waitList[rank] for rank in accepted]

        rejected = self.waitList.islice(self.quota)
        rejectedApplicants = [self.waitList.pop(rank) for rank in rejected]
        return acceptedApplicants, rejectedApplicants
def test_islice():
    mapping = [(val, pos) for pos, val in enumerate(string.ascii_lowercase)]
    temp = SortedDict(7, mapping)

    for start in range(30):
        for stop in range(30):
            assert list(temp.islice(start, stop)) == list(string.ascii_lowercase[start:stop])
class sorted_cached_db:
    def __init__(self):
        self.sorted_map = SortedDict()

    def if_exists(self, key):
        return key in self.sorted_map

    def add(self, key, value):
        self.sorted_map[key] = value

    def delete(self, key):
        if not self.if_exists(key):
            return "key not present"
        del self.sorted_map[key]
        redis.query.filter_by(key=key, type="sorted").delete()
        return "deleted"

    def find_rank(self, key):
        if not self.if_exists(key):
            return "does'not exists"
        return jsonify(self.sorted_map.index(key))

    def get_range(self, start, end):
        n = len(self.sorted_map)
        start = (n + start) % n
        end = (n + end) % n + 1
        return jsonify([
            for key in self.sorted_map.islice(start, end)
class StreamChangeCache:
    """Keeps track of the stream positions of the latest change in a set of entities.

    Typically the entity will be a room or user id.

    Given a list of entities and a stream position, it will give a subset of
    entities that may have changed since that position. If position key is too
    old then the cache will simply return all given entities.
    def __init__(
        name: str,
        current_stream_pos: int,
        prefilled_cache: Optional[Mapping[EntityType, int]] = None,
        self._original_max_size = max_size
        self._max_size = math.floor(max_size)
        self._entity_to_key = {}  # type: Dict[EntityType, int]

        # map from stream id to the a set of entities which changed at that stream id.
        self._cache = SortedDict()  # type: SortedDict[int, Set[EntityType]]

        # the earliest stream_pos for which we can reliably answer
        # get_all_entities_changed. In other words, one less than the earliest
        # stream_pos for which we know _cache is valid.
        self._earliest_known_stream_pos = current_stream_pos
        self.name = name
        self.metrics = caches.register_cache(

        if prefilled_cache:
            for entity, stream_pos in prefilled_cache.items():
                self.entity_has_changed(entity, stream_pos)

    def set_cache_factor(self, factor: float) -> bool:
        Set the cache factor for this individual cache.

        This will trigger a resize if it changes, which may require evicting
        items from the cache.

            bool: Whether the cache changed size or not.
        new_size = math.floor(self._original_max_size * factor)
        if new_size != self._max_size:
            self.max_size = new_size
            return True
        return False

    def has_entity_changed(self, entity: EntityType, stream_pos: int) -> bool:
        """Returns True if the entity may have been updated since stream_pos
        assert type(stream_pos) in integer_types

        if stream_pos < self._earliest_known_stream_pos:
            return True

        latest_entity_change_pos = self._entity_to_key.get(entity, None)
        if latest_entity_change_pos is None:
            return False

        if stream_pos < latest_entity_change_pos:
            return True

        return False

    def get_entities_changed(
            self, entities: Collection[EntityType],
            stream_pos: int) -> Union[Set[EntityType], FrozenSet[EntityType]]:
        Returns subset of entities that have had new things since the given
        position.  Entities unknown to the cache will be returned.  If the
        position is too old it will just return the given list.
        changed_entities = self.get_all_entities_changed(stream_pos)
        if changed_entities is not None:
            # We now do an intersection, trying to do so in the most efficient
            # way possible (some of these sets are *large*). First check in the
            # given iterable is already set that we can reuse, otherwise we
            # create a set of the *smallest* of the two iterables and call
            # `intersection(..)` on it (this can be twice as fast as the reverse).
            if isinstance(entities, (set, frozenset)):
                result = entities.intersection(changed_entities)
            elif len(changed_entities) < len(entities):
                result = set(changed_entities).intersection(entities)
                result = set(entities).intersection(changed_entities)
            result = set(entities)

        return result

    def has_any_entity_changed(self, stream_pos: int) -> bool:
        """Returns if any entity has changed
        assert type(stream_pos) is int

        if not self._cache:
            # If the cache is empty, nothing can have changed.
            return False

        if stream_pos >= self._earliest_known_stream_pos:
            return self._cache.bisect_right(stream_pos) < len(self._cache)
            return True

    def get_all_entities_changed(
            self, stream_pos: int) -> Optional[List[EntityType]]:
        """Returns all entities that have had new things since the given
        position. If the position is too old it will return None.

