def makeRadiusBins(galaxy, basemap, outDir, beam=15.0):
    Create bins for the data

    basemap: map used to create bins (SpectralCube Projection)
    outDir: directory to write output bin image

     Date        Programmer      Description of Changes
    10/29/2020  Yiqing Song     Original Code
    12/3/2020   A.A. Kepley     Added more comments plus moved GCR map 
                                calculate up to other code.
    4/15/2021   A.A. Kepley     Changes bins to be beam width apart in radius.

    minrad = 0.0 + beam / 2.0
    maxrad = np.max(
        basemap).value + beam  # want to add one bin beyond to capture max.

    binedge = np.arange(minrad, maxrad, beam)
    binedge = np.insert(binedge, 0, 0)
    binedge = binedge * basemap.unit
    bins = np.digitize(basemap.value, binedge.value)

    binlabels = ['{0:1.2f}'.format(i) + ' arcsec' for i in binedge]

    # make bins map
    binmap = Projection(bins, wcs=basemap.wcs, header=basemap.header)
                              galaxy['NAME'].upper() + '_binsbyradius.fits'),

    return binmap, binedge, binlabels
def makeBins(galaxy, basemap, bintype, outDir):
    Create bins for the data

    basemap: map used to create bins (SpectralCube Projection)

    bintype: type of bins ('intensity','stellarmass', 'radius')
    outDir: directory to write output bin image

     Date        Programmer      Description of Changes
    10/29/2020  Yiqing Song     Original Code
    12/3/2020   A.A. Kepley     Added more comments plus moved GCR map 
                                calculate up to other code.

    if bintype == 'intensity' or bintype == 'stellarmass':
        #Bin the basemap by brightness
        binnum = int(
            np.log(np.nanmax(basemap.value) / np.nanmin(basemap.value))) + 1
        binedge = np.nanmin(basemap.value) * np.logspace(
            0, binnum, num=binnum + 1,
            base=np.e)  #create bins based on dynamic range of mom0
        bins = np.digitize(
            basemap.value, binedge
        )  #this will automatically add an extra bin in the end for nan values
        binlabels = [""] + [
            '{0:1.2f}'.format(i) + basemap.unit.to_string() for i in binedge
        ]  #need to add units to stellarmass map!!
    elif bintype == 'radius':
        binnum = 5
        binedge = np.zeros(binnum + 1)
        binedge[1:] = np.logspace(-1, np.log10(0.5), num=binnum,
                                  base=10)  #create bins based on r25
        bins = np.digitize(
            basemap, binedge
        )  #this will automatically add an extra bin in the end for nan values
        binlabels = [""] + ['{0:1.2f}'.format(i) + 'R25' for i in binedge]
        raise Exception(
            "bintype should either be 'radius' or 'intensity' or 'stellarmass' "
    # Blank NaN values
    bins[bins == len(binedge)] = 0
    # make bins map
    binmap = Projection(bins, wcs=basemap.wcs, header=basemap.header)
        outDir, galaxy['NAME'].upper() + '_binsby' + bintype + '.fits'),
    return binmap, binedge, binlabels
def makeBins(galaxy, basemap,  bintype):
    if bintype=='intensity' or bintype=='stellarmass':
        #Bin the basemap by brightness
        binedge = np.nanmin(basemap.value)*np.logspace(0, binnum, num=binnum+1, base=np.e) #create bins based on dynamic range of mom0
        bins = np.digitize(basemap.value, binedge) #this will automatically add an extra bin in the end for nan values
        binlabels=[""]+['{0:1.2f}'.format(i)+basemap.unit.to_string() for i in binedge] #need to add units to stellarmass map!!
    elif bintype=='radius':
        R_arcmin, R_kpc, R_r25=mapGCR(galaxy,basemap) #can choose from 3 different  Rmaps
        binedge = np.zeros(binnum+1)
        binedge[1:]=np.logspace(-1, np.log10(0.5), num=binnum,base=10)#create bins based on r25
        bins = np.digitize(R_r25, binedge) #this will automatically add an extra bin in the end for nan values
        binlabels=[""]+['{0:1.2f}'.format(i)+'R25' for i in binedge]
        raise Exception ("bintype should either be 'radius' or 'intensity' or 'stellarmass' ")
    # Blank NaN values
    bins[bins==len(binedge)] = 0 
    # make bins map 
    binmap.write(datadir+galaxy.upper()+'_binsby'+bintype+'.fits', overwrite=True)
    return binmap, binedge, binlabels
def makeMap(cubeFile, outDir, baseName=None,maskFile='',maptype='peakIntensity',order=0 ):
    """ Create peak intensity map from a cube


    cubeFile: str
       FITS filename of the cube

    outDir: str
        Directory in which to place the output FITS file

    maskFile: str 
        FITS filename of the mask. Should have same geometry as
        cube. If not use routines in analysis_setup.py to regrid.

    maptype: str
        type of map to make. Options are peakIntensity, peakVelocity, linewidth, 
        moment, and mask2D.

    order: int
        order for moment map


    if not baseName:

    cube = SpectralCube.read(cubeFile).with_spectral_unit(u.km/u.s, velocity_convention='radio')

    if maskFile:
        maskCube = SpectralCube.read(maskFile).with_spectral_unit(u.km/u.s, velocity_convention='radio')
        mask = (maskCube.unitless_filled_data[:,:,:] > 0.5)
        maskedCube = cube.with_mask(mask)
        maskedCube = cube

    if maptype is 'peakIntensity':
        mymap = maskedCube.max(axis=0)
        outname = baseName+'_peakInt.fits'

    elif maptype is 'mask2D':
        mymap = maskedCube.max(axis=0)
        outname = baseName+'_mask2D.fits'

    elif maptype is 'linewidth':
        mymap = maskedCube.linewidth_fwhm()
        outname = baseName+'_linewidth.fits'

    elif maptype is 'moment':
        mymap = maskedCube.moment(order=order)
        outname = baseName+'_mom'+str(order)+'.fits'

    elif maptype is 'peakVelocity':
        velocity = maskedCube.spectral_axis
        mask = np.sum(maskedCube.get_mask_array(),axis=0) > 1.0
        newwcs = maskedCube.wcs.dropaxis(2)

        peakind = maskedCube.argmax(axis=0)
        peakvel = velocity[peakind]         
        peakvel[peakvel==velocity[0]] = np.nan
        mymap = Projection(peakvel, wcs=newwcs, mask=mask)
        outname = baseName + '_peakVelocity.fits'
        print('Map type unknown. Options are peakIntensity, linewidth, moment')

    mymap.meta['MASK'] = maskFile