def do_translation_override(port_specs, names, rows, opts):
    if 'name' in opts:
        names = opts['name']
    if names is None:
        raise ValueError("Must specify name of port to use translation for")
    if isinstance(names, basestring) or not matplotlib.cbook.iterable(names):
        names = [names]
    should_reverse = opts.get('reverse', True)
    values_only = opts.get('values_only', False)
    (t, port_type, values) = \
        parse_translation(rows, should_reverse)
    for name in names:
        print "TRANSLATING", name
        if name not in port_specs:
            port_specs[name] = InputPortSpec(name)
        port_specs[name].entry_types = ['enum']
        port_specs[name].values = [values]
        if not values_only:
            port_specs[name].translations = t
def do_translation_override(port_specs, names, rows, opts):
    if 'name' in opts:
        names = opts['name']
    if names is None:
        raise ValueError("Must specify name of port to use translation for")
    if isinstance(names, basestring) or not matplotlib.cbook.iterable(names):
        names = [names]
    should_reverse = opts.get('reverse', True)
    values_only = opts.get('values_only', False)
    (t, port_type, values) = \
        parse_translation(rows, should_reverse)
    for name in names:
        print "TRANSLATING", name
        if name not in port_specs:
            port_specs[name] = InputPortSpec(name) 
        port_specs[name].entry_types = ['enum']
        port_specs[name].values = [values]
        if not values_only:
            port_specs[name].translations = t
def parse_artists(artist_types, table_overrides={}):
    def get_module_name(obj):
        return obj.__name__

    def get_super_name(obj):
        for base in obj.__bases__:
            if issubclass(base, Artist):
                return base.__name__
        return ""

    module_specs = []
    for klass in artist_types:
        (klass, module_name, super_name) = \
            get_names(klass, get_module_name, get_super_name, "Mpl",

        port_specs = {}
        insp = ArtistInspector(klass)
        klass_name = klass.__name__
        klass_qualname = klass.__module__ + "." + klass_name
        for (s, t) in insp._get_setters_and_targets():
            print "** %s **" % s
            if t.rsplit('.', 1)[0] != klass_qualname:
                # let inheritance work

            if s in port_specs:
                raise ValueError('duplicate port "%s"' % s)
            port_spec = InputPortSpec(s)
            port_specs[s] = port_spec

            accepts_raw = insp.get_valid_values(s)
            (accepts, deflists, tables, call_sigs) = \
            if len(deflists) + len(tables) > 0:
                raise ValueError("accepts has deflists and/or tables")
            (port_types, option_strs, default_val, allows_none) = \
            if default_val is not None:
                port_spec.default_val = default_val
            if len(option_strs) > 0:
                port_spec.entry_types = ['enum']
                port_spec.values = [option_strs]
            port_spec.hide = False

            docstring = getattr(insp.o, 'set_' + s).__doc__
            if docstring is None:
                docstring = ""
                docstring = docstring % matplotlib.docstring.interpd.params
            match = _get_accepts_regex.search(docstring)
            if match is not None:
                print "STARTING DOCSTRING:", docstring
                groups = match.groups()
                if len(groups) > 2 and groups[2]:
                    docstring = groups[0] + groups[2]
                    docstring = groups[0]
                print "FIXED DOCSTRING:", docstring

            (cleaned_docstring, args, tables, call_sigs) = \
            port_spec.docstring = cleaned_docstring

            translations = None
            for (table_intro, header, rows) in tables:
                print "TABLE:", table_intro
                if (klass.__name__, s, table_intro) in table_overrides:
                    (override_type, opts) = \
                        table_overrides[(klass.__name__, s, table_intro)]
                    if override_type == "translation":
                        do_translation_override(port_specs, s, rows, opts)
                    elif override_type == "ports":
                        table_intro = "kwarg"
                    elif override_type == "skip":
                if len(header) != 2:
                    raise ValueError("Table not two columns!")
                if translations is not None:
                    raise ValueError("Two translations in one attr")
                (translations, pt2, values) = parse_translation(rows)
                port_spec.translations = translations
                port_spec.values = [values]
            resolve_port_type(port_types, port_spec)

        constructor_port_specs = {}
        port_specs_list = parse_argspec(klass.__init__)
        for port_spec in port_specs_list:
            constructor_port_specs[port_spec.arg] = port_spec
        constructor_docstring = klass.__init__.__doc__
        if constructor_docstring is not None:
            _, output_port_specs = process_docstring(
                constructor_docstring, constructor_port_specs,
                (klass.__name__, '__init__'), table_overrides)
        for arg, ps in constructor_port_specs.iteritems():
            if arg not in port_specs:
                ps.constructor_arg = True
                ps.required = False
                port_specs[arg] = ps

