def handle_what_is(req, res, tokens): if "что" in tokens and "такой" in tokens or \ "как" in tokens and "выглядеть" in tokens: filter(lambda t: t != "что" and t != "такой", tokens) for token in tokens: for d in GLOBAL_DATA['DICTIONARY']: for variant in d: flag = False if isinstance(variant, tuple): flag = True for word in variant: if word[0] == '-': if word in tokens: flag = False else: if word not in tokens: flag = False elif variant == token: flag = True if flag: if len(GLOBAL_DATA['DICTIONARY'][d]) == 1: res['response']['text'] = GLOBAL_DATA[ 'DICTIONARY'][d][0] res['response']['buttons'] = get_suggests( GLOBAL_DATA['START_SUGGEST']) elif len(GLOBAL_DATA['DICTIONARY'][d]) == 2: res['response']['card'] = { "type": "ItemsList", "header": { "text": GLOBAL_DATA['DICTIONARY'][d][0] if GLOBAL_DATA['DICTIONARY'][d][0] else "Это легче показать, чем описать:", }, "items": [{ "title": "пример", "image_id": GLOBAL_DATA['DICTIONARY'][d][1] }] } if GLOBAL_DATA['DICTIONARY'][d][0]: res['response']['text'] = GLOBAL_DATA[ 'DICTIONARY'][d][0] res['response']['buttons'] = get_suggests( GLOBAL_DATA['START_SUGGEST']) return True return False
def handle_help(req, res, tokens): if "помощь" in tokens or ("что" in tokens and "ты" in tokens and "уметь" in tokens): res['response']['text'] = GLOBAL_DATA['HELP_TEXT_FULL'] res['response']['buttons'] = get_suggests(GLOBAL_DATA['START_SUGGEST']) return True return False
def handle_random_recipe(req, res, tokens): if ("коктейль" in tokens or "рецепт" in tokens) and ("какой" in tokens and "нибыть" in tokens or "случайный" in tokens or "рандомный" in tokens): res['response']['text'] = gen_text_cocktail( random.choice(list(GLOBAL_DATA['COCKTAILS'].keys()))) res['response']['buttons'] = get_suggests(GLOBAL_DATA['START_SUGGEST']) return True return False
def handle_how_to_drink(req, res, tokens): if "пить" in tokens: tokens.remove("пить") for alco in GLOBAL_DATA['ALCO']: a_norm = norm(alco) for a in a_norm: if a in tokens: res['response']['text'] = gen_text_alco(alco) res['response']['buttons'] = get_suggests( ["Коктейли с " + alco]) return True return False
def handle_new_session(req, res, tokens): if req['session']['new']: res['response']['card'] = { "type": "BigImage", "image_id": "997614/29e868d8ba3548bc33c8", "title": "Здравствуйте. Чем могу быть полезен?", "description": GLOBAL_DATA['HELP_TEXT'] + '\n\nСоздано при поддержке', "button": { "text": "Посетить сайт", "url": "", "payload": {} } } res['response']['text'] = GLOBAL_DATA['HELP_TEXT'] res['response']['buttons'] = get_suggests(GLOBAL_DATA['START_SUGGEST']) return True return False
def handle_default(req, res, tokens): res['response']['text'] = 'Ничего не нашлось, давайте попробуем что-нибудь другое!' \ ' Для вызова справки скажите "помощь"' res['response']['buttons'] = get_suggests(GLOBAL_DATA['START_SUGGEST']) return True