        Returns the entities in the order that they were changed.
        assert type(stream_pos) is int

        if stream_pos < self._earliest_known_stream_pos:
            return None

        changed_entities = []  # type: List[EntityType]

        for k in self._cache.islice(
        return changed_entities

    def entity_has_changed(self, entity: EntityType, stream_pos: int) -> None:
        """Informs the cache that the entity has been changed at the given
        assert type(stream_pos) is int

        if stream_pos <= self._earliest_known_stream_pos:

        old_pos = self._entity_to_key.get(entity, None)
        if old_pos is not None:
            if old_pos >= stream_pos:
                # nothing to do
            e = self._cache[old_pos]
            if not e:
                # cache at this point is now empty
                del self._cache[old_pos]

        e1 = self._cache.get(stream_pos)
        if e1 is None:
            e1 = self._cache[stream_pos] = set()
        self._entity_to_key[entity] = stream_pos

        # if the cache is too big, remove entries
        while len(self._cache) > self._max_size:
            k, r = self._cache.popitem(0)
            self._earliest_known_stream_pos = max(
                k, self._earliest_known_stream_pos)
            for entity in r:
                del self._entity_to_key[entity]

    def _evict(self):
        while len(self._cache) > self._max_size:
            k, r = self._cache.popitem(0)
            self._earliest_known_stream_pos = max(
                k, self._earliest_known_stream_pos)
            for entity in r:
                self._entity_to_key.pop(entity, None)

    def get_max_pos_of_last_change(self, entity: EntityType) -> int:
        """Returns an upper bound of the stream id of the last change to an
        return self._entity_to_key.get(entity, self._earliest_known_stream_pos)
class StepVector():
    def sliced(cls, other, start, end):
        newobj = cls(other.datatype, _tree=other._t, _bounds=(start, end))
        return newobj

    def __init__(self, datatype, _tree=None, _bounds=None):
        self.datatype = datatype

        if _tree is not None:
            self._t = _tree
            self._t = SortedDict()

        if _bounds is not None:
            self._bounds = _bounds
            self._bounds = (None, None)  # set upon slicing/subsetting

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        if type(key) == slice:
            if (key.step is not None) and (key.step != 1):
                raise ValueError("Invalid step value")

            start = key.start
            end = key.stop

            if self._bounds[0] is not None:
                if start is None:
                    start = self._bounds[0]
                    if start < self._bounds[0]:
                        raise ValueError("Start out of bounds")
            if self._bounds[1] is not None:
                if end is None:
                    end = self._bounds[1]
                    if end > self._bounds[1]:
                        raise ValueError("End out of bounds")

            return self.sliced(self, start, end)
            assert type(key) == int

            if self._bounds[0] is not None:
                if key < self._bounds[0]:
                    raise ValueError("Key out of bounds")
            if self._bounds[1] is not None:
                if key >= self._bounds[0]:
                    raise ValueError("Key out of bounds")

            if self._t:
                    prevkey = self._floor_key(key)
                    return self._t[prevkey]
                except KeyError:
                    # no item smaller than or equal to key
                    return self.datatype()
                # empty tree
                return self.datatype()

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        if type(key) == slice:
            start = key.start
            end = key.stop
            assert type(key) == int
            start = key
            end = key + 1

        assert start is not None
        assert end is not None

        assert type(value) == self.datatype
        assert end >= start

        if start == end:

        # check next val
        if self._t:
                nkey = self._floor_key(end, bisect="right")
                nvalue = self._t[nkey]
            except KeyError:
                nkey = None
                nvalue = None
            # empty tree
            nkey = None
            nvalue = None

        # check prev val
        if self._t:
                pkey = self._floor_key(start)
                pvalue = self._t[pkey]
            except KeyError:
                pkey = None
                pvalue = None
            pkey = None
            pvalue = None

        # remove intermediate steps if any
        if self._t:
            a = self._t.bisect_left(start)
            b = self._t.bisect(end)
            assert a <= b
            del self._t.iloc[a:b]

