        def mformat(self, X):
            # X is an ndarray value to be display
            # self provides set type for formatting
            out = ''
            n = self.N  # dimension of rotation submatrix
            for rownum, row in enumerate(X):
                rowstr = '  '
                # format the columns
                for colnum, element in enumerate(row):
                    if sym.issymbol(element):
                        s = '{:<12s}'.format(str(element))
                        if tol > 0 and abs(element) < tol * _eps:
                            element = 0
                        s = '{:< 12g}'.format(element)

                    if rownum < n:
                        if colnum < n:
                            # rotation part
                            s = rotcol + bgcol + s + reset
                            # translation part
                            s = trcol + bgcol + s + reset
                        # bottom row
                        s = constcol + bgcol + s + reset
                    rowstr += s
                out += rowstr + bgcol + '  ' + reset + '\n'
            return out
def getvector(v, dim=None, out="array", dtype=np.float64):
    Return a vector value

    :param v: passed vector
    :param dim: required dimension, or None if any length is ok
    :type dim: int or None
    :param out: output format, default is 'array'
    :type out: str
    :param dtype: datatype for numPy array return (default np.float64)
    :type dtype: numPy type
    :return: vector value in specified format
    :raises TypeError: value is not a list or NumPy array
    :raises ValueError: incorrect number of elements

    - ``getvector(vec)`` is ``vec`` converted to the output format ``out``
      where ``vec`` is any of:

        - a Python native int or float, a 1-vector
        - Python native list or tuple
        - numPy real 1D array, ie. shape=(N,)
        - numPy real 2D array with a singleton dimension, ie. shape=(1,N)
          or (N,1)

    - ``getvector(vec, N)`` as above but must be an ``N``-element vector.

    The returned vector will be in the format specified by ``out``:

    ==========  ===============================================
    format      return type
    ==========  ===============================================
    'sequence'  Python list, or tuple if a tuple was passed in
    'list'      Python list
    'array'     1D numPy array, shape=(N,)  [default]
    'row'       row vector, a 2D numPy array, shape=(1,N)
    'col'       column vector, 2D numPy array, shape=(N,1)
    ==========  ===============================================

    .. runblock:: pycon

        >>> from spatialmath.base import getvector
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> getvector([1,2])  # list
        >>> getvector([1,2], out='row')  # list
        >>> getvector([1,2], out='col')  # list
        >>> getvector((1,2))  # tuple
        >>> getvector(np.r_[1,2,3], out='sequence')  # numpy array
        >>> getvector(1)  # scalar
        >>> getvector([1])
        >>> getvector([[1]])

    .. note::
        - For 'array', 'row' or 'col' output the NumPy dtype defaults to the
          ``dtype`` of ``v`` if it is a NumPy array, otherwise it is
          set to the value specified by the ``dtype`` keyword which defaults
          to ``np.float64``.
        - If ``v`` is symbolic the ``dtype`` is retained as ``'O'``

    :seealso: :func:`isvector`
    dt = dtype

    if isinstance(v, _scalartypes):  # handle scalar case
        v = [v]

    if isinstance(v, (list, tuple)):
        # list or tuple was passed in

        if sym.issymbol(v):
            dt = None

        if dim is not None and v and len(v) != dim:
            raise ValueError("incorrect vector length")
        if out == "sequence":
            return v
        elif out == "list":
            return list(v)
        elif out == "array":
            return np.array(v, dtype=dt)
        elif out == "row":
            return np.array(v, dtype=dt).reshape(1, -1)
        elif out == "col":
            return np.array(v, dtype=dt).reshape(-1, 1)
            raise ValueError("invalid output specifier")

    elif isinstance(v, np.ndarray):
        s = v.shape
        if dim is not None:
            if not (s == (dim, ) or s == (1, dim) or s == (dim, 1)):
                raise ValueError(
                    "incorrect vector length: expected {}, got {}".format(
                        dim, s))

        v = v.flatten()

        if v.dtype.kind == "O":
            dt = "O"

        if out in ("sequence", "list"):
            return list(v.flatten())
        elif out == "array":
            return v.astype(dt)
        elif out == "row":
            return v.astype(dt).reshape(1, -1)
        elif out == "col":
            return v.astype(dt).reshape(-1, 1)
            raise ValueError("invalid output specifier")
        raise TypeError("invalid input type")
def getvector(v, dim=None, out='array', dtype=np.float64):
    Return a vector value

    :param v: passed vector
    :param dim: required dimension, or None if any length is ok
    :type dim: int or None
    :param out: output format, default is 'array'
    :type out: str
    :param dtype: datatype for numPy array return (default np.float64)
    :type dtype: numPy type
    :return: vector value in specified format

    The passed vector can be any of:

    - Python native list or tuple
    - numPy 1D array, ie. shape=(N,)
    - numPy 2D array with a singleton dimension, ie. shape=(1,N) or (N,1)

    The returned vector will be in the format specified by ``out``:

    ==========  ===============================================
    format      return type
    ==========  ===============================================
    'sequence'  Python list, or tuple if a tuple was passed in
    'array'     1D numPy array, shape=(N,)
    'row'       row vector, a 2D numPy array, shape=(1,N)
    'col'       column vector, 2D numPy array, shape=(N,1)
    ==========  ===============================================

    For 'array', 'row' or 'col' the numPy dtype defaults to ``np.float64`` but
    can be overriden using the ``dtype`` argument.
    dt = dtype

    if isinstance(v, _scalartypes):  # handle scalar case
        v = [v]

    if isinstance(v, (list, tuple)):
        # list or tuple was passed in

        if sym.issymbol(v):
            dt = None

        if dim is not None and v and len(v) != dim:
            raise ValueError("incorrect vector length")
        if out == 'sequence':
            return v
        elif out == 'array':
            return np.array(v, dtype=dt)
        elif out == 'row':
            return np.array(v, dtype=dt).reshape(1, -1)
        elif out == 'col':
            return np.array(v, dtype=dt).reshape(-1, 1)
            raise ValueError("invalid output specifier")

    elif isinstance(v, np.ndarray):
        s = v.shape
        if dim is not None:
            if not (s == (dim, ) or s == (1, dim) or s == (dim, 1)):
                raise ValueError(
                    "incorrect vector length: expected {}, got {}".format(
                        dim, s))

        v = v.flatten()

        if v.dtype.kind != 'O':
            dt = dtype

        if out == 'sequence':
            return list(v.flatten())
        elif out == 'array':
            return v.astype(dt)
        elif out == 'row':
            return v.astype(dt).reshape(1, -1)
        elif out == 'col':
            return v.astype(dt).reshape(-1, 1)
            raise ValueError("invalid output specifier")
        raise TypeError("invalid input type")