        module_spec = ModuleSpec(module_name, super_name, klass_qualname,
                                 klass.__doc__, port_specs.values())

    my_specs = SpecList(module_specs)
    return my_specs
def parse_artists(artist_types, table_overrides={}):
    def get_module_name(obj):
        return obj.__name__
    def get_super_name(obj):
        for base in obj.__bases__:
            if issubclass(base, Artist):
                return base.__name__
        return ""
        # if obj.__bases__[0].__name__ != 'object':
        #     return obj.__bases__[0].__name__
        # else:
        #     return ""

    module_specs = []
    for klass in artist_types:
        (klass, module_name, super_name) = \
            get_names(klass, get_module_name, get_super_name, "Mpl", 

        port_specs = {}
        insp = ArtistInspector(klass)
        klass_name = klass.__name__
        klass_qualname = klass.__module__ + "." + klass_name
        for (s, t) in insp._get_setters_and_targets():
            print "** %s **" % s
            if t.rsplit('.',1)[0] != klass_qualname:
                # let inheritance work

            if s in port_specs:
                raise ValueError('duplicate port "%s"' % s)
            port_spec = InputPortSpec(s)
            port_specs[s] = port_spec

            accepts_raw = insp.get_valid_values(s)
            (accepts, deflists, tables, call_sigs) = \
            if len(deflists) + len(tables) > 0:
                raise ValueError("accepts has deflists and/or tables")
            (port_types, option_strs, default_val, allows_none) = \
            # port_spec.port_type = port_type
            if default_val is not None:
                port_spec.default_val = default_val
            if len(option_strs) > 0:
                port_spec.entry_types = ['enum']
                port_spec.values = [option_strs]
            port_spec.hide = False

            docstring = getattr(insp.o, 'set_' + s).__doc__
            if docstring is None:
                docstring = ""
                docstring = docstring % matplotlib.docstring.interpd.params
            match = _get_accepts_regex.search(docstring)
            if match is not None:
                print "STARTING DOCSTRING:", docstring
                groups = match.groups()
                if len(groups) > 2 and groups[2]:
                    docstring = groups[0] + groups[2]
                    docstring = groups[0]
                print "FIXED DOCSTRING:", docstring
            (cleaned_docstring, args, tables, call_sigs) = \
            port_spec.docstring = cleaned_docstring

            translations = None
            for (table_intro, header, rows) in tables:
                print "TABLE:", table_intro
                if (klass.__name__, s, table_intro) in table_overrides:
                    (override_type, opts) = \
                        table_overrides[(klass.__name__, s, table_intro)]
                    if override_type == "translation":
                        do_translation_override(port_specs, s, rows, opts)
                    elif override_type == "ports":
                        table_intro = "kwarg"
                    elif override_type == "skip":
                if len(header) != 2:
                    raise ValueError("Table not two columns!")
                if translations is not None:
                    raise ValueError("Two translations in one attr")
                (translations, pt2, values) = parse_translation(rows)
                port_spec.translations = translations
                port_spec.values = [values]
            resolve_port_type(port_types, port_spec)

        constructor_port_specs = {}
        port_specs_list = parse_argspec(klass.__init__)
        for port_spec in port_specs_list:
            constructor_port_specs[port_spec.arg] = port_spec
        constructor_docstring = klass.__init__.__doc__
        if constructor_docstring is not None:
            _, output_port_specs = process_docstring(constructor_docstring, 
        for arg, ps in constructor_port_specs.iteritems():
            if arg not in port_specs:
                ps.constructor_arg = True
                ps.required = False
                port_specs[arg] = ps            

        module_spec = ModuleSpec(module_name, super_name, klass_qualname,
                                 klass.__doc__, port_specs.values())

    my_specs = SpecList(module_specs)
    return my_specs
def process_docstring(docstring, port_specs, parent, table_overrides):
    (cleaned_docstring, args, tables, call_sigs) = \

