def parse_week_day(self, text):
         for (k, n) in self.WEEKDAYS.items():
             if k in text:
                 return n
     except KeyError:
         wrong_format(MIIGAIK_SCHEDULE_URL, "can not parse weekday")
    def __init__(self):
        front_page_data = self.request_get(MIIGAIK_SCHEDULE_URL)
        dom = BeautifulSoup(front_page_data)
        forms = dom.findAll("form")
        if len(forms) > 1:
            wrong_format(MIIGAIK_SCHEDULE_URL, "more than one form")
        form = forms[0]

        def pull_out_list(name):
            return [
                for i in parse_select_item(form.find("select", attrs={u"name": name}))
                if i["text"].strip() and i["value"]

        self._faculties = pull_out_list("fak")
        self._years = pull_out_list("kurs")
        self._groups = pull_out_list("grup")
    def parse_table(self, group_id, table):
        utemp = dict((day, DaySchedule()) for day in xrange(1, 8))
        ltemp = dict((day, DaySchedule()) for day in xrange(1, 8))
        for row in table.findAll("tr"):
            cells = row.findAll("td")
            if len(cells) == self.ROWCOUNT and any(_un(t.text).strip() for t in cells):
                    lesson = self.row_to_lesson(group_id, cells)
                except ValueError as e:
                    wrong_format(MIIGAIK_SCHEDULE_URL, "can not parse lesson because of %s" % e)
                if lesson.week_type == UPPER_WEEK:
                    utemp[lesson.week_day].set_lesson(lesson.number, lesson)
                    ltemp[lesson.week_day].set_lesson(lesson.number, lesson)

        def conv(lst):
            p = lst.items()
            p.sort(lambda t1, t2: cmp(t1[0], t2[0]))
            return [i for i in p if len(i[1]) > 0]

        return GroupDataContainer(group_id, conv(utemp), conv(ltemp))
 def find_form(dom):
     forms = dom.findAll("form")
     if len(forms) > 1:
         wrong_format(MIIGAIK_SCHEDULE_URL, "more than one form")
     return forms[0]
 def parse_week_type(self, text):
         return self.WEEK_MAP[text]
     except KeyError:
         wrong_format(MIIGAIK_SCHEDULE_URL, "can not parse week type")
 def choose_table(self, data):
     for table in data.findAll("table"):
         if self.table_is_valid(table):
             return table
     raise wrong_format(MIIGAIK_SCHEDULE_URL, "can not find valid table")