def restart(t): while t: mins, secs = divmod(t, 60) timer = '{:1d}{:1d}'.format(mins, secs) print(timer, end="\r") nix.speak(timer) time.sleep(1) t -= 1 print("Windows is restarting now!") nix.speak("Your Windows is restarting now!") os.system("shutdown /r /t 0") exit()
def logoff(t): while t: mins, secs = divmod(t, 60) timer = '{:1d}{:1d}'.format(mins, secs) print(timer, end="\r") nix.speak(timer) time.sleep(1) t -= 1 print("Windows is logging out!") nix.speak("Windows is logging out") os.system("shutdown /l /t 0") exit()
def shutdown(t): while t: mins, secs = divmod(t, 60) timer = '{:1d}{:1d}'.format(mins, secs) print(timer, end="\r") nix.speak(timer) time.sleep(1) t -= 1 print("Windows is shutting down!") nix.speak("Windows is shutting down") os.system("shutdown /s /t 0") exit()
def weather(): apiKey = 'f2ad852dc1e89e7dd3da6b3fb2508e1a' base_url = "" nix.speak("Tell me the city name") city_name = sr.takeCommand() complete_url = base_url + "appid=" + apiKey + "&q=" + city_name response = requests.get(complete_url) x = response.json() if x["cod"] != "404": y = x["main"] current_temperature = y["temp"] current_pressure = y["pressure"] current_humidiy = y["humidity"] z = x["weather"] weather_description = z[0]["description"] print("Temperature (in kelvin unit) = " + str(current_temperature) + "\nAtmospheric pressure (in hPa unit) = " + str(current_pressure) + "\nHumidity (in percentage) = " + str(current_humidiy) + "\nDescription = " + str(weather_description)) nix.speak("Weather report for " + str(city_name)) time.sleep(1) nix.speak("Temperature is " + str(current_temperature) + "Kelvin" + "Atmospheric pressure is " + str(current_pressure) + "hPa" + "Humidity is " + str(current_humidiy) + "hPa" + "And the weather status is " + str(weather_description)) else: print(" City not found!") nix.speak(" City not found!")
def applications(input): if 'open word' in query or 'open ms word' in query or 'ms word' in query: nix.speak("Opening Microsoft Office Word") wordPath = "C:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Word.lnk" os.startfile(wordPath) nix.speak("Done for you! Anything else for me?") elif 'open code' in query: nix.speak("Opening Microsoft Visual Studio") codePath = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2019\\Enterprise\\Common7\\IDE\devenv.exe" os.startfile(codePath) nix.speak("Done for you! Anything else for me?") else: nix.speak("Application not available") return
def wishMe(): hour = int( if hour >= 0 and hour < 12: nix.speak("Good Morning") elif hour >= 12 and hour < 18: nix.speak("Good Afternoon") else: nix.speak("Good Evening") nix.speak("Akash! How may I help you?")
def covid_19(): print("We are getting details from") nix.speak("We are getting details from") print("Please wait...") nix.speak("Please wait...") extract_contents = lambda row: [x.text.replace('\n', '') for x in row] URL = '' SHORT_HEADERS = [ 'SNo', 'State', 'Indian-Confirmed', 'Foreign-Confirmed', 'Cured', 'Death' ] response = requests.get(URL).content soup = BeautifulSoup(response, 'html.parser') header = extract_contents('th')) stats = [] all_rows = soup.find_all('tr') for row in all_rows: stat = extract_contents(row.find_all('td')) if stat: if len(stat) == 5: # last row stat = ['', *stat] stats.append(stat) elif len(stat) == 6: stats.append(stat) stats[-1][1] = "Total Cases" stats.remove(stats[-1]) objects = [] for row in stats: objects.append(row[1]) y_pos = np.arange(len(objects)) performance = [] for row in stats: try: performance.append(int(row[2]) + int(row[3])) except: print("") os.system('cls') table = tabulate(stats, headers=SHORT_HEADERS) print(table) nix.speak("The result is on your screen.")
def givenews(): apiKey = "85d1024e0ceb4dae849c4783ad8753a4" url = f"{apiKey}" r = requests.get(url) data = r.json() data = data["articles"] flag = True count = 0 for items in data: count += 1 if count > 10: break print(items["title"]) to_speak = items["title"].split(" - ")[0] if flag: nix.speak("Today's top ten Headline are : ") flag = False else: nix.speak("Next news :") nix.speak(to_speak)
def lock(): ctypes.windll.user32.LockWorkStation() time.sleep(1) print("Your windows has been locked") nix.speak("Windows has been locked!")
def systest(): print("Hello") nix.speak("Hello")