def deform(self, mesh, anchors): #t_start = time.time() delta = np.array( #t_end = time.time() #print("delta computation time is %.5f seconds." % (t_end - t_start)) #t_start = time.time() # augment delta solution matrix with weighted anchors for i in range(self.k): delta[self.n + i, :] = self.weight * anchors[i, :] #t_end = time.time() #print("give anchor value computation time is %.5f seconds." % (t_end - t_start)) #t_start = time.time() # update mesh vertices with least-squares solution for i in range(3): mesh.points()[:, i] = sparseqr.solve(self.L, delta[:, i], tolerance=1e-8) #mesh.points()[:, i] = lsqr(self.L, delta[:, i])[0] #t_end = time.time() #print("sparse lsqr time is %.5f seconds." % (t_end - t_start)) return mesh
def deform(self, verts, achr_verts): self.L = sparse.coo_matrix((self.V, (self.I, self.J)), shape=(self.n + self.k, self.n)).tocsr() delta = np.array( # augment delta solution matrix with weighted anchors for i in range(self.k): delta[self.n + i, :] = self.weight * achr_verts[i, :] # update mesh vertices with least-squares solution deformed_verts = np.zeros(verts.shape) for i in range(3): deformed_verts[:, i] = sparseqr.solve(self.L, delta[:, i], tolerance=1e-8) return deformed_verts
def solveLaplacianMesh(mesh, anchors, anchorsIdx, cotangent=True): n = mesh.n_vertices() k = anchorsIdx.shape[0] operator = (getLaplacianMatrixUmbrella, getLaplacianMatrixCotangent) L = operator[1](mesh, anchorsIdx) if cotangent else operator[0](mesh, anchorsIdx) delta = np.array( # augment delta solution matrix with weighted anchors for i in range(k): delta[n + i, :] = WEIGHT * anchors[i, :] # update mesh vertices with least-squares solution for i in range(3): #mesh.points()[:, i] = lsqr(L, delta[:, i])[0] mesh.points()[:, i] = sparseqr.solve(L, delta[:, i], tolerance=1e-8) return mesh
def run(self): self.get_patches() self.poisson_b = [] cols_all = [] vals_all = [] rows_all = [] row_global = 0 for i in self.valid_index: [colidx, colvals, bvals] = self.build_patch_for_poisson(self.mask_patches[i], self.data_patches[i], self.index_1d_patches[i]) self.poisson_b.append(bvals) cols_all.append(colidx) vals_all.append(colvals) rows_all.append(np.ones_like(colidx) * row_global) row_global += 1 rows_all_flat = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(rows_all)) cols_all_flat = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(cols_all)) vals_all_flat = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(vals_all)) self.poisson_A = sparse.coo_matrix( (vals_all_flat, (rows_all_flat, cols_all_flat)), shape=(row_global, self.valid_num)) self.poisson_b = np.array(self.poisson_b) # depth fusion if self.depth_A is not None: self.poisson_A = sparse.vstack((self.poisson_A, self.depth_A)) self.poisson_b = np.hstack((self.poisson_b, self.depth_b)) depth = sparseqr.solve(self.poisson_A, self.poisson_b, tolerance=0) self.depth.reshape(-1)[self.valid_index] = depth return self.depth
print "Average time:", total_time / float(n_trials), "sec." print "Average error:", total_error / float(n_trials) # PySPQR if PySPQR == 1: total_time = 0 total_error = 0 for i in range(n_trials): A = scipy.sparse.rand(matrix_size[0], matrix_size[1], density=matrix_density) x_true = np.random.random(matrix_size[1]) b = A * x_true start = time.clock() A = A.tocsr() x = sparseqr.solve(A, b, tolerance=1e-4) end = time.clock() total_time += end - start total_error += np.linalg.norm(x - x_true, ord=2) print "Average time:", total_time / float(n_trials), "sec." print "Average error:", total_error / float(n_trials) # CVXPY if CVXPY_SCS == 1: total_time = 0 total_error = 0 for i in range(n_trials): A = scipy.sparse.rand(matrix_size[0], matrix_size[1], density=matrix_density) x_true = np.random.random(matrix_size[1])
def smooth_xyt_fit(**kwargs): required_fields = ('data', 'W', 'ctr', 'spacing', 'E_RMS') args = { 'reference_epoch': 0, 'W_ctr': 1e4, 'mask_file': None, 'mask_scale': None, 'compute_E': False, 'max_iterations': 10, 'srs_WKT': None, 'N_subset': None, 'bias_params': None, 'repeat_res': None, 'repeat_dt': 1, 'Edit_only': False, 'dzdt_lags': [1, 4], 'VERBOSE': True } args.update(kwargs) for field in required_fields: if field not in kwargs: raise ValueError("%s must be defined", field) valid_data = np.ones_like(args['data'].x, dtype=bool) timing = dict() if args['N_subset'] is not None: tic = time() valid_data = edit_data_by_subset_fit(args['N_subset'], args) timing['edit_by_subset'] = time() - tic if args['Edit_only']: return { 'timing': timing, 'data': args['data'].copy().subset(valid_data) } m = dict() E = dict() # define the grids tic = time() bds = { coord: args['ctr'][coord] + np.array([-0.5, 0.5]) * args['W'][coord] for coord in ('x', 'y', 't') } grids = dict() grids['z0'] = fd_grid([bds['y'], bds['x']], args['spacing']['z0'] * np.ones(2), name='z0', srs_WKT=args['srs_WKT'], mask_file=args['mask_file']) grids['dz']=fd_grid( [bds['y'], bds['x'], bds['t']], \ [args['spacing']['dz'], args['spacing']['dz'], args['spacing']['dt']], col_0=grids['z0'].N_nodes, name='dz', srs_WKT=args['srs_WKT'], mask_file=args['mask_file']) grids['z0'].col_N = grids['dz'].col_N grids['t'] = fd_grid([bds['t']], [args['spacing']['dt']], name='t') # select only the data points that are within the grid bounds valid_z0 = grids['z0'].validate_pts((args['data'].coords()[0:2])) valid_dz = grids['dz'].validate_pts((args['data'].coords())) valid_data = valid_data & valid_dz & valid_z0 # if repeat_res is given, resample the data to include only repeat data (to within a spatial tolerance of repeat_res) if args['repeat_res'] is not None: valid_data[valid_data]=valid_data[valid_data] & \ select_repeat_data(args['data'].copy().subset(valid_data), grids, args['repeat_dt'], args['repeat_res']) # subset the data based on the valid mask data = args['data'].copy().subset(valid_data) # if we have a mask file, use it to subset the data # needs to be done after the valid subset because otherwise the interp_mtx for the mask file fails. if args['mask_file'] is not None: temp = fd_grid([bds['y'], bds['x']], [args['spacing']['z0'], args['spacing']['z0']], name='z0', srs_WKT=args['srs_WKT'], mask_file=args['mask_file']) data_mask = lin_op(temp, name='interp_z').interp_mtx( data.coords()[0:2]).toCSR().dot(grids['z0'].mask.ravel()) data_mask[~np.isfinite(data_mask)] = 0 if np.any(data_mask == 0): data.subset(~(data_mask == 0)) valid_data[valid_data] = ~(data_mask == 0) # define the interpolation operator, equal to the sum of the dz and z0 operators G_data = lin_op(grids['z0'], name='interp_z').interp_mtx(data.coords()[0:2]) G_data.add(lin_op(grids['dz'], name='interp_dz').interp_mtx(data.coords())) # define the smoothness constraints grad2_z0 = lin_op(grids['z0'], name='grad2_z0').grad2(DOF='z0') grad2_dz = lin_op(grids['dz'], name='grad2_dzdt').grad2_dzdt(DOF='z', t_lag=1) grad_dzdt = lin_op(grids['dz'], name='grad_dzdt').grad_dzdt(DOF='z', t_lag=1) constraint_op_list = [grad2_z0, grad2_dz, grad_dzdt] if 'd2z_dt2' in args['E_RMS'] and args['E_RMS']['d2z_dt2'] is not None: d2z_dt2 = lin_op(grids['dz'], name='d2z_dt2').d2z_dt2(DOF='z') constraint_op_list.append(d2z_dt2) # if bias params are given, create a set of parameters to estimate them if args['bias_params'] is not None: data, bias_model = assign_bias_ID(data, args['bias_params']) G_bias, Gc_bias, Cvals_bias, bias_model = param_bias_matrix( data, bias_model, bias_param_name='bias_ID', col_0=grids['dz'].col_N) G_data.add(G_bias) constraint_op_list.append(Gc_bias) # put the equations together Gc = lin_op(None, name='constraints').vstack(constraint_op_list) N_eq = G_data.N_eq + Gc.N_eq # put together all the errors Ec = np.zeros(Gc.N_eq) root_delta_V_dz = np.sqrt(['dz'].delta)) root_delta_A_z0 = np.sqrt(['z0'].delta)) Ec[Gc.TOC['rows']['grad2_z0']] = args['E_RMS'][ 'd2z0_dx2'] / root_delta_A_z0 * grad2_z0.mask_for_ind0( args['mask_scale']) Ec[Gc.TOC['rows']['grad2_dzdt']] = args['E_RMS'][ 'd3z_dx2dt'] / root_delta_V_dz * grad2_dz.mask_for_ind0( args['mask_scale']) Ec[Gc.TOC['rows']['grad_dzdt']] = args['E_RMS'][ 'd2z_dxdt'] / root_delta_V_dz * grad_dzdt.mask_for_ind0( args['mask_scale']) if 'd2z_dt2' in args['E_RMS'] and args['E_RMS']['d2z_dt2'] is not None: Ec[Gc.TOC['rows'] ['d2z_dt2']] = args['E_RMS']['d2z_dt2'] / root_delta_V_dz if args['bias_params'] is not None: Ec[Gc.TOC['rows'][]] = Cvals_bias Ed = data.sigma.ravel() # calculate the inverse square root of the data covariance matrix TCinv = sp.dia_matrix((1. / np.concatenate((Ed, Ec)), 0), shape=(N_eq, N_eq)) # define the right hand side of the equation rhs = np.zeros([N_eq]) rhs[0:data.size] = data.z.ravel() # put the fit and constraint matrices together Gcoo = sp.vstack([G_data.toCSR(), Gc.toCSR()]).tocoo() cov_rows = G_data.N_eq + np.arange(Gc.N_eq) # define the matrix that sets dz[reference_epoch]=0 by removing columns from the solution: # Find the identify the rows and columns that match the reference epoch temp_r, temp_c = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0, grids['dz'].shape[0]), np.arange(0, grids['dz'].shape[1])) z02_mask = grids['dz'].global_ind([ temp_r.transpose().ravel(), temp_c.transpose().ravel(), args['reference_epoch'] + np.zeros_like(temp_r).ravel() ]) # Identify all of the DOFs that do not include the reference epoch cols = np.arange(G_data.col_N, dtype='int') include_cols = np.setdiff1d(cols, z02_mask) # Generate a matrix that has diagonal elements corresponding to all DOFs except the reference epoch. # Multiplying this by a matrix with columns for all model parameters yeilds a matrix with no columns # corresponding to the reference epoch. Ip_c = sp.coo_matrix((np.ones_like(include_cols), (include_cols, np.arange(include_cols.size))), shape=(Gc.col_N, include_cols.size)).tocsc() # eliminate the columns for the model variables that are set to zero Gcoo = timing['setup'] = time() - tic if np.any(data.z > 2500): print('outlier!') # initialize the book-keeping matrices for the inversion m0 = np.zeros(Ip_c.shape[0]) if "three_sigma_edit" in data.list_of_fields: inTSE = np.where(data.three_sigma_edit)[0] else: inTSE = np.arange(G_data.N_eq, dtype=int) if args['VERBOSE']: print("initial: %d:" % G_data.r.max()) tic_iteration = time() for iteration in range(args['max_iterations']): # build the parsing matrix that removes invalid rows Ip_r = sp.coo_matrix( (np.ones(Gc.N_eq + inTSE.size), (np.arange(Gc.N_eq + inTSE.size), np.concatenate( (inTSE, cov_rows)))), shape=(Gc.N_eq + inTSE.size, Gcoo.shape[0])).tocsc() m0_last = m0 if args['VERBOSE']: print("starting qr solve for iteration %d" % iteration) # solve the equations tic = time() m0 = sparseqr.solve(, timing['sparseqr_solve'] = time() - tic # quit if the solution is too similar to the previous solution if (np.max(np.abs( (m0_last - m0)[Gc.TOC['cols']['dz']])) < 0.05) and (iteration > 2): break # calculate the full data residual rs_data = (data.z - G_data.toCSR().dot(m0)) / data.sigma # calculate the robust standard deviation of the scaled residuals for the selected data sigma_hat = RDE(rs_data[inTSE]) inTSE_last = inTSE # select the data that are within 3*sigma of the solution inTSE = np.where(np.abs(rs_data) < 3.0 * np.maximum(1, sigma_hat))[0] if args['VERBOSE']: print('found %d in TSE, sigma_hat=%3.3f' % (inTSE.size, sigma_hat)) if (sigma_hat <= 1 or (inTSE.size == inTSE_last.size and np.all(inTSE_last == inTSE))) and (iteration > 2): if args['VERBOSE']: print("sigma_hat LT 1, exiting") break timing['iteration'] = time() - tic_iteration inTSE = inTSE_last valid_data[valid_data] = (np.abs(rs_data) < 3.0 * np.maximum(1, sigma_hat)) data.assign( {'three_sigma_edit': np.abs(rs_data) < 3.0 * np.maximum(1, sigma_hat)}) # report the model-based estimate of the data points data.assign({'z_est': np.reshape(G_data.toCSR().dot(m0), data.shape)}) # reshape the components of m to the grid shapes m['z0'] = np.reshape(m0[Gc.TOC['cols']['z0']], grids['z0'].shape) m['dz'] = np.reshape(m0[Gc.TOC['cols']['dz']], grids['dz'].shape) # calculate height rates for lag in args['dzdt_lags']: this_name = 'dzdt_lag%d' % lag m[this_name] = lin_op(grids['dz'], name='dzdt', col_N=G_data.col_N).dzdt(lag=lag).grid_prod(m0) # build a matrix that takes the average of the central 20 km of the delta-z grid XR = np.mean(grids['z0'].bds[0]) + np.array([-1., 1.]) * args['W_ctr'] / 2. YR = np.mean(grids['z0'].bds[1]) + np.array([-1., 1.]) * args['W_ctr'] / 2. center_dzbar = lin_op(grids['dz'], name='center_dzbar', col_N=G_data.col_N).vstack([ lin_op(grids['dz']).mean_of_bounds( (XR, YR, [season, season])) for season in grids['dz'].ctrs[2] ]) G_dzbar = center_dzbar.toCSR() # calculate the grid mean of dz m['dz_bar'] = # build a matrix that takes the lagged temporal derivative of dzbar (e.g. quarterly dzdt, annual dzdt) for lag in args['dzdt_lags']: this_name = 'dzdt_bar_lag%d' % lag