def init_recognizer(self): r = sr.Recognizer() r.operation_timeout = 10 return r
import speech_recognition as SRG import requests store = SRG.Recognizer() import time def startListening(timesec): time.sleep(int(timesec)) with SRG.Microphone() as s: text_output = "" print("Speak...") nameCall = "" store.adjust_for_ambient_noise(s) audio_input = store.record(s, duration=3) try: nameCall = store.recognize_google(audio_input) print(nameCall) if nameCall.lower() == "jessica": print("word found") with SRG.Microphone() as s: store.adjust_for_ambient_noise(s) audio_input = store.record(s, duration=5) text_output = store.recognize_google(audio_input) text_output = text_output.lower() if (len(text_output) > 1): r = 'http://localhost:8080/crisper/v1/exec', json={'command': text_output}) print(r.text) print("Text converted from audio:\n")
3:)pip install PyAudio # For using the different speech-to-text engines: We are using a google cloud based free service. 4:)pip install PocketSpinx #for a local speech-to-text engine. """ import speech_recognition as sr # This piece of code finds out the Ratio of Similarity between two different strings: import difflib # For GUI: I have assumed that you have downloaded the same: from tkinter.ttk import Progressbar from tkinter import * # Global Variables: r = sr.Recognizer() s1 = 'I like sunny days' # Main initializer class: class SpeechRecognizerGUI: # This is where we detech the speech from the microphone. Once the microphone detects a sound, it sends it to google cloud where it is returned as Human understandable langauge. def clicked(self): # Sort of a progress bar: Doesnt work that great.['value'] = 0 with sr.Microphone() as source: # This is where the code tells the system to listen to the sound. Please use a system that has a microphone enabled. I am using a laptop and there is no issue on my side.
def Tuesday(): while True: try: r = sr.Recognizer() with sr.Microphone() as source: try: print("What is your question?") except KeyboardInterrupt: exit() print("Exiting...") uinput = r.listen(source) #Adds user input #uinput = input("Question: ") # for testing purposes, we're just using the default API key # to use another API key, use `r.recognize_google(audio, key="GOOGLE_SPEECH_RECOGNITION_API_KEY")` # instead of `r.recognize_google(audio)` # try: # uinput = r.recognize_google(uinput) # except speech_recognition.UnknownValueError: # tts = gTTS(text="I'm sorry, I don't know what you said.", lang='en') #"tuesday-output.mp3") # playsound('tuesday-output.mp3') # # except sr.RequestError as e: # tts = gTTS(text="I need to be connected to the internet to understand what you say.", lang='en') #"tuesday-output.mp3") # playsound('tuesday-output.mp3') # # except KeyboardInterrupt: # print("Exiting...") digits = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0"] wolfA = False print(uinput) for number in digits[0:10]: if number in uinput: something = False wolfA = True if wolfA == True: try: app_id = "G58JY9-WQ963T9EQV" #to get the info client = wolframalpha.Client(app_id) #connecting to info result = client.query(uinput) #collecting result answer = next(result.results).text #processing answer print(answer) tts = gTTS( text=answer, lang='en', ) ###### _Parameters:_ * `text` - String - Text to be spoken. * `lang` - String - [ISO 639-1 language code](#lang_list) (supported by the Google _Text to Speech_ API) to speak in. * `slow` - Boolean - Speak slowly. Default `False` (Note: only two speeds are provided by the API)."tuesday-output.mp3") playsound('tuesday-output.mp3') except sr.UnknownValueError: print( "Google Speech Recognition could not understand audio." ) except sr.RequestError as e: print( "Could not request results from Google Speech Recognition service; {0}" .format(e)) elif uinput == "exit": exit() elif "temperature" in uinput.lower(): uinput = uinput.split(" ") placenum = len(uinput) placenum = placenum - 1 place = uinput[placenum] observation = owm.weather_at_place(uinput[len(uinput) - 1]) w = observation.get_weather() print(w) print(w.get_temperature("farenhe")) elif uinput == "jfhfh": return else: #WIKIPEDIA wikipedia.set_lang("en") #Language! # uinput = uinput.split(" ") # uinput = " ".join(uinput[2:]) try: reply = wikipedia.summary(uinput, sentences=1) print(reply) tts = gTTS( text=reply, lang='en', ) ###### _Parameters:_ * `text` - String - Text to be spoken. * `lang` - String - [ISO 639-1 language code](#lang_list) (supported by the Google _Text to Speech_ API) to speak in. * `slow` - Boolean - Speak slowly. Default `False` (Note: only two speeds are provided by the API)."tuesday-output.mp3") playsound('tuesday-output.mp3') except wikipedia.exceptions.DisambiguationError as e: e = e.split("\n") tts = gTTS( text="Please narrow down your search." + e[0], lang='en', ) ###### _Parameters:_ * `text` - String - Text to be spoken. * `lang` - String - [ISO 639-1 language code](#lang_list) (supported by the Google _Text to Speech_ API) to speak in. * `slow` - Boolean - Speak slowly. Default `False` (Note: only two speeds are provided by the API)."tuesday-output.mp3") playsound('tuesday-output.mp3') print(e) except wikipedia.exceptions.HTTPTimeoutError as e: tts = gTTS( text= "Oh no! It looks like I have lost connection to the wikipedia server! Please try again later.", lang='en', ) ###### _Parameters:_ * `text` - String - Text to be spoken. * `lang` - String - [ISO 639-1 language code](#lang_list) (supported by the Google _Text to Speech_ API) to speak in. * `slow` - Boolean - Speak slowly. Default `False` (Note: only two speeds are provided by the API)."tuesday-output.mp3") playsound('tuesday-output.mp3') # except wikipedia.exceptions.PageError as e: # tts = gTTS(text="I can't seem to that page ID! Could you try another search?", lang='en',) ###### _Parameters:_ * `text` - String - Text to be spoken. * `lang` - String - [ISO 639-1 language code](#lang_list) (supported by the Google _Text to Speech_ API) to speak in. * `slow` - Boolean - Speak slowly. Default `False` (Note: only two speeds are provided by the API). #"tuesday-output.mp3") # playsound('tuesday-output.mp3') except wikipedia.exceptions.WikipediaException as e: tts = gTTS( text=e, lang='en', ) ###### _Parameters:_ * `text` - String - Text to be spoken. * `lang` - String - [ISO 639-1 language code](#lang_list) (supported by the Google _Text to Speech_ API) to speak in. * `slow` - Boolean - Speak slowly. Default `False` (Note: only two speeds are provided by the API)."tuesday-output.mp3") playsound('tuesday-output.mp3') except KeyboardInterrupt: tts = gTTS( text="Exiting...", lang='en', ) ###### _Parameters:_ * `text` - String - Text to be spoken. * `lang` - String - [ISO 639-1 language code](#lang_list) (supported by the Google _Text to Speech_ API) to speak in. * `slow` - Boolean - Speak slowly. Default `False` (Note: only two speeds are provided by the API)."tuesday-exit.mp3") playsound('tuesday-exit.mp3')
# Truy cập dữ liệu từ thư viện import speech_recognition import pyttsx3 from datetime import date, datetime import wikipedia import os import playsound import pyaudio import webbrowser import random import requests, json # Dùng để lấy data weather from googletrans import Translator from gtts import gTTS # Khai báo biến Lina_ear = speech_recognition.Recognizer() Lina_mouth = pyttsx3.init() Lina_brain = "Hello Sir, good day today!. Can I Help you" print("Lina: " + Lina_brain) Lina_mouth.say(Lina_brain) Lina_mouth.runAndWait() # Thay đổi giọng EN dùng cho câu trả lời tiếng anh voices = Lina_mouth.getProperty('voices') Lina_mouth.setProperty('voice', voices[0].id) #0 for male #meomeo_mouth.setProperty('voice', voices[1].id) #1 for female def sayvi(Lina_brain): # Lina Nói Tiếng Việt tv = gTTS(text=Lina_brain, lang='vi')
def __init__(self): self.r = sr.Recognizer() self.LANG = "ru-RU" self.TEXT = ""