        # set an end marker if necessary
        if nkey is None:
            self._t[end] = self.datatype()
        elif nvalue != value:
            self._t[end] = nvalue

        # set a start marker if necessary
        if pkey is None or pvalue != value:
            self._t[start] = value

    def __iter__(self):
        start, end = self._bounds

        if not self._t:
            # empty tree
            if start is None or end is None:
                raise StopIteration  # FIXME: can't figure out a better thing to do if only one is None
                if start < end:
                    yield (start, end, self.datatype())
                raise StopIteration

        if start is None:
            a = 0
            a = max(0, self._bisect_right(start) - 1)

        if end is None:
            b = len(self._t)
            b = self._bisect_right(end)

        assert b >= a
        if a == b:
            if a is None:
                start = self._t[a]
            if b is None:
                end = self._t[b]

            if start < end:
                yield (start, end, self.datatype())

            raise StopIteration

        it = self._t.islice(a, b)

        currkey = next(it)
        currvalue = self._t[currkey]
        if start is not None:
            currkey = max(start, currkey)
            if start < currkey:
                yield (start, currkey, self.datatype())

        prevkey, prevvalue = currkey, currvalue
        for currkey in it:
            currvalue = self._t[currkey]
            yield (prevkey, currkey, prevvalue)
            prevkey = currkey
            prevvalue = currvalue

        if end is not None:
            if currkey < end:
                yield (currkey, end, prevvalue)

    def add_value(self, start, end, value):
        assert type(value) == self.datatype

        # can't modify self while iterating over values; will change the tree, and thus f**k up iteration
        items = list(self[start:end])

        for a, b, x in items:
            if self.datatype == set:
                y = x.copy()
                y = x + value

            self[a:b] = y

    def _bisect_left(self, key):
        return self._t.bisect_left(key)

    def _bisect_right(self, key):
        return self._t.bisect_right(key)

    def _floor_key(self, key, bisect="left"):
        Returns the greatest key less than or equal to key

        if bisect == "right":
            p = self._bisect_right(key)
            p = self._bisect_left(key)

        if p == 0:
            raise KeyError
            return self._t.iloc[p - 1]
class StreamChangeCache(object):
    """Keeps track of the stream positions of the latest change in a set of entities.

    Typically the entity will be a room or user id.

    Given a list of entities and a stream position, it will give a subset of
    entities that may have changed since that position. If position key is too
    old then the cache will simply return all given entities.

    def __init__(self, name, current_stream_pos, max_size=10000, prefilled_cache=None):
        self._max_size = int(max_size * caches.CACHE_SIZE_FACTOR)
        self._entity_to_key = {}
        self._cache = SortedDict()
        self._earliest_known_stream_pos = current_stream_pos
        self.name = name
        self.metrics = caches.register_cache("cache", self.name, self._cache)

        if prefilled_cache:
            for entity, stream_pos in prefilled_cache.items():
                self.entity_has_changed(entity, stream_pos)

    def has_entity_changed(self, entity, stream_pos):
        """Returns True if the entity may have been updated since stream_pos
        assert type(stream_pos) in integer_types

        if stream_pos < self._earliest_known_stream_pos:
            return True

        latest_entity_change_pos = self._entity_to_key.get(entity, None)
        if latest_entity_change_pos is None:
            return False

        if stream_pos < latest_entity_change_pos:
            return True

        return False

    def get_entities_changed(self, entities, stream_pos):
        Returns subset of entities that have had new things since the given
        position.  Entities unknown to the cache will be returned.  If the
        position is too old it will just return the given list.
        assert type(stream_pos) is int

        if stream_pos >= self._earliest_known_stream_pos:
            changed_entities = {
                self._cache[k] for k in self._cache.islice(

            result = changed_entities.intersection(entities)

            result = set(entities)

        return result

    def has_any_entity_changed(self, stream_pos):
        """Returns if any entity has changed
        assert type(stream_pos) is int

        if not self._cache:
            # If we have no cache, nothing can have changed.
            return False

        if stream_pos >= self._earliest_known_stream_pos:
            return self._cache.bisect_right(stream_pos) < len(self._cache)
            return True