    if len(call_sigs) > 0:
        for call_sig in call_sigs:
            port_specs_list = parse_argspec(call_sig)
            for port_spec in port_specs_list:
                if port_spec.arg in port_specs:
                    # have to reconcile the two
                    old_port_spec = port_specs[port_spec.arg]
                    resolve_port_type([port_spec.port_type], old_port_spec)
                    if old_port_spec.defaults is None:
                        old_port_spec.defaults = port_spec.defaults
                    elif old_port_spec.defaults != port_spec.defaults:
                        # keep it as the old spec is
                        print "*** Different defaults!" + \
                            str(old_port_spec.defaults) + \
                            " : " + str(port_spec.defaults)
                        # raise RuntimeError("Different defaults! %s: %s" % (
                        #                    old_port_spec.defaults,
                        #                    port_spec.defaults))
                    port_specs[port_spec.arg] = port_spec

    output_port_specs = []
    for (deflist_intro, deflist) in args:
        print "PROCESSING DEFLIST", deflist_intro
        if re.search("return value", deflist_intro, re.IGNORECASE):
            print "  -> RETURN VALUE"
            for (name, accepts, port_doc) in deflist:
                (port_types, option_strs, default_val, allows_none) = \
                (pt2, _, dv2, _) = parse_description(port_doc)
                if default_val is None:
                    default_val = dv2
                oport = OutputPortSpec(name, docstring=port_doc)
                resolve_port_type(port_types, oport)
        elif (re.search("argument", deflist_intro, re.IGNORECASE) or
              re.search("kwarg", deflist_intro, re.IGNORECASE)):
            print "  -> ARGUMENTS"
            for (name, accepts, port_doc) in deflist:
                if name not in port_specs:
                    port_specs[name] = InputPortSpec(name, docstring=port_doc)
                    port_specs[name].docstring = port_doc
                (port_types, option_strs, default_val, allows_none) = \
                (pt2, _, dv2, _) = parse_description(port_doc)
                if default_val is None:
                    default_val = dv2
                resolve_port_type(port_types, port_specs[name])
                if len(option_strs) > 0:
                    port_specs[name].entry_types = ['enum']
                    port_specs[name].values = [option_strs]
                if default_val is not None:
                    port_specs[name].defaults = [str(default_val)]

    for (table_intro, header, rows) in tables:
        print "GOT TABLE", table_intro, rows[0]
        table_key = parent + (table_intro,)
        if table_key in table_overrides:
            (override_type, opts) = table_overrides[table_key]
            if override_type == "translation":
                do_translation_override(port_specs, None, rows, opts)
            elif override_type == "ports":
                table_intro = "kwarg"
            elif override_type == "skip":

        if re.search("return value", table_intro, re.IGNORECASE):
            print "  -> RETURN"
            if len(rows[0]) != 2:
                raise ValueError("row that has more/less than 2 columns!")
            for (name, port_doc) in rows:
                (port_types, option_strs, default_val, allows_none) = \
                # (port_types, option_strs) = parse_desc(port_doc)
                # port_type_set = set(port_types)
                # # print port_name, "PORT_TYPES:", port_type_set
                # port_type = "UNKNOWN"
                # if len(port_type_set) == 1:
                #     port_type = port_types[0]
                oport = OutputPortSpec(name, docstring=port_doc)
                resolve_port_type(oport, port_types)
        elif (re.search("argument", table_intro, re.IGNORECASE) or
              re.search("kwarg", table_intro, re.IGNORECASE)):
            print "  -> ARGUMENT"
            if len(rows[0]) != 2:
                raise ValueError("row that has more/less than 2 columns!")
            for (name, port_doc) in rows:
                if name not in port_specs:
                    port_specs[name] = InputPortSpec(name, docstring=port_doc)
                    port_specs[name].docstring = port_doc
                (port_types, option_strs, default_val, allows_none) = \
                # (port_types, option_strs) = parse_desc(port_doc)
                # port_type_set = set(port_types)
                # # print port_name, "PORT_TYPES:", port_type_set
                # port_type = "UNKNOWN"
                # if len(port_type_set) == 1:
                #     port_specs[name].port_type = port_types[0]
                resolve_port_type(port_types, port_specs[name])
                if len(option_strs) > 0:
                    port_specs[name].entry_types = ['enum']
                    port_specs[name].values = [option_strs]
                if default_val is not None:
                    port_specs[name].defaults = [str(default_val)]
            raise ValueError("Unknown table: %s\n  %s %s" % (
                             parent, table_intro, header))
            # print "HIT SPEC:", name
            # if name not in port_specs:
            #     port_specs[name] = PortSpec(name, name, "UNKNOWN", "")
            # port_specs[name].translations = dict(reversed(r) for r in rows)
    return cleaned_docstring, output_port_specs