this_op = lin_op(grids['t'], name=this_name).diff(lag=lag).toCSR() # calculate the grid mean of dz/dt m[this_name] =['dz_bar'].ravel()) # report the parameter biases. Sorted in order of the parameter bias arguments #??? if args['bias_params'] is not None: m['bias'] = parse_biases(m0, bias_model['bias_ID_dict'], args['bias_params']) # report the entire model vector, just in case we want it. m['all'] = m0 # report the geolocation of the output map m['extent'] = np.concatenate((grids['z0'].bds[1], grids['z0'].bds[0])) # parse the resduals to assess the contributions of the total error: # Make the C matrix for the constraints TCinv_cov = sp.dia_matrix((1. / Ec, 0), shape=(Gc.N_eq, Gc.N_eq)) rc = ru = Gc.toCSR().dot(m0) R = dict() RMS = dict() for eq_type in ['d2z_dt2', 'grad2_z0', 'grad2_dzdt']: if eq_type in Gc.TOC['rows']: R[eq_type] = np.sum(rc[Gc.TOC['rows'][eq_type]]**2) RMS[eq_type] = np.sqrt(np.mean(ru[Gc.TOC['rows'][eq_type]]**2)) R['data'] = np.sum(((data.z_est - data.z) / data.sigma)**2) RMS['data'] = np.sqrt(np.mean((data.z_est - data.z)**2)) # if we need to compute the errors in the solution, continue if args['compute_E']: tic = time() # take the QZ transform of Gcoo z, R, perm, rank = sparseqr.qz(, z = z.ravel() R = R.tocsr() R.sort_indices() R.eliminate_zeros() timing['decompose_qz'] = time() - tic E0 = np.zeros(R.shape[0]) # compute Rinv for use in propagating errors. # what should the tolerance be? We will eventually square Rinv and take its # row-wise sum. We care about errors at the cm level, so # size(Rinv)*tol^2 = 0.01 -> tol=sqrt(0.01/size(Rinv))~ 1E-4 tic = time() RR, CC, VV, status = inv_tr_upper(R, / 4), 1.e-5) # save Rinv as a sparse array. The syntax perm[RR] undoes the permutation from QZ Rinv = sp.coo_matrix((VV, (perm[RR], CC)), shape=R.shape).tocsr() timing['Rinv_cython'] = time() - tic tic = time() E0 = np.sqrt(Rinv.power(2).sum(axis=1)) timing['propagate_errors'] = time() - tic # generate the full E vector. E0 appears to be an ndarray, E0 = np.array( E['z0'] = np.reshape(E0[Gc.TOC['cols']['z0']], grids['z0'].shape) E['dz'] = np.reshape(E0[Gc.TOC['cols']['dz']], grids['dz'].shape) # generate the lagged dz errors: for lag in args['dzdt_lags']: this_name = 'dzdt_lag%d' % lag E[this_name] = lin_op(grids['dz'], name=this_name, col_N=G_data.col_N).dzdt(lag=lag).grid_error( this_name = 'dzdt_bar_lag%d' % lag this_op = lin_op(grids['t'], name=this_name).diff(lag=lag).toCSR() E[this_name] = np.sqrt( ( # calculate the grid mean of dz/dt # generate the season-to-season errors #E['dzdt_qyr']=lin_op(grids['dz'], name='dzdt_1yr', col_N=G_data.col_N).dzdt().grid_error( # generate the annual errors #E['dzdt_1yr']=lin_op(grids['dz'], name='dzdt_1yr', col_N=G_data.col_N).dzdt(lag=4).grid_error( # generate the grid-mean error E['dz_bar'] = np.sqrt( ( # generate the grid-mean quarterly dzdt error #E['dzdt_bar_qyr']=np.sqrt(( # generate the grid-mean annual dzdt error #E['dzdt_bar_1yr']=np.sqrt(( # report the rgt bias errors. Sorted by RGT, then by cycle if args['bias_params'] is not None: E['bias'] = parse_biases(E0, bias_model['bias_ID_dict'], args['bias_params']) TOC = Gc.TOC return { 'm': m, 'E': E, 'data': data, 'grids': grids, 'valid_data': valid_data, 'TOC': TOC, 'R': R, 'RMS': RMS, 'timing': timing, 'E_RMS': args['E_RMS'] }
def sparsesolve(A, b, eps_w=0, eps_laplace=0): A_mod, b_mod = modify_system(A, b, eps_w, eps_laplace) return sparseqr.solve(A_mod, b_mod)
def sparsesolve_qr(A, b, eps=0, R=None): if eps > 0: A, b = modify_system(A, b, eps, R) return scipy.sparse.csc_matrix(sparseqr.solve(A, b))
def main(): ###################### # Config ###################### # Choose least-squares solver to use: # # lsq_solver = "dense" # LAPACK DGELSD, direct, good for small problems # lsq_solver = "sparse" # SciPy LSQR, iterative, asymptotically faster, good for large problems # lsq_solver = "optimize" # general nonlinear optimizer using Trust Region Reflective (trf) algorithm # lsq_solver = "qr" # lsq_solver = "cholesky" # lsq_solver = "sparse_qr" lsq_solver = "sparse_qr_solve" ###################### # Load multiscale data ###################### print("Loading measurement data...") # measurements are provided on a meshgrid over (Hx, sigxx) # data2.mat contains virtual measurements, generated from a multiscale model. # data2 ="data2.mat") # Hx = np.squeeze(data2["Hx"]) # 1D array, (M,) # sigxx = np.squeeze(data2["sigxx"]) # 1D array, (N,) # Bx = data2["Bx"] # 2D array, (M, N) # lamxx = data2["lamxx"] # --"-- ## lamyy = data2["lamyy"] # --"-- ## lamzz = data2["lamzz"] # --"-- data2 ="umair_gal_denoised.mat") sigxx = -1e6 * np.array([ 0, 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80 ][::-1], dtype=np.float64) assert sigxx.shape[0] == 18 Hx = data2["Hval"][0, :] # same for all sigma, just take the first row Bx = data2["Bval"].T lamxx = data2["LHval"].T * 1e-6 Bx = Bx[::-1, :] lamxx = lamxx[::-1, :] # HACK, fix later (must decouple number of knots from number of data sites) ii = np.arange(Hx.shape[0]) n_newi = 401 newii = np.linspace(0, ii[-1], n_newi) nsigma = sigxx.shape[0] fH = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(ii, Hx) newB = np.empty((n_newi, Bx.shape[1]), dtype=np.float64) newlam = np.empty((n_newi, lamxx.shape[1]), dtype=np.float64) for j in range(nsigma): fB = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(ii, Bx[:, j]) newB[:, j] = fB(newii) flam = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(ii, lamxx[:, j]) newlam[:, j] = flam(newii) Hx = fH(newii) Bx = newB lamxx = newlam # Order of spline (as-is! 3 = cubic) ordr = 3 # Auxiliary variables (H, sig_xx, sig_xy) Hscale = np.max(Hx) sscale = np.max(np.abs(sigxx)) x = Hx / Hscale y = sigxx / sscale nx = x.shape[0] # number of grid points, x axis ny = y.shape[0] # number of grid points, y axis # Partial derivatives (B, lam_xx, lam_xy) from multiscale model # # In the magnetostriction components, the multiscale model produces nonzero lamxx at zero stress. # We normalize this away for purposes of performing the curve fit. # dpsi_dx = Bx * Hscale dpsi_dy = (lamxx - lamxx[0, :]) * sscale ###################### # Set up splines ###################### print("Setting up splines...") # The evaluation algorithm used in uses half-open intervals t_i <= x < t_{i+1}. # # This causes havoc for evaluation at the end of each interval, because it is actually the start # of the next