    def get_all_entities_changed(self, stream_pos):
        """Returns all entites that have had new things since the given
        position. If the position is too old it will return None.
        assert type(stream_pos) is int

        if stream_pos >= self._earliest_known_stream_pos:
            return [self._cache[k] for k in self._cache.islice(
            return None

    def entity_has_changed(self, entity, stream_pos):
        """Informs the cache that the entity has been changed at the given
        assert type(stream_pos) is int

        if stream_pos > self._earliest_known_stream_pos:
            old_pos = self._entity_to_key.get(entity, None)
            if old_pos is not None:
                stream_pos = max(stream_pos, old_pos)
                self._cache.pop(old_pos, None)
            self._cache[stream_pos] = entity
            self._entity_to_key[entity] = stream_pos

            while len(self._cache) > self._max_size:
                k, r = self._cache.popitem(0)
                self._earliest_known_stream_pos = max(
                    k, self._earliest_known_stream_pos,
                self._entity_to_key.pop(r, None)

    def get_max_pos_of_last_change(self, entity):
        """Returns an upper bound of the stream id of the last change to an
        return self._entity_to_key.get(entity, self._earliest_known_stream_pos)
class BaseColorCodePatchBuilder(ASAxesPatchBuilder, PickablePatchBuilder):
    The patch generator build the matplotlib patches for each
    capability node.

    The nodes are rendered as lines with a different color depending
    on the permission bits of the capability. The builder produces
    a LineCollection for each combination of permission bits and
    creates the lines for the nodes.
    def __init__(self, figure, pgm):

        :param figure: the figure to attache the click callback
        :param pgm: the provenance graph model

        self._pgm = pgm
        """The provenance graph model"""

        self._collection_map = defaultdict(lambda: [])
        Map capability permission to the set where the line should go.
        Any combination of capability permissions is used as key for
        a list of (start, end) values that are used to build LineCollections.
        The key "call" is used for system call nodes, the int(0) key is used
        for no permission.

        self._colors = {}
        Map capability permission to line colors.
        XXX: keep this for now, move to a colormap

        self._bbox = [np.inf, np.inf, 0, 0]
        """Bounding box of the patches as (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)."""

        self._node_map = SortedDict()
        """Maps the Y axis coordinate to the graph node at that position"""

    def _clickable_element(self, vertex, y):
        """remember the node at the given Y for faster indexing."""
        data = self._pgm.data[vertex]
        self._node_map[y] = data

    def _add_bbox(self, xmin, xmax, y):
        """Update the view bbox."""
        if self._bbox[0] > xmin:
            self._bbox[0] = xmin
        if self._bbox[1] > y:
            self._bbox[1] = y
        if self._bbox[2] < xmax:
            self._bbox[2] = xmax
        if self._bbox[3] < y:
            self._bbox[3] = y

    def _get_patch_collections(self, axes):
        """Return a generator of collections of patches to add to the axes."""

    def get_patches(self, axes):
        Return a collection of lines from the collection_map.
        for coll in self._get_patch_collections(axes):

    def get_bbox(self):
        return Bbox.from_extents(*self._bbox)

    def on_click(self, event):
        Attempt to retreive the data in less than O(n) for better
        interactivity at the expense of having to hold a dictionary of
        references to nodes for each t_alloc.
        Note that t_alloc is unique for each capability node as it
        is the cycle count, so it can be used as the key.
        ax = event.inaxes
        if ax is None:

        # back to data coords without scaling
        y_coord = int(event.ydata)
        y_max = self._bbox[3]
        # tolerance for y distance, 0.1 * 10^6 cycles
        epsilon = 0.1 * 10**6

        # try to get the node closer to the y_coord
        # in the fast way
        # For now fall-back to a reduced linear search but would be
        # useful to be able to index lines with an R-tree?
        idx_min = self._node_map.bisect_left(max(0, y_coord - epsilon))
        idx_max = self._node_map.bisect_right(min(y_max, y_coord + epsilon))
        iter_keys = self._node_map.islice(idx_min, idx_max)
        # find the closest node to the click position
        pick_target = None
        for key in iter_keys:
            node = self._node_map[key]
            if (node.cap.base <= event.xdata
                    and node.cap.bound >= event.xdata):
                # the click event is within the node bounds and
                # the node Y is closer to the click event than
                # the previous pick_target
                if (pick_target is None or abs(y_coord - key) <
                        abs(y_coord - pick_target.cap.t_alloc)):
                    pick_target = node
        if pick_target is not None:
class StreamChangeCache(object):
    """Keeps track of the stream positions of the latest change in a set of entities.

