def _import(self, value, check=True):
     if isinstance(value, np.ndarray) and self.isvalid(value, check=check):
         if value.shape == (3, 3):
             # it's an se(2)
             return base.vexa(value)
         elif value.shape == (3, ):
             # it's a twist vector
             return value
     elif base.ishom2(value, check=check):
         return base.trlog2(value, twist=True, check=False)
     raise TypeError('bad type passed')
    def isvalid(x, check=True):
        Test if matrix is valid SE(2)

        :param x: matrix to test
        :type x: numpy.ndarray
        :return: true if the matrix is a valid element of SE(2), ie. it is a
                 3x3 homogeneous rigid-body transformation matrix.
        :rtype: bool

        :seealso: :func:`~spatialmath.base.transform2d.ishom`
        return not check or tr.ishom2(x, check=True)
 def isvalid(x):
     return tr.ishom2(x, check=True)