interval. # # Especially, the end of the last interval is the start of the next (non-existent) interval. # # We work around this by using a small epsilon to avoid evaluation exactly at t_{i+1} (for the last interval). # def marginize_end(x): out = x.copy() out[-1] += 1e-10 * (x[-1] - x[0]) return out # create knots and spline basis xknots = splinelab.aptknt(marginize_end(x), ordr) yknots = splinelab.aptknt(marginize_end(y), ordr) splx = bspline.Bspline(xknots, ordr) sply = bspline.Bspline(yknots, ordr) # get number of basis functions (perform dummy evaluation and count) nxb = len(splx(0.)) nyb = len(sply(0.)) # TODO Check if we need to convert input Bx and sigxx to u,v (what is actually stored in the data files?) # Create collocation matrices: # # A[i,j] = d**deriv_order B_j(tau[i]) # # where d denotes differentiation and B_j is the jth basis function. # # We place the collocation sites at the points where we have measurements. # Au = splx.collmat(x) Av = sply.collmat(y) Du = splx.collmat(x, deriv_order=1) Dv = sply.collmat(y, deriv_order=1) ###################### # Assemble system ###################### print("Assembling system...") # Assemble the equation system for fitting against data on the partial derivatives of psi. # # By writing psi in the spline basis, # # psi_{ij} = A^{u}_{ik} A^{v}_{jl} c_{kl} # # the quantities to be fitted, which are the partial derivatives of psi, become # # B_{ij} = D^{u}_{ik} A^{v}_{jl} c_{kl} # lambda_{xx,ij} = A^{u}_{ik} D^{v}_{jl} c_{kl} # # Repeated indices are summed over. # # Column: kl converted to linear index (k = 0,1,...,nxb-1, l = 0,1,...,nyb-1) # Row: ij converted to linear index (i = 0,1,...,nx-1, j = 0,1,...,ny-1) # # (Paavo's notes, Stresses4.pdf) nf = 2 # number of unknown fields nr = nx * ny # equation system rows per unknown field A = np.empty((nf * nr, nxb * nyb), dtype=np.float64) # global matrix b = np.empty((nf * nr), dtype=np.float64) # global RHS # zero array element detection tolerance tol = 1e-6 I, J, IJ = util.index.genidx((nx, ny)) K, L, KL = util.index.genidx((nxb, nyb)) # loop only over rows of the equation system for i, j, ij in zip(I, J, IJ): A[nf * ij, KL] = Du[i, K] * Av[j, L] A[nf * ij + 1, KL] = Au[i, K] * Dv[j, L] b[nf * IJ] = dpsi_dx[I, J] # RHS for B_x b[nf * IJ + 1] = dpsi_dy[I, J] # RHS for lambda_xx # # the above is equivalent to this much slower version: # # # # equation system row # for j in range(ny): # for i in range(nx): # ij = np.ravel_multi_index( (i,j), (nx,ny) ) # # # equation system column # for l in range(nyb): # for k in range(nxb): # kl = np.ravel_multi_index( (k,l), (nxb,nyb) ) # A[nf*ij, kl] = Du[i,k] * Av[j,l] # A[nf*ij+1,kl] = Au[i,k] * Dv[j,l] # # b[nf*ij] = dpsi_dx[i,j] if abs(dpsi_dx[i,j]) > tol else 0. # RHS for B_x # b[nf*ij+1] = dpsi_dy[i,j] if abs(dpsi_dy[i,j]) > tol else 0. # RHS for lambda_xx ###################### # Solve ###################### # Solve the optimal coefficients. # Note that we are constructing a potential function from partial derivatives only, # so the solution is unique only up to a global additive shift term. # # Under the hood, numpy.linalg.lstsq uses LAPACK DGELSD: # # # # DGELSD accepts also rank-deficient input (rank(A) < min(nrows,ncols)), returning arg min( ||x||_2 ) , # so we don't need to do anything special to account for this. # # Same goes for the sparse LSQR. # equilibrate row and column norms # # See documentation of scipy.sparse.linalg.lsqr, it requires this to work properly. # # # print("Equilibrating...") S = A.copy(order='F') # the rescaler requires Fortran memory layout A = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(A) # save memory (dense "A" no longer needed) # eps = 7./3. - 4./3. - 1 # # print( S.max() * max(S.shape) * eps ) # default zero singular value detection tolerance in np.linalg.matrix_rank() # import wlsqm.utils.lapackdrivers as wul # rs,cs = wul.do_rescale( S, wul.ScalingAlgo.ALGO_DGEEQU ) # # row scaling only (for weighting) # with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): # rs = np.where( np.abs(b) > tol, 1./b, 1. ) # for i in range(S.shape[0]): # S[i,:] *= rs[i] # cs = 1. # scale rows corresponding to Bx # rs = np.ones_like(b) rs[nf * IJ] = 2 for i in range(S.shape[0]): S[i, :] *= rs[i] cs = 1. # # It seems this is not needed in the 2D problem (fitting error is slightly smaller without it). # # # Additional row scaling. # # # # This equilibrates equation weights, but deteriorates the condition number of the matrix. # # # # Note that in a least-squares problem the row weighting *does* matter, because it affects # # the fitting error contribution from the rows. # # # with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): # rs2 = np.where( np.abs(b) > tol, 1./b, 1. ) # for i in range(S.shape[0]): # S[i,:] *= rs2[i] # rs *= rs2 # a = np.abs(rs2) # print( np.min(a), np.mean(a), np.max(a) ) # rs = np.asanyarray(rs) # cs = np.asanyarray(cs) # a = np.abs(rs) # print( np.min(a), np.mean(a), np.max(a) ) b *= rs # scale RHS accordingly # colnorms = np.linalg.norm(S, ord=np.inf, axis=0) # sum over rows -> column norms # rownorms = np.linalg.norm(S, ord=np.inf, axis=1) # sum over columns -> row norms # print( " rescaled column norms min = %g, avg = %g, max = %g" % (np.min(colnorms), np.mean(colnorms), np.max(colnorms)) ) # print( " rescaled row norms min = %g, avg = %g, max = %g" % (np.min(rownorms), np.mean(rownorms), np.max(rownorms)) ) print("Solving with algorithm = '%s'..." % (lsq_solver)) if lsq_solver == "dense": print(" matrix shape %s = %d elements" % (S.shape, ret = numpy.linalg.lstsq(S, b) # c,residuals,rank,singvals c = ret[0] elif lsq_solver == "sparse": S = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix(S) print(" matrix shape %s = %d elements; %d nonzeros (%g%%)" % (S.shape, S.shape), S.nnz, 100. * S.nnz / ret = scipy.sparse.linalg.lsqr(S, b) c, exit_reason, iters = ret[:3] if exit_reason != 2: # 2 = least-squares solution found print("WARNING: solver did not converge (exit_reason = %d)" % (exit_reason)) print(" sparse solver iterations taken: %d" % (iters)) elif lsq_solver == "optimize": # make sparse matrix (faster for dot products) S = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix(S) print(" matrix shape %s = %d elements; %d nonzeros (%g%%)" % (S.shape, S.shape), S.nnz, 100. * S.nnz / def fitting_error(c): return - b ret = scipy.optimize.least_squares(fitting_error, np.ones(S.shape[1], dtype=np.float64), method="trf", loss="linear") c = ret.x if ret.status < 1: # status codes: print("WARNING: solver did not converge (status = %d)" % (ret.status)) elif lsq_solver == "qr": print(" matrix shape %s = %d elements" % (S.shape, # Q, R = np.linalg.qr(S) # qr decomposition of A Qb = (Q.T).dot(b) # computing Q^T*b (project b onto the range of A) # c = np.linalg.solve(R,Qb) # solving R*x = Q^T*b c = scipy.linalg.solve_triangular(R, Qb, check_finite=False) elif lsq_solver == "cholesky": # S is rank-deficient by one, because we are solving a potential based on data on its partial derivatives. # # Before solving, force S to have full rank by fixing one coefficient. # S[0, :] = 0. S[0, 0] = 1. b[0] = 1. rs[0] = 1. S = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(S) print(" matrix shape %s = %d elements; %d nonzeros (%g%%)" % (S.shape, S.shape), S.nnz, 100. * S.nnz / # Be sure to use the new sksparse from # # # # instead of the old scikits.sparse (which will fail with an error). # # Requires libsuitesparse-dev for CHOLMOD headers. # from sksparse.cholmod import cholesky_AAt # Notice that CHOLMOD computes AA' and we want M'M, so we must set A = M'! factor = cholesky_AAt(S.T) c = factor.solve_A(S.T * b) elif lsq_solver == "sparse_qr": # S is rank-deficient by one, because we are solving a potential based on data on its partial derivatives. # # Before solving, force S to have full rank by fixing one coefficient; # otherwise the linear solve step will fail because R will be exactly singular. # S[0, :] = 0. S[0, 0] = 1. b[0] = 1. rs[0] = 1. S = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix(S) print(" matrix shape %s = %d elements; %d nonzeros (%g%%)" % (S.shape, S.shape), S.nnz, 100. * S.nnz / # pip install sparseqr # or # # Works like MATLAB's [Q,R,e] = qr(...): # # # # [Q,R,E] = qr(A) or [Q,R,E] = qr(A,'matrix') produces unitary Q, upper triangular R and a permutation matrix E # so that A*E = Q*R. The column permutation E is chosen to reduce fill-in in R. # # [Q,R,e] = qr(A,'vector') returns the permutation information as a vector instead of a matrix. # That is, e is a row vector such that A(:,e) = Q*R. # import sparseqr print(" performing sparse QR decomposition...") Q, R, E, rank = sparseqr.qr(S) # produce reduced QR (for least-squares fitting) # # - cut away bottom part of R (zeros!) # - cut away the corresponding far-right part of Q # # see # np.linalg.qr # # # # inefficient way: # k = min(S.shape) # R = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix( R.A[:k,:] ) # Q = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix( Q.A[:,:k] ) print(" reducing matrices...") # somewhat more efficient way: k = min(S.shape) R = R.tocsr()[:k, :] Q = Q.tocsc()[:, :k] # # maybe somewhat efficient way: manipulate data vectors, create new coo matrix # # # # (incomplete, needs work; need to shift indices of rows/cols after the removed ones) # # # k = min(S.shape) # mask = np.nonzero( R.row < k )[0] # R = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix( ([mask], (R.row[mask], R.col[mask]) ), shape=(k,k) ) # mask = np.nonzero( Q.col < k )[0] # Q = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix( ([mask], (Q.row[mask], Q.col[mask]) ), shape=(k,k) ) print(" solving...") Qb = (Q.T).dot(b) x = scipy.sparse.linalg.spsolve(R, Qb) c = np.empty_like(x) c[E] = x[:] # apply inverse permutation elif lsq_solver == "sparse_qr_solve": S[0, :] = 0. S[0, 0] = 1. b[0] = 1. rs[0] = 1. S = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix(S) print(" matrix shape %s = %d elements; %d nonzeros (%g%%)" % (S.shape, S.shape), S.nnz, 100. * S.nnz / import sparseqr c = sparseqr.solve(S, b) else: raise ValueError("unknown solver '%s'; valid: 'dense', 'sparse'" % (lsq_solver)) c *= cs # undo column scaling in solution # now c contains the spline coefficients, c_{kl}, where kl has been raveled into a linear index. ###################### # Save ###################### filename = "tmp_s2d.mat" L = locals() data = { key: L[key] for key in ["ordr", "xknots", "yknots", "c", "Hscale", "sscale"] }, data, format='5', oned_as='row') ###################### # Plot ###################### print("Visualizing...") # unpack results onto meshgrid # fitted = c ) # function values corresponding to each row in the global equation system X, Y = np.meshgrid( Hx, sigxx, indexing='ij') # indexed like X[i,j] (i is x index, j is y index) Z_Bx = np.empty_like(X) Z_lamxx = np.empty_like(X) Z_Bx[I, J] = fitted[nf * IJ] Z_lamxx[I, J] = fitted[nf * IJ + 1] # # the above is equivalent to: # for ij in range(nr): # i,j = np.unravel_index( ij, (nx,ny) ) # Z_Bx[i,j] = fitted[nf*ij] # Z_lamxx[i,j] = fitted[nf*ij+1] data_Bx = { "x": (X, r"$H_{x}$"), "y": (Y, r"$\sigma_{xx}$"), "z": (Z_Bx / Hscale, r"$B_{x}$") } data_lamxx = { "x": (X, r"$H_{x}$"), "y": (Y, r"$\sigma_{xx}$"), "z": (Z_lamxx / sscale, r"$\lambda_{xx}$") } def relerr(data, refdata): refdata_linview = refdata.reshape(-1) return 100. * np.linalg.norm(refdata_linview - data.reshape(-1) ) / np.linalg.norm(refdata_linview) plt.figure(1) plt.clf() ax = util.plot.plot_wireframe(data_Bx, legend_label="Spline", figno=1) ax.plot_wireframe(X, Y, dpsi_dx / Hscale, label="Multiscale", color="r") plt.legend(loc="best") print("B_x relative error %g%%" % (relerr(Z_Bx, dpsi_dx))) plt.figure(2) plt.clf() ax = util.plot.plot_wireframe(data_lamxx, legend_label="Spline", figno=2) ax.plot_wireframe(X, Y, dpsi_dy / sscale, label="Multiscale", color="r") plt.legend(loc="best") print("lambda_{xx} relative error %g%%" % (relerr(Z_lamxx, dpsi_dy))) # match the grid point numbering used in MATLAB version of this script # def t(A): return np.transpose(A, [1, 0]) dpsi_dx = t(dpsi_dx) Z_Bx = t(Z_Bx) dpsi_dy = t(dpsi_dy) Z_lamxx = t(Z_lamxx) plt.figure(3) plt.clf() ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.plot(dpsi_dx.reshape(-1) / Hscale, 'ro', markersize='2', label="Multiscale") ax.plot(Z_Bx.reshape(-1) / Hscale, 'ko', markersize='2', label="Spline") ax.set_xlabel("Grid point number") ax.set_ylabel(r"$B_{x}$") plt.legend(loc="best") plt.figure(4) plt.clf() ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.plot(dpsi_dy.reshape(-1) / sscale, 'ro', markersize='2', label="Multiscale") ax.plot(Z_lamxx.reshape(-1) / sscale, 'ko', markersize='2', label="Spline") ax.set_xlabel("Grid point number") ax.set_ylabel(r"$\lambda_{xx}$") plt.legend(loc="best") print("All done.")