    Typically the entity will be a room or user id.

    Given a list of entities and a stream position, it will give a subset of
    entities that may have changed since that position. If position key is too
    old then the cache will simply return all given entities.
    def __init__(self,
        self._max_size = int(max_size * caches.CACHE_SIZE_FACTOR)
        self._entity_to_key = {}
        self._cache = SortedDict()
        self._earliest_known_stream_pos = current_stream_pos
        self.name = name
        self.metrics = caches.register_cache("cache", self.name, self._cache)

        if prefilled_cache:
            for entity, stream_pos in prefilled_cache.items():
                self.entity_has_changed(entity, stream_pos)

    def has_entity_changed(self, entity, stream_pos):
        """Returns True if the entity may have been updated since stream_pos
        assert type(stream_pos) is int or type(stream_pos) is long

        if stream_pos < self._earliest_known_stream_pos:
            return True

        latest_entity_change_pos = self._entity_to_key.get(entity, None)
        if latest_entity_change_pos is None:
            return False

        if stream_pos < latest_entity_change_pos:
            return True

        return False

    def get_entities_changed(self, entities, stream_pos):
        Returns subset of entities that have had new things since the given
        position.  Entities unknown to the cache will be returned.  If the
        position is too old it will just return the given list.
        assert type(stream_pos) is int

        if stream_pos >= self._earliest_known_stream_pos:
            not_known_entities = set(entities) - set(self._entity_to_key)

            result = ({
                for k in self._cache.islice(

            result = set(entities)

        return result

    def has_any_entity_changed(self, stream_pos):
        """Returns if any entity has changed
        assert type(stream_pos) is int

        if not self._cache:
            # If we have no cache, nothing can have changed.
            return False

        if stream_pos >= self._earliest_known_stream_pos:
            return self._cache.bisect_right(stream_pos) < len(self._cache)
            return True

    def get_all_entities_changed(self, stream_pos):
        """Returns all entites that have had new things since the given
        position. If the position is too old it will return None.
        assert type(stream_pos) is int

        if stream_pos >= self._earliest_known_stream_pos:
            return [
                self._cache[k] for k in self._cache.islice(
            return None

    def entity_has_changed(self, entity, stream_pos):
        """Informs the cache that the entity has been changed at the given
        assert type(stream_pos) is int

        if stream_pos > self._earliest_known_stream_pos:
            old_pos = self._entity_to_key.get(entity, None)
            if old_pos is not None:
                stream_pos = max(stream_pos, old_pos)
                self._cache.pop(old_pos, None)
            self._cache[stream_pos] = entity
            self._entity_to_key[entity] = stream_pos

            while len(self._cache) > self._max_size:
                k, r = self._cache.popitem(0)
                self._earliest_known_stream_pos = max(
                self._entity_to_key.pop(r, None)

    def get_max_pos_of_last_change(self, entity):
        """Returns an upper bound of the stream id of the last change to an
        return self._entity_to_key.get(entity, self._earliest_known_stream_pos)
 def _make_slice(orders: SortedDict, start=None, stop=None):
     return [(key, orders[key])
             for key in orders.islice(start=start, stop=stop)]
class ColorCodePatchBuilder(PickablePatchBuilder):
    The patch generator build the matplotlib patches for each
    capability node.

    The nodes are rendered as lines with a different color depending
    on the permission bits of the capability. The builder produces
    a LineCollection for each combination of permission bits and
    creates the lines for the nodes.
    def __init__(self, figure):
        super(ColorCodePatchBuilder, self).__init__(figure, None)

        self.y_unit = 10**-6
        """Unit on the y-axis"""

