def ready():
    When the StorPool block service has been installed and the OpenStack
    integration has been installed everywhere, set the unit's status to
    rdebug('ready to go')
    spstatus.set('active', 'so far so good so what')
def update_status():
        status = get_status()
        spstatus.set("active" if status["ready"] else "maintenance",
    except BaseException as e:
        s = "Querying the StorPool status: {e}".format(e=e)
        hookenv.log(s, hookenv.ERROR)
        spstatus.set("maintenance", s)
def sp_status():
    # Yes, removing it at once, not after the fact.  If something
    # goes wrong, the action may be reissued.
        status = get_status()
        hookenv.action_set({"status": json.dumps(status)})
        spstatus.set("active" if status["ready"] else "maintenance",
    except BaseException as e:
        s = "Querying the StorPool status: {e}".format(e=e)
        hookenv.log(s, hookenv.ERROR)
def try_to_submit():
    Once the data has been collected and `submit_url` is set, go ahead.
    url = hookenv.config().get('submit_url', None)
    rdebug('trying to submit to {url}'.format(url=url))

    if url is None:
        rdebug('erm, how did we get here with no submit URL?')

    spstatus.npset('maintenance', 'submitting the collected data')
        global datafile
        rdebug('about to read {df}'.format(df=datafile))
        with open(datafile, mode='r', encoding='latin1') as f:
            contents = ''.join(f.readlines())
        rdebug('read {ln} characters of data from the collect file'.format(
        data = json.dumps({'filename': platform.node(), 'contents': contents})
        rdebug('encoded stuff into {ln} characters of data to submit'.format(
        data_enc = data.encode('latin1')
        rdebug('submitting {ln} bytes of data to {url}'.format(
            ln=len(data_enc), url=url))
        with urllib.request.urlopen(url, data=data_enc) as resp:
            rdebug('got some kind of an HTTP response')
            code = resp.getcode()
            rdebug('got response code {code}'.format(code=code))
            if code is not None and code >= 200 and code < 300:
                spstatus.set('active', 'here, have a blob of data')
    except Exception as e:
        rdebug('could not submit the data: {e}'.format(e=e))
        sputils.err('failed to submit the collected data')
def get_status():
    inst = reactive.is_state("storpool-block-charm.services-started")
    status = {
        "node": sputils.get_machine_id(),
        "charm-config": dict(hookenv.config()),
        "storpool-conf": read_storpool_conf(),
        "installed": inst,
        "presence": service_hook.fetch_presence(RELATIONS),
        "lxd": unitdata.kv().get(kvdata.KEY_LXD_NAME),
        "ready": False,

    for name in (
        value = status["charm-config"].get(name)
        if value is None or value == "":
            status["message"] = "No {name} in the config".format(name=name)
            return status
    if not inst:
        status["message"] = "Packages not installed yet"
        return status

    spstatus.set("maintenance", "checking the StorPool configuration")
    rdebug("about to try to obtain our StorPool ID")
        out = subprocess.check_output(["storpool_showconf", "-ne", "SP_OURID"])
        out = out.decode()
        out = out.split("\n")
        our_id = out[0]
    except Exception as e:
        status["message"] = "Could not obtain the StorPool ID: {e}".format(e=e)
        return status

    spstatus.set("maintenance", "checking the Cinder and Nova processes...")
    found = False
    status["proc"] = {}
    for cmd in ("cinder-volume", "nova-compute"):
        d = osi.check_spopenstack_processes(cmd)
        if d:
            found = True
        status["proc"][cmd] = d
        bad = sorted(filter(lambda pid: not d[pid], d.keys()))
        if bad:
            status["message"] = "No spopenstack group: {pid}".format(pid=bad)
            return status

    if found:
        spstatus.set("maintenance", "checking for the spool directory")
        dirname = pathlib.Path("/var/spool/openstack-storpool")
        if not dirname.is_dir():
            status["message"] = "No {d} directory".format(d=dirname)
            return status
        st = dirname.stat()
        if not st.st_mode & 0o0020:
            status["message"] = "{d} not group-writable".format(d=dirname)
            return status

    spstatus.set("maintenance", "checking the StorPool services...")
    svcs = ("storpool_beacon", "storpool_block")
    rdebug("checking for services: {svcs}".format(svcs=svcs))
    missing = list(filter(lambda s: not host.service_running(s), svcs))
    rdebug("missing: {missing}".format(missing=missing))
    if missing:
        status["message"] = "StorPool services not running: {missing}".format(
            missing=" ".join(missing))
        return status

    spstatus.set("maintenance", "querying the StorPool API")
    rdebug("checking the network status of the StorPool client")
        out = subprocess.check_output(["storpool", "-jB", "service", "list"])
        out = out.decode()
        data = json.loads(out)
        rdebug("got API response: {d}".format(d=data))
        if "error" in data:
            raise Exception(
                "API response: {d}".format(d=data["error"]["descr"]))
        state = data["data"]["clients"][our_id]["status"]
        rdebug("got our client status {st}".format(st=state))
        if state != "running":
            status["message"] = "StorPool client: {st}".format(st=state)
            return status
    except Exception as e:
        status["message"] = "Could not query the StorPool API: {e}".format(e=e)
        return status

    spstatus.set("maintenance", "querying the StorPool API for client status")
    rdebug("checking the status of the StorPool client")
        out = subprocess.check_output(["storpool", "-jB", "client", "status"])
        out = out.decode()
        data = json.loads(out)
        rdebug("got API response: {d}".format(d=data))
        if "error" in data:
            raise Exception(
                "API response: {d}".format(d=data["error"]["descr"]))
        int_id = int(our_id)
        found = list(filter(lambda e: e["id"] == int_id, data["data"]))
        if not found:
            raise Exception(
                "No client status reported for {our_id}".format(our_id=our_id))
        state = found[0]["configStatus"]
        status["message"] = "StorPool client: {st}".format(st=state)

        if state == "ok":
            status["ready"] = True
            rdebug("get_status: calling for Cinder LXD reconfiguration")
            status["ready"] = False
        return status
    except Exception as e:
        status["message"] = "Could not query the StorPool API: {e}".format(e=e)
        return status
def err(msg):
    Log an error message and set the unit's status.
    hookenv.log(msg, hookenv.ERROR)
    spstatus.set("error", msg)