    def dofit(self):
        print("Press Enter to input order")
        order = raw_input("Order: ")
        order = int(order)
        lines = scipy.empty(len(self.lines))
        wave = scipy.empty(len(self.ids))

        for i in range(lines.size):
            lines[i] = self.lines[i]
            wave[i] = self.ids[i]

        fit = scipy.empty((lines.size, 2))
        fit[:, 0] = lines.copy()
        fit[:, 1] = wave.copy()
        self.solution = sf.lsqfit(fit, 'chebyshev', order)
        fit[:, 0] = wave.copy()
        fit[:, 1] = lines.copy()
        self.inverse = sf.lsqfit(fit, 'chebyshev', order)

        self.wave = sf.genfunc(self.points, 0., self.solution)
        for i in self.markers:
            wave = sf.genfunc(i, 0., self.solution)
            verts = self.markers[i].get_verts()
            bottom = verts[0][1]
            top = verts[1][1]
            wave = wave[0]
            mark = mpl.patches.Polygon([(wave, bottom), (wave, top)])
            self.markers[wave] = mark
            del self.markers[i]
def combine_xyw(coords, xsoln, ysoln, wsoln, xord, yord):
    x = coords[1].flatten()
    y = coords[0].flatten()

    newy = ysoln.flatten()
    from scipy import random
    k = random.random(x.size)
    args = k.argsort()
    x = x[args[:y.size / 10]]
    newy = newy[args[:y.size / 10]]
    y = y[args[:y.size / 10]]

    newx = sf.genfunc(x, y, xsoln['back'])
    wave = sf.genfunc(newx, 0., wsoln)

    data = scipy.empty((x.size, 3))
    data[:, 0] = wave.copy()
    data[:, 1] = y.copy()
    data[:, 2] = x.copy()
    output_to_ccdx = sf.lsqfit(data, 'chebyshev', xord, yord)

    data[:, 2] = newy.copy()
    output_to_ccdy = sf.lsqfit(data, 'chebyshev', xord, yord)

    data[:, 0] = x.copy()
    data[:, 1] = y.copy()
    data[:, 2] = wave.copy()
    ccdx_ycor_to_wave = sf.lsqfit(data, 'chebyshev', xord, yord)

    return {
        'sky2x': output_to_ccdx,
        'sky2y': output_to_ccdy,
        'ccd2wave': ccdx_ycor_to_wave
def getWsoln(sky, x, wsolution, wmodel):
    def refine(p, x, d, sky, model):
        pars = {'coeff': numpy.atleast_2d(p).T, 'type': 'polynomial'}
        w = sf.genfunc(x, 0., pars)
        c = (w > wmodel['blue']) & (w < wmodel['red'])
        mod = interpolate.splev(w[c], model)
        mod /= mod.mean()
        return (d[c] - mod) / abs(sky[c] + mod)**0.5

    # For `by hand' fitting
    if wsolution is None:
        import id_spec
        wsolution = id_spec.id_spec(sky, wmodel)
        x0 = numpy.arange(sky.size)
        w = sf.genfunc(x0, 0., wsolution)
        wsolution = sf.lsqfit(numpy.array([x, w]).T, 'polynomial', 3)
        import pylab
        tmpD = sky.copy()
        tmpD /= sky.mean()
        sky /= sky.mean()**2

        T = FFTFilter(tmpD, 100)
        Dlines = spf.get_lines(x, T, nstd=7.)
        Dwlines = sf.genfunc(Dlines, 0., wsolution)
        w = sf.genfunc(x, 0., wsolution)
        c = (w > wmodel['blue']) & (w < wmodel['red'])
        mod = interpolate.splev(w[c], wmodel['model'])
        Slines = spf.get_lines(w[c], mod, nstd=7.)
        matches = []
        for j in range(Dwlines.size):
            diff = abs(Dwlines[j] - Slines)
            if diff.min() < 5. * wmodel['scale']:
                matches.append([Dlines[j], Slines[diff.argmin()]])
        wsolution = sf.lsqfit(numpy.asarray(matches), 'polynomial', 3)

        start = wsolution['coeff'].flatten()
        coeff, ier = optimize.leastsq(refine,
                                      start, (x, tmpD, sky, wmodel['model']),
        wsolution = {'coeff': numpy.atleast_2d(coeff).T, 'type': 'polynomial'}
        w = sf.genfunc(x, 0., wsolution)
        c = (w > wmodel['blue']) & (w < wmodel['red'])
        mod = interpolate.splev(w[c], wmodel['model'])
        mod /= mod.mean()
        pylab.plot(w[c], mod)
        pylab.plot(w[c], tmpD[c])
    w = sf.genfunc(x, 0., wsolution)
    rwsoln = sf.lsqfit(numpy.array([w, x]).T, 'polynomial', 3)
    return wsolution, rwsoln
def wave_arclines(arc, arcmodel, sky, solution):
    from scipy import interpolate
    STD_LINES = scipy.sort(arcmodel['lines'])
    SKYLINES = [5577.338, 6300.304, 6363.78, 6553.617]  #,6912.62]
    x = scipy.arange(arc.size).astype(scipy.float32)
    lines = get_lines(x, arc)
    skycoords = get_lines(x, sky)

    arccoords = lines.copy()
    scale = arcmodel['scale']

    if scale > 1.5:
        SKYLINES.insert(1, 5891.)

    order = solution['coeff'].size - 1
    fit = solution
    w = sf.genfunc(lines, 0., fit)
    matches = []
    for line in STD_LINES:
        diff = abs(w - line)
        if diff.min() < 5. * scale:
            pos = diff.argmin()
            matches.append([lines[pos], line])
    print matches, order
    fit = sf.lsqfit(scipy.asarray(matches), 'polynomial', order)

    order = 1

    for i in range(7):
        matched = [m for m in matches]
        if skycoords.size == 0:
            offset = 0.
        skyline = sf.genfunc(skycoords, 0., fit)
        offsets = []
        for line in SKYLINES[:i * 2 + 2]:
            diff = abs(line - skyline)
            if diff.min() < 5. * scale:
                offsets.append(line - skyline[diff.argmin()])
        if len(offsets) == 0:
            offset = 0.
        offset = scipy.median(scipy.asarray(offsets))

        for line in SKYLINES[:i * 2 + 2]:
            diff = abs(line - skyline)
            if diff.min() < 5. * scale:
                pos = diff.argmin()
                matched.append([skycoords[pos], line - offset])
        fit = sf.lsqfit(scipy.asarray(matched), 'polynomial', order)

    fit['coeff'][0] += offset

    return fit
def new_xsoln(data, xord=3, yord=3, tol=2.):
    data = data.copy()

    height, width = data.shape

    indx = height / 4
    mid = data[indx]

    xvals = scipy.arange(mid.size)
    middle_lines = get_lines(xvals, mid, False)

    ref = []
    for row in range(height):
        ref.append(get_lines(xvals, data[row], False))
    lines = []
    for l in middle_lines:
        off is used to track the systematic shift of lines as we move
            up and down the slit. This is necessary for strongly
            curved lines that might be substantially shifted wrt
            the central row.
        off = 0.
        for row in range(indx, height):  # The top of the slit
            if len(ref[row]) == 0:
            p = ref[row] + off
            diff = abs(l - p)
            if diff.min() < tol:
                pos = diff.argmin()
                lines.append([ref[row][pos], row, l])
                off = l - ref[row][pos]
        off = 0.
        for row in range(indx - 1, -1, -1):  # The bottom of the slit
            if len(ref[row]) == 0:
            p = ref[row] + off
            diff = abs(l - p)
            if diff.min() < tol:
                pos = diff.argmin()
                lines.append([ref[row][pos], row, l])
                off = l - ref[row][pos]
    lines = scipy.asarray(lines)
    soln = sf.lsqfit(lines, 'chebyshev', xord, yord)

    tmp = lines[:, 0].copy()
    lines[:, 0] = lines[:, 2].copy()
    lines[:, 2] = tmp.copy()
    soln2 = sf.lsqfit(lines, 'chebyshev', xord, yord)

    return {'back': soln, 'forw': soln2}
def matchlines(peaks, solution, linefile, tol=30., order=3, offset=False):
    wave = special_functions.genfunc(peaks, 0., solution)
        lines = getlines(linefile)
        lines = linefile

    gooddata = []
    goodlines = []
    for i in range(wave.size):
        delta = 1e9
        match = None
        for j in lines:
            if abs(j - wave[i]) < delta:
                delta = abs(j - wave[i])
                match = j
        if delta < tol:

    fitdata = scipy.empty((len(gooddata), 2))
    fitdata[:, 0] = scipy.asarray(gooddata)
    fitdata[:, 1] = scipy.asarray(goodlines)

    if offset:
        a = special_functions.genfunc(fitdata[:, 0], 0., solution)
        return fitdata[:, 1] - a

    return special_functions.lsqfit(fitdata, 'chebyshev', order)
def update_xsoln(data, soln, xord=3, yord=3, skip=False):
    data = data.copy()

    height, width = data.shape

    if skip:
        slice = data.mean(1)
        indx = slice.argsort()[slice.size / 4]
        mid = data[indx]
        badrow = scipy.where(slice > slice[indx] + 5. * (slice[indx])**0.5)[0]
        if badrow.size == 0:
            badrow = scipy.array([-1])
        indx = height / 2
        mid = data[indx]
        badrow = scipy.array([-1])

    xvals = scipy.arange(mid.size)
    middle_lines = get_lines(xvals, mid, False)
    straight = sf.genfunc(middle_lines, indx, soln['back'])
    ref = []
    lines = []

    for row in range(height):
        if abs(row - badrow).min() == 0:
        current = get_lines(xvals, data[row], False)
        if current.size == 0:
        guess = sf.genfunc(current, row, soln['back'])
        for l in straight:
            diff = abs(l - guess)
            if diff.min() < 2:
                pos = diff.argmin()
                lines.append([current[pos], row, l])
    lines = scipy.asarray(lines)
    newsoln = sf.lsqfit(lines, 'chebyshev', xord, yord)

    tmp = lines[:, 0].copy()
    lines[:, 0] = lines[:, 2].copy()
    lines[:, 2] = tmp.copy()
    del tmp
    newsoln2 = sf.lsqfit(lines, 'chebyshev', xord, yord)

    return {'back': newsoln, 'forw': newsoln2}
def doublematch(peaks,
    lines = scipy.asarray(skyin)

    p = peaks[0]
    wave = special_functions.genfunc(p, 0., w)
    goodmatches = []
    for i in range(wave.size):
        delta = 1e9
        match = None
        for j in lines:
            if abs(j - wave[i]) < delta:
                delta = abs(j - wave[i] + shift)
                match = j
        if delta < tol:
            goodmatches.append([p[i], match])

    p = peaks[1]
    wave = special_functions.genfunc(p, 0., w)
    lines = scipy.asarray(linefile)
    #	lines = getlines(linefile)

    for i in range(wave.size):
        delta = 1e9
        match = None
        for arc in lines:
            if abs(arc - wave[i]) < delta:
                delta = abs(arc - wave[i] + shift)
                match = arc
        if delta < tol:
            goodmatches.append([p[i], match])

    fitdata = scipy.asarray(goodmatches)
    fit = special_functions.lsqfit(fitdata, 'chebyshev', order)
    match = special_functions.genfunc(fitdata[:, 0], 0., fit)
    diff = match - fitdata[:, 1]
    error = stats.stats.std(diff)
    if logfile is not None:
        logentry = "\tWavelength solution error: %5.3f angstroms from %d lines\n" % (
            error, diff.size)
        for i in range(diff.size):
            logentry += "\t\t%7.2f   %7.2f   %5.2f\n" % (fitdata[i, 1],
                                                         match[i], diff[i])
        keeplog(logfile, logentry)
    return fit, error
def wave_skylines(sky, solution):
    STD_LINES = [
        5197.928, 5200.286, 5202.977, 5460.735, 5577.345, 5867.5522, 5915.308,
        5932.864, 6257.970, 6300.320, 6363.810, 6533.040, 6553.610, 6863.971,
        6912.620, 6923.210, 6939.520, 7303.716, 7329.148, 7340.885, 7358.659,
        7392.198, 7586.093, 7808.467, 7821.510, 7841.266, 7993.332, 8310.719,
        8344.613, 8399.160, 8415.231, 8430.170, 8791.186, 8885.830, 8943.395,
        8988.384, 9038.059, 9337.854, 9375.977, 9419.746, 9439.670, 9458.524
    x = scipy.arange(sky.size).astype(scipy.float32)
    lines = get_lines(x, sky)

    scale = solution['coeff'][1]
    order = solution['coeff'].size - 1

    if scale > 1.5:
        STD_LINES.insert(6, 5891.)

    w = sf.genfunc(lines, 0., solution)
    matches = []
    for i in range(w.size):
        diff = abs(w[i] - STD_LINES)
        if diff.min() < 5. * scale:
            matches.append([lines[i], STD_LINES[diff.argmin()]])
    fit = sf.lsqfit(scipy.asarray(matches), 'polynomial', order)

    w = sf.genfunc(lines, 0., fit)
    matches = []
    for i in range(w.size):
        diff = abs(w[i] - STD_LINES)
        if diff.min() < 5. * scale:
            matches.append([lines[i], STD_LINES[diff.argmin()]])
    fit = sf.lsqfit(scipy.asarray(matches), 'polynomial', order)

    lines = get_lines(x, sky, nstd=7.)
    w = sf.genfunc(lines, 0., fit)
    matches = []
    for i in range(w.size):
        diff = abs(w[i] - STD_LINES)
        if diff.min() < 3. * scale:
            matches.append([lines[i], STD_LINES[diff.argmin()]])
    fit = sf.lsqfit(scipy.asarray(matches), 'polynomial', order)

    return fit
def combine_xy(offset, coords, xsoln, ysoln, xord, yord):
    x = coords[1].flatten()
    y = coords[0].flatten()

    newy = ysoln['back'].flatten()
    newx = sf.genfunc(x, y - offset, xsoln['back'])

    data = scipy.empty((x.size, 3))
    data[:, 0] = x.copy()
    data[:, 1] = y.copy()
    data[:, 2] = newx.copy()
    soln = sf.lsqfit(data, 'chebyshev', xord, yord)

    tmp = data[:, 0].copy()
    data[:, 0] = data[:, 2].copy()
    data[:, 2] = tmp.copy()
    soln2 = sf.lsqfit(data, 'chebyshev', xord, yord)

    return {'back': soln, 'forw': soln2}
def combine_xw(coords, xsoln, wsoln, xord, yord):
    x = coords[1].flatten()
    y = coords[0].flatten()

    newx = sf.genfunc(x, y, xsoln['back'])
    wave = sf.genfunc(newx, 0., wsoln)

    data = scipy.empty((x.size, 3))
    data[:, 0] = x.copy()
    data[:, 1] = y.copy()
    data[:, 2] = wave.copy()
    soln = sf.lsqfit(data, 'chebyshev', xord, yord)

    tmp = data[:, 0].copy()
    data[:, 0] = data[:, 2].copy()
    data[:, 2] = tmp.copy()
    soln2 = sf.lsqfit(data, 'chebyshev', xord, yord)

    return {'back': soln, 'forw': soln2}
def medsubtract(image,outname):
    data = pyfits.open(image)[0].data.copy()
    if data.ndim==3:
        data = data[0].copy()

    tmp = data.copy()
    tmp[numpy.isnan(tmp)] = 0.
    tmp -= numpy.sort(tmp,0)[tmp.shape[0]/5]
    trace = tmp.sum(1)
    peak = trace.argmax()