# Fixed bugs import speech_recognition as sr # module to mic input import pyttsx3 as tts # text-to-speech import pywhatkit as pwk # finds songs through YouTube import datetime # retrieves dates and times import wikipedia # opens Wikipedia pages import webbrowser as wb import pyglet # better audio output from translate import Translator import speech_recognition as ssr import time #import other funcs # INITS listener = sr.Recognizer() engine = tts.init() voices = engine.getProperty("voices") engine.setProperty("voice", voices[1].id) #Calculator FUNCS: #All in radius pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679 #Basic add = lambda a, b: a + b minus = lambda a, b: a - b times = lambda a, b: a * b divide = lambda a, b: a / b #More less Basic
import speech_recognition as speechRecognition from gtts import gTTS from playsound import playsound import os fin= False while fin== False: reconocedor= speechRecognition.Recognizer() with speechRecognition.Microphone() as fuente: print ("Diga algo: ") audio = reconocedor.listen(fuente) try: #texto = reconocedor.recognize_google(audio) texto = reconocedor.recognize_google(audio, language="es-AR") print ("dijiste " + texto) except: print ("error durante la conversion") texto= texto.lower() texto= texto.replace('á', 'a') texto = texto.replace('é', 'e') texto = texto.replace('í', 'i') texto = texto.replace('ó', 'o') texto = texto.replace('ú', 'u') if texto== "hola como estas" or texto == "hola como te va": tts = gTTS("Muy bien, y vos?", lang='es-us') elif texto== "bien" or texto == "muy bien": tts = gTTS("Me alegro mucho", lang='es-us') elif texto== "mal" or texto == "mas o menos":
def downloadComplete(): # coding: utf-8 # In[8]: #!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # In[15]: import sys import nltk import numpy as np import speech_recognition as sr # In[16]: from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize # In[17]: r = sr.Recognizer() mic = sr.Microphone() file = sr.AudioFile('sound.wav') # CHECK ADDRESS with file as source: r.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source) audio = r.record(source) text = r.recognize_google(audio) # In[101]: words = word_tokenize(text) words = np.array(words) words = words.reshape(1, -1) # In[124]: name = '' gender = '' address = '' age = '' phone = '' aadhar = '' g_name = '' g_relationship = '' g_number = '' for w in range(words[0].shape[0]): if words[0][w] == 'patient' and words[0][w + 1] == 'name': name = words[0][w + 2] + " " + words[0][w + 3] if words[0][w] == 'gender': gender = words[0][w + 1] if words[0][w] == 'age': age = words[0][w + 1] if words[0][w] == 'patient' and words[0][w + 1] == 'number': for a in range(10): phone += words[0][w + 2 + a] if (words[0][w] == 'Attendee' or words[0][w] == 'attendee') and words[0][w + 1] == 'name': g_name = words[0][w + 2] + " " + words[0][w + 3] if (words[0][w] == 'Attendee' or words[0][w] == 'attendee') and words[0][w + 1] == 'relationship': g_relationship = words[0][w + 4] if (words[0][w] == 'Attendee' or words[0][w] == 'attendee') and words[0][w + 1] == 'number': g_number = words[0][w + 2] output = { 'patient_name': name, 'patient_gender': gender, 'patient_age': age, 'patient_phone_number': phone, 'Attendee_name': g_name, 'Attendee_relationship_with_patient': g_relationship, 'Attendee_phone_number': g_number } import json with open('result.json', 'w') as fp: json.dump(output, fp)
import speech_recognition as sr # for speech recognition #import pyaudio for microphone import webbrowser as wb # to search on the web r1 = sr.Recognizer() # recognizer class r2 = sr.Recognizer() r3 = sr.Recognizer() with sr.Microphone() as source: print('[To Open Google: Speak search]') print('[To Search on Youtube: Speak video]') print('Speak now') audio = r3.listen(source) if 'search' in r2.recognize_google(audio): r2 = sr.Recognizer() url = '' with sr.Microphone() as source: print("Speak Google") audio = r2.listen(source) try: get = r2.recognize_google(audio) print(get) wb.get().open_new(url + get) except sr.UnknownValueError: print("Error") except sr.RequestError as e: print('failed'.format(e)) if 'video' in r1.recognize_google(audio):
import operator import speech_recognition as s_r r = s_r.Recognizer() my_mic_device = s_r.Microphone(device_index=1) with my_mic_device as source: print("Say what you want to calculate \n example: 3 plus 3") r.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source) audio = r.listen(source) my_string = r.recognize_google(audio) print(my_string) def get_operator_fn(op): return { '+': operator.add, '-': operator.sub, 'x': operator.mul, 'multiplied by': operator.mul, 'divided': operator.__truediv__, 'Mod': operator.mod, 'mod': operator.mod, '^': operator.xor, 'add': operator.add, 'subtract': operator.sub, '*': operator.mul, '/': operator.__truediv__, }[op] def eval_binary_expr(op1, oper, op2):
