def getHistorical(years, stationID='46011', workingdirectory=None):
    # Get historical data from ndbc
    import numpy as np
    import spectral
    start = True
    for year in years:
        url = 'http://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/data/historical/swden/' + stationID + \
            'w' + '{:4d}'.format(year) + '.txt.gz'
        E, f, date = getSpectralData(url,
        if start:
            start = False
            spec = E
            freq = f
            dates = date
            spec = np.concatenate((spec, E), axis=0)
            dates = np.concatenate((dates, date), axis=0)
    spec = spectral.spectrum1d({'E': spec, 'f': freq, 'loc': dates})
    return (spec)
    def getFakeData(self, spotterID, num):
        import time
        import spectral

        data = dict()
        datab = dict()
        datab['significantWaveHeight'] = 0.
        datab['peakPeriod'] = 0.
        datab['meanPeriod'] = 0.
        datab['direction'] = 0.
        datab['peakDirection'] = 0.
        datab['peakDirectionalSpread'] = 0.
        datab['directionalSpread'] = 0.
        data['bulk'] = datab
        if not (self._xy) == None:
            data['lat'] = self._xy[num, 1]
            data['lon'] = self._xy[num, 0]
            data['lat'] = 0.
            data['lon'] = 0.
        data['spotterId'] = spotterID
        data['name'] = 'fake'

        timestamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:00.000Z", time.gmtime())
        data['timestampStart'] = timestamp
        data['timestampEnd'] = timestamp

        spotter = spotres(data)
        spotter.fullMessage = False
        if not (self.fakeData == None):
            spotter.fullMessage = True
            spotter.spec = spectral.spectrum1d({
                'f': self.fakeData.ff(),
                'E': self.fakeData.E[num, :],
                'a1': self.fakeData.a1[num, :],
                'b1': self.fakeData.b1[num, :],
                'a2': self.fakeData.a2[num, :],
                'b2': self.fakeData.b2[num, :]
        return (spotter)
    def getSpec(self):
        # get all the spectra from the spotters as one
        # convinient spectral object. Note that for
        # spotters without full message nans are returned
        import numpy as np
        import spectral

        ind = self.fullSpecIndices[0]
        nf = self.spotters[ind].spec.nf
        f = self.spotters[ind].spec.f
        nloc = len(self.spotters)
        E = np.zeros((self.numSpot, nf)) + np.nan
        a1 = np.zeros((self.numSpot, nf)) + np.nan
        b1 = np.zeros((self.numSpot, nf)) + np.nan
        a2 = np.zeros((self.numSpot, nf)) + np.nan
        b2 = np.zeros((self.numSpot, nf)) + np.nan
        j = 0
        for index, spotter in enumerate(self.spotters):
            if index in self.fullSpecIndices:
                E[index, :] = spotter.spec.E
                a1[index, :] = spotter.spec.a1
                b1[index, :] = spotter.spec.b1
                a2[index, :] = spotter.spec.a2
                b2[index, :] = spotter.spec.b2
        spec = spectral.spectrum1d({
            'E': E,
            'f': f,
            'a1': a1,
            'b1': b1,
            'a2': a2,
            'b2': b2
        return (spec)
    def getData(self,
        import urllib.request
        import json
        import ndbc
        import numpy as np
        import h5py
        import spectral

        #If this is a fake, or virtual spotter, do update from fake
        if self.fake:
            spot = self.getFakeData(spotterID, num)
            return (spot)

        if spotterID[0:4].lower() == 'ndbc':
            ndbcID = spotterID[4:]
            spec, lat, lon, epochtime = ndbc.getLatestSpec(stationID=ndbcID)
            data = {
                'spec': spec,
                'lat': lat,
                'lon': lon,
                'epochtime': epochtime,
                'name': spotterID,
                'spotterId': spotterID
            spot = spotres(data)
        elif self.matlabSpotter:
            # This is a matlab spotter, read from dir
            fileName = self.matlabSpotterDir + '/' + spotterID + '.mat'

            dataFile = h5py.File(fileName, 'r')

            time = np.array(dataFile.get('time'))[0, :]

            #Convert from matlab to Unix epoch, 719529 is the number of days
            #at 1/1/1970 according to matlab datenum( 1970 , 1 , 1)
            time = (time - 719529) * 3600. * 24

            #Find minimum index in arrays
            minimumIndex = np.argmin(np.abs(self.targetTime - time))
            epochtime = time[minimumIndex]
            E = np.array(dataFile.get('E'))[:, minimumIndex]
            f = np.array(dataFile.get('f'))
            a1 = np.array(dataFile.get('a1'))[:, minimumIndex]
            b1 = np.array(dataFile.get('b1'))[:, minimumIndex]
            a2 = np.array(dataFile.get('a2'))[:, minimumIndex]
            b2 = np.array(dataFile.get('b2'))[:, minimumIndex]
            lat = dataFile.get('latitude')[0][0]
            lon = dataFile.get('longitude')[0][0]
            spec = spectral.spectrum1d({
                'f': f,
                'E': E,
                'a1': a1,
                'b1': b1,
                'a2': a2,
                'b2': b2
            data = {
                'spec': spec,
                'lat': lat,
                'lon': lon,
                'epochtime': epochtime,
                'name': spotterID,
                'spotterId': spotterID
            spot = spotres(data)
            req = urllib.request.Request(endpoint + '?spotterId=' + spotterID)
            if self.token is not None:
                req.add_header('token', self.token)
            #...decode json...
            response = urllib.request.urlopen(req)
            data = json.loads(response.read().decode('utf-8'))
            #... and return a spot datatype
            spot = spotres(data['data'])
        return (spot)
    def __init__(self, data):
        import time
        import calendar
        import spectral
        import numpy as np