    center = numpy.empty(data.shape[1])
    w = center.copy()
    for i in range(1+center.size/100):
       b = i*100
       e = b+100
       if e>center.size:
           e = center.size
       if b==e:
       center[b:e] = tmp[:,b:e].sum(1).argmax()
    bg = center.copy()
    x = numpy.arange(data.shape[0])
    for i in range(center.size):
        d = tmp[:,i].copy()
        peak = center[i]
        if numpy.isnan(d[peak]):
            center[i] = peak
        fit = numpy.array([0.,d[peak],peak,1.])
        cond = ~numpy.isnan(d)
        input = numpy.empty((d[cond].size,2))
        input[:,0] = x[cond].copy()
        input[:,1] = d[cond].copy()
        fit,chi = sf.ngaussfit(input,fit)
        center[i] = fit[2]
        w[i] = fit[3]

    fit = sf.lsqfit(ndimage.median_filter(center,17),'polynomial',5)
    centroid = sf.genfunc(numpy.arange(bg.size),0.,fit)
    w = numpy.median(w)
    for i in range(bg.size):
        d = data[:,i].copy()
        d[centroid[i]-w*4:centroid[i]+w*4] = numpy.nan
        data[:,i] -= stats.nanmedian(d)

    hdu = pyfits.open(image)[0]
    hdu.data = data.copy()
def ycor(img):
    Follow star traces along the x direction to correct y-distortion
    xvals = numpy.arange(img.shape[1])
    yvals = numpy.arange(img.shape[0])
    mid = spf.get_lines(numpy.arange(img.shape[0]), img[:, yvals.size / 2],
    ref = []
    for col in range(xvals.size):
        ref.append(spf.get_lines(yvals, img[:, col], False))
    soln = []
    for l in mid:
        off = 0.
        dy = []
        for col in xrange(xvals.size / 2, xvals.max()):
            if len(ref[col]) == 0:
            p = ref[col] + off
            diff = abs(l - p)
            if diff.min() < 1.5:
                pos = diff.argmin()
                dy.append([col, ref[col][pos] - l])
                off = l - ref[col][pos]
        off = 0.
        for col in xrange(xvals.size / 2 - 1, -1, -1):
            if len(ref[col]) == 0:
            p = ref[col] + off
            diff = abs(l - p)
            if diff.min() < 1.5:
                pos = diff.argmin()
                dy.append([col, ref[col][pos] - l])
                off = l - ref[col][pos]
        dy = numpy.asarray(dy)
        fit = sf.lsqfit(dy, 'chebyshev', 3)
        soln.append(sf.genfunc(xvals, 0., fit))
    soln = numpy.asarray(soln)
    soln = numpy.median(soln, 0)
    y = numpy.indices(img.shape).astype(numpy.float32)[0] + soln
    return y, y - soln * 2
    def do_fit(self, fullFit=False):
        p = self.peaks[self.selected == 1]
        fitdata = scipy.empty((self.xdata.size, 2))
        fitdata[:, 0] = scipy.arange(fitdata.shape[0])
        fitdata[:, 1] = self.spec.get_xdata()
        fitdata = fitdata[(fitdata[:, 0] > p[0] - 20)
                          & (fitdata[:, 0] < p[-1] + 20)]
        ord = int(raw_input('Enter order of fit: '))
        fit = sf.lsqfit(fitdata, 'polynomial', ord)
        self.soln = fit
        if fullFit == True:
            from scipy import interpolate, optimize
            spec = self.spec.get_ydata()
            xvals = numpy.arange(spec.size).astype(numpy.float32)

            def opt(p):
                p = numpy.array(p)
                n = p[-1]
                coeff = numpy.atleast_2d(p[:-1]).T
                m = {'coeff': coeff, 'type': 'polynomial'}
                w = sf.genfunc(xvals, 0., m)
                mod = n * interpolate.splev(w, self.skymodel)
                return (spec - mod) / abs(spec)**0.5

            pars = fit['coeff'].flatten().tolist()
            coeff, ier = optimize.leastsq(opt, pars, maxfev=10000, epsfcn=1e-5)
            fit['coeff'] = numpy.atleast_2d(coeff[:-1]).T
            self.soln = fit
            print "pixel fit complete"
            print "Fit Complete"
        xdata = sf.genfunc(scipy.arange(self.xdata.size), 0., fit)
        #        self.sky.set_xdata(xdata)
        for i in range(self.datapeaks.size):
            x = xdata[self.datapeaks[i]]
            l = self.datalines[i]
            l.set_xdata([x, x])
def startrace(stars,orders):
    from scipy import ndimage
    if stars.shape[0]>1500:
        WIDTH = 6
        fw = 9
        WIDTH = 4
        fw = 7

    nrows = stars.shape[0]
    ncols = stars.shape[1]

    # This probably isn't necessary....
    background = ndimage.percentile_filter(stars,10.,(37,1))
    background[numpy.isnan(background)] = 0.
    background = ndimage.median_filter(background,7)

    smooth = ndimage.gaussian_filter1d(stars-background,1.5,0)

    stars -= background
    start = stars[:,int(ncols/2)].copy()

    # Find the traces down the middle of the image
    peaks = ndimage.maximum_filter(start,fw)
    peaks2 = ndimage.maximum_filter(start,3)
    avg,sig = clip(start,3.)
    thresh = sig*5.
    all = numpy.where((peaks==start)&(peaks>thresh)&(peaks==peaks2))[0]
    all = all.tolist()

    yvals = numpy.arange(nrows)*1.
    xvals = numpy.arange(ncols)*1.
    wideorders = []
    solutions = []
    # Loop through the orders, following the traces in each order
    for i in range(len(orders)):
        start,end = orders[i]
        while all[0]<start:
            del all[0]
        ordermatches = numpy.empty((0,3))
        while all[0]<end:
            peak = all[0]
            col = int(ncols/2)
            amp = smooth[peak,col]
            line = peak
            matches = []
            # Go towards the blue side of the image
            while col>0:
                line = int(line)
                if line<WIDTH or line+WIDTH>=nrows or stars[line-1:line+2,col].max()<amp/20.:
                s1 = slice(line-WIDTH,line+WIDTH+1)
                line = (stars[s1,col]*yvals[s1]).sum()/stars[s1,col].sum()
                col -= 1
            col = int(ncols/2)+1
            line = peak
            # Go towards the red side of the image
            while col<ncols:
                line = int(line)
                if line<WIDTH or line+WIDTH>=nrows:
                s1 = slice(line-WIDTH,line+WIDTH+1)
                # The red side has some defects....
                if numpy.isnan(stars[s1,col]).any():
                    if i==0:
                    fitData = numpy.array(matches)[:,:2]
                    fit = lsqfit(fitData,'chebyshev',3)
                    linePos = genfunc(xvals,0.,fit).astype(numpy.int32)
                    while col<ncols-WIDTH and numpy.isnan(stars[s1,col]).any():
                        col += 1
                        s1 = slice(linePos[col]-WIDTH,linePos[col]+WIDTH+1)
                    if col>=ncols-WIDTH:
                line = int((stars[s1,col]*yvals[s1]).sum()/stars[s1,col].sum())
                if stars[line-1:line+2,col].max()<amp/20.:
                col += 1

            # Filter garbage; trace should be within ~2pix of the model
            matches = numpy.array(matches)
            soln = lsqfit(matches[:,:2],'cheybshev',3)
            resid = matches[:,1]-genfunc(matches[:,0],0.,soln)
            good = abs(resid)<2.
            ordermatches = numpy.concatenate((ordermatches,matches[good]))
            del all[0]
        matches = ordermatches

        ord1,ord2 = 3,3
        ymap = lsqfit(matches,"chebyshev",ord1,ord2)

        # Clip bad points
        resid = matches[:,2]-genfunc(matches[:,0],matches[:,1],ymap)
        m,s = clip(resid,3.5)
        good = abs(resid-m)<3.5*s
        matches = matches[good]

        ymap = lsqfit(matches,"chebyshev",ord1,ord2)
        tmp = matches[:,1].copy()
        matches[:,1] = matches[:,2].copy()
        matches[:,2] = tmp.copy()
        ytrue = lsqfit(matches,"chebyshev",ord1,ord2)

        lower = int(genfunc(xvals,xvals*0.+start-3,ytrue).min())
        upper = int(genfunc(xvals,xvals*0+end+3,ytrue).max())+1
        if lower<0:
            lower = 0
        if upper>stars.shape[1]:
            upper = stars.shape[1]

    return solutions,wideorders
def solve(d,orders):
    path = os.path.split(__file__)[0]

    lines = {}
    lines['cuar'] = numpy.loadtxt(path+"/data/cuar.lines")
    lines['hgne'] = numpy.loadtxt(path+"/data/hgne.lines")
    lines['xe'] = numpy.loadtxt(path+"/data/xe.lines")

    #startsoln = numpy.load(path+"/data/test_wavesol.dat",
    #                       allow_pickle=True)
    startsoln = numpy.load(path+"/data/esi_wavesolution.dat",

    #arclist = d.keys() # Under python 3 this does not produce a list
    #                        and so arclist[0] below fails
    arclist = list(d)
    soln = []
    if d[arclist[0]].shape[1]>3000:
        xvals = numpy.arange(4096.)
        cuslice = slice(3860,3940)
        fw1 = 75.
        fw2 = 9
        xvals = numpy.arange(1.,4096.,2.)
        cuslice = slice(1930,1970)
        fw1 = 37.
        fw2 = 5

    Do a temporary kludge.  In some cases, the finding of the orders
    fails, and only 9 orders are found.  In this case, we need to skip
    the first of the orders
    if len(orders) == 9:
        ordstart = 1
        dord = 1
        ordstart = 0
        dord = 0
    for i in range(ordstart, 10):
      solution = startsoln[i]
      start,end = orders[(i-dord)]

      peaks = {}
      trace = {}
      fitD = {}
      WIDTH = 4
      import pylab
      for arc in arclist:
          data = numpy.nanmedian(d[arc][start:end],axis=0)
          data[scipy.isnan(data)] = 0.
          if i==0 and arc=='cuar':
              data[cuslice] = numpy.median(data)
          trace[arc] = data.copy()
          bak = ndimage.percentile_filter(data,50.,int(fw1))
          bak = getContinuum(bak,40.)
          data -= bak
          fitD[arc] = data/d[arc][start:end].std(0)
          p = ndimage.maximum_filter(data,fw2)
          std = clip(scipy.trim_zeros(data),3.)[1]
          nsig = ndimage.uniform_filter((data>7.*std)*1.,3)
          peak = scipy.where((nsig==1)&(p>10.*std)&(p==data))[0]
          peaks[arc] = []
          for p in peak:
              if p-WIDTH<0 or p+WIDTH+1>xvals.size:
              x = xvals[p-WIDTH:p+WIDTH+1].copy()#-xvals[p]
              f = data[p-WIDTH:p+WIDTH+1].copy()
              fitdata = scipy.array([x,f]).T
              fit = scipy.array([0.,f.max(),xvals[p],1.])
              fit,chi = sf.ngaussfit(fitdata,fit,weight=1)
      for converge in range(15):
        wave = 10**sf.genfunc(xvals,0.,solution)

        refit = []
        corrA = {}
        err = wave[int(wave.size/2)]-wave[int(wave.size/2-1)]
        for arc in arclist:
            corr = []
            p = 10.**sf.genfunc(peaks[arc],0.,solution)
            for k in range(p.size):
                cent = p[k]
                diff = cent-lines[arc]
            corr = numpy.array(corr)
            if corr.size<4:
            m,s = clip(corr)
            corr = numpy.median(corr[abs(corr-m)<5.*s])
            corrA[arc] = corr
#        corr = m

        #for arc in arclist:
            p = 10.**sf.genfunc(peaks[arc],0.,solution)
            for k in range(p.size):
                pos = peaks[arc][k]
                cent = p[k]
                diff = abs(cent-lines[arc]-corr)
                if diff.min()<2.*err:
        refit = scipy.asarray(refit)
        solution = sf.lsqfit(refit,'polynomial',3)
        refit = []
        err = solution['coeff'][1]
        for arc in arclist:
            data = trace[arc]
            for pos in peaks[arc]:
                cent = sf.genfunc(pos,0.,solution)
                delta = 1e9
                match = None
                for j in lines[arc]:
                    diff = abs(cent-j)
                    if diff<delta and diff<1.*err:
                        delta = diff
                        match = j
                if match is not None:
        refit = scipy.asarray(refit)
        refit[:,1] = numpy.log10(refit[:,1])
        solution = sf.lsqfit(refit,'chebyshev',3)

        #refit[:,0],refit[:,1] = refit[:,1].copy(),refit[:,0].copy()
        #refit = numpy.array([refit[:,1],refit[:,0]]).T
        #refit = refit[:,::-1]
        solution2 = sf.lsqfit(refit[:,::-1],'chebyshev',3)

        w = 10**sf.genfunc(xvals,0.,solution)
        if (w==wave).all() or converge>8:
            print("Order %d converged in %d iterations"%(i,converge))
            for arc in arclist:
                pp = 10**sf.genfunc(peaks[arc],0.,solution)
                for p in pp:
            for j in 10**refit[:,1]:
                if j>w[0] and j<w[-1]:
    return soln
def jointSolve(d,orders):
    import pylab
    path = __path__[0]

    lines = {}
    lines['cuar'] = numpy.loadtxt(path+"/data/cuar.lines")
    lines['hgne'] = numpy.loadtxt(path+"/data/hgne.lines")
    lines['xe'] = numpy.loadtxt(path+"/data/xe.lines")

    startsoln = numpy.load(path+"/data/esi_wavesolution.dat")
    startsoln = numpy.load(path+'/data/shao_wave.dat')
    startsoln = [i for i,j in startsoln]
    alldata = d['arc']
    arclist = d.keys()
    soln = []
    if alldata.shape[1]>3000:
        xvals = numpy.arange(4096.)
        resolve = False
        cuslice = slice(3860,3940)
        fw1 = 75.
        fw2 = 9
        WIDTH = 4
        xvals = numpy.arange(2048.)
        resolve = True
        cuslice = slice(1930,1970)
        fw1 = 37.
        fw2 = 7
        WIDTH = 3
    for i in range(10):
      solution = startsoln[i]
      start,end = orders[i]
      if resolve==True:
        tmp = numpy.arange(0.5,4096.,2.)
        w = sf.genfunc(tmp,0.,solution)
        solution = sf.lsqfit(numpy.array([xvals,w]).T,'chebyshev',3)

      data = numpy.nanmedian(alldata[start:end],axis=0)
      data[numpy.isnan(data)] = 0.
      if i==0:
        data[cuslice] = numpy.median(data)
      bak = ndimage.percentile_filter(data,50.,int(fw1))
      data -= bak

      peaks = []
      p = ndimage.maximum_filter(data,fw2)
      std = clip(numpy.trim_zeros(data),3.)[1]
      peak = numpy.where((p>30.*std)&(p==data))[0]
      for p in peak:
          if p-WIDTH<0 or p+WIDTH+1>xvals.size:
          x = xvals[p-WIDTH:p+WIDTH+1].copy()
          f = data[p-WIDTH:p+WIDTH+1].copy()
          fitdata = numpy.array([x,f]).T
          fit = numpy.array([0.,f.max(),xvals[p],1.])
          fit,chi = sf.ngaussfit(fitdata,fit,weight=1)

      for converge in range(10):
        wave = 10**sf.genfunc(xvals,0.,solution)

        refit = []
        corr = []
        err = wave[wave.size/2]-wave[wave.size/2-1]
        p = 10.**sf.genfunc(peaks,0.,solution)
        for arc in arclist:
            for k in range(p.size):
                if i==0 and p[k]>4344.:
                cent = p[k]
                diff = cent-lines[arc]
        corr = numpy.array(corr)
        corr = corr[abs(corr)<5*err]
        m,s = clip(corr)
        corr = numpy.median(corr[abs(corr-m)<5.*s])
        for arc in arclist:
            for k in range(p.size):
                if i==0 and p[k]>4344.:
                pos = peaks[k]
                cent = p[k]
                diff = abs(cent-lines[arc]-corr)
                if diff.min()<2.*err:
        refit = numpy.asarray(refit)
        solution = sf.lsqfit(refit,'polynomial',3)
        refit = []
        err = solution['coeff'][1]
        p = sf.genfunc(peaks,0.,solution)
        for k in range(p.size):
            delta = 1e9
            match = None
            for arc in arclist:
                for j in lines[arc]:
                    if i==0 and j>4344.:
                    diff = abs(p[k]-j)
                    if diff<delta and diff<1.*err:
                        delta = diff
                        match = j
            if match is not None:
        refit = numpy.asarray(refit)
        refit[:,1] = numpy.log10(refit[:,1])
        solution = sf.lsqfit(refit,'chebyshev',3)

