def table_allstats(): '''Function makes calculations for all statistics''' while True: console.header('START CALCULATE ALL STATISTICS...', True) # Ask for all in one ok, period, places, type, name = cask.ask_period_stations_type_name( 'all') if not ok: break console.header(f'CALCULATING ALL STATISTICS...', True) st = time.time_ns() path = allstats.calculate(places, period, name, type) console.log(vt.process_time('Total processing time is ', st), True) if type != 'cmd': fopen = cask.ask_to_open_with_app( f'\nOpen the file (type={type}) with your default application ?' ) if fopen: fio.open_with_app(path, 2, True) # Always ask for going back again = cask.ask_again( f'\nDo you want to make another all statistics table ?') if utils.is_quit(again): break console.footer(f'END CALCULATE ALL STATISTICS...', True)
def process_knmi_dayvalues_selected(): '''Function asks for one or more wmo numbers to download their data''' console.header('START DOWNLOAD STATION(S) KNMI DATA DAY VALUES...', True) done, max = 0, (stations.list) while True: places = cask.ask_for_stations('\nSelect one or more stations ? ', stations.list) if utils.is_quit(places): break st = time.time_ns() for stat in places: daydata.process_data(stat) console.log(' ', True) console.log(vt.process_time('Total processing time is ', st), True) again = cask.ask_again(f'Do you want to download more stations ?', True) if utils.is_quit(again): break console.footer('END DOWNLOAD STATION(S) KNMI DATA DAY VALUES...', True)
def search_for_days(): '''Function searches files for days with specific values. ie > 30 degrees''' while True: console.header('START SEARCHING FOR SPECIFIC DAYS...', True) period = cask.ask_for_period( '\nFor which time periode do you want to search ? ') if utils.is_quit(period): break places = cask.ask_for_stations( '\nSelect one or more weather stations ?') if not places: cask.ask_back_to_main_menu() break elif utils.is_quit(places): break query = cask.ask_for_query('\nType in a query for selecting days ? ') if utils.is_quit(query): break type = cask.ask_for_file_type('\nSelect output filetype ? ', cfg.default_output) if utils.is_quit(type): break fname = f'days-{utils.make_query_txt_only(query)}-{period}-{utils.now_for_file()}' fname = fname.replace('*', 'x').replace(' ', '') fname = cask.ask_for_file_name( '\nGive a name for the file ? <optional>', fname) if utils.is_quit(fname): break st = time.time_ns() path = search4days.calculate(places, period, query, type, fname) console.log(vt.process_time('Total processing time is ', st), True) if type in ['text', 'html']: fopen = cask.ask_to_open_with_app( f'\nOpen the file (type={type}) with your default application ?' ) if fopen: fio.open_with_app(path, 2, True) # Always ask for going back again = cask.ask_again(f'Do you want to search for days again ?', True) if utils.is_quit(again): break console.footer('END SEARCH FOR DAYS...', True)
def get_dayvalues_by_date(): '''Funtion gets day values from data knmi ''' while True: console.header('START: SEARCHING AND PREPARING DAY VALUES...', True) # Ask for station places = cask.ask_for_stations( '\nSelect one or more weather stations ?') # QUESTION: # QUESTION: if not places: break elif utils.is_quit(places): break period = cask.ask_for_period( '\nSelect one date or period(s) for the dayvalues ? ') if utils.is_quit(period): break type = cask.ask_for_file_type('\nSelect output filetype ? ', cfg.default_output) if utils.is_quit(type): break download = cask.ask_for_yn( '\nDo you want to download the data first ?', 'no') if utils.is_quit(download): break download = True if utils.is_yes(download) else False check = cask.ask_type_options( '\nDo you want to add only new files or rewrite it all ? ', ['add', 'rewrite'], 'add') if utils.is_quit(check): break console.log('CHECK-1: ' + str(check)) check = True if check == 'add' else False console.log('CHECK-2: ' + str(check)) st = time.time_ns() path = mdayval.calculate(places, period, type, check, download) console.log(vt.process_time('Total processing time is ', st), True) fopen = cask.ask_to_open_with_app( f'\nOpen the (last made) file (type={type}) with your default application ?' ) if fopen: fio.open_with_app(path) # Always ask for going back t = f'\nDo you want to select another period(s) and or station(s) ?' again = cask.ask_again(t) if utils.is_quit(again): break console.footer('END SEARCHING AND PREPARING DAY VALUES...', True)