import speech_recognition as sr import webbrowser import pyttsx import time eng = pyttsx.init() voices = eng.getProperty('voices') eng.setProperty('voice', voices[3].id) while True: r = sr.Recognizer() mw = 'search for' slst = 'stop listening' with sr.Microphone() as source: audio = r.listen(source, timeout=None) try: if mw in r.recognize_google(audio): r2 = sr.Recognizer() print('What am I searching for?') eng.say('What am I searching for?') eng.runAndWait() with sr.Microphone() as source2:
def __init__(self, logger, config): self.logger = logger self.config = config self.speech = sr.Recognizer() threading.Thread(
def chatbot(): engine = pyttsx3.init('espeak') def speak(audio): print('Computer: ' + audio) engine.say(audio) engine.runAndWait() path = '/home/p/Desktop/chatbot/pavan2.txt' f = open(path, 'r', errors='ignore') raw = raw = raw.lower() # converts to lower case # punkt and wordnet should be downloaded #'punkt')#punkt used to convert the list of words to strings #'wordnet')#used as a dictionary where nltk find meanings and synonyms sent_tokens = nltk.sent_tokenize(raw) # converts to list of sentenses word_tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(raw) # converts to list of words # for testing the sent_tokens and word_tokens '''a = word_tokens[:2] print(a) b = sent_tokens[:2] print(b) ''' # preprossesing of text lemmer = nltk.stem.WordNetLemmatizer() # word net is an dictionary of english which is included in the nltk def LemTokens(tokens): return [lemmer.lemmatize(token) for token in tokens] remove_punct_dict = dict( (ord(punct), None) for punct in string.punctuation) def LemNormalize(text): # here text is the user input return LemTokens( nltk.word_tokenize(text.lower().translate(remove_punct_dict))) # greeting GREETING_INPUT = ( "hello", "hai", "hi", "sup", "greetings", "hey", "what'sap", ) GREETING_OUTPUT = [ "hai", "hi", "hello", "hi there", "i am gland you are taking to me" ] def greeting(sentence): for word in sentence.split(): if word.lower() in GREETING_INPUT: return random.choice(GREETING_OUTPUT) # vectorization for this we need to modules Tfidvectorizer and cosine_similarity # defining response def response(user_response): chatbot_response = '' sent_tokens.append(user_response) TfidVec = TfidfVectorizer(tokenizer=LemNormalize, stop_words='english') tfidf = TfidVec.fit_transform( sent_tokens ) # calling fit transform method and passing the sent tokens here the send tokens are converted into a vector form vals = cosine_similarity( tfidf[-1], tfidf ) # consine similarity for finding the similarity between the sentense tokens and user quations idx = vals.argsort()[0][-2] flat = vals.flatten( ) # for finding the matching btween quations and data stored in txt and converts it into a row matrix flat.sort() req_tfidf = flat[-2] if ( req_tfidf != 0 ): # it means there is nothing matching between the quation and data chatbot_response = chatbot_response + sent_tokens[idx] return chatbot_response else: chatbot_response = chatbot_response + " i am sorry idont understand you" return chatbot_response flag = True print( "chatbot:My name is chatbot.I will answer your quaries about global warming. if you want to exit ,type bye" ) while (flag == True): r = sr.Recognizer() # url2 = '' with sr.Microphone() as source: print("Listening...") r.pause_threshold = 1 url = r.listen(source) # get = str(input('Command: ')) user_response = r.recognize_google(url, language='en') user_response = user_response.lower() if (user_response != 'bye' or 'exit'): if (user_response == 'thanks' or user_response == 'thank you'): flag = False print("chatbot:you are welcome..") else: if (greeting(user_response) != None): print("chatbot:" + greeting(user_response)) else: print("chatbot:", end="") print(response(user_response)) speak(response(user_response)) sent_tokens.remove(user_response) else: flag = False print("chatbot: Bye! take care..")