        solution2 = sf.lsqfit(refit[:,::-1],'chebyshev',3)

        g = 10**sf.genfunc(peaks,0.,solution)
        g2 = 10**sf.genfunc(peak,0.,solution)
        w = 10**sf.genfunc(xvals,0.,solution)
        if (w==wave).all():
            print("Order %d converged in %d iterations"%(i,converge))
            for arc in arclist:
                for j in lines[arc]:
                    if j>w[0] and j<w[-1]:
            for j in 10**refit[:,1]:
                if j>w[0] and j<w[-1]:
            for j in g:
            for j in g2:

    return soln
def bgsub(dir, inname, out_prefix, cal_prefix):
    # Where things begin and end....
    blue = [1500, 1400, 1300, 1200, 1100, 900, 600, 200, 0, 0, 0]
    red = [3000, 3400, 3700, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]

    readvar = 7.3

    bias = pyfits.open(cal_prefix + "_bias.fits")[0].data.astype(scipy.float32)
    bpm = pyfits.open(cal_prefix + "_bpm.fits")[0].data.astype(scipy.float32)
    flat = pyfits.open(cal_prefix + "_norm.fits")[0].data.astype(scipy.float32)

    orders, y_soln, wideorders = numpy.load(cal_prefix + "_ycor.dat")
    fullsoln = numpy.load(cal_prefix + "_full.dat")

        masks = numpy.loadtxt(cal_prefix + "_bpmOrders.dat")
        print('BPM opened')
        print("Making BPM")
        mask = numpy.where(bpm == 1., 1., 0.)
        mask = getOrders(mask, y_soln, orders, wideorders)
        for i in range(len(mask)):
            mask[i][0] = numpy.where(mask[i][0] < 0.7, numpy.nan, 1.)
        f = open(cal_prefix + "_bpmOrders.dat", 'wb')
        cPickle.dump(mask, f, 2)

    hdu = pyfits.open(dir + inname)
    data = hdu[0].data.copy()
    data = biastrim(data, bias, bpm) / flat

        back = pyfits.open(out_prefix + "_bg.fits")[0].data.copy()
        strt = straighten(data, y_soln, orders, wideorders)
        back = scipy.zeros(strt.shape)
        for indx in range(len(orders)):
            i, j = orders[indx]
            bg = stats.stats.nanmedian(strt[i:j], axis=0)
            back[i:j] += bg
        back = curve(back, y_soln, orders, wideorders)
        pyfits.PrimaryHDU(back).writeto(out_prefix + "_bg.fits")

        strt = pyfits.open(out_prefix + "_strt.fits")[0].data.copy()
        bgsub = data - back
        sub = bgsub.copy()
        omap = sub * 0.
        for loop in range(3):
            message('CR iteration %d ...' % (loop + 1))
            map = crFind(sub, data + readvar)
            if map.sum() == 0:
                message(' no new CRs found.\n')
                message(' %d pixels flagged.\n' % (map.sum()))
            inmask = sub.flatten()
            cond = numpy.where(map.ravel() == 1)[0]
            inmask[cond] = numpy.where(cond % 2 == 0, 1e5,
            med5 = ndimage.median_filter(inmask.reshape(sub.shape), 7)
            med5 *= map
            sub = (1. - map) * sub + med5
            oCRS = bgsub - sub
            omap += map
            pyfits.PrimaryHDU(oCRS).writeto('blah.fits', clobber=True)
        omap = omap > 0

        sub = numpy.where(numpy.isfinite(bgsub), bgsub, 0.)
        ccdBG = numpy.where(numpy.isfinite(back), back, 0.)
        orig = numpy.where(numpy.isfinite(data), data, 0.)
        readvar = 2.7**2
        data -= crmask
        strt = straighten(data, y_soln, orders)
        pyfits.PrimaryHDU(strt).writeto(out_prefix + "_strt.fits")

    hdulist = pyfits.HDUList([pyfits.PrimaryHDU()])
    hdulist[0].header = hdu[0].header.copy()
    varhdu = pyfits.HDUList([pyfits.PrimaryHDU()])
    varhdu[0].header = hdu[0].header.copy()
    for indx in range(len(orders)):
        i, j = orders[indx]
        cut = strt[i:j].copy()
        cut[scipy.isinf(cut)] = scipy.nan
        bg = stats.stats.nanmedian(cut, axis=0)

        B = mask[i:j]
        tmp = (cut - bg) * B

        T = tmp[3:-3, blue[indx]:red[indx]]
        T = T[numpy.isfinite(T)]
        avg, std = clip2(T)

        slice = stats.stats.nanmedian(tmp[:, blue[indx]:red[indx]], axis=1)
        slice[:3] = 0.
        slice[-3:] = 0.
        avg, std = clip2(slice[3:-3], 3.5, 0.05)
        good = numpy.where(slice < 2. * std, 1., 0.)
        good = ndimage.maximum_filter(good, 5)
        good = ndimage.minimum_filter(good, 15)

        good = good == 1

        xvals = scipy.arange(good.size).astype(scipy.float32)
        fitdata = scipy.empty((slice[good].size, 2))
        fitdata[:, 0] = xvals[good].copy()
        bgsub = cut.copy()
        for k in range(cut.shape[1]):
            fitdata[:, 1] = cut[:, k][good].copy()
            if fitdata[:, 1][scipy.isfinite(fitdata[:, 1])].size < 4:
            avg, std = clip(fitdata[:, 1])
            keep = scipy.where((abs(fitdata[:, 1] - avg) < 4. * std)
                               & scipy.isfinite(fitdata[:, 1]))[0]
            fit = fitdata[keep]
            if fit[:, 1][scipy.isfinite(fit[:, 1])].size < 4:
            fit = sf.lsqfit(fit, 'chebyshev', 1)
            bg = sf.genfunc(xvals, 0, fit)
            bgsub[:, k] -= bg

        solution = wave_soln[indx][0]
        invsoln = wave_soln[indx][1]
        vals = scipy.arange(cut.shape[1]).astype(scipy.float64)
        wave = sf.genfunc(vals, 0., solution)

        delta = (wave[wave.size - 1] - wave[0]) / (wave.size - 1)
        outc = scipy.arange(wave[0], wave[0] + 2, delta)
        outc = outc[:cut.shape[1]].copy()
        pix = sf.genfunc(outc, 0, invsoln)
        coords = spectools.array_coords(cut.shape).astype(numpy.float64)
        coords[1] *= 0.
        coords[1] += pix
        bgsub[scipy.isnan(bgsub)] = 0.
        out = ndimage.map_coordinates(bgsub,
        hdu = pyfits.ImageHDU(out.copy())
        hdu.header.update('CTYPE1', 'WAVE-LOG')
        hdu.header.update('CRVAL1', wave[0])
        hdu.header.update('CRPIX1', 1)
        hdu.header.update('CDELT1', delta)
        hdu.header.update('CTYPE2', 'LINEAR')
        hdu.header.update('CRVAL2', 1)
        hdu.header.update('CRPIX2', 1)
        hdu.header.update('CDELT2', 1)
        hdu.header.update('CD1_1', delta)
        hdu.header.update('CD2_2', 1)
        hdu.header.update('CD1_2', 0)
        hdu.header.update('CD2_1', 0)
        hdu.header.update('DC-FLAG', 1)
        hdu.header.update('WFITTYPE', 'LOG_LINEAR')
        hdu.header.update('DISPAXIS', 1)

        cut[scipy.isnan(cut)] = 0.
        out = ndimage.map_coordinates(cut,

        hdu = pyfits.ImageHDU(out.copy() + 5.3)
        hdu.header.update('CTYPE1', 'WAVE-LOG')
        hdu.header.update('CRVAL1', wave[0])
        hdu.header.update('CRPIX1', 1)
        hdu.header.update('CD1_1', delta)
        hdu.header.update('CRVAL2', 1)
        hdu.header.update('CRPIX2', 1)
        hdu.header.update('CD2_2', 1)
        hdu.header.update('DC-FLAG', 1)
        hdu.header.update('WFITTYPE', 'LOG_LINEAR')
        hdu.header.update('DISPAXIS', 1)

    hdulist.writeto(out_prefix + "_2d.fits")
    varhdu.writeto(out_prefix + "_var.fits")
def skysub(x, y, z, scale):

	Routine to determine the 2d background from data. (x,y) are the
	  coordinates of the data, usually in the *corrected* frame.

	  x     - 1d array describing x-coordinate, usually wavelength
	  y     - 1d array describing y-coordinate, usually corrected spatial
	  z     - data each position (x,y)
	  scale - approximate output scale (for knot placement). It is not, in
	            general, possible to calculate this from x because the
	            input coordinates are not on a regular grid.

	  2d spline model of the background

    height = int(y.max() - y.min())
    width = int(x.max() - x.min())
    npoints = x.size

    midpt = y.mean()
	Very wide slits need special attention. Here we fit a first order
	  correction to the slit and subtract it away before doing the high
	  pixel rejection (the problem is if there is a small gradient across
	  a wide slit, the top and bottom pixels may differ significantly,
	  but these pixels may be close in *wavelength* and so locally (on
	  the CCD) low pixels will be rejected in the smoothing
    if height > WIDE:
        zbak = z.copy()
        args = y.argsort()
        revargs = args.argsort()
        ymodel = ndimage.percentile_filter(z[args], 30., size=height)[revargs]
        fit = special_functions.lsqfit(ymodel, 'polynomial', 1)

        if fit['coeff'][1] * float(ymodel.size) / fit['coeff'][0] < 0.05:
            ymodel = special_functions.genfunc(scipy.arange(ymodel.size), 0,
            ymodel -= ymodel.mean()
            z -= ymodel

    # Filter locally (in wavelength space) high points
    args = x.argsort()
    revargs = args.argsort()
    smooth = ndimage.percentile_filter(z[args], 35., size=height)[revargs]
    diff = z - smooth
    # We assume poisson statistics....
    var = scipy.sqrt(scipy.fabs(z))
    sigma = diff / var

    args = y.argsort()
    revargs = args.argsort()

    t = ndimage.median_filter(sigma[args], 9)
    t = ndimage.gaussian_filter(t, width)[revargs]
    # Source detection/rejection
    # Reject yvalues > 1. sigma, and weight remaining pixels
    w = (1.0 - t) / abs(z)

    skycond = ((w > 0.) & (z > 0))
    x = x[skycond]
    y = y[skycond]
    z = z[skycond]

    # Reject residual high pixels (and very low pixels too!)
    args = x.argsort()
    revargs = args.argsort()
    smooth = ndimage.median_filter(z[args], height / 4.)[revargs]
    diff = z - smooth
    var = scipy.sqrt(smooth)

    cond = abs(diff) < 4. * var
    x = x[cond]
    y = y[cond]
    z = z[cond]

    kx = 3
    ky = 1

    # If the slit is long, return to original data and increase the order
    #   of the y-fit.
    if height > WIDE:
        z = zbak[skycond]
        z = z[cond].astype(scipy.float64)

        if height > WIDE * 1.5:
            ky = 3

        cond = z > 0.
        x = x[cond]
        y = y[cond]
        z = z[cond]

    w = 1. / z

    if x.size < 5. * width:
        kx = 1
        ky = 1

    # Create knots...
    innertx = scipy.arange(x.min() + scale / 2., x.max() - scale / 2., scale)
    tx = scipy.zeros(innertx.size + kx * 2 + 2)
    tx[0:kx + 1] = x.min()
    tx[kx + 1:innertx.size + kx + 1] = innertx.copy()
    tx[innertx.size + kx + 1:] = x.max()
    ty = scipy.zeros(ky * 2 + 2)
    ty[0:ky + 1] = y.min()
    ty[ky + 1:] = y.max()

    # ...and fit.
    bgfit = interpolate.bisplrep(x,

    return bgfit
def skysub(x, y, z, scale):

    Routine to determine the 2d background from data. (x,y) are the
      coordinates of the data, usually in the *corrected* frame.

      x     - 1d array describing x-coordinate, usually wavelength
      y     - 1d array describing y-coordinate, usually corrected spatial
      z     - data each position (x,y)
      scale - approximate output scale (for knot placement). It is not, in
            general, possible to calculate this from x because the
            input coordinates are not on a regular grid.

      2d spline model of the background
    cond = (scipy.isfinite(z)) & (z > 0.)
    x = x[cond]
    y = y[cond]
    z = z[cond]

    x0 = x.copy()
    y0 = y.copy()
    z0 = z.copy()

    height = int(y.max() - y.min())
    width = int(x.max() - x.min())
    npoints = x.size

    midpt = y.mean()
    Very wide slits need special attention. Here we fit a first order
      correction to the slit and subtract it away before doing the high
      pixel rejection (the problem is if there is a small gradient across
      a wide slit, the top and bottom pixels may differ significantly,
      but these pixels may be close in *wavelength* and so locally (on
      the CCD) low pixels will be rejected in the smoothing
    if height > WIDE:
        zbak = z.copy()
        args = y.argsort()
        revargs = args.argsort()
        ymodel = ndimage.percentile_filter(z[args], 30., size=height)[revargs]
        fit = special_functions.lsqfit(ymodel, 'polynomial', 1)

        if fit['coeff'][1] * float(ymodel.size) / fit['coeff'][0] < 0.05:
            ymodel = special_functions.genfunc(scipy.arange(ymodel.size), 0,
            ymodel -= ymodel.mean()
            z -= ymodel

    # Filter locally (in wavelength space) high points
    args = x.argsort()
    revargs = args.argsort()

    smooth = ndimage.percentile_filter(z[args], 35., size=height)[revargs]

    diff = z - smooth
    # We assume poisson statistics....
    var = scipy.sqrt(scipy.fabs(z))
    sigma = diff / var

    args = y.argsort()
    revargs = args.argsort()

    t = ndimage.median_filter(sigma[args], 9)
    t = ndimage.gaussian_filter(t, width)  #[revargs]
    # Source detection/rejection
    # Reject yvalues > 1. sigma, and weight remaining pixels
    w = (1.0 - t) / abs(z[args])

        g = scipy.where(w <= 0, 0, 1)
        g = ndimage.maximum_filter(g, width * 3)
        g = ndimage.minimum_filter(g, width * 7)

        s = sigma[args].copy()
        b = ndimage.minimum_filter(g, width * 5)
        xi = scipy.arange(t.size)
        fitdata = scipy.empty((xi[g == 1].size, 2))
        fitdata[:, 0] = xi[g == 1].copy()
        fitdata[:, 1] = t[g == 1].copy()
        fit = special_functions.lsqfit(fitdata, 'polynomial', 3)
        fit = special_functions.genfunc(xi, 0., fit)

        diff = (t - fit)[b == 1]
        s = diff.std()
        while (abs(t - fit)[(g == 1) & (b == 0)] > 2.5 * s).any():
            g = b.copy()
            b = ndimage.minimum_filter(g, width * 5)
            fitdata = scipy.empty((xi[g == 1].size, 2))
            fitdata[:, 0] = xi[g == 1].copy()
            fitdata[:, 1] = t[g == 1].copy()
            fit = special_functions.lsqfit(fitdata, 'polynomial', 3)
            fit = special_functions.genfunc(xi, 0., fit)

            diff = (t - fit)[b == 1]
            s = diff.std()

        w *= g

    skycond = ((w > 0.) & (z > 0))
    x = x[skycond]
    y = y[skycond]
    z = z[skycond]