def solve(self, vector): return sparseqr.solve(self.matrix, vector)
def iterate_fit(data, Gcoo, rhs, TCinv, G_data, Gc, in_TSE, Ip_c, timing, args,\ bias_model=None): cov_rows = G_data.N_eq + np.arange(Gc.N_eq) #print(f"iterate_fit: G.shape={Gcoo.shape}, G.nnz={Gcoo.nnz}, data.shape={data.shape}", flush=True) in_TSE_original = np.zeros(data.shape, dtype=bool) in_TSE_original[in_TSE] = True min_tse_iterations = 2 if args['bias_nsigma_iteration'] is not None: min_tse_iterations = np.max( [min_tse_iterations, args['bias_nsigma_iteration'] + 1]) for iteration in range(args['max_iterations']): # build the parsing matrix that removes invalid rows Ip_r=sp.coo_matrix((np.ones(Gc.N_eq+in_TSE.size), \ (np.arange(Gc.N_eq+in_TSE.size), \ np.concatenate((in_TSE, cov_rows)))), \ shape=(Gc.N_eq+in_TSE.size, Gcoo.shape[0])).tocsc() m0_last = np.zeros(Ip_c.shape[0]) if args['VERBOSE']: print("starting qr solve for iteration %d at %s" % (iteration, ctime()), flush=True) # solve the equations tic = time() m0 = sparseqr.solve(, timing['sparseqr_solve'] = time() - tic # calculate the full data residual rs_data = (data.z - G_data.toCSR().dot(m0)) / data.sigma # calculate the robust standard deviation of the scaled residuals for the selected data sigma_hat = RDE(rs_data[in_TSE]) # select the data that have scaled residuals < 3 *max(1, sigma_hat) in_TSE_last = in_TSE ###testing in_TSE = (np.abs(rs_data) < 3.0 * np.maximum(1, sigma_hat)) # if bias_nsigma_edit is specified, check for biases that are more than # args['bias_nsigma_edit'] times their expected values. if args['bias_nsigma_edit'] is not None and iteration >= args[ 'bias_nsigma_iteration']: if 'edited' not in bias_model['bias_param_dict']: bias_model['bias_param_dict']['edited'] = np.zeros_like( bias_model['bias_param_dict']['ID'], dtype=bool) bias_dict, slope_bias_dict = parse_biases(m0, bias_model, args['bias_params']) bad_bias_IDs=np.array(bias_dict['ID'])\ [(np.abs(bias_dict['val']) > args['bias_nsigma_edit'] * np.array(bias_dict['expected'])\ * np.maximum(1, sigma_hat)) \ | bias_model['bias_param_dict']['edited']] print(bad_bias_IDs) for ID in bad_bias_IDs: mask = np.ones(data.size, dtype=bool) #Mark the ID as edited (because it will have a bias estimate of zero in subsequent iterations) bias_model['bias_param_dict']['edited'][ bias_model['bias_param_dict']['ID'].index(ID)] = True # mark all data associated with the ID as invalid for field, field_val in bias_model['bias_ID_dict'][ID].items(): if field in data.fields: mask &= (getattr(data, field).ravel() == field_val) in_TSE[mask == 1] = 0 if 'editable' in data.fields: in_TSE[data.editable == 0] = in_TSE_original[data.editable == 0] in_TSE = np.flatnonzero(in_TSE) if args['DEM_tol'] is not None: in_TSE = check_data_against_DEM(in_TSE, data, m0, G_data, args['DEM_tol']) # quit if the solution is too similar to the previous solution if (np.max(np.abs((m0_last - m0)[Gc.TOC['cols']['dz']])) < args['converge_tol_dz']) and (iteration > 2): if args['VERBOSE']: print( "Solution identical to previous iteration with tolerance %3.1f, exiting after iteration %d" % (args['converge_tol_dz'], iteration)) break # select the data that are within 3*sigma of the solution if args['VERBOSE']: print('found %d in TSE, sigma_hat=%3.3f, dt=%3.0f' % (in_TSE.size, sigma_hat, timing['sparseqr_solve']), flush=True) if iteration > 0: if in_TSE.size == in_TSE_last.size and np.all( in_TSE_last == in_TSE): if args['VERBOSE']: print("filtering unchanged, exiting after iteration %d" % iteration) break if iteration >= min_tse_iterations: if sigma_hat <= 1: if args['VERBOSE']: print("sigma_hat LT 1, exiting after iteration %d" % iteration, flush=True) break return m0, sigma_hat, in_TSE, in_TSE_last, rs_data
def smooth_xyt_fit(**kwargs): required_fields=('data','W','ctr','spacing','E_RMS') args={'reference_epoch':0, 'W_ctr':1e4, 'mask_file':None, 'mask_scale':None, 'compute_E':False, 'max_iterations':10, 'srs_proj4': None, 'N_subset': None, 'bias_params': None, 'repeat_res':None, 'converge_tol_dz':0.05, 'repeat_dt': 1, 'Edit_only': False, 'dzdt_lags':[1, 4], 'data_slope_sensors':None, 'E_slope':0.05, 'VERBOSE': True} args.update(kwargs) for field in required_fields: if field not in kwargs: raise ValueError("%s must be defined", field) valid_data = np.isfinite(args['data'].z) & np.isfinite(args['data'].sigma) timing=dict() if args['N_subset'] is not None: tic=time() valid_data &= edit_data_by_subset_fit(args['N_subset'], args) timing['edit_by_subset']=time()-tic if args['Edit_only']: return {'timing':timing, 'data':args['data'].copy()[valid_data]} m={} E={} R={} RMS={} # define the grids tic=time() bds={coord:args['ctr'][coord]+np.array([-0.5, 0.5])*args['W'][coord] for coord in ('x','y','t')} grids=dict() grids['z0']=fd_grid( [bds['y'], bds['x']], args['spacing']['z0']*np.ones(2),\ name='z0', srs_proj4=args['srs_proj4'], mask_file=args['mask_file']) grids['dz']=fd_grid( [bds['y'], bds['x'], bds['t']], \ [args['spacing']['dz'], args['spacing']['dz'], args['spacing']['dt']], \ name='dz', col_0=grids['z0'].N_nodes, srs_proj4=args['srs_proj4'], \ mask_file=args['mask_file']) grids['z0'].col_N=grids['dz'].col_N grids['t']=fd_grid([bds['t']], [args['spacing']['dt']], name='t') # select only the data points that are within the grid bounds