def test_read_old_lock_and_write_new(tmpdir):
    build_only = ('build', )

    y = MockPackage('y', [], [])
    x = MockPackage('x', [y], [build_only])

    mock_repo = MockPackageMultiRepo([x, y])
    with spack.repo.swap(mock_repo):
        x = Spec('x')

        y = x['y']

        test_lockfile_dict = create_v1_lockfile_dict([x], [x, y])

        test_lockfile_path = str(tmpdir.join('test.lock'))
        with open(test_lockfile_path, 'w') as f:
            sjson.dump(test_lockfile_dict, stream=f)

        _env_create('test', test_lockfile_path, with_view=False)

        e = ev.read('test')
        hashes = set(e._to_lockfile_dict()['concrete_specs'])
        # When the lockfile is rewritten, it should adopt the new hash scheme
        # which accounts for all dependencies, including build dependencies
        assert hashes == set([x.build_hash(), y.build_hash()])
def test_read_old_lock_creates_backup(tmpdir):
    """When reading a version-1 lockfile, make sure that a backup of that file
    is created.
    y = MockPackage('y', [], [])

    mock_repo = MockPackageMultiRepo([y])
    with spack.repo.swap(mock_repo):
        y = Spec('y')

        test_lockfile_dict = create_v1_lockfile_dict([y], [y])

        env_root = tmpdir.mkdir('test-root')
        test_lockfile_path = str(env_root.join(ev.lockfile_name))
        with open(test_lockfile_path, 'w') as f:
            sjson.dump(test_lockfile_dict, stream=f)

        e = ev.Environment(str(env_root))
        assert os.path.exists(e._lock_backup_v1_path)
        with open(e._lock_backup_v1_path, 'r') as backup_v1_file:
            lockfile_dict_v1 = sjson.load(backup_v1_file)
        # Make sure that the backup file follows the v1 hash scheme
        assert y.dag_hash() in lockfile_dict_v1['concrete_specs']