print( "\n==============================================================\n" ) gender = input( 'What gender would you like your assistant to sound like?\n[ m ] Male\n[ f ] Female\n\n--> ' ) settings["gender"] = gender utilities.writeToJson(settings) if __name__ == "__main__": # so here we start the shitty recognizer # code totally not stolen from GeeksForGeeks # :sweatsmile: recognizer = Recognizer.Recognizer() engine = pyttsx3.init() engine.setProperty('rate', 140) def main(): utilities.startSlaves() # read the config which has already been defined # and use bloody use that LOL try: with open('settings.json', 'r') as settingsFile: settings = json.load(settingsFile) triggerWord = settings["trigger"] micId = int(settings["micID"]) voiceGender = settings['gender']
import speech_recognition as sr recognizeSpeech = sr.Recognizer() def talk(): with sr.Microphone() as source: audio = recognizeSpeech.listen(source) user = recognizeSpeech.recognize_wit(audio,key='VSDKI2TOPBRIMVEWOCPGE32MMUWESQML') print(user) return user
def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.platform = utils.get_platform() self.recognizer = sr.Recognizer()
for i in r.json(): bot_message = i['text'] print(f"{bot_message}") #engine = pyttsx3.init() #engine.say(bot_message) #engine.runAndWait() myobj = gTTS(text=bot_message,lang='vi',slow = False)"welcome.mp3") playsound.playsound('welcome.mp3', True) os.remove('welcome.mp3') # Playing the converted file['mpg321', "welcome.mp3", '--play-and-exit']) while True: r = sr.Recognizer() # initialize recognizer with sr.Microphone() as source: # mention source it will be either Microphone or audio files. r.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source) audio = r.listen(source) # listen to the source try: message = r.recognize_google(audio,language='vi-VN') # use recognizer to convert our audio into text part. print("Bạn nói : {}".format(message)) except: print("Tôi không hiểu bạn nói gì") # In case of voice not recognized clearly if len(message)==0: continue print(".....") r ='http://localhost:5002/webhooks/rest/webhook', json={"message": message}) print("Bot nói : ",end=' ')
import speech_recognition #Khoi tao nen 1 ham nghe robot_ear = speech_recognition.Recognizer() #su dung with nghia la khi nghe xong roi se tat di with speech_recognition.Microphone() as mic: print("Robot: I'm listening") audio = robot_ear.listen(mic) you = robot_ear.recognize_google(audio) print(you)
import telepot from chatbot import Chatbot from tempfile import mkstemp import subprocess import os import speech_recognition as sr from banco import * from datetime import datetime import os.path import random Bot = Chatbot('NOME BOT') telegram = telepot.Bot("APIKEYTELEGRAM") # iniciando Recognizer utilizado para reconhecer voz rec = sr.Recognizer() dataAtual ='%Y-%m-%d') Banco = Banco('host', 'port', 'username', 'password', 'database') teste = Banco.teste() # Validar se existe arquivo de log do dia if (os.path.exists('log/log-' + dataAtual + '.json')): print('existe') else: # Senão existe, ele vai ser criado print('Não existe') memoriaLog = open('log/log-' + dataAtual + '.json', 'w') memoriaLog = open('log/log-' + dataAtual + '.json', 'r') # Gravando dados no log log = [] memoriaLog.close()
import sys import pyttsx3 as tts import speech_recognition from neuralintents import GenericAssistant recognizer = speech_recognition.Recognizer() speaker = tts.init() speaker.setProperty('rate', 150) todo_list = ["Go shopping", "Go Code", "clean Room"] def create_note(): global recognizer speaker.say("What do you want to write onto your note?") speaker.runAndWait() done = False while not done: try: with speech_recognition.Microphone() as mic: recognizer.adjust_for_ambient_noise(mic, duration=0.2) audio = recognizer.listen(mic) note = recognizer.recognize_google(audio).lower() speaker.say("Choose a filename!")
