def test_Rt(self):
        nt.assert_array_almost_equal(rot2(0.3), t2r(trot2(0.3)))
        nt.assert_array_almost_equal(trot2(0.3), r2t(rot2(0.3)))

        R = rot2(0.2)
        t = [1, 2]
        T = rt2tr(R, t)
        nt.assert_array_almost_equal(t2r(T), R)
        nt.assert_array_almost_equal(transl2(T), np.array(t))
def tr2eul(T, unit='rad', flip=False, check=False):
    Convert SO(3) or SE(3) to ZYX Euler angles
    :param R: SO(3) or SE(3) matrix
    :type R: numpy.ndarray, shape=(3,3) or (4,4)
    :param unit: 'rad' or 'deg'
    :type unit: str
    :param flip: choose first Euler angle to be in quadrant 2 or 3
    :type flip: bool
    :param check: check that rotation matrix is valid
    :type check: bool
    :return: ZYZ Euler angles
    :rtype: numpy.ndarray, shape=(3,)
    ``tr2eul(R)`` are the Euler angles corresponding to 
    the rotation part of ``R``. 
    The 3 angles :math:`[\phi, \theta, \psi` correspond to sequential rotations about the
    Z, Y and Z axes respectively.
    By default the angles are in radians but can be changed setting `unit='deg'`.
    - There is a singularity for the case where :math:`\theta=0` in which case :math:`\phi` is arbitrarily set to zero and :math:`\phi` is set to :math:`\phi+\psi`.
    - If the input is SE(3) the translation component is ignored.
    :seealso: :func:`~eul2r`, :func:`~eul2tr`, :func:`~tr2rpy`, :func:`~tr2angvec`

    if argcheck.ismatrix(T, (4, 4)):
        R = trn.t2r(T)
        R = T
    assert isrot(R, check=check)

    eul = np.zeros((3, ))
    if abs(R[0, 2]) < 10 * _eps and abs(R[1, 2]) < 10 * _eps:
        eul[0] = 0
        sp = 0
        cp = 1
        eul[1] = math.atan2(cp * R[0, 2] + sp * R[1, 2], R[2, 2])
        eul[2] = math.atan2(-sp * R[0, 0] + cp * R[1, 0],
                            -sp * R[0, 1] + cp * R[1, 1])
        if flip:
            eul[0] = math.atan2(-R[1, 2], -R[0, 2])
            eul[0] = math.atan2(R[1, 2], R[0, 2])
        sp = math.sin(eul[0])
        cp = math.cos(eul[0])
        eul[1] = math.atan2(cp * R[0, 2] + sp * R[1, 2], R[2, 2])
        eul[2] = math.atan2(-sp * R[0, 0] + cp * R[1, 0],
                            -sp * R[0, 1] + cp * R[1, 1])

    if unit == 'deg':
        eul *= 180 / math.pi

    return eul
def tr2angvec(T, unit='rad', check=False):
    Convert SO(3) or SE(3) to angle and rotation vector
    :param R: SO(3) or SE(3) matrix
    :type R: numpy.ndarray, shape=(3,3) or (4,4)
    :param unit: 'rad' or 'deg'
    :type unit: str
    :param check: check that rotation matrix is valid
    :type check: bool
    :return: :math:`(\theta, {\bf v})`
    :rtype: float, numpy.ndarray, shape=(3,)
    ``tr2angvec(R)`` is a rotation angle and a vector about which the rotation
    acts that corresponds to the rotation part of ``R``. 
    By default the angle is in radians but can be changed setting `unit='deg'`.
    - If the input is SE(3) the translation component is ignored.
    :seealso: :func:`~angvec2r`, :func:`~angvec2tr`, :func:`~tr2rpy`, :func:`~tr2eul`

    if argcheck.ismatrix(T, (4, 4)):
        R = trn.t2r(T)
        R = T
    assert isrot(R, check=check)

    v = trn.vex(trlog(R))

    if vec.iszerovec(v):
        theta = 0
        v = np.r_[0, 0, 0]
        theta = vec.norm(v)
        v = vec.unitvec(v)

    if unit == 'deg':
        theta *= 180 / math.pi

    return (theta, v)
def tr2rpy(T, unit='rad', order='zyx', check=False):
    Convert SO(3) or SE(3) to roll-pitch-yaw angles
    :param R: SO(3) or SE(3) matrix
    :type R: numpy.ndarray, shape=(3,3) or (4,4)
    :param unit: 'rad' or 'deg'
    :type unit: str
    :param order: 'xyz', 'zyx' or 'yxz' [default 'zyx']
    :type unit: str
    :param check: check that rotation matrix is valid
    :type check: bool
    :return: Roll-pitch-yaw angles
    :rtype: numpy.ndarray, shape=(3,)
    ``tr2rpy(R)`` are the roll-pitch-yaw angles corresponding to 
    the rotation part of ``R``. 
    The 3 angles RPY=[R,P,Y] correspond to sequential rotations about the
    Z, Y and X axes respectively.  The axis order sequence can be changed by
    - `order='xyz'`  for sequential rotations about X, Y, Z axes
    - `order='yxz'`  for sequential rotations about Y, X, Z axes
    By default the angles are in radians but can be changed setting `unit='deg'`.
    - There is a singularity for the case where P=:math:`\pi/2` in which case R is arbitrarily set to zero and Y is the sum (R+Y).
    - If the input is SE(3) the translation component is ignored.
    :seealso: :func:`~rpy2r`, :func:`~rpy2tr`, :func:`~tr2eul`, :func:`~tr2angvec`

