def ad(self):
        Logarithm of adjoint of 3D twist

        :return: logarithm of adjoint matrix
        :rtype: ndarray(6,6)

        ```` is the 6x6 logarithm of the adjoint matrix of the
        corresponding homogeneous transformation.

        For a twist representing motion from frame {B} to {A}, the adjoint will
        transform a twist relative to frame {A} to one relative to frame {B}.


        .. runblock:: pycon

            >>> from spatialmath import Twist3
            >>> S = Twist3.Rx(0.3)

        .. note:: An alternative approach to computing the adjoint is to exponentiate this 6x6

        :seealso: :func:`Twist3.Ad`
        return np.block([[base.skew(self.w),
                         [np.zeros((3, 3)),
    def ad(self):
        """ Logarithm of adjoint is the logarithm of the adjoint matrix of the corresponding
        homogeneous transformation.

        See also SE3.Ad.
        return np.array([
            base.skew(self.v), [np.zeros((3, 3)),
    def ad(self):
        Logarithm of adjoint

        :return: logarithm of adjoint matrix
        :rtype: numpy.ndarray, shape=(6,6)

        - ```` is the 6x6 logarithm of the adjoint matrix of the corresponding
          homogeneous transformation.
        return np.array([
            base.skew(self.v), [np.zeros((3, 3)),
def dotb(q, w):
    Rate of change of unit-quaternion

    :arg q0: unit-quaternion
    :type q0: array_like(4)
    :arg w: 3D angular velocity in body frame
    :type w: array_like(3)
    :return: rate of change of unit quaternion
    :rtype: ndarray(4)

    ``dotb(q, w)`` is the rate of change of the elements of the unit quaternion ``q``
    which represents the orientation of a body frame with angular velocity ``w`` in
    the body frame.

    .. runblock:: pycon

        >>> from spatialmath.base import dotb, qprint
        >>> from math import sqrt
        >>> q = [1/sqrt(2), 1/sqrt(2), 0, 0]   # 90deg rotation about x-axis
        >>> dotb(q, [1, 2, 3])

    .. warning:: There is no check that the passed values are unit-quaternions.

    q = base.getvector(q, 4)
    w = base.getvector(w, 3)
    E = q[0] * (np.eye(3, 3)) + base.skew(q[1:4])
    return 0.5 * np.r_[[1:4], w), E @ w]
    def __init__(self, m=None, c=None, I=None):
        Create a new spatial inertia

        :param m: mass
        :type m: float
        :param c: centre of mass relative to link frame
        :type c: 3-element array_like
        :param I: inertia about the centre of mass, axes aligned with link frame
        :type I: numpy.array, shape=(6,6)

        - ``SpatialInertia(M, C, I)`` is a spatial inertia object for a rigid-body
          with mass ``M``, centre of mass at ``C`` relative to the link frame, and an
          inertia matrix ``I`` (3x3) about the centre of mass.

        - ``SpatialInertia(I)`` is a spatial inertia object with a value equal
          to ``I`` (6x6).
        if m is not None and c is not None:
            assert arg.isvector(c, 3), 'c must be 3-vector'
            if I is None:
                I = np.zeros((3,3))
                assert arg.ismatrix(I, (3,3)), 'I must be 3x3 matrix'
            C = tr.skew(c)
            self.I = np.array([
                                [m * np.eye(3), m @ C.T],
                                [m @ C,         I + m * C @ C.T]
        elif m is None and c is None and I is not None:
            assert arg.ismatrix(I, (6, 6)), 'I must be 6x6 matrix'
    def Ad(self):
        Adjoint of SO(3)

        :return: adjoint matrix
        :rtype: numpy.ndarray, shape=(3,3)

        - ``SEO.Ad`` is the 6x6 adjoint matrix


        return np.array([[self.R, tr.skew(self.t) @ self.R],
                         [np.zeros((3, 3)), self.R]])
    def ad(self):
        Logarithm of adjoint of 3D twist

        :return: logarithm of adjoint matrix
        :rtype: numpy.ndarray, shape=(6,6)

        ```` is the 6x6 logarithm of the adjoint matrix of the
          corresponding homogeneous transformation.

        For a twist representing motion from frame {B} to {A}, the adjoint will
        transform a twist relative to frame {A} to one relative to frame {B}.

        .. notes::
          - An alternative path to the adjoint is to exponentiate this 6x6
        :seealso: :func:`Twist3.Ad`
        return np.array([
            base.skew(self.v), [np.zeros((3, 3)),
    def __init__(self, m=None, r=None, I=None):
        Create a new spatial inertia

        :param m: mass
        :type m: float
        :param r: centre of mass relative to link frame
        :type r: 3-element array_like
        :param I: inertia about the centre of mass, axes aligned with link frame
        :type I: numpy.array, shape=(6,6)

        - ``SpatialInertia(m, r I)`` is a spatial inertia object for a rigid-body
          with mass ``m``, centre of mass at ``r`` relative to the link frame, and an
          inertia matrix ``I`` (3x3) about the centre of mass.

        - ``SpatialInertia(I)`` is a spatial inertia object with a value equal
          to ``I`` (6x6).

        :SymPy: supported

        if m is None and r is None and I is None:
            # no arguments
            I = SpatialInertia._identity()
        elif m is not None and r is None and I is None and base.ismatrix(
                m, (6, 6)):
            I = base.getmatrix(m, (6, 6))
        elif m is not None and r is not None:
            r = base.getvector(r, 3)
            if I is None:
                I = np.zeros((3, 3))
                I = base.getmatrix(I, (3, 3))
            C = base.skew(r)
            M = np.diag((m, ) * 3)  # sym friendly
            I = np.block([[M, m * C.T], [m * C, I + m * C @ C.T]])
            raise ValueError('bad values') = [I]
    def __rmul__(right, left):
        Line transformation

        :param left: Rigid-body transform
        :type left: SE3
        :param right: Right operand
        :type right: Plucker
        :return: transformed line
        :rtype: Plucker
        ``T * line`` is the line transformed by the rigid body transformation ``T``.

