文件: basic.py 项目: alexleach/scipy
def pbdv_seq(v,x):
    """Compute sequence of parabolic cylinder functions Dv(x) and
    their derivatives for Dv0(x)..Dv(x) with v0=v-int(v).
    if not (isscalar(v) and isscalar(x)):
        raise ValueError("arguments must be scalars.")
    n = int(v)
    v0 = v-n
    if (n < 1): n1=1
    else: n1 = n
    v1 = n1 + v0
    dv,dp,pdf,pdd = specfun.pbdv(v1,x)
    return dv[:n1+1],dp[:n1+1]
文件: basic.py 项目: minrk/scipy
def pbdv_seq(v, x):
    """Compute sequence of parabolic cylinder functions Dv(x) and
    their derivatives for Dv0(x)..Dv(x) with v0=v-int(v).
    if not (isscalar(v) and isscalar(x)):
        raise ValueError, "arguments must be scalars."
    n = int(v)
    v0 = v - n
    if (n < 1): n1 = 1
    else: n1 = n
    v1 = n1 + v0
    dv, dp, pdf, pdd = specfun.pbdv(v1, x)
    return dv[:n1 + 1], dp[:n1 + 1]