def initialize(): """ Initialize the calculation""" g = get_geometry2d() # get the geometry from specialhopping import twisted, twisted_matrix has_spin = False h = g.get_hamiltonian(is_sparse=True, has_spin=has_spin, is_multicell=False, mgenerator=twisted_matrix(ti=get("tinter"), lambi=7.0)) # return h # h.turn_dense() h.add_sublattice_imbalance(get("mAB")) # sublattice imbalance efield = get("interlayer_bias") def bias(r): if r[2] < 0.0: return efield else: return -efield h.shift_fermi(bias) if h.has_spin: h.add_zeeman([get("Bx"), get("By"), get("Bz")]) # Zeeman fields h.add_rashba(get("rashba")) # Rashba field h.add_antiferromagnetism(get("mAF")) # AF order h.add_kane_mele(get("kanemele")) # intrinsic SOC h.shift_fermi(get("fermi")) # shift fermi energy if False: h.add_swave(get("swave")) if False: if h.has_eh: print("SCF not implemented with Nambu") raise if False: custom_scf(h) # create the else: h.write("") klist.default(g, nk=int(get("nkpoints"))) # write klist # klist.tr_path(nk=int(get("nkpoints"))) # write klist return h
# Add the root path of the pygra library import os import sys sys.path.append(os.environ['PYGRAROOT']) import numpy as np import specialgeometry n = 7 # this is a parameter that controls the size of the moire unit cell g = specialgeometry.twisted_bilayer(n) # get the geometry of the system # g.r is the list with the positions in the unit cell # g.a1 is the first lattice vector # g.a2 is the second lattice vector # This function will create hoppings in the structure ti = 0.4 # this is the interlayer hopping (in terms of the intralayer) from specialhopping import twisted_matrix h = g.get_hamiltonian(is_sparse=True, has_spin=False, is_multicell=True, mgenerator=twisted_matrix(ti=ti)) hk = h.get_hk_gen() # get Bloch Hamiltonian generator # hk is a function that given a k point, returns the Bloch Hamiltonian # The k points are in the interval [0.,1.] # This method automatically computes the local density of states h.get_ldos(e=0.0) # e is the energy # This method automatically computes the bands #h.get_bands(num_bands=20)
# Add the root path of the pygra library import os ; import sys ; sys.path.append(os.environ['PYGRAROOT']) from pygra importgeometry from pygra importhamiltonians import numpy as np import klist import sculpt import specialgeometry g = specialgeometry.twisted_bilayer(5) g.write() from specialhopping import twisted_matrix h = g.get_hamiltonian(is_sparse=True,has_spin=False,is_multicell=False, mgenerator=twisted_matrix(ti=0.4,lambi=7.0)) #h.turn_spinful() h.add_haldane(0.05) h.add_sublattice_imbalance(0.5) #h.add_kane_mele(0.1) #h.add_rashba(lambda r: 0.1*np.sign(r[2])) h.shift_fermi(-0.3) #h.add_sublattice_imbalance(0.1) #h.shift_fermi(lambda r: r[2]*0.1) import density #h.set_filling(nk=3,extrae=1.) # set to half filling + 2 e #d = density.density(h,window=0.1,e=0.025) #h.shift_fermi(-0.4) #h.turn_sparse() #h.get_bands(num_bands=20) #exit() import topology #print(h.get_gap())