    if argcheck.ismatrix(T, (4, 4)):
        R = trn.t2r(T)
        R = T
    assert isrot(R, check=check)

    rpy = np.zeros((3, ))
    if order == 'xyz' or order == 'arm':

        # XYZ order
        if abs(abs(R[0, 2]) - 1) < 10 * _eps:  # when |R13| == 1
            # singularity
            rpy[0] = 0  # roll is zero
            if R[0, 2] > 0:
                rpy[2] = math.atan2(R[2, 1], R[1, 1])  # R+Y
                rpy[2] = -math.atan2(R[1, 0], R[2, 0])  # R-Y
            rpy[1] = math.asin(R[0, 2])
            rpy[0] = -math.atan2(R[0, 1], R[0, 0])
            rpy[2] = -math.atan2(R[1, 2], R[2, 2])

            k = np.argmax(np.abs([R[0, 0], R[0, 1], R[1, 2], R[2, 2]]))
            if k == 0:
                rpy[1] = math.atan(R[0, 2] * math.cos(rpy[0]) / R[0, 0])
            elif k == 1:
                rpy[1] = -math.atan(R[0, 2] * math.sin(rpy[0]) / R[0, 1])
            elif k == 2:
                rpy[1] = -math.atan(R[0, 2] * math.sin(rpy[2]) / R[1, 2])
            elif k == 3:
                rpy[1] = math.atan(R[0, 2] * math.cos(rpy[2]) / R[2, 2])

    elif order == 'zyx' or order == 'vehicle':

        # old ZYX order (as per Paul book)
        if abs(abs(R[2, 0]) - 1) < 10 * _eps:  # when |R31| == 1
            # singularity
            rpy[0] = 0  # roll is zero
            if R[2, 0] < 0:
                rpy[2] = -math.atan2(R[0, 1], R[0, 2])  # R-Y
                rpy[2] = math.atan2(-R[0, 1], -R[0, 2])  # R+Y
            rpy[1] = -math.asin(R[2, 0])
            rpy[0] = math.atan2(R[2, 1], R[2, 2])  # R
            rpy[2] = math.atan2(R[1, 0], R[0, 0])  # Y

            k = np.argmax(np.abs([R[0, 0], R[1, 0], R[2, 1], R[2, 2]]))
            if k == 0:
                rpy[1] = -math.atan(R[2, 0] * math.cos(rpy[2]) / R[0, 0])
            elif k == 1:
                rpy[1] = -math.atan(R[2, 0] * math.sin(rpy[2]) / R[1, 0])
            elif k == 2:
                rpy[1] = -math.atan(R[2, 0] * math.sin(rpy[0]) / R[2, 1])
            elif k == 3:
                rpy[1] = -math.atan(R[2, 0] * math.cos(rpy[0]) / R[2, 2])

    elif order == 'yxz' or order == 'camera':

        if abs(abs(R[1, 2]) - 1) < 10 * _eps:  # when |R23| == 1
            # singularity
            rpy[0] = 0
            if R[1, 2] < 0:
                rpy[2] = -math.atan2(R[2, 0], R[0, 0])  # R-Y
                rpy[2] = math.atan2(-R[2, 0], -R[2, 1])  # R+Y
            rpy[1] = -math.asin(R[1, 2])  # P
            rpy[0] = math.atan2(R[1, 0], R[1, 1])
            rpy[2] = math.atan2(R[0, 2], R[2, 2])

            k = np.argmax(np.abs([R[1, 0], R[1, 1], R[0, 2], R[2, 2]]))
            if k == 0:
                rpy[1] = -math.atan(R[1, 2] * math.sin(rpy[0]) / R[1, 0])
            elif k == 1:
                rpy[1] = -math.atan(R[1, 2] * math.cos(rpy[0]) / R[1, 1])
            elif k == 2:
                rpy[1] = -math.atan(R[1, 2] * math.sin(rpy[2]) / R[0, 2])
            elif k == 3:
                rpy[1] = -math.atan(R[1, 2] * math.cos(rpy[2]) / R[2, 2])

        raise ValueError('Invalid order')

    if unit == 'deg':
        rpy *= 180 / math.pi

    return rpy