root = io.find_root_folder(meanfile)
savefolder = root / "analysis/flatfield/"
label = meanfile.stem.split("_mean")[0]

# Get metadata
camera = io.load_metadata(root)
print("Loaded metadata")

# Load the data
stdsfile = meanfile.parent / meanfile.name.replace("mean", "stds")
mean_raw = np.load(meanfile)
stds_raw = np.load(stdsfile)
print("Loaded data")

# Bias correction
mean_bias_corrected = calibrate.correct_bias(root, mean_raw)

# Normalise the RGBG2 channels to a maximum of 1 each
mean_normalised, stds_normalised = flat.normalise_RGBG2(
    mean_bias_corrected, stds_raw, camera.bayer_map)
print("Normalised data")

# Calculate the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) per pixel
SNR = mean_normalised / stds_normalised
print("Calculated signal-to-noise-ratio")

# Make a histogram of the SNR
save_to_histogram_SNR = savefolder / f"data_histogram_SNR_{label}.pdf"
SNR_top_percentile = analyse.symmetric_percentiles(SNR)[1]
bins_SNR = np.linspace(0, SNR_top_percentile, 100)
import numpy as np
from sys import argv
from spectacle import io, calibrate
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

folder, wvl = io.path_from_input(argv)
wvl = wvl.stem
root = io.find_root_folder(folder)
camera = io.load_metadata(root)

m = np.load(folder / f"{wvl}_mean.npy")
m = calibrate.correct_bias(root, m)
s = np.load(folder / f"{wvl}_stds.npy")

s[s < 0.001] = -1  # prevent infinities

SNR = m / s

m_RGBG, s_RGBG, SNR_RGBG = camera.demosaick(m, s, SNR)

mean_stack = m_RGBG.mean(axis=(1, 2))
std_stack = m_RGBG.std(axis=(1, 2))
SNR_stack = mean_stack / std_stack

for j, c in enumerate("RGBG"):
    SNR_here = SNR_RGBG[j].ravel()
    mean_here = m_RGBG[j].ravel()
    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 3))
    plt.hist(SNR_here, bins=np.arange(0, 100, 1), color=c)
    plt.axvline(3, c='k', ls="--")
save_to_correction_modelled_calibration = root/"calibration/flatfield_correction_modelled.npy"
save_to_parameters_calibration = root/"calibration/flatfield_parameters.npy"

# Get metadata
camera = io.load_metadata(root)
print("Loaded metadata")

# Load the data
stdsfile = meanfile.parent / meanfile.name.replace("mean", "stds")
mean = np.load(meanfile)
stds = np.load(stdsfile)
print("Loaded data")

# Bias correction
mean = calibrate.correct_bias(root, mean)

# Normalise the RGBG2 channels to a maximum of 1 each
mean_normalised, stds_normalised = flat.normalise_RGBG2(mean, stds, camera.bayer_map)
print("Normalised data")

# Convolve the flat-field data with a Gaussian kernel to remove small-scale variations
flat_field_gauss = gaussMd(mean_normalised, 10)

# Calculate the correction factor
correction = 1 / flat_field_gauss
correction_raw = 1 / mean_normalised

# Save the correction factor maps
np.save(save_to_correction, correction)
np.save(save_to_correction_raw, correction_raw)

# Get the data folder from the command line
file = io.path_from_input(argv)
root = io.find_root_folder(file)

# Load the iSPEX wavelength solution
coefficients = wavelength.load_coefficients(
    root / "intermediaries/spectral_response/ispex_wavelength_solution.npy")

# Load the data
img = io.load_raw_file(file)
print("Loaded data")

# Bias correction
values = calibrate.correct_bias(root, img.raw_image.astype(np.float32))

# Flat-field correction - note that this clips the image
values = calibrate.correct_flatfield(root, values)

# Spectrum edges
xmin, xmax = 1900, 3500
ymin_thin, ymax_thin = 450, 800
ymin_thick, ymax_thick = 900, 1220

thin_slit = np.s_[ymin_thin:ymax_thin, xmin:xmax]
thick_slit = np.s_[ymin_thick:ymax_thick, xmin:xmax]

x = np.arange(xmin, xmax)
y_thin = np.arange(ymin_thin, ymax_thin)
y_thick = np.arange(ymin_thick, ymax_thick)
import numpy as np
from sys import argv
from spectacle import raw, plot, io, wavelength, calibrate

file = io.path_from_input(argv)
root, images, stacks, products, results = io.folders(file)

img = io.load_raw_file(file)
exif = io.load_exif(file)

values = img.raw_image.astype(np.float32)
values = calibrate.correct_bias(root, values)

image_cut = values[760:1000, 2150:3900]
colors_cut = img.raw_colors[760:1000, 2150:3900]
x = np.arange(2150, 3900)
y = np.arange(760, 1000)

RGBG = raw.demosaick(colors_cut, image_cut)

coefficients = wavelength.load_coefficients(results /
wavelengths_cut = wavelength.calculate_wavelengths(coefficients, x, y)
wavelengths_split = raw.demosaick(colors_cut, wavelengths_cut)

lambdarange, all_interpolated = wavelength.interpolate_multi(
    wavelengths_split, RGBG)
stacked = wavelength.stack(lambdarange, all_interpolated)
import numpy as np
from sys import argv
from spectacle import general, io, plot, wavelength, raw2, calibrate, flat

# Get the data folder from the command line
file = io.path_from_input(argv)
root = io.find_root_folder(file)
save_to = root / "intermediaries/spectral_response/ispex_wavelength_solution.npy"

# Load the data
img = io.load_raw_file(file)
print("Loaded data")

# Bias correction
values = calibrate.correct_bias(root, img.raw_image)

# Flat-field correction (includes clipping data)
values = calibrate.correct_flatfield(root, values)

# Clip the Bayer map to be the same shape
bayer_map = flat.clip_data(img.raw_colors)

# Cut out the spectrum
# Note that these limits are hard-coded
xmin, xmax = 1900, 3500
ymin, ymax = 510, 1220
cut = np.s_[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax]
image_cut = values[cut]
colors_cut = bayer_map[cut]
x = np.arange(xmin, xmax)