# Set the alpha variable to 0.5 alpha=0.5) plt.legend() ######Speech Recognition API #install #pip3 install SpeechRecognition # Importing the speech_recognition library import speech_recognition as sr # Create an instance of the Recognizer class recognizer = sr.Recognizer() # Set the energy threshold recognizer.energy_threshold = 300 # Create a recognizer class recognizer = sr.Recognizer() # Transcribe the support call audio text = recognizer.recognize_google(audio_data=clean_support_call_audio, language='en-US') print(text) ############Recognize from audio file to audio data
def chat(): talkToMe( "Hello Master, I'm your personal assistant and I'm at your service") while True: #Speech Recognition Part: r = sr.Recognizer() with sr.Microphone() as source: r.pause_threshold = 0.7 r.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source, duration=0.7) audio = r.listen(source) try: command = r.recognize_google(audio).lower() inp = command print(inp) #For watching what we said results = model.predict([bag_of_words(inp, words)])[0] results_index = numpy.argmax(results) tag = labels[results_index] if results[results_index] > 0.9: for tg in data["intents"]: if tg['tag'] == tag: responses = tg['responses'] talkToMe(random.choice(responses)) else: talkToMe("I didn't get that, tell me again.") #Quit Commands: if inp.lower() == 'quit' or inp.lower() == 'exit' or inp.lower( ) == 'shut down': break #Browser Commands: elif 'open ' in inp: reg_ex ='open (.+)', inp) if reg_ex: domain = url = 'https://www.' + domain + '.com' else: pass #Weather Commands: elif 'weather' in inp: res = requests.get('') info = res.json() country = info['country'] zipcode = info['postal'] degree_sign = u'\N{DEGREE SIGN}' owm = pyowm.OWM('58c31a987f2c5387dab8e3a11c9a18ae') observation = owm.weather_at_zip_code(zipcode, country) weather = observation.get_weather() status = str(weather.get_status()) temperature = str( round(weather.get_temperature('celsius')['temp'])) talkToMe( "The weather status is: " + status + " and the temperature is: " + temperature + degree_sign + ". You can look for more information from this website.") url = '' #Email Commands: elif 'email' in inp: talkToMe('Who is the recipient?') #Command Sub Function for Mailing: def myCommand(): r = sr.Recognizer() with sr.Microphone() as source: r.pause_threshold = 0.7 r.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source, duration=0.7) audio = r.listen(source) try: command = r.recognize_google(audio).lower() inp = command print(inp) #For watching what we said except sr.UnknownValueError: talkToMe("I didn't get that, tell me again.") inp = myCommand() return inp recipient = myCommand() if 'teacher' in recipient: talkToMe('What should I say?') content = myCommand() #init gmail SMTP mail = smtplib.SMTP('', 587) #identify to server mail.ehlo() #encrypt session mail.starttls() #login mail.login('your gmail id', 'your gmail password') #send message mail.sendmail('name of the recipient', 'mail of the recipient', content) #end mail connection mail.close() talkToMe('Mail sent.') else: talkToMe("I didn't get that") #loop back to continue to listen for commands if unrecognizable speech is received except sr.UnknownValueError: talkToMe("Hey are you here? I can't hear you")
def get_app(Q): current = Controller() # master if Q == "time": print( x = voice(x) elif Q == "news": speak_news() elif Q == "open notepad":["Notepad.exe"]) elif Q == "open calculator":["calc.exe"]) elif Q == "open stikynot":["StikyNot.exe"]) elif Q == "open shell":["powershell.exe"]) elif Q == "open paint":["mspaint.exe"]) elif Q == "open cmd":["cmd.exe"]) elif Q == "open discord":["discord.exe"]) elif Q == "open browser":["C:\\Program Files\\Internet Explorer\\iexplore.exe"]) # patch-1 elif Q == "open youtube":"") # open youtube elif Q == "open google":"") # open google elif Q == "open github":"") elif ( Q == "email to other" ): # here you want to change and input your mail and password whenver you implement try: speak("What should I say?") r = sr.Recognizer() with sr.Microphone() as source: print("Listening...") r.pause_threshold = 1 audio = r.listen(source) to = "*****@*****.**" content = input("Enter content") sendEmail(to, content) speak("Email has been sent!") except Exception as e: print(e) speak("Sorry, I can't send the email.") # ======= # master elif Q == "Take screenshot": snapshot = ImageGrab.grab() drive_letter = "C:\\" folder_name = r"downloaded-files" folder_time ="%Y-%m-%d_%I-%M-%S_%p") extention = ".jpg" folder_to_save_files = drive_letter + folder_name + folder_time + extention elif Q == "Jokes": speak(pyjokes.get_joke()) elif Q == "start recording": current.add("Win", "Alt", "r") speak("Started recording. just say stop recording to stop.") elif Q == "stop recording": current.add("Win", "Alt", "r") speak("Stopped recording. check your game bar folder for the video") elif Q == "clip that": current.add("Win", "Alt", "g") speak("Clipped. check you game bar file for the video") with keyboard.Listener(on_press=on_press, on_release=on_release) as listener: listener.join() else: exit() # master apps = { "time":, "notepad": "Notepad.exe", "calculator": "calc.exe", "stikynot": "StikyNot.exe", "shell": "powershell.exe", "paint": "mspaint.exe", "cmd": "cmd.exe", "browser": "C:\\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe", "vscode": "C:\\Users\\Users\\User\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\Microsoft VS Code" }