    # Reject residual high pixels (and very low pixels too!)
    args = x.argsort()
    revargs = args.argsort()
    smooth = ndimage.median_filter(z[args], height / 4.)[revargs]

    diff = z - smooth
    var = scipy.sqrt(smooth)

    cond = abs(diff) < 4. * var
    x = x[cond]
    y = y[cond]
    z = z[cond]

    kx = 3
    ky = 1

    # If the slit is long, return to original data and increase the order
    #   of the y-fit.
    if height > WIDE:
        z = zbak[skycond]
        z = z[cond].astype(scipy.float64)

        #    if height>WIDE*1.5:
        #        ky = 3

        cond = z > 0.
        x = x[cond]
        y = y[cond]
        z = z[cond]

    w = 1. / z

    if x.size < 5. * width:
        kx = 1
        ky = 1

    # Create knots...

    innertx = scipy.arange(x.min() + scale / 2.,
                           x.max() - scale / 2., 3. * scale / 4.)
    tx = scipy.zeros(innertx.size+kx*2+2)
    tx[0:kx+1] = x.min()
    tx[kx+1:innertx.size+kx+1] = innertx.copy()
    tx[innertx.size+kx+1:] = x.max()
    tx = scipy.linspace(x.min(), x.max(), innertx.size)
    xsort = scipy.sort(x)
    tmp = [x.min()]
    num = []
    cnt = 0
    j = 1
    for i in range(xsort.size):
        while xsort[i] > tx[j]:
            if cnt > 0:
                if len(num) == 0 or cnt > 1 or num[-1] > 1:
                    cnt = 0
            j += 1
        cnt += 1
    tx = scipy.asarray(tmp)
    ty = scipy.zeros(ky * 2 + 2)
    ty[0:ky + 1] = y.min()
    ty[ky + 1:] = y.max()

    #del innertx
    # ...and fit.
    bgfit = interpolate.bisplrep(x,
    del x, y, z, w, tx, ty
    return bgfit
def arcmatch(curve,sci,arc,yforw,widemodel,finemodel,goodmodel,linemodel,disp,mswave,extra,logfile):
	""" Do not alter input data! """
	sci = sci.copy()
	nsci = sci.shape[0]

	""" Parse extra arguments """
	linefile = extra[0]
	cutoff = extra[1]
	if len(extra)==3:
		blue = extra[2]
		blue = 3000.

	height = arc.shape[0]
	width = arc.shape[1]

	""" Straighten science data """
	scimodel = scipy.zeros((nsci,height,width))
	for k in range(nsci):
		scimodel[k] = spectools.resampley(sci[k],yforw,curve)

	""" Skip the bottom and top of the slit, which may have artifacts """
	i = 4
	j = height-4

	xdim = 2
	ydim = 2

	avg = scipy.median(scipy.median(arc))
	m,std = clipped_std(arc,4.)

	""" The 'fiducial' arc spectrum is taken from the middle of the slit """
	arcmid = stats.stats.nanmedian(arc[height/2-3:height/2+4],0)

	""" First we straighten the lines out. """
	coords = spectools.array_coords((j-i,width))
	coords[0] += 4.
	fitdata = arc[i:j,height:-1*height].flatten()
	xdata = coords[1,:,height:-1*height].flatten()
	ydata = coords[0,:,height:-1*height].flatten()

	Only use every third row (but at least 8 rows) for the solution to save
	nskip = (j-i)/8
	if nskip>3:
		nskip = 3
	cond = ydata%nskip==0
	fitdata = fitdata[cond]
	ydata = ydata[cond]
	xdata = xdata[cond]

	""" Only use pixels around the peaks (another time saver) """
	thresh = scipy.median(arcmid)
	thresh += 5.*thresh**0.5
	mask = ndimage.maximum_filter(arcmid,15)
	mask = fitdata>thresh
	fitdata = fitdata[mask]
	ydata = ydata[mask]
	xdata = xdata[mask]

	p = scipy.zeros((xdim+1,ydim+1))
	p[1,0] = 1.

	p = {'coeff':p,'type':"chebyshev"}
	xback = arcfitfunc2(p,xdata,ydata,fitdata,arcmid)

	xdata, ydata, yorig, and newxdata hold original/transformed CCD
	  coordinates. We don't need to do a fit to *all* points, so we skip
	  ~every third.
	xdata = coords[1].flatten()
	ydata = coords[0].flatten()
	yorig = yforw[i:j].flatten()-curve
	cond = (ydata+xdata)%2==0
	xdata = xdata[cond]
	ydata = ydata[cond]
	yorig = yorig[cond]
	newxdata = special_functions.genfunc(xdata,ydata,xback)

	tmp = scipy.zeros((xdata.size,3))
	tmp[:,0] = newxdata.copy()
	tmp[:,1] = ydata.copy()
	tmp[:,2] = xdata.copy()
	xforw = special_functions.lsqfit(tmp,"chebyshev",xdim,ydim)

	Sky background model isn't needed if there aren't expected to be any
	  sky lines.
	if cutoff>5200:
		bgmodel = scipy.zeros((nsci,sci.shape[2]))
		for k in range(nsci):
			tmp = spectools.resample1d(scimodel[k],xforw,"x",-999)
			scimodel[k] = tmp.copy()
			tmp[tmp==-999] = scipy.nan
			bg = stats.stats.nanmedian(tmp,axis=0)
			bg = scipy.tile(bg,(height,1))
			tmp[scipy.isnan(tmp)] = bg[scipy.isnan(tmp)]
			tmp[scipy.isnan(tmp)] = 0.
			bgmodel[k] = tmp[tmp.shape[0]/4,:]
			del tmp,bg

	newarc = spectools.resample1d(arc,xforw,"x",-999)
	newarc[newarc==-999] = scipy.nan
	arcmid = stats.stats.nanmedian(newarc,axis=0)
	arcmid[scipy.isnan(arcmid)] = 0.

	We don't want to do the cross-correlation with all pixels; there
	  are reflections and other badness (like higher order lines). We
	  set the beginning of the 'useable' correlation spectrum to 150
	  pixels before the part of the arc with substantial flux. We set
	  the final pixel to be 100 pixels after the last substantial peak.
	  Here, 'substantial' means within 20% of the maximum; this in part
	  assumes that the final peak with 20% of the maximum will be the 5460
	  line, so we are in affect hard-coding that the correlation be carried
	  out to ~ 5500 angstroms.
	mask = scipy.where(arcmid>avg+4.*std)[0]
	first = mask[0]-150
	mask = ndimage.maximum_filter(arcmid,9)
	mask = scipy.where(mask==arcmid,mask,0)
	last = scipy.where(mask>0.20*arcmid.max())[0][-1]+100

	if first<0.:
		first = 0.
	if last>width:
		last = width

	Set reasonable starting and ending wavelengths for the correlation
	minwave = mswave-disp*width*1.1
	maxwave = mswave+disp*width*1.1
	if minwave<2000:
		minwave = 2000.
	if maxwave>8000:
		maxwave = 8000.

	Due a quick fit to define initial guesses...first the starting
	  wavelength. I've used both a correlation and a chi-square-like
	  function to determine the start; It's still not clear which is
	  most robust! The correlation also uses a broadened model of the
	  arcs to make it more robust wrt deviations from a linear solution.
	broad = 10.
	fudge = disp/200.
	nsteps = 19
	xmodel = arcmid[first:last].copy()
	xmodel = ndimage.gaussian_filter(xmodel,broad/disp)

	p0 = 0.
	p1 = disp
	offset = 0.
	max = 1e29
	for l in range(nsteps):
		try_disp = disp + ((l-nsteps/2)*fudge)
		skyfit_x = scipy.arange(minwave,maxwave,try_disp)
		fitmodel = interpolate.splev(skyfit_x,widemodel)
		tratio = xmodel.max()/fitmodel.max()
		fitmodel *= tratio
		fitmodel += scipy.median(xmodel)
		chi2,off = push(xmodel,fitmodel)
		if chi2<max:
			p1 = try_disp
			p0 = (off-first)*try_disp+minwave
			offset = off
			max = chi2
	firstwave = minwave+offset*p1

	We start with a second order fit: lambda = p0 + p1*x + p2*x*x
	   x = 0 is *not* neccessarily the first pix; it is the first *good*
	   pixel. p2 = 0. should be a reasonable first guess.
	p0 = blue
	first += (p0-firstwave)/p1

	print first, p0, p1
	if first<0:
		p0 = p0-first*p1
		first = 0
	last = first+(5650.-p0)/p1
	if last>width:
		last = width
	first = int(first)
	last = int(last)
	scale = last

	Create a normalized model of the arc data for the first refinement.
	fitdata = arcmid[first:last].copy()
	fitx = scipy.arange(fitdata.size).astype(scipy.float64)
	arclines = findlines(fitx,fitdata,20)

	fitmodel = scipy.zeros(3*len(arclines)+1)
	index = 1
	for iter in range(len(arclines)):
		fitmodel[index] = 1.
		fitmodel[index+1] = arclines[iter]
		fitmodel[index+2] = broad/disp
		index += 3
	arcmodel = special_functions.ngauss(fitx,fitmodel)

	""" We begin with a broadened arc-spectrum for the initial fit. """
	xdim = 2
	p = scipy.zeros((xdim+1,1))
	p[0,0] = p0
	p[1,0] = p1
	p = {'coeff':p,'type':"chebyshev"}
	fitdata = arcmid[first:last].copy()
	skycoeff = myoptimize(p,fitx,arcmodel,scale,linemodel)


	skycoeff = matchlines(arclines,p,linefile,order=1,tol=10.*disp)
	skycoeff = matchlines(arclines,skycoeff,linefile,order=2,tol=10.*disp)
	skycoeff = matchlines(arclines,skycoeff,linefile,tol=10.*disp)

	""" 3rd order fit """
	xdim = 3
	p = scipy.zeros((xdim+1,1))
	p[0:skycoeff['coeff'].size,0] = skycoeff['coeff'][:,0].copy()
	skycoeff = {'coeff':p,'type':"chebyshev"}
	skycoeff = myoptimize(skycoeff,fitx,arcmodel,scale,linemodel)

	skycoeff = matchlines(arclines,skycoeff,linefile,order=2)
	skycoeff = matchlines(arclines,skycoeff,linefile)
	skycoeff = matchlines(arclines,skycoeff,linefile)

	skycoeff = matchlines(arclines,skycoeff,linefile,tol=10.)

	""" debug() is useful here to probe the quality of the line fitting """
#	debug(fitx,arcmodel,linemodel,skycoeff)
#	debug(fitx,fitdata,finemodel,skycoeff)

	xvals = scipy.arange(width)-first
	w = special_functions.genfunc(xvals,0,skycoeff)

	cond = (w>=blue)&(w<=cutoff)  # 'good' pixels
	cond1 = scipy.where(cond)[0]  # index of first good pixel

	fitx = scipy.arange(width).astype(scipy.float64)
	fitx = fitx[cond]-first
	fitdata = arcmid[cond]
	skycoeff = myoptimize(skycoeff,fitx,fitdata,scale,finemodel)

	arclines = findlines(fitx,fitdata,10)
	skycoeff = matchlines(arclines,skycoeff,linefile,tol=5.*disp)

	xdim = 5
	ydim = 2

	wave = special_functions.genfunc(newxdata-first,0.,skycoeff)
	sky2x = []
	sky2y = []
	ccd2wave = []

	We can only use the arcs if the cutoff is too blue.
	if cutoff<5200:
		revmodel = scipy.zeros((wave.size,3))
		revmodel[:,0] = wave.copy()
		revmodel[:,1] = ydata.copy()
		revmodel[:,2] = xdata.copy()

		revmodel[:,2] = yorig.copy()
		revmodel[:,0] = xdata.copy()
		revmodel[:,1] = ydata.copy()
		revmodel[:,2] = wave.copy()
		for k in range(1,nsci):
		return sky2x,sky2y,ccd2wave

	Try to use the 5577 line to refine the wavelength solution.
	wlen = wave.copy()
	xvals = scipy.arange(width)-first
	for k in range(nsci):
		peaks = findlines(xvals,bgmodel[k],5.)
		w = special_functions.genfunc(peaks,0.,skycoeff)
		delta = 5577.345-w
		offset = delta[abs(delta).argmin()]
		if abs(offset)>3.*disp:
			print "Warning: Substantial offset found!"

		wave = wlen+offset
		revmodel = scipy.zeros((wave.size,3))
		revmodel[:,0] = wave.copy()
		revmodel[:,1] = ydata.copy()
		revmodel[:,2] = xdata.copy()
		revmodel[:,2] = yorig.copy()
		revmodel[:,0] = xdata.copy()
		revmodel[:,1] = ydata.copy()
		revmodel[:,2] = wave.copy()

	return sky2x,sky2y,ccd2wave
def arcwave(sky, arc, arcmodel, skymodel, scale, order):
    from scipy import ndimage, stats, interpolate, optimize
    sky = sky.copy()
    arc = arc.copy()

    sky = scipy.median(sky, 0)

    x = scipy.arange(sky.size)
    x_orig = x.copy()

    wave = scipy.arange(3000., 10000., scale)
    arc_wide = ndimage.gaussian_filter(arc, 5)
    m = interpolate.splev(wave, arcmodel['norm'])

    a = arc.copy()
    aw = arc_wide.copy()
    arc = a[:a.size / 2.]

    x = x_orig[:a.size / 2.]
    arclines = get_lines(x, arc)
    fit = scipy.zeros(3 * arclines.size + 1)
    index = 1
    for i in range(arclines.size):
        fit[index] = 1.
        fit[index + 1] = arclines[i]
        fit[index + 2] = 15. * scale
        index += 3
    arc_wide = sf.ngauss(x, fit)
    Do an approximate chi-square between the sky model and the data over a
        range of offsets using a broadened data and sky model.
    max = 0.
    mid = 0

    delta = scale / 10.
    s = scipy.arange(scale - delta, scale + delta, delta / 10.)
    for stmp in s:
        wtmp = scipy.arange(2000., 10000., stmp)
        m = interpolate.splev(wtmp, arcmodel['norm'])
        conv = scipy.empty(m.size - arc_wide.size + 1)
        for i in range(conv.size):
            tmp = m[i:i + arc_wide.size].copy()
            if tmp.max() < 0.1:
                conv[i] = 0.
            conv[i] = (tmp * arc_wide).sum()
            conv[i] = 1. / ((tmp - arc_wide)**2).sum()
        curr = conv.max()
        if curr > max:
            mid = conv.argmax()
            scale = stmp
            max = conv.max()
            wave = wtmp.copy()
    Refine the starting wavelength position using the 'true' (ie narrow) model
        of the sky. Searches for a minimum around the minimum found in the
        previous optimization.
    m = interpolate.splev(wave, arcmodel['matched'])
    conv = scipy.empty(m.size - arc.size + 1)
    for i in range(conv.size):
        tmp = m[i:i + arc.size].copy()
        ratio = arc.max() / tmp.max()
        if tmp.max() < 1.:
            conv[i] = 0.
        tmp *= ratio
        conv[i] = (tmp * arc).sum()
    pt = conv[mid - 50:mid + 51].argmax() + mid - 50

    initial_pars = [wave[pt], scale]
    for i in range(order + 1 - len(initial_pars)):
    modellines = get_lines(wave, m, std=10.)
    modellines = modellines[modellines > wave[pt]]
    modellines = arcmodel['lines']
    modellines = modellines[modellines > wave[pt]]

    fit = {'coeff': scipy.atleast_2d(initial_pars).T, 'type': 'polynomial'}

    for o in [1, 2]:
        w = sf.genfunc(arclines, 0., fit)
        matches = []
        for j in range(w.size):
            diff = abs(w[j] - modellines)
            if diff.min() < 5. * scale:
                matches.append([arclines[j], modellines[diff.argmin()]])
        fit = sf.lsqfit(scipy.asarray(matches), 'polynomial', o)

    left_matches = [i for i in matches]
    wmin = sf.genfunc(a.size * 0.45, 0., fit)

