def stopClicked(self): try: sounddevice.stop() self.recordvoice = self.recordvoice[self.recordvoice != 0] print(self.recordvoice) sounddevice.get_stream() print(len(self.recordvoice)) write('output.wav', self.fs, np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])) write('output.wav', self.fs, self.recordvoice) print('done') test, fs = lr.load('output.wav'), 22050) print(fs) print(test) test = np.array(test) test = test[test != 0] test = np.mean(lr.feature.mfcc(test, sr=22050).T, axis=0) print(test) emoIndex = self.classifier.predict([test])[0] print(emoIndex) wavio.write('output.wav', self.recordvoice, self.fs, sampwidth=2) r = sr.Recognizer() with sr.AudioFile('output.wav') as source: audio = r.listen(source) said = '' try: said = r.recognize_google( audio, language=self.translateLanguageCodes[ self.comboBox.currentIndex()]) self.textEdit.setText(said) except Exception as e: print(e) t = self.translator.translate( text=said, src=self.translateLanguageCodes[self.comboBox.currentIndex()], dest=self.translateLanguageCodes[ self.comboBox_2.currentIndex()]) self.textEdit_2.setText(t.text) if emoIndex == 0: self.emoBox.setCurrentIndex(2) self.setStyleSheet(self.colors[2]) else: self.emoBox.setCurrentIndex(1) self.setStyleSheet(self.colors[1]) except Exception as e: print(e)
def run(self): # thread main play_te(self.fname, self.te, blocking=False) = sounddevice.get_stream() while # poll because the underlying portaudio c-library segfaults on multithreaded access sleep(0.05) if self.stop_requested: sounddevice.stop() return
def speak(): # Cast die alea = (int)(random()*len(samples)) # Play sound data, fs =[alea], dtype='float32'), fs) # Move mouths and eyes while sd.get_stream().active: with sd.Stream(sd.default.samplerate, 0, sd.default.device, 2) as stream: amp =[0] # increase blocksize for better accuracy #print(amp) L = [] R = [] for i in range(len(amp)): L.append(amp[i][0]) R.append(amp[i][1]) amp_L = round(max(L)*mouthVel_L, 1) amp_R = round(max(R)*mouthVel_R, 1) print('Playing:', samples[alea], 'L:', amp_L, 'R:', amp_R) # Left audio channel if(amp_L > pause): arduino.write('ml'.encode()) arduino.write(str(amp_L).encode()) arduino.write('\n'.encode()) sleep(dly) # Move eyes arduino.write('ex'.encode()) arduino.write(str(amp_L).encode()) arduino.write('\n'.encode()) sleep(dly) # Right audio channel if(amp_R > pause): arduino.write('mr'.encode()) arduino.write(str(amp_R).encode()) arduino.write('\n'.encode()) sleep(dly) # Blink # if(amp_L < pause and amp_R < pause): if(random() < .05): arduino.write('b'.encode()) arduino.write('\n'.encode()) sleep(.15) # Reset eyes if(amp_L < pause): resetEyes() broadcast('playing:' + samples[alea]) resetMotors() resetEyes()
def speak(): # Cast die alea = (int)(random() * len(samples)) sout('Alea est:' + str(alea)) # Play sound data, fs = + samples[alea], dtype='float32'), fs) # Broadcast mouth = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM) mouth.setblocking(False) mouth.setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, 1) while sd.get_stream().active: sout('playing:' + samples[alea]) mouth.sendto(bytes('playing:' + samples[alea], encoding='utf-8'), ('', 12345)) mouth.close()
import sounddevice as sd import soundfile as sf filename = '/home/pi/robokerho/samples/Hurjajuttu/Puhe 006HalvintaKaljaa.wav' data, fs =, dtype='float32') mouthVel = 90 #scale according to mouth motor, fs) while sd.get_stream().active: with sd.Stream() as stream: amp = round([0].max(), 1) * mouthVel print(amp)
def active(self): try: stream = sd.get_stream() except RuntimeError: return False return
def _stream(self): return sd.get_stream()
def active(self): return sd.get_stream().active