        # permission composition shorthands
        load_store = CheriCapPerm.LOAD | CheriCapPerm.STORE
        load_exec = CheriCapPerm.LOAD | CheriCapPerm.EXEC
        store_exec = CheriCapPerm.STORE | CheriCapPerm.EXEC
        load_store_exec = (CheriCapPerm.STORE | CheriCapPerm.LOAD
                           | CheriCapPerm.EXEC)

        self._collection_map = {
            0: [],
            CheriCapPerm.LOAD: [],
            CheriCapPerm.STORE: [],
            CheriCapPerm.EXEC: [],
            load_store: [],
            load_exec: [],
            store_exec: [],
            load_store_exec: [],
            "call": [],
        """Map capability permission to the set where the line should go"""

        self._colors = {
            0: colorConverter.to_rgb("#bcbcbc"),
            CheriCapPerm.LOAD: colorConverter.to_rgb("k"),
            CheriCapPerm.STORE: colorConverter.to_rgb("y"),
            CheriCapPerm.EXEC: colorConverter.to_rgb("m"),
            load_store: colorConverter.to_rgb("c"),
            load_exec: colorConverter.to_rgb("b"),
            store_exec: colorConverter.to_rgb("g"),
            load_store_exec: colorConverter.to_rgb("r"),
            "call": colorConverter.to_rgb("#31c648"),
        """Map capability permission to line colors"""

        self._patches = None
        """List of generated patches"""

        self._node_map = SortedDict()
        """Maps the Y axis coordinate to the graph node at that position"""

    def _build_patch(self, node_range, y, perms):
        Build patch for the given range and type and add it
        to the patch collection for drawing
        line = [(node_range.start, y), (node_range.end, y)]

        if perms is None:
            perms = 0
        rwx_perm = perms & (CheriCapPerm.LOAD | CheriCapPerm.STORE
                            | CheriCapPerm.EXEC)

    def _build_call_patch(self, node_range, y, origin):
        Build patch for a node representing a system call
        This is added to a different collection so it can be
        colored differently.
        line = [(node_range.start, y), (node_range.end, y)]

    def inspect(self, node):
        Inspect a graph vertex and create the patches for it.
        if node.cap.bound < node.cap.base:
            logger.warning("Skip overflowed node %s", node)
        node_y = node.cap.t_alloc * self.y_unit
        node_box = transforms.Bbox.from_extents(node.cap.base, node_y,
                                                node.cap.bound, node_y)

        self._bbox = transforms.Bbox.union([self._bbox, node_box])
        keep_range = Range(node.cap.base, node.cap.bound, Range.T_KEEP)
        if node.origin == CheriNodeOrigin.SYS_MMAP:
            self._build_call_patch(keep_range, node_y, node.origin)
            self._build_patch(keep_range, node_y, node.cap.permissions)

        self._node_map[node.cap.t_alloc] = node

        #invalidate collections
        self._patches = None

    def get_patches(self):
        if self._patches:
            return self._patches
        self._patches = []
        for key, collection in self._collection_map.items():
            coll = collections.LineCollection(collection,
        return self._patches

    def get_legend(self):
        if not self._patches:
        legend = ([], [])
        for patch, key in zip(self._patches, self._collection_map.keys()):
            if key == "call":
                perm_string = ""
                if key & CheriCapPerm.LOAD:
                    perm_string += "R"
                if key & CheriCapPerm.STORE:
                    perm_string += "W"
                if key & CheriCapPerm.EXEC:
                    perm_string += "X"
                if perm_string == "":
                    perm_string = "None"
        return legend

    def on_click(self, event):
        Attempt to retreive the data in less than O(n) for better
        interactivity at the expense of having to hold a dictionary of
        references to nodes for each t_alloc.
        Note that t_alloc is unique for each capability node as it
        is the cycle count, so it can be used as the key.
        ax = event.inaxes
        if ax is None:

        # back to data coords without scaling
        y_coord = int(event.ydata / self.y_unit)
        y_max = self._bbox.ymax / self.y_unit
        # tolerance for y distance, 0.25 units
        epsilon = 0.25 / self.y_unit

        # try to get the node closer to the y_coord
        # in the fast way
        # For now fall-back to a reduced linear search but would be
        # useful to be able to index lines with an R-tree?
        idx_min = self._node_map.bisect_left(max(0, y_coord - epsilon))
        idx_max = self._node_map.bisect_right(min(y_max, y_coord + epsilon))
        iter_keys = self._node_map.islice(idx_min, idx_max)
        # the closest node to the click position
        # initialize it with the first node in the search range
            pick_target = self._node_map[next(iter_keys)]
        except StopIteration:
            # no match found

        for key in iter_keys:
            node = self._node_map[key]
            if (node.cap.base <= event.xdata and node.cap.bound >= event.xdata
                    and abs(y_coord - key) <
                    abs(y_coord - pick_target.cap.t_alloc)):
                # the click event is within the node bounds and
                # the node Y is closer to the click event than
                # the previous pick_target
                pick_target = node
class StreamChangeCache:
    """Keeps track of the stream positions of the latest change in a set of entities.

