def test_pop_stats_sanity_ancestor(self, bp: BasePage, pp: PopulationPage):
        Tests that running an experiment with @ancestor for a brief period of
        time does not lead to any unexpected values in the population statistics

        :return: None.

        # Add @ancestor to dish.

        # Run the experiment for a while, then pause it.
        bp.util.sleep(15, "Waiting for updates to occur.")
        bp.util.sleep(1, "Waiting for pause to take affect.")

        # Test that population stats are valid.
        assert pp.get_pop_current_update() > 0
        assert pp.get_pop_num_orgs() > 1
        assert pp.get_pop_avg_fit() >= 0.0
        assert pp.get_pop_avg_energy_rate() > 0
        assert pp.get_pop_avg_offspring_cost() > 0
        assert pp.get_pop_avg_age() >= 0
    def test_check_calcs(self, bp: BasePage, pp: PopulationPage):
        Tests calculation of avg fitness, offspring cost, and energy acq. rate (as well as # of viable orgs).

        :return: None.
        bp.util.sleep(10, "Waiting for experiment to run for a while.")
        bp.util.sleep(10, "Waiting for pause.")
        calculated_values = pp.calculate_pop_averages()

        assert calculated_values[0] == pp.get_pop_current_viable()
        assert abs(calculated_values[1] - pp.get_pop_avg_fit()) < 0.2
        assert abs(calculated_values[2] -
                   pp.get_pop_avg_offspring_cost()) < 0.2
        assert abs(calculated_values[3] - pp.get_pop_avg_energy_rate()) < 0.2
    def test_pop_stats_sanity_allfxns(self, bp: BasePage, pp: PopulationPage):
        Tests that running an experiment with @all_functions does not create
        unexpected values in pop. stats window and that this window shows that
        all of the functions have been performed at least once (which should
        always happen because the starting org can perform all functions).

        :return: None.
        # Add @all_functions to dish.

        # Run the experiment for a while, then pause it.
        bp.util.sleep(15, "Waiting for updates to occur.")
        bp.util.sleep(1, "Waiting for pause to take affect.")

        # Test that population stats are valid.
        assert pp.get_pop_current_update() > 0
        assert pp.get_pop_num_orgs() > 1
        assert pp.get_pop_avg_fit() >= 0.0
        assert pp.get_pop_avg_energy_rate() > 0
        assert pp.get_pop_avg_offspring_cost() > 0
        assert pp.get_pop_avg_age() >= 0

        # Test that all functions have occurred.
        assert pp.get_pop_num_performing_not() > 0
        assert pp.get_pop_num_performing_nan() > 0
        assert pp.get_pop_num_performing_and() > 0
        assert pp.get_pop_num_performing_orn() > 0
        assert pp.get_pop_num_performing_oro() > 0
        assert pp.get_pop_num_performing_ant() > 0
        assert pp.get_pop_num_performing_nor() > 0
        assert pp.get_pop_num_performing_xor() > 0
        assert pp.get_pop_num_performing_equ() > 0