class AgentCovia: greetings = ['hey there', 'hello', 'hi', 'hai', 'hey!', 'hey'] question = ['how are you', 'how are you doing'] var3 = ['time'] cmdjokes = ['joke', 'funny'] cmd2 = ['music', 'songs', 'song'] jokes = [ "can a kangaroo jump higher than a house? of course, a house doesn’t jump at all.", 'my dog used to chase people on a bike a lot. it got so bad, finally i had to take his bike away.', 'doctor: im sorry but you suffer from a terminal illness and have only 10 to live.patient: what do you mean, 10? 10 what? months? weeks?!"doctor: nine.' ] cmd4 = ['open youtube', 'i want to watch a video'] cmd5 = ['weather'] exitCmd = ['exit', 'close', 'goodbye', 'nothing'] cmd7 = [ 'what is your color', 'what is your colour', 'your color', 'your color?' ] colrep = [ 'right now its rainbow', 'right now its transparent', 'right now its non chromatic' ] cmd8 = ['what is you favourite colour', 'what is your favourite color'] cmd9 = ['thank you'] rep9 = ["you're welcome", 'glad i could help you'] webSearch: List[str] = ['firefox', 'internet', 'browser'] sound = ['volume', 'sound'] txtEdit = ['notepad'] says = ['tell', 'say'] newsText = ['news', 'headlines'] engine = pyttsx3.init('sapi5') voices = engine.getProperty('voices') engine.setProperty('voice', voices[1].id) engine.setProperty('rate', 180) recog = sr.Recognizer() mic = sr.Microphone() logging.config.fileConfig('logger.config') logger = logging.getLogger('Admin_Client') posAnswers = ['yes', 'ok', 'yop'] negAnswers = ['no', 'never', 'nope'] mailCmd = ['mail', 'email'] mypc = ['pc', 'laptop', 'system', 'computer'] logoutCmd = ['log', 'sign', 'logout', 'signout'] mydb = None usr = None permissions = {"email_access": 0, "internet_access": 0, "master_access": 0} def __init__(self): try: self.mydb = mysql.connector.connect(host="localhost", user="******", passwd="password", database="jarvis_data") except Exception as e: self.speak("MySQL not connected") self.logger.exception("MySQL not connected.") sys.exit() def getDatafromDb(self, Sqlquery): mycursor = self.setDatatoDb(Sqlquery) myresult = mycursor.fetchall() return myresult def setDatatoDb(self, Sqlquery): mycursor = self.mydb.cursor() mycursor.execute(Sqlquery) return mycursor def speak(self, audio): self.engine.say(audio) self.engine.runAndWait() def listenAudio(self): required = -1 for index, name in enumerate(sr.Microphone.list_microphone_names()): if "External" in name: required = index if (required == -1): for index, name in enumerate( sr.Microphone.list_microphone_names()): if "Internal" in name: # (without earphone mic) required = index print('say now') with sr.Microphone(device_index=required) as source: self.recog.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source) audio = self.recog.listen(source, phrase_time_limit=5) try: givenInput = self.recog.recognize_google(audio) return str(givenInput).lower() except sr.UnknownValueError: print("Google Speech Recognition could not understand audio") self.logger.error( "Google Speech Recognition could not understand audio") except sr.RequestError as e: self.logger.error( "Could not request results from Google Speech Recognition service; {0}" .format(e)) def listenAudioLong(self): required = -1 for index, name in enumerate(sr.Microphone.list_microphone_names()): if "External" in name: required = index if (required == -1): for index, name in enumerate( sr.Microphone.list_microphone_names()): if "Internal" in name: # (without earphone mic) required = index print('say now') with sr.Microphone(device_index=required) as source: self.recog.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source) audio = self.recog.listen(source, phrase_time_limit=10) try: givenInput = self.recog.recognize_google(audio) return str(givenInput).lower() except sr.UnknownValueError: print("Google Speech Recognition could not understand audio") self.logger.error( "Google Speech Recognition could not understand audio") except sr.RequestError as e: self.logger.error( "Could not request results from Google Speech Recognition service; {0}" .format(e)) def validateCommand(self, query, givenList): for word in query: for gword in givenList: if (word == gword): return True return False def wishMe(self): hour = int( if (hour >= 0 and hour < 12): return " Good morning!" elif (hour >= 12 and hour <= 16): return " Good