valid_z0=grids['z0'].validate_pts((args['data'].coords()[0:2])) valid_dz=grids['dz'].validate_pts((args['data'].coords())) valid_data=valid_data & valid_dz & valid_z0 if not np.any(valid_data): return {'m':m, 'E':E, 'data':None, 'grids':grids, 'valid_data': valid_data, 'TOC':{},'R':{}, 'RMS':{}, 'timing':timing,'E_RMS':args['E_RMS']} # if repeat_res is given, resample the data to include only repeat data (to within a spatial tolerance of repeat_res) if args['repeat_res'] is not None: N_before_repeat=np.sum(valid_data) valid_data[valid_data]=valid_data[valid_data] & \ select_repeat_data(args['data'].copy_subset(valid_data), grids, args['repeat_dt'], args['repeat_res'], reference_time=grids['t'].ctrs[0][args['reference_epoch']]) if args['VERBOSE']: print("before repeat editing found %d data" % N_before_repeat) print("after repeat editing found %d data" % valid_data.sum()) # subset the data based on the valid mask data=args['data'].copy_subset(valid_data) # if we have a mask file, use it to subset the data # needs to be done after the valid subset because otherwise the interp_mtx for the mask file fails. if args['mask_file'] is not None: temp=fd_grid( [bds['y'], bds['x']], [args['spacing']['z0'], args['spacing']['z0']], name='z0', srs_proj4=args['srs_proj4'], mask_file=args['mask_file']) data_mask=lin_op(temp, name='interp_z').interp_mtx(data.coords()[0:2]).toCSR().dot(grids['z0'].mask.ravel()) data_mask[~np.isfinite(data_mask)]=0 if np.any(data_mask==0): data.index(~(data_mask==0)) valid_data[valid_data]= ~(data_mask==0) # Check if we have any data. If not, quit if data.size==0: return {'m':m, 'E':E, 'data':data, 'grids':grids, 'valid_data': valid_data, 'TOC':{},'R':{}, 'RMS':{}, 'timing':timing,'E_RMS':args['E_RMS']} # define the interpolation operator, equal to the sum of the dz and z0 operators G_data=lin_op(grids['z0'], name='interp_z').interp_mtx(data.coords()[0:2]) G_data.add(lin_op(grids['dz'], name='interp_dz').interp_mtx(data.coords())) # define the smoothness constraints grad2_z0=lin_op(grids['z0'], name='grad2_z0').grad2(DOF='z0') grad2_dz=lin_op(grids['dz'], name='grad2_dzdt').grad2_dzdt(DOF='z', t_lag=1) grad_dzdt=lin_op(grids['dz'], name='grad_dzdt').grad_dzdt(DOF='z', t_lag=1) constraint_op_list=[grad2_z0, grad2_dz, grad_dzdt] if 'd2z_dt2' in args['E_RMS'] and args['E_RMS']['d2z_dt2'] is not None: d2z_dt2=lin_op(grids['dz'], name='d2z_dt2').d2z_dt2(DOF='z') constraint_op_list.append(d2z_dt2) # if bias params are given, create a set of parameters to estimate them if args['bias_params'] is not None: data, bias_model=assign_bias_ID(data, args['bias_params']) G_bias, Gc_bias, Cvals_bias, bias_model=\ param_bias_matrix(data, bias_model, bias_param_name='bias_ID', col_0=grids['dz'].col_N) G_data.add(G_bias) constraint_op_list.append(Gc_bias) if args['data_slope_sensors'] is not None: bias_model['E_slope']=args['E_slope'] G_slope_bias, Gc_slope_bias, Cvals_slope_bias, bias_model= data_slope_bias(data, bias_model, sensors=args['data_slope_sensors'], col_0=G_data.col_N) G_data.add(G_slope_bias) constraint_op_list.append(Gc_slope_bias) # put the equations together Gc=lin_op(None, name='constraints').vstack(constraint_op_list) N_eq=G_data.N_eq+Gc.N_eq # put together all the errors Ec=np.zeros(Gc.N_eq) root_delta_V_dz=np.sqrt(['dz'].delta)) root_delta_A_z0=np.sqrt(['z0'].delta)) Ec[Gc.TOC['rows']['grad2_z0']]=args['E_RMS']['d2z0_dx2']/root_delta_A_z0*grad2_z0.mask_for_ind0(args['mask_scale']) Ec[Gc.TOC['rows']['grad2_dzdt']]=args['E_RMS']['d3z_dx2dt']/root_delta_V_dz*grad2_dz.mask_for_ind0(args['mask_scale']) Ec[Gc.TOC['rows']['grad_dzdt']]=args['E_RMS']['d2z_dxdt']/root_delta_V_dz*grad_dzdt.mask_for_ind0(args['mask_scale']) if 'd2z_dt2' in args['E_RMS'] and args['E_RMS']['d2z_dt2'] is not None: Ec[Gc.TOC['rows']['d2z_dt2']]=args['E_RMS']['d2z_dt2']/root_delta_V_dz if args['bias_params'] is not None: Ec[Gc.TOC['rows'][]] = Cvals_bias if args['data_slope_sensors'] is not None: Ec[Gc.TOC['rows'][]] = Cvals_slope_bias Ed=data.sigma.ravel() # calculate the inverse square root of the data covariance matrix TCinv=sp.dia_matrix((1./np.concatenate((Ed, Ec)), 0), shape=(N_eq, N_eq)) # define the right hand side of the equation rhs=np.zeros([N_eq]) rhs[0:data.size]=data.z.ravel() # put the fit and constraint matrices together Gcoo=sp.vstack([G_data.toCSR(), Gc.toCSR()]).tocoo() cov_rows=G_data.N_eq+np.arange(Gc.N_eq) # build a matrix that takes the average of the center of the delta-z grid # this gets used both in the averaging and error-calculation codes XR=np.mean(grids['z0'].bds[0])+np.array([-1., 1.])*args['W_ctr']/2. YR=np.mean(grids['z0'].bds[1])+np.array([-1., 1.])