    arc = a[a.size / 2.:].copy()
    x = scipy.arange(arc.size).astype(scipy.float32) + a.size / 2.
    arclines = get_lines(x, arc)
    fit = scipy.zeros(3 * arclines.size + 1)
    index = 1
    for i in range(arclines.size):
        fit[index] = 1.
        fit[index + 1] = arclines[i]
        fit[index + 2] = 10. * scale
        index += 3
    arc_wide = sf.ngauss(x, fit)
    Do an approximate chi-square between the sky model and the data over a
        range of offsets using a broadened data and sky model.
    max = 0.
    mid = 0
    delta = scale / 10.
    s = scipy.arange(scale - delta, scale + delta, delta / 10.)
    for stmp in s:
        wtmp = scipy.arange(wmin, 10000., stmp)
        m = interpolate.splev(wtmp, arcmodel['norm'])
        conv = scipy.empty(m.size - arc_wide.size + 1)
        for i in range(conv.size):
            tmp = m[i:i + arc_wide.size].copy()
            if tmp.max() < 0.1:
                conv[i] = 0.
            conv[i] = (tmp * arc_wide).sum()
        curr = conv.max()
        if curr > max:
            mid = conv.argmax()
            scale = stmp
            max = conv.max()
            wave = wtmp.copy()
    Refine the starting wavelength position using the 'true' (ie narrow) model
        of the sky. Searches for a minimum around the minimum found in the
        previous optimization.
    m = interpolate.splev(wave, arcmodel['matched'])
    conv = scipy.empty(m.size - arc.size + 1)
    for i in range(conv.size):
        tmp = m[i:i + arc.size].copy()
        ratio = arc.max() / tmp.max()
        if tmp.max() < 1.:
            conv[i] = 0.
        tmp *= ratio
        conv[i] = (tmp * arc).sum()
    pt = conv[mid - 50:mid + 51].argmax() + mid - 50
    wavept = wave[pt]

    initial_pars = [wavept, scale]
    for i in range(order + 1 - len(initial_pars)):
    modellines = get_lines(wave, m, std=10.)
    modellines = modellines[modellines > wavept]
    modellines = arcmodel['lines']
    modellines = modellines[modellines > wavept]

    fit = {'coeff': scipy.atleast_2d(initial_pars).T, 'type': 'polynomial'}
    for o in [1, 2]:
        # The (o-2) bit is to correct the offset after the first loop
        w = sf.genfunc(arclines + (o - 2) * a.size / 2., 0., fit)
        matches = []
        for j in range(w.size):
            diff = abs(w[j] - modellines)
            if diff.min() < 5. * scale:
                matches.append([arclines[j], modellines[diff.argmin()]])
        fit = sf.lsqfit(scipy.asarray(matches), 'polynomial', o)

    arc = a.copy()
    arc_wide = aw.copy()

    w = sf.genfunc(arclines, 0., fit)
    for i in range(w.size):
        diff = abs(w[i] - modellines)
        if diff.min() < 5. * scale:
            left_matches.append([arclines[i], modellines[diff.argmin()]])

    fit = sf.lsqfit(scipy.asarray(left_matches), 'polynomial', order)
    """ Optimization function for refining the wavelength solution. """
    def dofit(p, x, data, model):
        fit = {'coeff': scipy.atleast_2d(p).T, 'type': 'polynomial'}
        w = sf.genfunc(x, 0., fit)
        m = interpolate.splev(w, model)
        return (m - data)

    x = scipy.arange(arc.size).astype(scipy.float32)

    initial_pars = fit['coeff'][:, 0].tolist()
    coeff, ier = optimize.leastsq(dofit,
                                  (x, arc_wide, arcmodel['wide']),
    coeff, ier = optimize.leastsq(dofit,
                                  coeff, (x, arc, arcmodel['matched']),
    outcoeff = {'coeff': scipy.atleast_2d(coeff).T, 'type': 'polynomial'}

    def skycorrect(p, arc, sky, arcmodel, skymodel):
        fit = {'coeff': scipy.atleast_2d(p[:-1]).T, 'type': 'polynomial'}
        w = sf.genfunc(x, 0., fit)
        arcm = interpolate.splev(w + p[-1], arcmodel)
        chi_arc = (arcm - arc)
        s = sky[w > 5100.]
        skym = interpolate.splev(w[w > 5100.], skymodel)
        skym *= scipy.median(s / skym)
        chi_sky = 5. * (skym - s)  #/abs(m)**0.5
        chi = scipy.concatenate((chi_arc, chi_sky))
        return chi

    newcoeff = coeff.tolist()
    coeff, ier = optimize.leastsq(
        newcoeff, (arc, sky, arcmodel['matched'], skymodel['matched']),
    outcoeff = {'coeff': scipy.atleast_2d(coeff[:-1]).T, 'type': 'polynomial'}
    wave = sf.genfunc(x,0.,outcoeff)
    sky = sky[wave>5000.]
    wave = wave[wave>5000.]

    m = interpolate.splev(wave,wavemodel['matched'])
    ratio = scipy.median(sky/m)
    import pylab

    offset,ier = optimize.leastsq(skycorrect,[0.],
    print offset
    outcoeff['coeff'][0] += offset

    return outcoeff
def pipeline(dir, inname, out_prefix, cal_prefix):
    bias = pyfits.open(cal_prefix + "_bias.fits")[0].data.astype(scipy.float32)
    bpm = pyfits.open(cal_prefix + "_bpm.fits")[0].data.astype(scipy.float32)
    flat = pyfits.open(cal_prefix + "_norm.fits")[0].data.astype(scipy.float32)

    file = open(cal_prefix + "_ycor.dat")
    orders = load(file)
    y_soln = load(file)

    file = open(cal_prefix + "_wave.dat")
    wave_soln = load(file)

        mask = pyfits.open(cal_prefix + "_mask.fits")[0].data.copy()
        print('mask opened')
        mask = numpy.where(bpm == 1., 1., 0.)
        mask = straighten(mask, y_soln, orders)
        mask[mask < 0.7] = numpy.nan
        mask[mask >= 0.7] = 1.
        pyfits.PrimaryHDU(mask).writeto(cal_prefix + "_mask.fits")

    hdu = pyfits.open(dir + inname)
    data = hdu[0].data.copy()
    data = biastrim(data, bias, bpm)  #*flat

    blue = [1500, 1400, 1300, 1200, 1100, 900, 600, 200, 0, 0, 0]
    red = [3000, 3400, 3700, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]

    def clip2(arr, nsig=3., edge=0.01):
        a = arr.flatten()
        a = a[a.size * edge:a.size * (1. - edge)]
        m, s, l = a.mean(), a.std(), a.size
        while 1:
            a = a[abs(a - m) < nsig * s]
            if a.size == l:
                return m, s
            m, s, l = a.mean(), a.std(), a.size

        back = pyfits.open(out_prefix + "_bg.fits")[0].data.astype(
        strt = straighten(data, y_soln, orders)
        back = scipy.zeros(strt.shape)
        for indx in range(len(orders)):
            i, j = orders[indx]
            bg = stats.stats.nanmedian(strt[i:j], axis=0)
            back[i:j] += bg
        back = curve(back, y_soln, orders)
        pyfits.PrimaryHDU(back).writeto(out_prefix + "_bg.fits")

        strt = pyfits.open(out_prefix + "_strt.fits")[0].data.astype(
        bgsub = data - back
        bgsub[scipy.isnan(bgsub)] = 0.
        bgsub[scipy.isinf(bgsub)] = 0.
        model = ndimage.median_filter(bgsub, 3)
        diff = bgsub - model
        model = scipy.sqrt(data)
        model[scipy.isnan(model)] = 0.
        model[scipy.isinf(model)] = 0.
        diff[scipy.isnan(diff)] = 0.
        diff[scipy.isinf(diff)] = 0.
        crmask = scipy.where(diff > 4. * model, diff, 0.)

        data -= crmask
        strt = straighten(data, y_soln, orders)
        pyfits.PrimaryHDU(strt).writeto(out_prefix + "_strt.fits")

    hdulist = pyfits.HDUList([pyfits.PrimaryHDU()])
    hdulist[0].header = hdu[0].header.copy()
    varhdu = pyfits.HDUList([pyfits.PrimaryHDU()])
    varhdu[0].header = hdu[0].header.copy()
    for indx in range(len(orders)):
        i, j = orders[indx]
        cut = strt[i:j].copy()
        cut[scipy.isinf(cut)] = scipy.nan
        bg = stats.stats.nanmedian(cut, axis=0)

        B = mask[i:j]
        tmp = (cut - bg) * B

        T = tmp[3:-3, blue[indx]:red[indx]]
        T = T[numpy.isfinite(T)]
        avg, std = clip2(T)

        slice = stats.stats.nanmedian(tmp[:, blue[indx]:red[indx]], axis=1)
        slice[:3] = 0.
        slice[-3:] = 0.
        avg, std = clip2(slice[3:-3], 3.5, 0.05)
        good = numpy.where(slice < 2. * std, 1., 0.)
        good = ndimage.maximum_filter(good, 5)
        good = ndimage.minimum_filter(good, 15)

        good = good == 1

        xvals = scipy.arange(good.size).astype(scipy.float32)
        fitdata = scipy.empty((slice[good].size, 2))
        fitdata[:, 0] = xvals[good].copy()
        bgsub = cut.copy()
        for k in range(cut.shape[1]):
            fitdata[:, 1] = cut[:, k][good].copy()
            if fitdata[:, 1][scipy.isfinite(fitdata[:, 1])].size < 4:
            avg, std = clip(fitdata[:, 1])
            keep = scipy.where((abs(fitdata[:, 1] - avg) < 4. * std)
                               & scipy.isfinite(fitdata[:, 1]))[0]
            fit = fitdata[keep]
            if fit[:, 1][scipy.isfinite(fit[:, 1])].size < 4:
            fit = sf.lsqfit(fit, 'chebyshev', 1)
            bg = sf.genfunc(xvals, 0, fit)
            bgsub[:, k] -= bg

        solution = wave_soln[indx][0]
        invsoln = wave_soln[indx][1]
        vals = scipy.arange(cut.shape[1]).astype(scipy.float64)
        wave = sf.genfunc(vals, 0., solution)

        delta = (wave[wave.size - 1] - wave[0]) / (wave.size - 1)
        outc = scipy.arange(wave[0], wave[0] + 2, delta)
        outc = outc[:cut.shape[1]].copy()
        pix = sf.genfunc(outc, 0, invsoln)
        coords = spectools.array_coords(cut.shape).astype(numpy.float64)
        coords[1] *= 0.
        coords[1] += pix
        bgsub[scipy.isnan(bgsub)] = 0.
        out = ndimage.map_coordinates(bgsub,
        hdu = pyfits.ImageHDU(out.copy())
        hdu.header.update('CTYPE1', 'WAVE-LOG')
        hdu.header.update('CRVAL1', wave[0])
        hdu.header.update('CRPIX1', 1)
        hdu.header.update('CDELT1', delta)
        hdu.header.update('CTYPE2', 'LINEAR')
        hdu.header.update('CRVAL2', 1)
        hdu.header.update('CRPIX2', 1)
        hdu.header.update('CDELT2', 1)
        hdu.header.update('CD1_1', delta)
        hdu.header.update('CD2_2', 1)
        hdu.header.update('CD1_2', 0)
        hdu.header.update('CD2_1', 0)
        hdu.header.update('DC-FLAG', 1)
        hdu.header.update('WFITTYPE', 'LOG_LINEAR')
        hdu.header.update('DISPAXIS', 1)

        cut[scipy.isnan(cut)] = 0.
        out = ndimage.map_coordinates(cut,

        hdu = pyfits.ImageHDU(out.copy() + 5.3)
        hdu.header.update('CTYPE1', 'WAVE-LOG')
        hdu.header.update('CRVAL1', wave[0])
        hdu.header.update('CRPIX1', 1)
        hdu.header.update('CD1_1', delta)
        hdu.header.update('CRVAL2', 1)
        hdu.header.update('CRPIX2', 1)
        hdu.header.update('CD2_2', 1)
        hdu.header.update('DC-FLAG', 1)
        hdu.header.update('WFITTYPE', 'LOG_LINEAR')
        hdu.header.update('DISPAXIS', 1)

    hdulist.writeto(out_prefix + "_2d.fits")
    varhdu.writeto(out_prefix + "_var.fits")
def arcmatch(curve, sci, arc, yforw, widemodel, finemodel, goodmodel,
             linemodel, disp, mswave, extra, logfile):

	Creates the full 2d distortion solution for a slit.

	  curve     - first pixel (ie bottom) of curved slit
	  sci       - biastrimmed, non-ycorrected science data
	  arc       - y-corrected arc for this slit
	  yforw     - yforw definition for slit
	  widemodel - broad wavelength model
	  finemodel - matched-resolution wavelength model
	  goodmodel - model of the sky
	  linemodel - broad wavelength model (why are there two...?)
	  disp      - scale
	  mswave    - central wavelength
	  extra     - includes name of linefile, starting/ending wavelengths
	  logfile   - a file object

    """ Do not alter input data! """
    sci = sci.copy()
    nsci = sci.shape[0]
    """ Parse extra arguments """
    linefile = extra[0]
    cutoff = extra[1]
    if len(extra) == 3:
        blue = extra[2]
        blue = 3000.
    cutoff = 5650.

    height = arc.shape[0]
    width = arc.shape[1]
    """ Straighten science data """
    scimodel = scipy.zeros((nsci, height, width))
    for k in range(nsci):
        scimodel[k] = spectools.resampley(sci[k], yforw, curve)
    """ Skip the bottom and top of the slit, which may have artifacts """
    i = 4
    j = height - 4

    xdim = 2
    ydim = 2

    avg = scipy.median(scipy.median(arc))
    std = clipped_std(arc, 4.)
    """ The 'fiducial' arc spectrum is taken from the middle of the slit """
    arcmid = stats.stats.nanmedian(arc[height / 2 - 2:height / 2 + 3], 0)
    """ First we straighten the lines out. """
    coords = spectools.array_coords((j - i, width))
    coords[0] += 4.
    fitdata = arc[i:j, height:-1 * height].flatten()
    xdata = coords[1, :, height:-1 * height].flatten()
    ydata = coords[0, :, height:-1 * height].flatten()
    """ Only use every third row for the solution (to save time) """
    cond = ydata % 3 == 0
    fitdata = fitdata[cond]
    ydata = ydata[cond]
    xdata = xdata[cond]
    """ Only use pixels around the peaks (another time saver) """
    thresh = scipy.median(arcmid)
    thresh += 5. * thresh**0.5
    mask = ndimage.maximum_filter(arcmid, 15)
    mask = fitdata > thresh
    fitdata = fitdata[mask]
    ydata = ydata[mask]
    xdata = xdata[mask]

    p = scipy.zeros((xdim + 1, ydim + 1))
    p[1, 0] = 1.

