def printnl(nl2, np2, l, v, atmi):
    filename = 'nl2s.dat'
    n = SortedSet(nl2[np2[atmi]:np2[atmi + 1]])
    d = n.difference(l)

    with open(filename, "a") as myfile:
        myfile.write('\n \n')
    def extract_FL1L(self):

        self.F_L1L = SortedSet()
        cpt = 1
        for transition1 in self.L1L:

            A = SortedSet()
            B = SortedSet()
            for transition2 in self.T_pr:
                if self.relations[transition2][
                        transition1] == Relations.RIGHT_CAUSALITY:
                    print("for transition ", transition1, " : ", transition2)
                if self.relations[transition1][
                        transition2] == Relations.RIGHT_CAUSALITY:
                    print("for transition ", transition1, " : ", transition2)
            The solution to tackle length-one loops in sound SWF-nets focuses on the
            pre- and post-processing phases of process mining. The key idea is to identify
            the length-one-loop tasks and the single place to which each task should be
            connected. Any length-one-loop task t can be identified by searching a loopcomplete
            event log for traces containing the substring tt. To determine the correct
            place p to which each t should be connected in the discovered net, we must check
            which transitions are directed followed by t but do not direct follow t (i.e. p is an
            output place of these transitions) and which transitions direct follow t but t does
            not direct follow them (i.e. p is the input place of these transitions)
            print(len(A) == len(B))

            place = 'p' + str(cpt)
            for transition in A.difference(B):
                # Add input places
                transition_place = (transition1, place)
            for transition in B.difference(A):
                #Add output place
                transition_place = (place, transition1)

            cpt += 1
def test_difference():
    temp = SortedSet(range(100), load=7)
    that = temp.difference(range(0, 10), range(10, 20))
    assert all(val == temp[val] for val in range(100))
    assert all((val + 20) == that[val] for val in range(80))
def test_difference():
    temp = SortedSet(range(100))
    that = temp.difference(range(0, 10), range(10, 20))
    assert all(val == temp[val] for val in range(100))
    assert all((val + 20) == that[val] for val in range(80))
class Index:
    def __init__(self, tokenizer=None):
        self.postings = SortedDict()
        self.unit_list = SortedSet()
        self.unit_count = 0
        self.tokenizer = __default_tokenizer__ if tokenizer is None else tokenizer

    def add(self, unit: Unit):
        self.unit_count += 1
        if len(unit.keywords()) == 0: self.unit_count -= 1
        else: self.unit_list.add(unit)
        for word in unit.keywords():
            if word:
                if word in self.postings: self.postings[word].add(unit)
                else: self.postings[word] = SortedSet([unit])

    def count(self):
        return self.unit_count

    def search(self, query):
        """Searches given query inside the index.

            :param `query`: String to search. Can contain operators `('and', 'or', 'not')` to refine results.

            :returns: a list of document units that satisfy the given query.
        tokens = self.tokenizer(query)
        result, sub_result = None, None
        i = 0
        while i < len(tokens):
            # print("> Now on token", i, ":", tokens[i])
            if tokens[i] == 'not':
                i += 1
                sub_result = self.unit_list.difference(
                    self.postings[tokens[i]]) if i < len(tokens) and tokens[
                        i] in self.postings else self.unit_list
                sub_result = self.postings[tokens[i]] if i < len(
                    tokens) and tokens[i] in self.postings else None
            if i < len(tokens) and (tokens[i] == 'and' or tokens[i] == 'or'):
                operator = tokens[i]
                i += 1
                if tokens[i] == 'not':
                    i += 1
                    sub_result = self.unit_list.difference(self.postings[
                        tokens[i]]) if i < len(tokens) and tokens[
                            i] in self.postings else self.unit_list
                    sub_result = self.postings[tokens[i]] if i < len(
                        tokens) and tokens[i] in self.postings else None
                if result is not None and sub_result is not None:
                    if operator == 'and':
                        result = result.intersection(sub_result)
                        result = result.union(sub_result)
            elif result is not None:
                if sub_result is not None: result = result.union(sub_result)
            elif result is None: result = sub_result
            i += 1
        return result