        :seealso: Plucker.__mul__
        if isinstance(left, SE3):
            A = np.r_[np.c_[left.R, sm.skew(-left.t) @ left.R], np.c_[np.zeros(
                (3, 3)), left.R]]
            return Plucker(A @ right.vec)  # premultiply by SE3
            raise ValueError('bad arguments')
def dotb(q, w):
    Rate of change of unit-quaternion

    :arg q0: unit-quaternion as a 4-vector
    :type q0: array_like
    :arg w: angular velocity in body frame as a 3-vector
    :type w: array_like
    :return: rate of change of unit quaternion
    :rtype: numpy.ndarray, shape=(4,)

    ``dotb(q, w)`` is the rate of change of the elements of the unit quaternion ``q``
    which represents the orientation of a body frame with angular velocity ``w`` in
    the body frame.

    .. warning:: There is no check that the passed values are unit-quaternions.

    q = argcheck.getvector(q, 4)
    w = argcheck.getvector(w, 3)
    E = q[0] * (np.eye(3, 3)) + tr.skew(q[1:4])
    return 0.5 * np.r_[[1:4], w), E @ w]
def trexp2(S, theta=None, check=True):
    Exponential of so(2) or se(2) matrix

    :param S: se(2), so(2) matrix or equivalent velctor
    :type T: ndarray(3,3) or ndarray(2,2)
    :param theta: motion
    :type theta: float
    :return: matrix exponential in SE(2) or SO(2)
    :rtype: ndarray(3,3) or ndarray(2,2)
    :raises ValueError: bad argument

    An efficient closed-form solution of the matrix exponential for arguments
    that are se(2) or so(2).

    For se(2) the results is an SE(2) homogeneous transformation matrix:

    - ``trexp2(Σ)`` is the matrix exponential of the se(2) element ``Σ`` which is
      a 3x3 augmented skew-symmetric matrix.
    - ``trexp2(Σ, θ)`` as above but for an se(3) motion of Σθ, where ``Σ``
      must represent a unit-twist, ie. the rotational component is a unit-norm skew-symmetric
    - ``trexp2(S)`` is the matrix exponential of the se(3) element ``S`` represented as
      a 3-vector which can be considered a screw motion.
    - ``trexp2(S, θ)`` as above but for an se(2) motion of Sθ, where ``S``
      must represent a unit-twist, ie. the rotational component is a unit-norm skew-symmetric

    .. runblock:: pycon

        >>> from spatialmath.base import *
        >>> trexp2(skew(1))
        >>> trexp2(skew(1), 2)  # revolute unit twist
        >>> trexp2(1)
        >>> trexp2(1, 2)  # revolute unit twist

    For so(2) the results is an SO(2) rotation matrix:

    - ``trexp2(Ω)`` is the matrix exponential of the so(3) element ``Ω`` which is a 2x2
      skew-symmetric matrix.
    - ``trexp2(Ω, θ)`` as above but for an so(3) motion of Ωθ, where ``Ω`` is
      unit-norm skew-symmetric matrix representing a rotation axis and a rotation magnitude
      given by ``θ``.
    - ``trexp2(ω)`` is the matrix exponential of the so(2) element ``ω`` expressed as
      a 1-vector.
    - ``trexp2(ω, θ)`` as above but for an so(3) motion of ωθ where ``ω`` is a
      unit-norm vector representing a rotation axis and a rotation magnitude
      given by ``θ``. ``ω`` is expressed as a 1-vector.

    .. runblock:: pycon

        >>> from spatialmath.base import *
        >>> trexp2(skewa([1, 2, 3]))
        >>> trexp2(skewa([1, 0, 0]), 2)  # prismatic unit twist
        >>> trexp2([1, 2, 3])
        >>> trexp2([1, 0, 0], 2)

    :seealso: trlog, trexp2

    if base.ismatrix(S, (3, 3)) or base.isvector(S, 3):
        # se(2) case
        if base.ismatrix(S, (3, 3)):
            # augmentented skew matrix
            if check and not base.isskewa(S):
                raise ValueError("argument must be a valid se(2) element")
            tw = base.vexa(S)
            # 3 vector
            tw = base.getvector(S)

        if base.iszerovec(tw):
            return np.eye(3)

        if theta is None:
            (tw, theta) = base.unittwist2_norm(tw)
        elif not base.isunittwist2(tw):
            raise ValueError("If theta is specified S must be a unit twist")

        t = tw[0:2]
        w = tw[2]

        R = base.rodrigues(w, theta)

        skw = base.skew(w)
        V = np.eye(2) * theta + (1.0 - math.cos(theta)) * skw + (
            theta - math.sin(theta)) * skw @ skw

        return base.rt2tr(R, V @ t)

    elif base.ismatrix(S, (2, 2)) or base.isvector(S, 1):
        # so(2) case
        if base.ismatrix(S, (2, 2)):
            # skew symmetric matrix
            if check and not base.isskew(S):
                raise ValueError("argument must be a valid so(2) element")
            w = base.vex(S)
            # 1 vector
            w = base.getvector(S)

        if theta is not None and not base.isunitvec(w):
            raise ValueError("If theta is specified S must be a unit twist")

        # do Rodrigues' formula for rotation
        return base.rodrigues(w, theta)
        raise ValueError(
            " First argument must be SO(2), 1-vector, SE(2) or 3-vector")