    p = {'coeff': p, 'type': "polynomial"}
    xback = arcfitfunc2(p, xdata, ydata, fitdata, arcmid)
	xdata, ydata, yorig, and newxdata hold original/transformed CCD
	  coordinates. We don't need to do a fit to *all* points, so we skip
	  ~every third.
    xdata = coords[1].flatten()
    ydata = coords[0].flatten()
    yorig = yforw[i:j].flatten() - curve
    cond = (ydata + xdata) % 2 == 0
    xdata = xdata[cond]
    ydata = ydata[cond]
    yorig = yorig[cond]
    newxdata = special_functions.genfunc(xdata, ydata, xback)

    tmp = scipy.zeros((xdata.size, 3))
    tmp[:, 0] = newxdata.copy()
    tmp[:, 1] = ydata.copy()
    tmp[:, 2] = xdata.copy()
    xforw = special_functions.lsqfit(tmp, "chebyshev", xdim, ydim)

    bgmodel = scipy.zeros((nsci, sci.shape[2]))
    for k in range(nsci):
        tmp = spectools.resample1d(scimodel[k], xforw, "x", -999)
        scimodel[k] = tmp.copy()
        tmp[tmp == -999] = scipy.nan
        bg = stats.stats.nanmedian(tmp, axis=0)
        bg = scipy.tile(bg, (height, 1))
        tmp[scipy.isnan(tmp)] = bg[scipy.isnan(tmp)]
        tmp[scipy.isnan(tmp)] = 0.
        bgmodel[k] = tmp[tmp.shape[0] / 4, :]
        del tmp, bg

    newarc = spectools.resample1d(arc, xforw, "x", -999)
    newarc[newarc == -999] = scipy.nan
    arcmid = stats.stats.nanmedian(newarc, axis=0)
    arcmid[scipy.isnan(arcmid)] = 0.
	We don't want to do the cross-correlation with all pixels; there
	  are reflections and other badness (like higher order lines). We
	  set the beginning of the 'useable' correlation spectrum to 150
	  pixels before the part of the arc with substantial flux. We set
	  the final pixel to be 100 pixels after the last substantial peak.
	  Here, 'substantial' means within 20% of the maximum; this in part
	  assumes that the final peak with 20% of the maximum will be the 5460
	  line, so we are in affect hard-coding that the correlation be carried
	  out to ~ 5500 angstroms.
    mask = scipy.where(arcmid > avg + 4. * std)[0]
    first = mask[0] - 150
    mask = ndimage.maximum_filter(arcmid, 9)
    mask = scipy.where(mask == arcmid, mask, 0)[:arcmid.argmax() + 460 / disp]
    last = scipy.where(mask > 0.20 * arcmid.max())[0][-1] + 100

    if first < 0.:
        first = 0.
    if last > width:
        last = width
	Set reasonable starting and ending wavelengths for the correlation
    minwave = mswave - disp * width * 1.1
    maxwave = mswave + disp * width * 1.1
    if minwave < 2000:
        minwave = 2000.
    if maxwave > 8000:
        maxwave = 8000.
	Due a quick fit to define initial guesses...first the starting
	  wavelength. I've used both a correlation and a chi-square-like
	  function to determine the start; it's still not clear which is
	  most robust! The correlation also uses a broadened model of the
	  arcs to make it more robust wrt deviations from a 1st order solution.
    broad = 9.
    fudge = disp / 1000.
    nsteps = 35
    xmodel = arcmid[first:last].copy()
    #	xmodel = ndimage.gaussian_filter(xmodel,broad/disp)

    p0 = 0.
    p1 = disp
    offset = 0.
    max = 1e29
    c = []
    b = []
    fitdata = arcmid[first:last].copy()
    fitx = scipy.arange(fitdata.size).astype(scipy.float64)
    arclines = findlines(fitx, fitdata, 10)

    fitmodel = scipy.zeros(3 * len(arclines) + 1)
    index = 1
    for iter in range(len(arclines)):
        fitmodel[index] = 1.
        fitmodel[index + 1] = arclines[iter]
        fitmodel[index + 2] = broad / disp
        index += 3
    xmodel = special_functions.ngauss(fitx, fitmodel)
    for l in range(nsteps):
        try_disp = disp + ((l - nsteps / 2) * fudge)
        skyfit_x = scipy.arange(minwave, maxwave, try_disp)
        fitmodel = interpolate.splev(skyfit_x, linemodel)
        #		tratio = xmodel.max()/fitmodel.max()
        #		fitmodel *= tratio
        #		fitmodel += scipy.median(xmodel)
        corr = signal.correlate(xmodel, fitmodel, mode='valid')
        chi2, off = 1. / corr.max(), corr.argmax()
        #		chi2,off = push(xmodel,fitmodel)
        if chi2 < max:
            p1 = try_disp
            p0 = (off - first) * try_disp + minwave
            offset = off
            max = chi2
    firstwave = minwave + offset * p1
	We start with a second order fit: lambda = p0 + p1*x + p2*x*x
	   x = 0 is *not* neccessarily the first pix; it is the first *good*
	   pixel. p2 = 0. should be a reasonable first guess.
    p0 = blue
    first += (p0 - firstwave) / p1

    if first < 0:
        p0 = p0 - first * p1
        first = 0
    last = first + (5650. - p0) / p1
    if last > width:
        last = width
    first = int(first)
    last = int(last)
    keeplog(logfile, '\tInitial Solution: %f, %f\n' % (p0, p1))
	Create a normalized model of the arc data for the first refinement.
    fitdata = arcmid[first:last].copy()
    fitx = scipy.arange(fitdata.size).astype(scipy.float64)
    arclines = findlines(fitx, fitdata, 20)

    fitmodel = scipy.zeros(3 * len(arclines) + 1)
    index = 1
    for iter in range(len(arclines)):
        fitmodel[index] = 1.
        fitmodel[index + 1] = arclines[iter]
        fitmodel[index + 2] = broad / disp
        index += 3
    arcmodel = special_functions.ngauss(fitx, fitmodel)
    """ We begin with a fit to the normalized spectra. """
    xdim = 2
    p = scipy.zeros((xdim + 1, 1))
    p[0, 0] = p0
    p[1, 0] = p1
    p = {'coeff': p, 'type': "polynomial"}
    fitdata = arcmid[first:last].copy()
    skycoeff = myoptimize(p, fitx, arcmodel, linemodel)
    #	debug(fitx,fitdata,finemodel,skycoeff)

    skycoeff = matchlines(arclines, p, linefile, order=1, tol=10. * disp)
    skycoeff = matchlines(arclines,
                          tol=10. * disp)
    skycoeff = matchlines(arclines, skycoeff, linefile, tol=10. * disp)
    """ Refinement of fit, still with normalized spectra. """
    xdim = 3
    p = scipy.zeros((xdim + 1, 1))
    p[0:skycoeff['coeff'].size, 0] = skycoeff['coeff'][:, 0].copy()
    skycoeff = {'coeff': p, 'type': "chebyshev"}
    #	skycoeff = myoptimize(skycoeff,fitx,arcmodel,linemodel)
    skycoeff = myoptimize(skycoeff, fitx, fitdata, finemodel)

    #	debug(fitx,fitdata,finemodel,skycoeff)
    """ Match lines, progressively constraining the fit """
    skycoeff = matchlines(arclines,
                          tol=10. * disp)
    skycoeff = matchlines(arclines, skycoeff, linefile, tol=10. * disp)
    skycoeff = matchlines(arclines, skycoeff, linefile, tol=10. * disp)
    skycoeff = matchlines(arclines, skycoeff, linefile, tol=5. * disp)
    skycoeff = matchlines(arclines, skycoeff, linefile, tol=5. * disp)
    #	debug(fitx,fitdata,finemodel,skycoeff)

    xvals = scipy.arange(width) - first
    w = special_functions.genfunc(xvals, 0, skycoeff)
	The wavelength solution might wrap around on itself (ie it might not be
	  a strictly increasing function). This ensures that only the
	  increasing part of the current solution is used. It might be more
	  reasonable to put something in the chi-square to enforce this....
	  I've added it to arcfitfunc for now....
	val = w.argmax()
	if cutoff>w.max():
		cutoff = w.max()
	w[val:] = cutoff + 1.

    cond = (w >= blue) & (w <= cutoff)  # 'good' pixels
    cond1 = scipy.where(cond)[0]  # index of first good pixel

    fitx = scipy.arange(width).astype(scipy.float64)
    fitx = fitx[cond] - first
    fitdata = arcmid[cond]
    #	debug(fitx,fitdata,finemodel,skycoeff)
    #	skycoeff = myoptimize(skycoeff,fitx,fitdata,finemodel)

    #	xdim = 5
    #	p = scipy.zeros((xdim+1,1))
    #	p[0:skycoeff['coeff'].size,0] = skycoeff['coeff'][:,0].copy()
    #	skycoeff = {'coeff':p,'type':"polynomial"}
    #	skycoeff = myoptimize(skycoeff,fitx,fitdata,finemodel)

    #	debug(fitx,fitdata,finemodel,skycoeff)

    coeff = skycoeff['coeff'].copy()
    arclamppeaks = findlines(fitx, fitdata)
    skycoeff = matchlines(arclamppeaks, skycoeff, linefile, tol=5. * disp)

    startx = fitx.copy()
    startdata = fitdata.copy()
    wave = special_functions.genfunc(startx, 0., skycoeff)
    model = interpolate.splrep(wave, startdata, s=0)

    sky2x = []
    sky2y = []
    ccd2wave = []

    def findoffset(p, x, data, model, coeff):
        xvals = x + p[0]
        w = special_functions.genfunc(xvals, 0., coeff)
        mod = interpolate.splev(w, model)
        mod = mod * data.max() / mod.max()
        diff = (mod - data) / scipy.sqrt(abs(mod))
        return diff

	If the highest line is greater than 3x the next highest, there
	  was probably some sky activity. This could throw off the
	  pixel-based fitting, so we should choose line-matching
	  instead. A better solution would be to 'dampen' the active
	  line (we can't just alter the residuals because the sky bias
	  and gain offsets were calculated using the line), but that is
	  non-trivial to accomplish without shifting the central
    LINEMATCH = False
    for k in range(nsci):
        sky = bgmodel[k]
        x_vals = scipy.arange(width)
        skypeaks = findlines(x_vals, sky, 3)
        amps = ndimage.map_coordinates(sky, [skypeaks],
        if amps[-1] > 2. * amps[-2]:
            LINEMATCH = True
    # Use LINEMATCH until arcs are better dealt with
    LINEMATCH = True
	We attempt to determine an offset between the arclamp frame and the sky
	  image due to flexure (or if the arcs were taken in the afternoon...).
	  First we use the arc solution to determine the offset of the bluest
	  sky line. We then shift the arc lines to correct for the offset and
	  find a solution for just the sky. We extrapolate the sky solution to
	  the reddest arc line, determine the arc line's offset and use this as
	  the final offset between sky and arc. We then solve for the full
	  solution using the sky and corrected arc lines.
    for k in range(nsci):
        sky = bgmodel[k]

        skycoeff['coeff'] = coeff.copy()
        x_vals = scipy.arange(width) - first

        skypeaks = findlines(x_vals, sky, 5)
		Start by trying to match to the 5200 line; if it is too faint
		  (and therefore was not extracted as a skypeak), use the
		  5577 line. 5197.93,5198.794 -- the line is a blend and the
		  left value is the non-blended wavelength. One issue is that
		  the line exhibits auroral brightening--which appears to
		  change the effective wavelength because the fainter line at
		  5200. is the one that brightens! BAH! We'll just use 5577.
        #		sline = 5198.794
        sline = 5577.345
        highpeaks = findlines(x_vals, sky, 7)
        w = special_functions.genfunc(highpeaks, 0., skycoeff)
        delta = sline - w
        if abs(delta).min() > 10. * disp:
            sline = 5577.345
            delta = sline - w
        w = special_functions.genfunc(x_vals, 0., skycoeff)
        skycond = (w > sline - 40.) & (w < sline + 40.)
        off = delta[abs(delta).argmin()] / disp

        tmp = special_functions.genfunc(skypeaks, 0., skycoeff)
        entry = '\tSky lines found for image %d:' % (k + 1)
        for t in tmp:
            entry += ' %7.2f' % t
        entry += "\n"
        keeplog(logfile, entry)

        min = 10.
        step = None
        for i in scipy.arange(-3., 3., 0.1):
            arcpeaks = arclamppeaks + i
            tmpcoeff, err = doublematch([skypeaks, arcpeaks],
                                        ARCLINES, [sline],
                                        tol=10. * disp)
            tmpcoeff, err = doublematch([skypeaks, arcpeaks],
                                        tol=10. * disp)
            tmpcoeff, err = doublematch([skypeaks, arcpeaks],
                                        tol=5. * disp)
            if err < min:
                min = err
                outcoeff = tmpcoeff.copy()
                step = i
        min = 10.
        for i in scipy.arange(step - 0.5, step + 0.5, 0.01):
            arcpeaks = arclamppeaks + i
            tmpcoeff, err = doublematch([skypeaks, arcpeaks],
                                        tol=5. * disp)
            if err < min:
                min = err
                skycoeff = tmpcoeff.copy()
                arcoffset = i
                "\tArc offset for image %d: %6.3f\n" % (k + 1, arcoffset))
        skypeaks = findlines(x_vals, sky, 2.)
        arcpeaks = arclamppeaks + arcoffset
        skycoeff, e = doublematch([skypeaks, arcpeaks],
                                  tol=5. * disp,

        w = special_functions.genfunc(x_vals, 0., skycoeff)
        skycond = (w > 5500.) & (w < 6700.)
        skyx = x_vals[skycond]
        skyz = sky[skycond]
        tmp = skyz.copy()
        med = tmp[tmp.size * 0.3]
        skyx = skyx[skyz > med]
        skyz = skyz[skyz > med]
        tmpcoeff, ratio, offset = skyopt(skycoeff, skyx, skyz, goodmodel)
        skycoeff = myopt2(skycoeff, fitx + arcoffset, fitdata, finemodel, skyx,
                          skyz, goodmodel, ratio, offset)
        """ Evaluate wavelength of all pixels in straightened frame """
        wave = special_functions.genfunc(newxdata - first, 0, skycoeff)
		Now that we have the wavelength solution for the rectified slit
		  we can create the full 2d solutions for:
		  where x and y are CCD coordinates and lambda and pos are the
		  'true' coordinates (wavelength and spatial position along
		  the slit).
        xdim = 5
        ydim = 2

        revmodel = scipy.zeros((wave.size, 3))
        revmodel[:, 0] = wave.copy()
        revmodel[:, 1] = ydata.copy()
        revmodel[:, 2] = xdata.copy()
            special_functions.lsqfit(revmodel, "chebyshev", xdim, ydim))

        revmodel[:, 2] = yorig.copy()
            special_functions.lsqfit(revmodel, "chebyshev", xdim, ydim))
        revmodel[:, 0] = xdata.copy()
        revmodel[:, 1] = ydata.copy()
        revmodel[:, 2] = wave.copy()
            special_functions.lsqfit(revmodel, "chebyshev", xdim, ydim))

#	return sky2x,sky2y,[xforw,xback] # This is for non-2d subtraction
    return sky2x, sky2y, ccd2wave  # Thsi is for 2d subtraction
def extract(image,

    if outname.lower().find('fits') < 1:
        outname = "%s.fits" % outname

    resp = None
    respwave = None
    if response_image is not None:
        if response_model is None:
            #            print "No response model included; not performing response correction."
            import cPickle
            resp = cPickle.load(open(response_image))
            resp = get_response(response_image, response_model, regions)
    elif response_model is not None:
        print "No response image included; not performing response correction."

    if minwave is None:
        minwave = -10.
    if maxwave is None:
        maxwave = 1e99

    data = pyfits.open(image)[0].data.copy()
    if data.ndim == 3:
        if data.shape[0] > 1:
            print "Only working on first image plane of 3D image."
        data = data[0].copy()
    wave = st.wavelength(image)
    indx = scipy.where((wave > minwave) & (wave < maxwave))[0]
    minx, maxx = indx.min(), indx.max()
    wave = wave[minx:maxx]
    data = data[:, minx:maxx]
    tmp = data.copy()

    tmp[numpy.isnan(data)] = 0.

