class MyGP:
    def __init__(self, *argL, **argD ):

        self.gp = GP(*argL, **argD)
    def set_hypers(self, state):
        print 'setting chooser state'
        print self
        self.hypers_initialized = True
    def __str__(self):
        infoD = {}
        for field in ['mean', 'amp2', 'noise', 'ls']:
            infoD[ field ] = getattr(self.gp, field) 
        return '\n'.join([ "%s : %s"%(key, str(val)) for key, val in infoD.items() ]) 
    def fit(self, x, y):
#         y, self.mean, self.std = normalize(y)
        m,d = x.shape
        assert y.shape == (m,), "m = %d, y.shape = %s"%(m, str(y.shape))
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        if not self.hypers_initialized:

        # The primary covariances for prediction.
        K   = self.gp.cov(x)
        assert K.shape == (m,m)

        # Compute the required Cholesky.
        obsv_cov  = K + self.gp.noise*np.eye(x.shape[0])
        obsv_chol = spla.cholesky( obsv_cov, lower=True )

        # Solve the linear systems.
        self.alpha  = spla.cho_solve((obsv_chol, True), y - self.gp.mean)
        self.obsv_chol = obsv_chol
        return self
    def predict(self,x):
        cand_cross = self.gp.cov(self.x, x) # O(mdn)
        assert cand_cross.shape == (self.x.shape[0], x.shape[0])
        y_mean = np.dot(cand_cross.T, self.alpha) + self.gp.mean # O(mn)
        return y_mean

    def predict_proba(self,x):

        cand_cross = self.gp.cov(self.x, x) # O(mdn) 
        beta   = spla.solve_triangular(self.obsv_chol, cand_cross, lower=True) # O(mmn)
        assert cand_cross.shape == (self.x.shape[0], x.shape[0])
        assert beta.shape == (self.x.shape[0],x.shape[0])

        # Predict the marginal means and variances at candidates.
        y_mean = np.dot(cand_cross.T, self.alpha) + self.gp.mean # O(mn)
        y_var = self.gp.amp2*(1+1e-6) - np.sum(beta**2, axis=0) # O(mn)

        return y_mean, y_var

    def ei(self,x):
        best = np.min(self.x)
        y_mean, y_var = self.predict_proba(x)
        y_std = np.sqrt(y_var)
        u      = (best - y_mean) / y_std
        ncdf   = sps.norm.cdf(u)
        npdf   = sps.norm.pdf(u)
        ei     = y_std*( u*ncdf + npdf)
        return ei, y_mean, y_var
class MyGP:
    def __init__(self, *argL, **argD):

        self.gp = GP(*argL, **argD)

    def set_hypers(self, state):
        print 'setting chooser state'
        print self
        self.hypers_initialized = True

    def __str__(self):

        infoD = {}
        for field in ['mean', 'amp2', 'noise', 'ls']:
            infoD[field] = getattr(self.gp, field)

        return '\n'.join(
            ["%s : %s" % (key, str(val)) for key, val in infoD.items()])

    def fit(self, x, y):
        #         y, self.mean, self.std = normalize(y)

        m, d = x.shape
        assert y.shape == (m, ), "m = %d, y.shape = %s" % (m, str(y.shape))

        self.x = x
        self.y = y

        self.gp.real_init(d, y)

        if not self.hypers_initialized:
            self.gp.optimize_hypers(x, y)

        # The primary covariances for prediction.
        K = self.gp.cov(x)
        assert K.shape == (m, m)

        # Compute the required Cholesky.
        obsv_cov = K + self.gp.noise * np.eye(x.shape[0])
        obsv_chol = spla.cholesky(obsv_cov, lower=True)

        # Solve the linear systems.
        self.alpha = spla.cho_solve((obsv_chol, True), y - self.gp.mean)
        self.obsv_chol = obsv_chol
        return self

    def predict(self, x):
        cand_cross = self.gp.cov(self.x, x)  # O(mdn)
        assert cand_cross.shape == (self.x.shape[0], x.shape[0])
        y_mean = np.dot(cand_cross.T, self.alpha) + self.gp.mean  # O(mn)
        return y_mean

    def predict_proba(self, x):

        cand_cross = self.gp.cov(self.x, x)  # O(mdn)
        beta = spla.solve_triangular(self.obsv_chol, cand_cross,
                                     lower=True)  # O(mmn)
        assert cand_cross.shape == (self.x.shape[0], x.shape[0])
        assert beta.shape == (self.x.shape[0], x.shape[0])

        # Predict the marginal means and variances at candidates.
        y_mean = np.dot(cand_cross.T, self.alpha) + self.gp.mean  # O(mn)
        y_var = self.gp.amp2 * (1 + 1e-6) - np.sum(beta**2, axis=0)  # O(mn)

        return y_mean, y_var

    def ei(self, x):
        best = np.min(self.x)
        y_mean, y_var = self.predict_proba(x)

        y_std = np.sqrt(y_var)
        u = (best - y_mean) / y_std
        ncdf = sps.norm.cdf(u)
        npdf = sps.norm.pdf(u)
        ei = y_std * (u * ncdf + npdf)

        return ei, y_mean, y_var