*args['W_ctr']/2. center_dzbar=lin_op(grids['dz'], name='center_dzbar', col_N=G_data.col_N).vstack([lin_op(grids['dz']).mean_of_bounds((XR, YR, [season, season] )) for season in grids['dz'].ctrs[2]]) G_dzbar=center_dzbar.toCSR() # define the matrix that sets dz[reference_epoch]=0 by removing columns from the solution: # Find the rows and columns that match the reference epoch temp_r, temp_c=np.meshgrid(np.arange(0, grids['dz'].shape[0]), np.arange(0, grids['dz'].shape[1])) z02_mask=grids['dz'].global_ind([temp_r.transpose().ravel(), temp_c.transpose().ravel(),\ args['reference_epoch']+np.zeros_like(temp_r).ravel()]) # Identify all of the DOFs that do not include the reference epoch cols=np.arange(G_data.col_N, dtype='int') include_cols=np.setdiff1d(cols, z02_mask) # Generate a matrix that has diagonal elements corresponding to all DOFs except the reference epoch. # Multiplying this by a matrix with columns for all model parameters yeilds a matrix with no columns # corresponding to the reference epoch. Ip_c=sp.coo_matrix((np.ones_like(include_cols), (include_cols, np.arange(include_cols.size))), \ shape=(Gc.col_N, include_cols.size)).tocsc() # eliminate the columns for the model variables that are set to zero timing['setup']=time()-tic # initialize the book-keeping matrices for the inversion m0=np.zeros(Ip_c.shape[0]) if "three_sigma_edit" in data.fields: inTSE=np.flatnonzero(data.three_sigma_edit) else: inTSE=np.arange(G_data.N_eq, dtype=int) inTSE_last = np.zeros([0]) if args['VERBOSE']: print("initial: %d:" % G_data.r.max()) tic_iteration=time() for iteration in range(args['max_iterations']): # build the parsing matrix that removes invalid rows Ip_r=sp.coo_matrix((np.ones(Gc.N_eq+inTSE.size), (np.arange(Gc.N_eq+inTSE.size), np.concatenate((inTSE, cov_rows)))), \ shape=(Gc.N_eq+inTSE.size, Gcoo.shape[0])).tocsc() m0_last=m0 if args['VERBOSE']: print("starting qr solve for iteration %d" % iteration) # solve the equations tic=time();,; timing['sparseqr_solve']=time()-tic # calculate the full data residual rs_data=(data.z-G_data.toCSR().dot(m0))/data.sigma # calculate the robust standard deviation of the scaled residuals for the selected data sigma_hat=RDE(rs_data[inTSE]) # select the data that have scaled residuals < 3 *max(1, sigma_hat) inTSE_last=inTSE inTSE = np.flatnonzero(np.abs(rs_data) < 3.0 * np.maximum(1, sigma_hat)) # quit if the solution is too similar to the previous solution if (np.max(np.abs((m0_last-m0)[Gc.TOC['cols']['dz']])) < args['converge_tol_dz']) and (iteration > 2): if args['VERBOSE']: print("Solution identical to previous iteration with tolerance %3.1f, exiting after iteration %d" % (args['converge_tol_dz'], iteration)) break # select the data that are within 3*sigma of the solution if args['VERBOSE']: print('found %d in TSE, sigma_hat=%3.3f' % ( inTSE.size, sigma_hat )) if iteration > 0: if inTSE.size == inTSE_last.size and np.all( inTSE_last == inTSE ): if args['VERBOSE']: print("filtering unchanged, exiting after iteration %d" % iteration) break if iteration >= 2: if sigma_hat <= 1: if args['VERBOSE']: print("sigma_hat LT 1, exiting after iteration %d" % iteration) break # if we've done any iterations, parse the model and the data residuals if args['max_iterations'] > 0: timing['iteration']=time()-tic_iteration inTSE=inTSE_last valid_data[valid_data]=(np.abs(rs_data)<3.0*np.maximum(1, sigma_hat)) data.assign({'three_sigma_edit':np.abs(rs_data)<3.0*np.maximum(1, sigma_hat)}) # report the model-based estimate of the data points data.assign({'z_est':np.reshape(G_data.toCSR().dot(m0), data.shape)}) parse_model(m, m0, G_data, G_dzbar, Gc.TOC, grids, args['bias_params'], bias_model, dzdt_lags=args['dzdt_lags']) # parse the resduals to assess the contributions of the total error: # Make the C matrix for the constraints TCinv_cov=sp.dia_matrix((1./Ec, 0), shape=(Gc.N_eq, Gc.N_eq)) ru=Gc.toCSR().dot(m0) for eq_type in ['d2z_dt2','grad2_z0','grad2_dzdt']: if eq_type in Gc.TOC['rows']: R[eq_type]=np.sum(rc[Gc.TOC['rows'][eq_type]]**2) RMS[eq_type]=np.sqrt(np.mean(ru[Gc.TOC['rows'][eq_type]]**2)) R['data']=np.sum((((data.z_est[data.three_sigma_edit==1]-data.z[data.three_sigma_edit==1])/data.sigma[data.three_sigma_edit==1])**2)) RMS['data']=np.sqrt(np.mean((data.z_est[data.three_sigma_edit==1]-data.z[data.three_sigma_edit==1])**2)) # Compute the error in the solution if requested if args['compute_E']: # We have generally not done any iterations at this point, so need to make the Ip_r matrix Ip_r=sp.coo_matrix((np.ones(Gc.N_eq+inTSE.size), (np.arange(Gc.N_eq+inTSE.size), np.concatenate((inTSE, cov_rows)))), \ shape=(Gc.N_eq+inTSE.size, Gcoo.shape[0])).tocsc() parse_errors(E, Gcoo, TCinv, rhs, Ip_c, Ip_r, grids, G_data, Gc, G_dzbar, \ bias_model, args['bias_params'], dzdt_lags=args['dzdt_lags'], timing=timing) TOC=Gc.TOC return {'m':m, 'E':E, 'data':data, 'grids':grids, 'valid_data': valid_data, 'TOC':TOC,'R':R, 'RMS':RMS, 'timing':timing,'E_RMS':args['E_RMS'], 'dzdt_lags':args['dzdt_lags']}
import scipy.sparse.linalg import sparseqr # QR decompose a sparse matrix M such that Q R = M E # M = scipy.sparse.rand(10, 10, density=0.1) Q, R, E, rank = sparseqr.qr(M) print(abs(Q * R - M * sparseqr.permutation_vector_to_matrix(E)).sum() ) # should be approximately zero # Solve many linear systems "M x = b for b in columns(B)" # B = scipy.sparse.rand( 10, 5, density=0.1 ) # many RHS, sparse (could also have just one RHS with shape (10,)) x = sparseqr.solve(M, B, tolerance=0) # Solve an overdetermined linear system A x = b in the least-squares sense # # The same routine also works for the usual non-overdetermined case. # A = scipy.sparse.rand(20, 10, density=0.1) # 20 equations, 10 unknowns b = numpy.random.random( 20) # one RHS, dense, but could also have many (in shape (20,k)) x = sparseqr.solve(A, b, tolerance=0) # Solve a linear system M x = B via QR decomposition # # This approach is slow due to the explicit construction of Q, but may be # useful if a large number of systems need to be solved with the same M. #