    ospec = wave * 0.
    ovar = wave * 0.
    x = numpy.arange(data.shape[0])
    if centroid is None:
        n = tmp.shape[1] / 100
        peaks = []
        bounds = numpy.linspace(0, tmp.shape[1], n + 1)
        for i in range(n):
            a, b = bounds[i], bounds[i + 1]
            p = tmp[:, a:b].sum(1).argmax()
            peaks.append([(a + b) / 2., p])
        peak = sf.lsqfit(numpy.asarray(peaks), 'polynomial', 3)

        if pos is not None:
            peak['coeff'][0] = pos

        peaks = sf.genfunc(numpy.arange(tmp.shape[1]), 0., peak)

        center = wave * 0.
        for i in range(center.size):
            d = data[:, i].copy()
            peak = peaks[i]
            if peak < 0:
                peak = 0
            if peak >= d.shape:
                peak = d.shape - 1.
            fit = numpy.array([0., d[peak], peak, 1.])
            cond = ~numpy.isnan(d)
            input = numpy.empty((d[cond].size, 2))
            input[:, 0] = x[cond].copy()
            input[:, 1] = d[cond].copy()
            fit = sf.ngaussfit(input, fit)[0]
            center[i] = fit[2]

        fit = sf.lsqfit(ndimage.median_filter(center, 17), 'polynomial', 5)
        centroid = sf.genfunc(scipy.arange(wave.size), 0., fit)
    #import pylab

    xvals = scipy.arange(data.shape[0])
    var = pyfits.open(varimage)[0].data.copy()
    if var.ndim == 3:
        var = var[0].copy()
    var = var[:, minx:maxx]
    cond = (numpy.isnan(var)) | (numpy.isnan(data))

    for i in range(ovar.size):
        c = centroid[i] + offset
        wid = width

        mask = xvals * 0.
        mask[(xvals - c < wid) & (xvals - c > 0.)] = wid - (xvals[
            (xvals - c < wid) & (xvals - c > 0.)] - c)
        mask[(xvals - c < wid - 1) & (xvals - c > 0.)] = 1.
        mask[(c - xvals < wid + 1) & (c - xvals > 0.)] = (wid + 1) - (
            c - xvals[(c - xvals < wid + 1) & (c - xvals > 0.)])
        mask[(c - xvals < wid) & (c - xvals > 0.)] = 1.
        mask[cond[:, i]] = 0.
        mask /= mask.sum()

        ospec[i] = (mask[~cond[:, i]] * data[:, i][~cond[:, i]]).sum()
        ovar[i] = ((mask[~cond[:, i]]**2) * var[:, i][~cond[:, i]]).sum()

    badpix = numpy.where(numpy.isnan(ospec))[0]
    ospec[badpix] = 0.
    ovar[badpix] = ovar[~numpy.isnan(ovar)].max() * 1e6

    med = numpy.median(ospec)
    ospec /= med
    ovar /= med**2

    if resp is not None:
        #        if respwave is None:
        #            resp = sf.genfunc(wave,0,resp)
        #        else:
        #        resp = interpolate.splrep(respwave,resp)
        resp = interpolate.splev(wave, resp)
        ospec *= resp
        ovar *= resp**2

    st.make_spec(ospec, ovar, wave, outname, clobber=True)
    return centroid
def newModMatch(data, model, scale, order, center, sparse=False):
    import numpy
    import special_functions as sf
    from scipy import ndimage, interpolate
    x0 = numpy.arange(data.size).astype(numpy.float32)
    datalines = get_lines(x0, data)
    Xstart = int(datalines.min() - 15.)
    Xend = int(datalines.max() + 15.)
    if Xstart < 0:
        Xstart = 0
    if Xend > data.size:
        Xend = data.size
    tdata = data[Xstart:Xend].copy()
    wave = numpy.linspace(center - scale * data.size / 2,
                          center + scale * data.size / 2,
    cond = wave < 10300.
    mod = interpolate.splev(wave, model['matched'])
    fftd = numpy.fft.rfft(ndimage.gaussian_filter(tdata[cond], 17))
    fftm = numpy.fft.rfft(ndimage.gaussian_filter(mod[cond], 17)[::-1])
    T = numpy.fft.fftshift(numpy.fft.irfft(fftd * fftm)).real
    offset = T.size / 2 - T.argmax()
    Wstart = wave[offset]

    pars = numpy.zeros(order + 1)
    pars[0] = Wstart - Xstart * scale
    pars[1] = scale
    cov = numpy.zeros(order + 1)
    cov[0] = 1.
    cov[1] = 0.05
    for i in range(2, order + 1):
        cov[i] = (1. / data.size)**i

    coeff = pars

    def optfunc(pars, x, d, mod, sig):
        if numpy.isnan(pars).any():
            return -1e200
        coeff = numpy.atleast_2d(numpy.array(pars)).T
        fit = {'coeff': coeff, 'type': 'polynomial'}
        x0 = sf.genfunc(x, 0., fit)
            model = interpolate.splev(x0, mod)
            return -1e200
        model /= model.mean()
        resid = (model - d) / sig
        return -0.5 * (resid**2).sum()

    spec = ndimage.gaussian_filter(tdata, 7)
    spec /= spec.mean()
    sig = spec**0.5
    logp = optfunc(pars, x0[Xstart:Xend], spec, model['wide'], sig)
    niter = 2000
    for indx in xrange(niter):
        prop = coeff + numpy.random.randn(
            cov.size) * cov * 10**(numpy.random.random(cov.size) * 2.3 - 2.)
        tlogp = optfunc(prop, x0[Xstart:Xend], spec, model['wide'], sig)
        accept = 0
        if tlogp > logp:
            accept = 1
            if tlogp - logp > numpy.log(numpy.random.random()):
                accept = 1
        if accept == 1:
            logp = tlogp
            coeff = prop.copy()

    spec = tdata.copy()
    spec /= spec.mean()
    sig = spec**0.5
    logp = optfunc(pars, x0[Xstart:Xend], spec, model['matched'], sig)
    c = numpy.empty((niter, coeff.size))
    for indx in xrange(niter):
        prop = coeff + numpy.random.randn(
            cov.size) * cov * 10**(numpy.random.random(cov.size) * 2.3 - 2.)
        tlogp = optfunc(prop, x0[Xstart:Xend], spec, model['matched'], sig)
        accept = 0
        if tlogp > logp:
            accept = 1
            if tlogp - logp > numpy.log(numpy.random.random()):
                accept = 1
        if accept == 1:
            logp = tlogp
            coeff = prop.copy()
        c[indx] = coeff.copy()
    for indx in range(cov.size):
        cov[indx] = c[:, indx].std()
    mlogp = logp
    mcoeff = coeff.copy()
    for indx in xrange(niter):
        prop = coeff + numpy.random.randn(
            cov.size) * cov * 10**(numpy.random.random(cov.size) * 2.3 - 2.)
        tlogp = optfunc(prop, x0[Xstart:Xend], spec, model['matched'], sig)
        accept = 0
        if tlogp > logp:
            accept = 1
            if tlogp - logp > numpy.log(numpy.random.random()):
                accept = 1
        if accept == 1:
            logp = tlogp
            coeff = prop.copy()
            if logp > mlogp:
                mlogp = logp
                mcoeff = coeff.copy()
    fit = {'coeff': scipy.atleast_2d(mcoeff).T, 'type': 'polynomial'}
    w = sf.genfunc(x0[Xstart:Xend], 0., fit)
    m = interpolate.splev(w, model['matched'])
    cond = (w < 10400)
    m = m[cond]
    m /= m.mean()
    import pylab
    pylab.plot(w[cond], m)
    pylab.plot(w[cond], spec[cond])
    return fit

    #def newModMatch(data,model,scale,order,center,sparse=False):
    import numpy, pylab
    from scipy import interpolate, optimize, ndimage

    x0 = numpy.arange(data.size)

    datalines = get_lines(x0, data)
    if datalines.size < 15:
        sparse = True
    Xstart = int(datalines.min() - 15.)
    Xend = int(datalines.max() + 15.)
    if Xstart < 0:
        Xstart = 0
    if Xend > data.size:
        Xend = data.size
    tdata = data[Xstart:Xend].copy()
    wave = numpy.linspace(center - scale * tdata.size / 2,
                          center + scale * tdata.size / 2, tdata.size)
    cond = (wave < 10300)
    mod = interpolate.splev(wave, model['matched'])
    fftd = numpy.fft.rfft(ndimage.gaussian_filter(tdata[cond], 17))
    fftm = numpy.fft.rfft(ndimage.gaussian_filter(mod[cond], 17)[::-1])
    fftd[100:] = 0.
    fftm[100:] = 0.
    T = numpy.fft.fftshift(numpy.fft.irfft(fftd * fftm)).real
    offset = T.size / 2 - T.argmax()
    #    offset = T.size/2 - 1747
    Wstart = wave[offset]
    print "Assuming the starting wavelength is %6.1f" % (Wstart)
    #    pylab.plot(T)
    #    pylab.show()
    if sparse is True:
        nlines = datalines.size
        n = order + 2
        c = numpy.atleast_2d(numpy.array([Wstart, scale])).T
        fit = {'coeff': c, 'type': 'polynomial'}
        first = True
        while n < nlines:
            end = datalines[n] + 15.
            if end > data.size:
                end = data.size
            tdata = data[Xstart:end].copy()
            x = x0[Xstart:end].copy()
            if first is True:
                W = sf.genfunc(x - Xstart, 0., fit)
                W = sf.genfunc(x, 0., fit)
            cond = (W < 10400)
            W = W[cond]
            tdata = tdata[cond]
            x = x[cond]
            mod = interpolate.splev(W, model['matched'])
            fftd = numpy.fft.rfft(tdata)
            fftm = numpy.fft.rfft(mod[::-1])
            T = numpy.fft.fftshift(numpy.fft.irfft(fftd * fftm)).real
            offset = T.size / 2 - T.argmax()
            Wlines = get_lines(x - offset, mod)
            Wwave = get_lines(W, mod)
            matches = []
            for i in range(Wlines.size):
                diff = abs(Wlines[i] - datalines[:n])
                if diff.min() < 2:
                    matches.append([datalines[diff.argmin()], Wwave[i]])
            if len(matches) < order + 1:
                n += 1
            matches = numpy.asarray(matches)
            fit = sf.lsqfit(matches, 'polynomial', order)
            n += 1
            first = False

        return fit

    coeff = numpy.ones(order + 1)
    rescale = numpy.array([Wstart - Xstart * scale, scale])
    for i in range(order - 1):
        rescale = numpy.append(rescale, 1. / (data.size / 2)**(i + 2))

    def optFunc(p, x, spec, mod):
        if (numpy.isnan(p)).any() or p[0] < 0.5 or p[1] < 0.8 or p[1] > 1.2:
            return spec
        coeff = numpy.atleast_2d(numpy.array(p) * rescale).T
        fit = {'coeff': coeff, 'type': 'polynomial'}
        w = sf.genfunc(x, 0., fit)
        m = interpolate.splev(w, mod)
        cond = (w < 9800.)
        m = m[cond]
        m /= m.mean()
        resid = (spec[cond] - m) / abs(spec[cond] + m)**0.5
        return resid / resid.size

    import pylab
    from scipy import ndimage
    n = 2 * order + 2
    end = datalines[n] + 15
    if end < Xstart + (Xend - Xstart) / 4:
        end = Xstart + (Xend - Xstart) / 4
    widespec = ndimage.gaussian_filter(data, 15)
    x = x0[Xstart:end].copy()
    spec = widespec[Xstart:end].copy()
    spec /= spec.mean()
    coeff, ier = optimize.leastsq(optFunc,
                                  coeff, (x, spec, model['wide']),
    while end < Xend:
        x = x0[Xstart:end].copy()
        #        spec = widespec[Xstart:end].copy()
        #        spec /= spec.mean()
        #        coeff,ier = optimize.leastsq(optFunc,coeff,(x,spec,model['wide']),factor=99.,ftol=1e-12,xtol=1e-12,epsfcn=1e-11)
        spec = data[Xstart:end].copy()
        spec /= spec.mean()
        coeff, ier = optimize.leastsq(optFunc,
                                      coeff, (x, spec, model['matched']),

        fit = {
            'coeff': scipy.atleast_2d(coeff * rescale).T,
            'type': 'polynomial'
        w = sf.genfunc(x, 0., fit)
        m = interpolate.splev(w, model['matched'])
        cond = (w < 10400)
        m = m[cond]
        m /= m.mean()
        coeff, ier = optimize.leastsq(optFunc,
                                      coeff, (x, spec, model['matched']),
        end += (Xend - Xstart) / 10.
    x = x0[Xstart:Xend].copy()
    spec = data[Xstart:Xend].copy()
    spec /= spec.mean()

    coeff, ier = optimize.leastsq(optFunc,
                                  coeff, (x, spec, model['matched']),
    fit = {'coeff': scipy.atleast_2d(coeff * rescale).T, 'type': 'polynomial'}
    w = sf.genfunc(x, 0., fit)
    m = interpolate.splev(w, model['matched'])
    cond = (w < 10400)
    m = m[cond]
    m /= m.mean()
    pylab.plot(w[cond], m)
    pylab.plot(w[cond], spec[cond])
    return fit

    w = sf.genfunc(x, 0., fit)
    m = interpolate.splev(w, model['matched'])
    rhs = m / err
    fit = numpy.array(numpy.linalg.lstsq(op, rhs)[0])
    d = numpy.dot(linmod.T, fit)
    pylab.plot(w, m)
    pylab.plot(w, d)

    w0 = w.copy()
    fit = {'coeff': scipy.atleast_2d(pars).T, 'type': 'polynomial'}
    w = sf.genfunc(x, 0., fit)
    m = interpolate.splev(w, model['matched'])
    rhs = m / err
    fit = numpy.array(numpy.linalg.lstsq(op, rhs)[0])
    d2 = numpy.dot(linmod.T, fit)
    pylab.plot(w, d2)

    print(w0 - w).std()
    pylab.plot(w0 - w)

    return fit

def ycorrect(data):

    # Parameters
    SUMWIDTH = 41  # Width of summing over columns

    y_axis = data.shape[0]
    x_axis = data.shape[1]

    # Determine the location of the central column
    central = x_axis / 2

    # Determine the centers of the holes in the center column to use as the
    #  reference for all other columns
    x_min_orig = central - SUMWIDTH / 2
    x_max_orig = central + SUMWIDTH / 2

    midcol = data[:, x_min_orig:x_max_orig].mean(axis=1)
    central_edges, threshold, star_cutoff = find_holes(midcol)
    transform_table = scipy.zeros((1, 3), 'f4')

    index = 0
    for peak in central_edges:
        if index:
            transform_table.resize((index + 1, 3))
        transform_table[index, 0] = central
        transform_table[index, 1] = peak
        transform_table[index, 2] = peak

        index += 1

    offset = scipy.zeros(len(central_edges))

    x_min = x_min_orig
    x_max = x_max_orig
    current_column = central

    while current_column > SUMWIDTH + 20:
        current_column = current_column - SUMWIDTH - 10
        x_min = x_min - SUMWIDTH - 10
        x_max = x_max - SUMWIDTH - 10

        comp_array = data[:, x_min:x_max].mean(axis=1)
        comp_array.clip(min=-1000., max=star_cutoff)
        derivative = deriv_1d(comp_array)
        derivative = ndimage.gaussian_filter1d(derivative, 3)
        derivative = abs(derivative)

        for i in range(offset.size):
            if scipy.isnan(offset[i]):
            ref = central_edges[i] + offset[i]

            start = int(ref) - 6
            end = start + 13

            if derivative[start:end].max() < threshold:
                offset[i] = scipy.nan

            fit = find_peak(derivative[start:end])

            if (fit[2] < 0 or fit[2] > 13 or fit[3] < 1 or fit[3] > 6):
                offset[i] = scipy.nan

            peak = fit[2] + float(start)
            offset[i] = peak - central_edges[i]

            transform_table.resize((index + 1, 3))

            transform_table[index, 0] = current_column
            transform_table[index, 1] = central_edges[i]
            transform_table[index, 2] = peak

            index += 1

    offset = scipy.zeros(offset.size)

    x_min = x_min_orig
    x_max = x_max_orig
    current_column = central
    while current_column < x_axis - SUMWIDTH - 19:
        current_column = current_column + SUMWIDTH + 10
        x_min = x_min + SUMWIDTH + 10
        x_max = x_max + SUMWIDTH + 10

        comp_array = data[:, x_min:x_max].mean(axis=1)
        comp_array.clip(min=-1000., max=star_cutoff)
        derivative = deriv_1d(comp_array)
        derivative = ndimage.gaussian_filter1d(derivative, 3)
        derivative = abs(derivative)

        for i in range(offset.size):
            if scipy.isnan(offset[i]):
            ref = central_edges[i] + offset[i]

            start = int(round(ref)) - 6
            end = start + 13

            if derivative[start:end].max() < threshold:
                offset[i] = scipy.nan

            fit = find_peak(derivative[start:end])

            if (fit[2] < 0 or fit[2] > 13 or fit[3] < 1 or fit[3] > 6):
                offset[i] = scipy.nan

            peak = fit[2] + float(start)
            offset[i] = peak - central_edges[i]

            transform_table.resize((index + 1, 3))

            transform_table[index, 0] = current_column
            transform_table[index, 1] = central_edges[i]
            transform_table[index, 2] = peak

            index += 1

    true_coeffs = special_functions.lsqfit(transform_table, "chebyshev", 4, 4)

    temp = transform_table[:, 1].copy()
    transform_table[:, 1] = transform_table[:, 2].copy()
    transform_table[:, 2] = temp.copy()

    map_coeffs = special_functions.lsqfit(transform_table, "chebyshev", 4, 4)

