 def visit_edge(i, edge):
     self.state_table[i][edge] = []
     for offset, segment in enumerate(utility.pairwise(self.graph.edge_geometry(edge).coords)):
         if utility.intersect(sg.LineString(segment).bounds, bounds):
             cost, constrained_state, projected_state = self.at(i, edge, offset)
             projections.append((edge, offset, constrained_state, projected_state))
 def __init__(self, graph: facility.SpatialGraph, transition, edge):
     self.segments = []
     self.length = 0.0
     for coord in utility.pairwise(graph.edge_geometry(edge).coords):
         #TODO: actually estimate link width and offset based on type and direction
         segment = Segment(edge, coord, 0.0, 2.0, self.length, transition)
         self.length += segment.length
def solve(trajectory, graph, distance_cost_fcn, intersection_cost_fcn, greedy_factor):
    logging.info("solving mapmatch for %s", trajectory['id'])

    states = trajectory['state']
    transition = trajectory['transition']
    link_manager = LinkManager(graph, transition)

    cumulative_distance = [0.0]
    total_distance = 0.0
    for s1, s2 in utility.pairwise(states):
        distance = spatial.distance.euclidean(s1.x[0:2], s2.x[0:2])
        total_distance += distance

    projections = ProjectionManager(states, graph, link_manager)

    def adjacent_nodes(key):
        return key.adjacent_nodes(states, projections, graph, link_manager)

    def state_cost(key):
        return key.cost()

    def transition_cost(current_state, next_state):
        return current_state.cost_to(next_state, distance_cost_fcn, intersection_cost_fcn)

    def handicap(state):
        return state.handicap(distance_cost_fcn)

    def heuristic(state):
        return state.heuristic(states, distance_cost_fcn, cumulative_distance, greedy_factor)

    def progress(state):
        return state.progress()

    def project(key):
        return key.make_node(states, transition, projections, link_manager)

    chain = markov.MarkovGraph(adjacent_nodes, state_cost, transition_cost,
                               handicap_fcn=handicap, state_projection=project)

    start_time = time.time()
    path, priority = chain.find_best(InitialNode(), FinalNode(), heuristic,
                           priority_threshold=50000.0, progress_fcn=progress, max_visited=len(states) * 20)
    logging.info("elapsed_time: %.4f", time.time() - start_time)
    if path is None:
        logging.warning("trashing %s due to incomplete mapmatch", trajectory['id'])
        return None

    nodes = list([project(key) for key in path])
    if priority > 0:
        logging.warning("trashing %s due to bad mapmatch", trajectory['id'])
        return None
    return {'segment': list(format_path(nodes)),
            'id': trajectory['id'],
            'node': nodes,
            'count': len(trajectory['state'])}
def extract_turn(trajectory, graph, predicate):
    count = 0

    for segment0, segment1 in utility.pairwise(trajectory['segment']):
        if (segment0.edge is not None and segment0.end.attached
                and segment1.edge is not None and segment1.begin.attached):

            assert segment0.edge[1] == segment1.edge[0]
            angle = graph.turn_angle(segment0.edge, segment1.edge)
            if predicate(math.degrees(angle)):
                count += 1
    return count
def extract_elevation_stats(trajectory, graph, elevation):
    dst_proj = pyproj.Proj(init='epsg:4326')
    M2 = 0.0
    M3 = 0.0
    for n1, n2 in utility.pairwise(extract_nodes(trajectory)):
        e1 = elevation.at(n1, dst_proj)
        e2 = elevation.at(n2, dst_proj)
        d = sg.Point(n1).distance(sg.Point(n2))
        if d > 0.0:
            slope = (e2 - e1) / d
            M2 += (slope**2) * d
            M3 += (slope**3) * d
    return M2, M3
def best_path(weights, eigen_vectors, trajectory, graph: facility.SpatialGraph, intersection_collections, elevation, dst_proj):

    def distance_cost(length, start, end, link):
        start_elevation = elevation.at((start.x, start.y), dst_proj)
        end_elevation = elevation.at((end.x, end.y), dst_proj)
        cost = numpy.dot(numpy.dot(eigen_vectors[0:14,:].T, features.link_features(length, start_elevation, end_elevation, link, graph)), weights)
        if link is None:
            cost += 100.0 * length
        return cost

    def intersection_cost(a, b):
        return numpy.dot(numpy.dot(eigen_vectors[14:21,:].T, features.intersection_features(a, b, graph, intersection_collections)), weights)

    goal = BoundNode(trajectory['segment'][-1].geometry[-1], graph, final=True)

    def adjacent_nodes(state):
        return state.adjacent_nodes(graph, goal)

    def state_cost(state):
        return state.cost(graph, distance_cost)

    def transition_cost(current_state, next_state):
        return current_state.cost_to(next_state, graph, distance_cost, intersection_cost)

    def heuristic(state):
        return state.heuristic(graph, goal, 2.0)

    chain = markov.MarkovGraph(adjacent_nodes, state_cost, transition_cost)
    path = chain.find_best(BoundNode(trajectory['segment'][0].geometry[0], graph), goal, heuristic)
    if path is None:
      return None, None
    path = list(path)

    feature = numpy.zeros(21)
    for node in path:
        if isinstance(node, Node):
            geometry = graph.edge_geometry(node.edge)
            start = geometry.interpolate(node.begin)
            end = geometry.interpolate(node.end)
            start_elevation = elevation.at((start.x, start.y), dst_proj)
            end_elevation = elevation.at((end.x, end.y), dst_proj)
            feature[0:14] += features.link_features(node.length(),
                                                    start_elevation, end_elevation,
                                                    node.edge, graph)
    for a, b in utility.pairwise(path):
        if isinstance(a, Node) and isinstance(b, Node):
            feature[14:21] += features.intersection_features(a.edge, b.edge, graph, intersection_collections)

    return path, numpy.dot(eigen_vectors.T, feature)