    def keywords(self):
        return self.postings.keys()

    def __getitem__(self, word):
        return self.postings[word] if word in self.postings else None
class SparseTimeSeriesDataSet:
    # A dataset designed for dealing with sparse time series data that needs to be kept in sync in time.
    def __init__(self, unique_timestamps = None, minimum_time_between_timestamps = None, mode='strict'):
        # possible modes are strict, remove_difference, union
        if unique_timestamps is not None:
            self.unique_timestamps = SortedSet(unique_timestamps)
            self.unique_timestamps = SortedSet()

        self.mode = mode
        self.all_raw_data = {}

        #dict of sorteddicts
        self.timestamp_indexed_data = {}

        self.minimum_time_between_timestamps = minimum_time_between_timestamps

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.unique_timestamps)

    def sample_data_at_intervals(cls, start_timestamp, end_timestamp, interval, data):
        # extends previous datapoint if one is missing
        timestamps = SortedList([x[0] for x in data])

        start_timestamp = int(start_timestamp)
        end_timestamp = int(end_timestamp)

        assert(timestamps[0] <= start_timestamp)
        assert(timestamps[-1] >= end_timestamp)
        sampled_data = []

        for timestamp in range(start_timestamp, end_timestamp+1, interval):
            index = timestamps.bisect_right(timestamp)-1
            new_datapoint = data[index].copy()
            new_datapoint[0] = timestamp

        return sampled_data

    def ids(self):
        return list(self.all_raw_data.keys())

    def first_timestamp(self):
        return self.unique_timestamps[0]

    def first_timestamp_for_id(self, id):
        return self.all_raw_data[id][0][0]

    def last_timestamp(self):
        return self.unique_timestamps[-1]

    def last_timestamp_for_id(self, id):
        return self.all_raw_data[id][-1][0]

    def first_unpadded_index_for_id(self, id):
        first_timestamp = self.first_timestamp_for_id(id)
        return self.unique_timestamps.index(first_timestamp)

    def last_unpadded_index_for_id(self, id):
        last_timestamp = self.last_timestamp_for_id(id)
        return self.unique_timestamps.index(last_timestamp)

    def check_minimum_timestamp_interval(self):
        if self.minimum_time_between_timestamps is not None:
            prev_timestamp = 0
            for timestamp in self.unique_timestamps:
                if timestamp-prev_timestamp < self.minimum_time_between_timestamps:
                    raise InvalidTimestampsInDataError("Found timestamps that have less than the required {} between them".format(self.minimum_time_between_timestamps))
                prev_timestamp = timestamp

    def add(self, id: str, data):
        if len(data) == 0:
            raise ValueError("Tried to add empty data for id {}".format(id))

        if id in self.all_raw_data and self.all_raw_data[id] == data:
            print("Data for id {} already added.".format(id))

        self.all_raw_data[id] = data

        if len(data[0]) > 2:
            # we have multidimensional data
            timestamp_indexed_data = SortedDict([[int(x[0]), x[1:]] for x in data])
            timestamp_indexed_data = SortedDict([[int(x[0]), x[1]] for x in data])

        new_timestamps = {x[0] for x in data}
        difference = new_timestamps.difference(self.unique_timestamps)

        if self.mode == 'strict':
            if len(difference) != 0:
                raise InvalidTimestampsInDataError("Tried to add new data with id {} that includes timestamps that are not in the set of allowed timestamps. "
                                                   "Difference = {}".format(id, difference))
            opposite_difference = self.unique_timestamps.difference(new_timestamps)
            # for timestamp_current in opposite_difference:
            #     if timestamp_current > min(new_timestamps) and timestamp_current < max(new_timestamps):
            #         raise Exception("Missing timestamps in the middle of the data")

        elif self.mode == 'remove_difference':
            for timestamp_to_remove in difference:

        elif self.mode == 'union':
            self.unique_timestamps = self.unique_timestamps.union(new_timestamps)