    # The xtrue_coeffs give the "true" y value for that pixel. xmap_coeffs
    #  describe where the coordinate should be mapped to in an output grid
    #  (in other words the true pixel value for that y).

    return true_coeffs, map_coeffs
def wave_arcsky(arc, arcmodel, sky, solution):
    First find the best solution with the skylines, then apply this solution
        to all arclines within the bounds of the lowest/highest wavelength
        skylines, solving for the delta_pixel offset between the sky and the
        arc. Then find the solution for all lines (sky and delta_pixel-offset
    def clip(arr):
        a = arr.copy()
        m, s, l = a.mean(), a.std(), a.size
        while 1:
            a = a[abs(a - m) < 3. * s]
            if a.size == l:
                return m, s
            m, s, l = a.mean(), a.std(), a.size

    STD_LINES = [
        5197.928, 5200.286, 5202.977, 5460.735, 5577.345, 5867.5522, 5915.308,
        5932.864, 6257.970, 6300.320, 6363.810, 6533.040, 6553.610, 6863.971,
        6912.620, 6923.210, 6939.520, 7303.716, 7329.148, 7340.885, 7358.659,
        7392.198, 7586.093, 7808.467, 7821.510, 7841.266, 7993.332, 8310.719,
        8344.613, 8399.160, 8415.231, 8430.170, 8791.186, 8885.830, 8943.395,
        8988.384, 9038.059, 9337.854, 9375.977, 9419.746, 9439.670, 9458.524
    x = scipy.arange(sky.size).astype(scipy.float32)
    lines = get_lines(x, sky)

    global fit
    scale = solution['coeff'][1]
    order = solution['coeff'].size - 1

    if scale > 1.5:
        STD_LINES.insert(6, 5891.)

    w = sf.genfunc(lines, 0., solution)
    matches = []
    for i in range(w.size):
        diff = abs(w[i] - STD_LINES)
        if diff.min() < 5. * scale:
            matches.append([lines[i], STD_LINES[diff.argmin()]])
    fit = sf.lsqfit(scipy.asarray(matches), 'polynomial', order)

    w = sf.genfunc(lines, 0., fit)
    matches = []
    for i in range(w.size):
        diff = abs(w[i] - STD_LINES)
        if diff.min() < 5. * scale:
            matches.append([lines[i], STD_LINES[diff.argmin()]])
    fit = sf.lsqfit(scipy.asarray(matches), 'polynomial', order)

    lines = get_lines(x, sky, nstd=7.)
    w = sf.genfunc(lines, 0., fit)
    matches = []
    for i in range(w.size):
        diff = abs(w[i] - STD_LINES)
        if diff.min() < 3. * scale:
            matches.append([lines[i], STD_LINES[diff.argmin()]])
    matches = scipy.asarray(matches)
    fit = sf.lsqfit(matches, 'polynomial', order)
    revfit = sf.lsqfit(matches[:, ::-1], 'polynomial', order)

    ARCS = scipy.sort(arcmodel['lines'])
    alines = get_lines(x, arc)
    xmin, xmax = matches[0, 0], matches[-1, 0]
    arc_x = sf.genfunc(ARCS, 0., revfit)
    offset = []
    for i in range(arc_x.size):
        if arc_x[i] < xmin - 2 or arc_x[i] > xmax + 2:
        diff = arc_x[i] - alines
        if abs(diff).min() < 9.:
    offset = scipy.asarray(offset)
    off, width = clip(offset)

    aw = sf.genfunc(alines + off, 0., fit)
    matches = []
    for i in range(w.size):
        diff = abs(w[i] - STD_LINES)
        if diff.min() < 3. * scale:
            matches.append([lines[i], STD_LINES[diff.argmin()]])
    k = len(matches)
    for i in range(aw.size):
        diff = abs(aw[i] - ARCS)
        if diff.min() < 3. * scale:
            matches.append([alines[i] + off, ARCS[diff.argmin()]])
    matches = scipy.asarray(matches)
    fit = sf.lsqfit(matches, 'polynomial', order)
    # This code is to optimize the arc offset -- likely unnecessary.
    def opt(p):
        global fit
        off = p[0]
        w = sf.genfunc(lines,0.,fit)
        aw = sf.genfunc(alines+off,0.,fit)
        matches = []
        for i in range(w.size):
            diff = abs(w[i]-STD_LINES)
            if diff.min()<3.*scale:
        k = len(matches)
        for i in range(aw.size):
            diff = abs(aw[i]-ARCS)
            if diff.min()<3.*scale:
        matches = scipy.asarray(matches)
        fit = sf.lsqfit(matches,'polynomial',order)
        return (matches[:,1]-sf.genfunc(matches[:,0],0.,fit))
    from scipy import optimize
    coeff,ier = optimize.leastsq(opt,[off],epsfcn=1e-15)
    return fit
def bgsub(dir, inname, out_prefix, cal_prefix):
    # Where things begin and end....
    blue = [1500, 1400, 1300, 1200, 1100, 900, 600, 200, 0, 0, 0]
    red = [3000, 3400, 3700, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]

    readvar = 7.3

    bias = pyfits.open(cal_prefix + "_bias.fits")[0].data.astype(scipy.float32)
    bpm = pyfits.open(cal_prefix + "_bpm.fits")[0].data.astype(scipy.float32)
    flat = pyfits.open(cal_prefix + "_norm.fits")[0].data.astype(scipy.float32)

    orders, y_soln, wideorders = numpy.load(cal_prefix + "_ycor.dat",
    fullsoln = numpy.load(cal_prefix + "_full.dat", allow_pickle=True)

    hdu = pyfits.open(dir + inname)
    data = hdu[0].data.copy()
    data = biastrim(data, bias, bpm) / flat

    if data.shape[1] < 3000:
        blue = [i / 2 for i in blue]
        red = [1500, 1700, 1850, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]
        back = pyfits.open(out_prefix+"_bg.fits")[0].data.copy()
        print("Initial background opened")
        strt = straighten(data,y_soln,orders,wideorders)
        back = scipy.zeros(strt.shape)
        for indx in range(len(orders)):
            i,j = orders[indx]
            bg = numpy.nanmedian(strt[i:j],axis=0)
            back[i:j] += bg
        back = curve(back,y_soln,orders,wideorders)

        sub = pyfits.open(out_prefix + "_crsub.fits")[0].data.copy()
        masks = numpy.load(out_prefix + '_masks.dat', allow_pickle=True)
        print('Opened CR-subbed image')
        print('Creating CR-subbed image and masks')
        strt = straighten(data, y_soln, orders, wideorders)
        back = scipy.zeros(strt.shape)
        for indx in range(len(orders)):
            i, j = orders[indx]
            bg = numpy.nanmedian(strt[i:j], axis=0)
            back[i:j] += bg
        back = curve(back, y_soln, orders, wideorders)

        bgsub = data - back
        sub = bgsub.copy()
        omap = sub * 0.
        for loop in range(3):
            message('CR iteration %d ...' % (loop + 1))
            map = crFind(sub, data + readvar)
            if map.sum() == 0:
                message(' no new CRs found.\n')
                message(' %d pixels flagged.\n' % (map.sum()))
            inmask = sub.flatten()
            cond = numpy.where(map.ravel() == 1)[0]
            inmask[cond] = numpy.where(cond % 2 == 0, 1e5,
            med5 = ndimage.median_filter(inmask.reshape(sub.shape), 7)
            med5 *= map
            sub = (1. - map) * sub + med5
            omap += map
        crsub = data - (bgsub - sub)

        bpm = ndimage.minimum_filter(numpy.where(bpm == 1, 1, 0), 3)
        #mask = numpy.where(numpy.isnan(bpm)|(omap>0),0.,1.)
        mask = numpy.where((bpm == 0) | (omap > 0), 0, 1)
        masks = getOrders(mask, orders, wideorders, fullsoln, 1)
        for i in range(len(masks)):
            masks[i][0] = numpy.where(masks[i][0] < 0.7, 0, 1)
        f = open(out_prefix + '_masks.dat', 'wb')
        dump(masks, f, 2)

        pyfits.PrimaryHDU(crsub).writeto(out_prefix + "_crsub.fits")

    hdulist = pyfits.HDUList([pyfits.PrimaryHDU()])
    hdulist[0].header = hdu[0].header.copy()
    varhdu = pyfits.HDUList([pyfits.PrimaryHDU()])
    varhdu[0].header = hdu[0].header.copy()

    print("Subtracting backgrounds")
    slits = getOrders(crsub, orders, wideorders, fullsoln)
    for indx in range(len(orders)):
        cut, wlo, whigh, disp = slits[indx]
        slit = cut.copy()
        mask = masks[indx][0]

        cut[scipy.isinf(cut)] = numpy.nan
        cut[mask == 0] = numpy.nan
        bg = numpy.nanmedian(cut, axis=0)

        tmp = (cut - bg) * mask

        T = tmp[3:-3, blue[indx]:red[indx]]
        T = T[numpy.isfinite(T)]
        avg, std = clip2(T)

        slice = numpy.nanmedian(tmp[:, blue[indx]:red[indx]], axis=1)
        slice[:3] = 0.
        slice[-3:] = 0.
        avg, std = clip2(slice[3:-3], 3.5, 0.05)
        good = numpy.where(slice < 2. * std, 1., 0.)
        good = ndimage.maximum_filter(good, 5)
        good = ndimage.minimum_filter(good, 15)

        good = good == 1

        xvals = numpy.arange(good.size).astype(scipy.float32)
        fitdata = numpy.empty((slice[good].size, 2))
        fitdata[:, 0] = xvals[good].copy()
        bgsub = slit.copy()
        for k in range(cut.shape[1]):
            fitdata[:, 1] = cut[:, k][good].copy()
            if fitdata[:, 1][numpy.isfinite(fitdata[:, 1])].size < 4:
            avg, std = clip(fitdata[:, 1])
            keep = numpy.where((abs(fitdata[:, 1] - avg) < 4. * std)
                               & numpy.isfinite(fitdata[:, 1]))[0]
            fit = fitdata[keep]
            if fit[:, 1][scipy.isfinite(fit[:, 1])].size < 4:
            fit = sf.lsqfit(fit, 'chebyshev', 1)
            bg = sf.genfunc(xvals, 0, fit)
            bgsub[:, k] -= bg

        hdu = pyfits.ImageHDU(bgsub)
        hdu.header.set('CTYPE1', 'LINEAR')
        hdu.header.set('CRVAL1', wlo)
        hdu.header.set('CRPIX1', 1)
        hdu.header.set('CDELT1', disp)
        hdu.header.set('CTYPE2', 'LINEAR')
        hdu.header.set('CRVAL2', 1)
        hdu.header.set('CRPIX2', 1)
        hdu.header.set('CDELT2', 1)
        hdu.header.set('CD1_1', disp)
        hdu.header.set('CD2_2', 1)
        hdu.header.set('CD1_2', 0)
        hdu.header.set('CD2_1', 0)
        hdu.header.set('DC-FLAG', 1)
        hdu.header.set('DISPAXIS', 1)

        hdu = pyfits.ImageHDU(cut + readvar)
        hdu.header.set('CTYPE1', 'LINEAR')
        hdu.header.set('CRVAL1', wlo)
        hdu.header.set('CRPIX1', 1)
        hdu.header.set('CDELT1', disp)
        hdu.header.set('CTYPE2', 'LINEAR')
        hdu.header.set('CRVAL2', 1)
        hdu.header.set('CRPIX2', 1)
        hdu.header.set('CDELT2', 1)
        hdu.header.set('CD1_1', disp)
        hdu.header.set('CD2_2', 1)
        hdu.header.set('CD1_2', 0)
        hdu.header.set('CD2_1', 0)
        hdu.header.set('DC-FLAG', 1)
        hdu.header.set('DISPAXIS', 1)

    hdulist.writeto(out_prefix + "_bgsub.fits")
    varhdu.writeto(out_prefix + "_var.fits")
def arcwave2(arc, arcmodel, scale, order=3, bcutoff=2e3, rcutoff=1e4):
    from scipy import ndimage, stats, interpolate, signal, optimize
    import pylab

    arc = arc.copy()
    arc[scipy.isnan(arc)] = 1.
    arc[arc <= 1.] = arc.mean()

    wave, model = arcmodel['orig']
    model[scipy.isnan(model)] = 0.
    wave = wave.copy()
    model = model.copy()
    cond = (wave > bcutoff) & (wave < rcutoff)
    corrmodel = model.copy()
    corrmodel[(wave < bcutoff) | (wave > rcutoff)] = 0.

    corr = signal.correlate(arc, corrmodel, mode='valid')
    offset = corr.argmax()

    lines = arcmodel['lines'].copy()
    bc = lines.min() - scale * 20.
    rc = lines.max() + scale * 20.

    x = scipy.arange(arc[offset:].size)
    w = wave[offset:offset + x.size].copy()
    cond = (w > bc) & (w < rc)
    fit = scipy.empty((x[cond].size, 2))
    fit[:, 0] = x[cond].copy()
    fit[:, 1] = w[cond].copy()
    pars = sf.lsqfit(fit, 'polynomial', 1)

    pars['coeff'][0] = wave[offset]
    pars['coeff'][1] = scale
    #    pars = [wave[offset],scale]
    #    for i in range(2,order+1):
    #        pars.append(1e-5**i)
    pylab.plot(wave, model)
    w = sf.genfunc(scipy.arange(x.size), 0., pars)
    pylab.plot(w, interpolate.splev(w, arcmodel['matched']))

    def arcfit(p, x, arc, mod):
        fit = {'coeff': scipy.atleast_2d(p).T, 'type': 'polynomial'}
        w = sf.genfunc(x, 0., fit)
        cond = (w > bcutoff) & (w < rcutoff)
        m = interpolate.splev(w[cond], mod)
        chi = (m - arc[cond]) / abs(arc[cond])**0.5
        return chi

    widearc = ndimage.gaussian_filter(arc, 7.)
    x = scipy.arange(arc[offset:].size)
    coeff, ier = optimize.leastsq(
        pars, (x, widearc[offset:].copy(), arcmodel['wide']),

    fit = {'coeff': scipy.atleast_2d(coeff).T, 'type': 'polynomial'}

    x = scipy.arange(arc.size)
    l = get_lines(x, arc, nstd=15.)
    lw = sf.genfunc(l - offset, 0., fit)
    lines = []
    for i in range(l.size):
        diff = abs(lw[i] - arcmodel['lines'])
        if diff.min() > 5. * scale:
        lines.append([l[i], arcmodel['lines'][diff.argmin()]])
    fit = sf.lsqfit(scipy.asarray(lines), 'polynomial', order)

    pars = fit['coeff'].flatten()
    coeff, ier = optimize.leastsq(
        pars, (x[offset:], arc[offset:], arcmodel['matched']),

    fit = {'coeff': scipy.atleast_2d(coeff).T, 'type': 'polynomial'}

    return fit