def month_extremes(): '''Function calculates extremes in a month in''' while True: console.header('START CALCULATE EXTREMES IN A MONTH...', True) month = cask.ask_for_a_month( '\nFor which month do you want to calculate the extremes ? ') if utils.is_quit(month): break period = cask.ask_for_period( f'\nFor what time periode do you want to caculate the extremes in the month {month} ? ' ) if utils.is_quit(period): break places = cask.ask_for_stations( '\nSelect one or more weather stations ? ') if utils.is_quit(places): break type = cask.ask_for_file_type('\nSelect output filetype ? ', cfg.default_output) if utils.is_quit(type): break fname = f'monthextremes-{month}-{period}-{utils.now_for_file()}' fname = fname.replace('*', 'x').replace(' ', '') fname = cask.ask_for_file_name( '\nGive a name for the file ? <optional>', fname) if utils.is_quit(fname): break st = time.time_ns() path = mmonthextremes.calculate(places, period, month, type, fname) console.log(vt.process_time('Total processing time is ', st), True) if type in ['text', 'html']: fopen = cask.ask_to_open_with_app( f'\nOpen the file (type={type}) with your default application ?' ) if fopen: fio.open_with_app(path, 2, True) # Always ask for going back again = cask.ask_again( f'Do you want to calculate extremes for a month again ?', True) if utils.is_quit(again): break console.footer('END CALCULATE EXTREMES IN A MONTH...', True)
def year_extremes(): '''Function calculates extremes in a year''' while True: console.header('START CALCULATE EXTREMES IN A YEAR...', True) year = cask.ask_for_a_year('\nSelect a year for the extremes ? ') if utils.is_quit(year): break places = cask.ask_for_stations( '\nSelect one or more weather stations ? ') if utils.is_quit(places): break type = cask.ask_for_file_type('\nSelect output filetype ? ', cfg.default_output) if utils.is_quit(type): break fname = f'yearextremes-{year}-{utils.now_for_file()}' fname = fname.replace('*', 'x').replace(' ', '') fname = cask.ask_for_file_name( '\nGive a name for the file ? <optional>', fname) if utils.is_quit(fname): break st = time.time_ns() path = myearextremes.calculate(places, year, type, fname) console.log(vt.process_time('Total processing time is ', st), True) if type in ['text', 'html']: fopen = cask.ask_to_open_with_app( f'\nOpen the file (type={type}) with your default application ?' ) if fopen: fio.open_with_app(path) # Always ask for going back again = cask.ask_again( f'Do you want to calculate extremes for a year again ?', True) if utils.is_quit(again): break console.footer('END CALCULATE EXTREMES IN A YEAR...', True)
def graph_period(): '''Funtion makes images for a period from the data of the knmi''' while True: console.header('START MAKING A IMAGE GRAPH...', True) period = cask.ask_for_period('What time periode ?') if utils.is_quit(period): break places = cask.ask_for_stations('\nSelect weather station(s) ?') if not places: cask.ask_back_to_main_menu() break elif utils.is_quit(places): break entities = cask.ask_for_entities('\nSelect weather entity(s) ?') if utils.is_quit(entities): break ent_type_graphs = list() for ent in entities: ent_type = ent.upper() # Set to none or defaults graph_type = cfg.plot_graph_type line_width = cfg.plot_line_width marker_size = cfg.plot_marker_size marker_text = cfg.plot_marker_txt min_max_ave_period = cfg.plot_min_max_ave_period climate_ave = cfg.plot_climate_ave climate_ave_marker_txt = cfg.plot_climate_marker_txt climate_periode = cfg.climate_period graph_type = cask.ask_type_options( f'\nWhich type graph do you want to use for {ent_type} ? ', ['line', 'bar'], cfg.plot_graph_type) if utils.is_quit(graph_type): break break if graph_type == 'line': # TODO MAKE OPTIONS FOR EACH ENTITIY COLOR OPTIONS line_width = cask.ask_for_int( f'\nSet the width of the line (in pixels) for {ent_type} ? ', cfg.plot_line_width) # Width line if utils.is_quit(line_width): break break marker_size = cask.ask_for_int( f'\nSet the marker size (in pixels) for {ent_type} ? ', cfg.plot_marker_size) # Dot sizes on day if utils.is_quit(marker_size): break break marker_txt = cask.ask_for_yn( f'\nValues next to the markers for {ent_type} ? ', cfg.plot_marker_txt) if utils.is_quit(marker_txt): break break min_max_ave_period = cask.ask_for_yn( '\nCalculate min, max and average value in period too ? ', cfg.plot_min_max_ave_period) if utils.is_quit(min_max_ave_period): break break climate_ave = cask.ask_for_yn( f'\nCalculate and plot the climate averages for {ent_type} ? ', cfg.plot_climate_ave) if utils.is_quit(climate_ave): break break if utils.is_yes(climate_ave): climate_ave_marker_txt = cask.ask_for_yn( f'\nValues next to the markers for climate averages for {ent_type} ? ', cfg.plot_climate_marker_txt) if utils.is_quit(climate_ave_marker_txt): break break sy, ey = cfg.climate_period.split('-') climate_y_s = cask.ask_for_int( f'\nGive a start year for the calculation of climate averages <yyyy> for {ent_type} ? ', sy) if utils.is_quit(climate_y_s): break break climate_y_e = cask.ask_for_int( f'\nGive an end year for the calculation of climate average <yyyy> for {ent_type} ? ', ey) if utils.is_quit(climate_y_e): break break climate_periode = f'{climate_y_s}-{climate_y_e}' ent_type_graphs.append([ ent_type, graph_type, line_width, marker_size, marker_text, min_max_ave_period, climate_ave, climate_ave_marker_txt, climate_periode ]) console.log('Fill in the parameters for the image', False) title = cask.ask_for_txt('\nGive a title for the graph') ylabel = cask.ask_for_txt('\nGive a y-as label for the graph') default = cask.ask_for_yn( '\nDo you want to use default values ?\nSee file ->', cfg.plot_default) if utils.is_quit(default): break # Make option list options = { 'plot_width': cfg.plot_width, 'plot_height': cfg.plot_height, 'plot_cummul_val': cfg.plot_cummul_val, 'plot_image_type': cfg.plot_image_type, 'plot_dpi': cfg.plot_dpi } if utils.is_no(default): # Update option list plot_width = cask.ask_for_int( '\nGive the width (in pixels) for the graph.', cfg.plot_width) if utils.is_quit(plot_width): break else: options['plot_width'] = plot_width plot_height = cask.ask_for_int( '\nGive the height (in pixels) for the graph.', cfg.plot_height) if utils.is_quit(plot_height): break else: options['plot_height'] = plot_height plot_cummul_val = cask.ask_for_yn( '\nDo you want cummulative values for the graph ? ', cfg.plot_cummul_val) if utils.is_quit(plot_cummul_val): break else: options[ 'plot_cummul_val'] = plot_cummul_val # Take first yess or no plot_image_type = cask.ask_type_options( '\nWhat type of image ? ', ['png', 'jpg', 'ps', 'pdf', 'svg'], cfg.plot_image_type) if utils.is_quit(plot_image_type): break else: options['plot_image_type'] = plot_image_type plot_dpi = cask.ask_for_int('\nGive the dpi ? ', cfg.plot_dpi) if utils.is_quit(plot_dpi): break else: options['plot_dpi'] = plot_dpi fname = f"graph-{period.replace('*', 'x')}-{utils.now_for_file()}" fname = cask.ask_for_file_name('\nGive a name for the file ? ', fname) if utils.is_quit(fname): break console.header('PREPARING IMAGES...', True) st = time.time_ns() path = vg.plot(places, ent_type_graphs, period, title, ylabel, fname, options) console.log(vt.process_time('Total processing time is ', st), True) fopen = cask.ask_to_open_with_app( f'\nOpen the file (type={options["plot_image_type"]}) with your default application ?' ) if fopen: fio.open_with_app(path) # Always ask for going back again = cask.ask_again(f'\nDo you want to make more images ?') if utils.is_quit(again): break console.footer('END MAKING A IMAGE GRAPH...', True)