        if len(timestamp_indexed_data) == 0:
            raise NotEnoughInputData("The data being added has zero length. If the mode is remove_difference, then this means that the new data has no timestamps in common with the required timestamps")

        self.timestamp_indexed_data[id] = timestamp_indexed_data

    def get_left_and_right_padding_required(self, ids):
        padding_required = []
        for id in ids:
            first_timestamp_for_id = self.first_timestamp_for_id(id)
            last_timestamp_for_id = self.last_timestamp_for_id(id)
            left_padding = self.unique_timestamps.index(first_timestamp_for_id)
            right_padding = len(self) - self.unique_timestamps.index(last_timestamp_for_id)-1

            assert(self.all_raw_data[id][0][0] == self.unique_timestamps[left_padding])
            assert(self.all_raw_data[id][-1][0] == self.unique_timestamps[-(right_padding+1)])

            padding_required.append([left_padding, right_padding])
        return padding_required

    def get_data_extend_missing_internal(self, id: str):
        # This function does't pad the left or right of the data, but it will fill in any missing data
        # using the previous value
        timestamp_indexed_data = self.timestamp_indexed_data[id]

        timestamps_in_this_data = set(timestamp_indexed_data.keys())
        missing_timestamps = self.unique_timestamps - timestamps_in_this_data

        if len(missing_timestamps) > 0:
            for timestamp in missing_timestamps:
                entry_index = timestamp_indexed_data.bisect_right(timestamp)

                if entry_index != 0 and entry_index < len(timestamp_indexed_data):
                    # only pad in the middle of the data and not at the end
                    current_padded_value = timestamp_indexed_data.peekitem(entry_index - 1)[1]
                    timestamp_indexed_data[timestamp] = current_padded_value

        if isinstance(timestamp_indexed_data.peekitem(0)[1], list) or isinstance(timestamp_indexed_data.peekitem(0)[1], tuple):
            to_return = [[x[0], *x[1]]for x in timestamp_indexed_data.items()]
            to_return = list(timestamp_indexed_data.items())
        return to_return

    def get_padded_data_in_sync(self, padding_val = "extend"):
        # It will always pad missing values in the middle or end of the data by extending the previous value.
        # The padding_val variable determined how to pad the beginning when there is no value before it.
        padded_timestamp_indexed_data = {}

        for ric, timestamp_indexed_data in self.timestamp_indexed_data.items():
            padded_timestamp_indexed_data[ric] = timestamp_indexed_data

            timestamps_in_this_data = set(timestamp_indexed_data.keys())
            missing_timestamps = self.unique_timestamps - timestamps_in_this_data

            if len(missing_timestamps) > 0:
                for timestamp in missing_timestamps:
                    entry_index = padded_timestamp_indexed_data[ric].bisect_right(timestamp)
                    if entry_index == 0:
                        if padding_val == 'extend':
                            current_padded_value = padded_timestamp_indexed_data[ric].peekitem(entry_index)[1]
                            current_padded_value = padding_val
                        current_padded_value = padded_timestamp_indexed_data[ric].peekitem(entry_index-1)[1]

                    padded_timestamp_indexed_data[ric][timestamp] = current_padded_value

        return padded_timestamp_indexed_data

    def get_start_and_end_index_for_concat_data(self, keys):
        start_stop = []
        current_position = 0
        for id in keys:
            if id in self.timestamp_indexed_data:
                length_of_data = len(self.timestamp_indexed_data[id])
                current_position = length_of_data
                print("warning: tried to concat data for keys {} but key {} is missing".format(keys, id))

        return start_stop

    def concat_data_unpadded(self, keys, as_numpy = True, with_timestamps = True):
        data_to_concat = []
        for id in keys:
            if id in self.timestamp_indexed_data:
                if with_timestamps:
                print("warning: tried to concat data for keys {} but key {} is missing".format(keys, id))

        if as_numpy:
            return np.concatenate(data_to_concat)
            return np.concatenate(data_to_concat).tolist()