    def students_and_grades_at_one_discipline_sorted(self, discipline_id):
        sd = self.__student_discipline_repo.get_all()
        list_items_with_one_discipline = []
        list_items_with_one_disciplineDTO = []
        for item in sd:
            if item.get_discipline_id() == discipline_id:

        for i in list_items_with_one_discipline:
                sdi = i.get_student_discipline_id()
                st = i.get_student_id()
                di = i.get_discipline_id()
                grade = i.get_grade()
                s = self.__student_repo.find_by_id(st)
                d = self.__discipline_repo.find_by_id(di)

                dto = StudentDisciplineAssembler.create_student_discipline_dto(
                    sdi, s, d, grade)
            except ValidatorError as ve:
                raise StoreError(ex=ve)
                     key=lambda x: x.student_name,
        return list_items_with_one_disciplineDTO
 def students_and_grades_at_one_discipline_sorted(self, discipline_id):
     sd = self.__student_discipline_repo.get_all()
     list_items_with_one_discipline = []
     list_items_with_one_disciplineDTO = []
     for item in sd:
         if item.get_discipline_id() == discipline_id:
     for i in list_items_with_one_discipline:
             sdi = i.get_student_discipline_id()
             st = i.get_student_id()
             di = i.get_discipline_id()
             grade = i.get_grade()
             s = self.__student_repo.find_by_id(st)
             d = self.__discipline_repo.find_by_id(di)
             dto = StudentDisciplineAssembler.create_student_discipline_dto(sdi, s, d, grade)
         except ValidatorError as ve:
             raise StoreError(ex=ve)
     Sorting.sort(list_items_with_one_disciplineDTO, key=lambda x: x.student_name, algorithm = Algorithm.SELECTION_SORT)
     return list_items_with_one_disciplineDTO
        self.__age = age
    def name(self):
        return self.__name
    def age(self):
        return self.__age
    def __str__(self):
        return self.name + " " + str(self.age)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    l = [2, 1, 3]
    assert(l == [1, 2, 3])
    p1 = Person("p1", 1)
    p2 = Person("p2", 2)
    p3 = Person("p3", 3)
    p4 = Person("p1", 2)
    # sort by name asc
    l = [p3, p2, p1, p4]
    Sorting.sort(l, key=lambda x:x.name)
    assert(l == [p1, p4, p2, p3])
    # sort by age desc
    l = [p3, p2, p1, p4]
def test_shake_sort():
    test for SHAKE_SORT
    l = [2, 1, 3]
    Sorting.sort(l, algorithm=Algorithm.SHAKE_SORT)
    assert (l == [1, 2, 3])

    Sorting.sort(l, reverse=True, algorithm=Algorithm.SHAKE_SORT)
    assert (l == [3, 2, 1])

    l = [2, 1, 2, 3, 1]
    Sorting.sort(l, algorithm=Algorithm.SHAKE_SORT)
    assert l == [1, 1, 2, 2, 3]

    Sorting.sort(l, reverse=True, algorithm=Algorithm.SHAKE_SORT)
    assert l == [3, 2, 2, 1, 1]

    p1 = Person("p1", 1)
    p2 = Person("p2", 2)
    p3 = Person("p3", 3)
    p4 = Person("p1", 2)

    # sort by name asc
    l = [p3, p2, p1, p4]
    Sorting.sort(l, key=lambda x: x.name, algorithm=Algorithm.SHAKE_SORT)
    assert (l == [p1, p4, p2, p3])

    # sort by age desc
    l = [p3, p2, p4, p1]
                 key=lambda x: x.age,
    assert (l == [p3, p2, p4, p1])

    # sort by age asc
    l = [p3, p2, p4, p1]
    Sorting.sort(l, key=lambda x: x.age, algorithm=Algorithm.SHAKE_SORT)
    assert (l == [p1, p2, p4, p3])

    # sort by name,age ascending
    l = [p3, p2, p1, p4]
                 key=lambda x: (x.name, x.age),
    assert (l == [p1, p4, p2, p3])

    # sort by name ascending and by age descending
    def person_less_than(p1, p2):
        """name ascending, age descending
        if p1.name == p2.name:
            return p1.age > p2.age
        return p1.name < p2.name

    Person.__lt__ = person_less_than
    Person.__gt__ = not person_less_than
    l = [p3, p2, p1, p4]
    Sorting.sort(l, algorithm=Algorithm.SHAKE_SORT)
    assert (l == [p4, p1, p2, p3])

    print("Shake sort ok")
def test_shake_sort():
    test for SHAKE_SORT
    l = [2, 1, 3]
    Sorting.sort(l, algorithm = Algorithm.SHAKE_SORT)
    assert(l == [1, 2, 3])
    Sorting.sort(l, reverse = True, algorithm = Algorithm.SHAKE_SORT)
    assert (l == [3,2,1] )
    l = [2,1,2,3,1]
    Sorting.sort(l, algorithm = Algorithm.SHAKE_SORT)
    assert l == [1,1,2,2,3]
    Sorting.sort(l, reverse = True, algorithm = Algorithm.SHAKE_SORT)
    assert l == [3,2,2,1,1]
    p1 = Person("p1", 1)
    p2 = Person("p2", 2)
    p3 = Person("p3", 3)
    p4 = Person("p1", 2)
    # sort by name asc
    l = [p3, p2, p1, p4]
    Sorting.sort(l, key=lambda x:x.name, algorithm = Algorithm.SHAKE_SORT)
    assert(l == [p1, p4, p2, p3])
    # sort by age desc
    l = [p3, p2, p4, p1]
    Sorting.sort(l, key=lambda x:x.age, reverse=True, algorithm = Algorithm.SHAKE_SORT)
    assert(l == [p3, p2, p4, p1])
    # sort by age asc
    l = [p3, p2, p4, p1]
    Sorting.sort(l, key=lambda x:x.age, algorithm = Algorithm.SHAKE_SORT)
    assert(l == [p1, p2, p4, p3])
    # sort by name,age ascending
    l = [p3, p2, p1, p4]
    Sorting.sort(l, key=lambda x:(x.name, x.age), algorithm = Algorithm.SHAKE_SORT)
    assert(l == [p1, p4, p2, p3])
    # sort by name ascending and by age descending    
    def person_less_than(p1, p2): 
        """name ascending, age descending
        if p1.name == p2.name:
            return p1.age > p2.age
        return p1.name < p2.name

    Person.__lt__ = person_less_than
    Person.__gt__ = not person_less_than
    l = [p3, p2, p1, p4]
    Sorting.sort(l, algorithm = Algorithm.SHAKE_SORT)
    assert(l == [p4, p1, p2, p3])

    print("Shake sort ok")