    Typically the entity will be a room or user id.

    Given a list of entities and a stream position, it will give a subset of
    entities that may have changed since that position. If position key is too
    old then the cache will simply return all given entities.
    def __init__(
        name: str,
        current_stream_pos: int,
        prefilled_cache: Optional[Mapping[EntityType, int]] = None,
        self._max_size = int(max_size * caches.CACHE_SIZE_FACTOR)
        self._entity_to_key = {}  # type: Dict[EntityType, int]

        # map from stream id to the a set of entities which changed at that stream id.
        self._cache = SortedDict()  # type: SortedDict[int, Set[EntityType]]

        # the earliest stream_pos for which we can reliably answer
        # get_all_entities_changed. In other words, one less than the earliest
        # stream_pos for which we know _cache is valid.
        self._earliest_known_stream_pos = current_stream_pos
        self.name = name
        self.metrics = caches.register_cache("cache", self.name, self._cache)

        if prefilled_cache:
            for entity, stream_pos in prefilled_cache.items():
                self.entity_has_changed(entity, stream_pos)

    def has_entity_changed(self, entity: EntityType, stream_pos: int) -> bool:
        """Returns True if the entity may have been updated since stream_pos
        assert type(stream_pos) in integer_types

        if stream_pos < self._earliest_known_stream_pos:
            return True

        latest_entity_change_pos = self._entity_to_key.get(entity, None)
        if latest_entity_change_pos is None:
            return False

        if stream_pos < latest_entity_change_pos:
            return True

        return False

    def get_entities_changed(self, entities: Iterable[EntityType],
                             stream_pos: int) -> Set[EntityType]:
        Returns subset of entities that have had new things since the given
        position.  Entities unknown to the cache will be returned.  If the
        position is too old it will just return the given list.
        changed_entities = self.get_all_entities_changed(stream_pos)
        if changed_entities is not None:
            result = set(changed_entities).intersection(entities)
            result = set(entities)

        return result

    def has_any_entity_changed(self, stream_pos: int) -> bool:
        """Returns if any entity has changed
        assert type(stream_pos) is int

        if not self._cache:
            # If the cache is empty, nothing can have changed.
            return False

        if stream_pos >= self._earliest_known_stream_pos:
            return self._cache.bisect_right(stream_pos) < len(self._cache)
            return True

    def get_all_entities_changed(
            self, stream_pos: int) -> Optional[List[EntityType]]:
        """Returns all entities that have had new things since the given
        position. If the position is too old it will return None.

        Returns the entities in the order that they were changed.
        assert type(stream_pos) is int

        if stream_pos < self._earliest_known_stream_pos:
            return None

        changed_entities = []  # type: List[EntityType]

        for k in self._cache.islice(
        return changed_entities

    def entity_has_changed(self, entity: EntityType, stream_pos: int) -> None:
        """Informs the cache that the entity has been changed at the given
        assert type(stream_pos) is int

        if stream_pos <= self._earliest_known_stream_pos:

        old_pos = self._entity_to_key.get(entity, None)
        if old_pos is not None:
            if old_pos >= stream_pos:
                # nothing to do
            e = self._cache[old_pos]
            if not e:
                # cache at this point is now empty
                del self._cache[old_pos]

        e1 = self._cache.get(stream_pos)
        if e1 is None:
            e1 = self._cache[stream_pos] = set()
        self._entity_to_key[entity] = stream_pos

        # if the cache is too big, remove entries
        while len(self._cache) > self._max_size:
            k, r = self._cache.popitem(0)
            self._earliest_known_stream_pos = max(
                k, self._earliest_known_stream_pos)
            for entity in r:
                del self._entity_to_key[entity]

    def get_max_pos_of_last_change(self, entity: EntityType) -> int:
        """Returns an upper bound of the stream id of the last change to an
        return self._entity_to_key.get(entity, self._earliest_known_stream_pos)