        if not 'spec' in data:

            self.Hsig = data['waves'][0]['significantWaveHeight']
            self.Tp = data['bulk']['peakPeriod']
            self.Tm01 = data['bulk']['meanPeriod']
            self.peakDir = data['bulk']['peakDirection']
            self.peakSprd = data['bulk']['peakDirectionalSpread']
            self.Dir = data['bulk']['direction']
            self.dirSprd = data['bulk']['directionalSpread']
            self.lat = data['lat']
            self.lon = data['lon']
            self.id = data['spotterId']
            self.name = data['name']
            self.updatetime = [data['timestampStart'], data['timestampEnd']]
            self.epochtimes = [
                calendar.timegm(time.strptime(x, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ'))
                for x in self.updatetime
            self.epochtime = int(
                (self.epochtimes[0] + self.epochtimes[1]) // 2)
            self.fullMessage = False
            self.spec = None

            if 'frequencyData' in data:
                data = data['frequencyData']
                if 'f' in data:
                    self.fullMessage = True
                    # adhoc conversion to densities based on full messsage format
                    # hardcoded now - should disappear once full message returns
                    # densities
                    f = data['f']
                    df = np.ones(39)
                    df[0:33] = 0.009765625
                    df[33:38] = 3 * 0.009765625
                    df[38] = 0.751953125 - 0.517578125
                    E = data['Szz'] / df / 1000000

                    var = {
                        'f': data['f'],
                        'E': E,
                        'a1': data['a1'],
                        'a2': data['a2'],
                        'b1': data['b1'],
                        'b2': data['b2']
                    self.spec = spectral.spectrum1d(var)
                #end if
            #end if

            self.Hsig = data['spec'].Hm0()
            self.Tp = data['spec'].Tp()
            self.Tm01 = data['spec'].Tm0n()
            self.peakDir = 270. - data['spec'].peakDir() * 180. / np.pi
            if self.peakDir < 0.:
                self.peakDir = self.peakDir + 360.

            if self.peakDir > 360.:
                self.peakDir = self.peakDir - 360.

            self.peakSprd = data['spec'].peakSprd() * 180. / np.pi
            self.Dir = 270. - data['spec'].bulkDir() * 180. / np.pi
            if self.Dir < 0.:
                self.Dir = self.Dir + 360.

            if self.Dir > 360.:
                self.Dir = self.Dir - 360.

            self.dirSprd = data['spec'].bulkSprd() * 180. / np.pi
            self.lat = data['lat']
            self.lon = data['lon']
            self.id = data['spotterId']
            self.name = data['name']

            self.updatetime = ['0', '0']
            self.epochtimes = [data['epochtime'], data['epochtime']]
            self.epochtime = data['epochtime']

            if not np.any(np.isnan(data['spec'].E)):
                self.fullMessage = True
                self.fullMessage = False

            self.spec = data['spec']
def getSpec(stationID='46011',
    import code
    import numpy as np
    import urllib.request
    import pandas as pd
    import calendar
    import time
    import os
    from datetime import datetime
    from pytz import timezone
    import spectral

    global baseurl

    files = ['.data_spec', '.swdir', '.swdir2', '.swr1', '.swr2']
    kind = [0, 1, 1, 1, 1]
    data = []
    for index, file in enumerate(files):
        url = baseurl + stationID + file
        [tmp, freq, dates] = getSpectralData(url,

    # Convert to lhs moments - see http://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/measdes.shtml
    angle1 = (270 - data[1]) * np.pi / 180.
    angle2 = (540 - 2 * data[2]) * np.pi / 180.

    msk = data[3] == 999.0
    msk = data[4] == 999.0

    data[3][msk] = 0.
    data[4][msk] = 0.

    #D(f,A) = (1/PI)*(0.5+R1*COS(A-ALPHA1)+R2*COS(2*(A-ALPHA2))).

    R1 = data[3]
    R2 = data[4]

    E = data[0]
    a1 = R1 * np.cos(angle1)
    b1 = R1 * np.sin(angle1)
    a2 = R2 * np.cos(angle2)
    b2 = R2 * np.sin(angle2)

    spec = spectral.spectrum1d({
        'E': E,
        'f': freq,
        'loc': dates,
        'a1': a1,
        'b1': b1,
        'a2': a2,
        'b2': b2

    if epochtime is not None:
        if epochtime < 0:
            epochtime = dates[0]
        spec = spec.interpLoc(epochtime)
        epochtime = dates

    lat, lon = getStationInfo(stationID, workingDirectory=workingdirectory)
    return (spec, lat, lon, epochtime)