def binned_source_to_rest(spec: Spectrum, z: float = None) -> Spectrum:
    Takes in a binned source spectrum and shifts it to rest frame.

    WARNING:  Assumes desired wavelengths will be integer values and called (int) on them as a result.  If integer
    wavelengths are NOT desired, this method will need to be modified.

    :param spec: Binned source spectrum
    :type spec: Spectrum
    :param z: Original redshift.  If not passed, it will call spec.getRS() and use that value.
    :type z: float
    :return: Rest frame spectrum
    :rtype: Spectrum
    spec = spec.cpy()
    z = z or spec.getRS()
    wls = spec.getWavelengths()
    n = len(wls)
    for wl in wls:
        spec[int(wl / (1 + z))] = spec[wl]
        del spec[wl]
    return spec