afternoon!" else: return " Good evening!" def setPassword(self): if (self.permissions["master_access"] == 1): self.speak("setting new passcode.... enter the new password") npass = str(input()) try: updateQuery = "update credentials set password ='******' where username='******'" self.setDatatoDb(updateQuery) self.logger.debug("passcode changed successfully.") self.speak('I Successfully changed your passcode....') except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Exception in password changing. message: " + str(e)) self.speak('Unable to change password.') else: self.speak("Insufficient permissions to change password") self.logger.error("Insufficient permissions to change password") def authUser(self, rpass, pcode): if (pcode == rpass[0][1]): self.speak("Passcode matched.... ") self.logger.debug( "in authUser().Passcode matched & agent activated.") greeting = random.choice(self.greetings) wish = greeting + " " + rpass[0][0] + self.wishMe() self.speak(wish) self.getTime() self.usr = rpass[0][0] Sqlquery = 'SELECT email_access, internet_access, master_access FROM `permissions` WHERE `user`=(SELECT cred_id FROM `credentials` WHERE username="******")' userAccess = self.getDatafromDb(Sqlquery) self.permissions["master_access"] = int(userAccess[0][2]) self.permissions["internet_access"] = int(userAccess[0][1]) self.permissions["email_access"] = int(userAccess[0][0]) self.processRequests() else: self.speak("Invalid passcode.....Exiting.") self.logger.error("Invalid Passcode.Exiting.") sys.exit() def processRequests(self): while (1): try: time.sleep(2) self.speak('Listening now') self.logger.debug('Listening......') query = self.listenAudio() if (query == None): query = '' self.logger.debug('query: ' + str(query)) self.processCommands(query) except Exception as e: self.speak("sorry.....unable to process...say again") print(str(e)) self.logger.exception(str(e)) def processCommands(self, query): queryx = query.split() queryx = [ word for word in queryx if not word in set(stopwords.words('english')) ] if (self.validateCommand(queryx, self.webSearch) and (self.permissions["internet_access"] == 1 or self.permissions["master_access"] == 1)): if (r'search' in query): self.getInfoWebSearch(query) elif (r'go to'): comp = regex.compile(r'(go\s*to)\s*([\w\s\.]*)') match =, query) try: squery = except AttributeError: squery = '' url = 'https://' + squery self.openFirefox(url) elif ('change your password' == query): self.setPassword() elif (self.validateCommand(queryx, self.says) and (r'something' in query) and (self.permissions["internet_access"] == 1 or self.permissions["master_access"] == 1)): self.tellInfoFromWiki(query) elif self.validateCommand(queryx, self.var3): self.getTime() elif self.validateCommand(queryx, self.mailCmd) and self.validateCommand( queryx, ['send']): self.sendEmail() elif query in self.question: self.speak('I am fine') elif query in self.cmd9: self.speak(random.choice(self.rep9)) elif query in self.cmd7: self.speak('It keeps changing every second') elif query in self.cmd8: self.speak(random.choice(self.colrep)) self.speak('It keeps changing every second') elif self.validateCommand(queryx, self.cmd5): self.getWeatherInfo() elif self.validateCommand(queryx, self.cmd2): self.playMusic() elif (r'open' in query): # open [foldername] inside [name of drive] drive in file explorer if (r'file explorer' in query): self.openFileExplorer(query) else: openApp = self.openAnyApplication(query) if (openApp == 'notepad'): self.openNotepad() else: self.speak('app not found') elif (self.validateCommand(queryx, self.newsText) and (self.permissions["internet_access"] == 1 or self.permissions["master_access"] == 1)): self.speak("fetching headlines from IndiaToday") url = '' self.getHeadines(url) elif self.validateCommand(queryx, self.cmdjokes): self.speak(random.choice(self.jokes)) elif (query == 'who are you' or query == 'what is your name'): self.speak('I am covia, your personal assistant') elif ('who is your developer' in query) or (r'who made you' in query): self.speak('Mriganka Goswami developed me.') elif (r'shutdown' in query) and self.validateCommand( queryx, self.mypc): os.system("shutdown /s /t 1") elif (r'restart' in query) and self.validateCommand( queryx, self.mypc) and self.permissions["master_access"] == 1: os.system("shutdown /r /t 1") elif (r'lock' in query) and self.validateCommand(queryx, self.mypc): ctypes.windll.user32.LockWorkStation() elif (self.validateCommand(queryx, self.logoutCmd) or (r'out' in query)) and self.validateCommand( queryx, self.mypc) and self.permissions["master_access"] == 1: os.system("shutdown -l") elif (query in self.exitCmd): self.speak('Good bye!') sys.exit() else: self.speak("sorry....invalid voice command...say again") def getTime(self): now = self.speak(now.strftime("The time is %H:%M")) def openAnyApplication(self, query): app = regex.compile(r'(open)\s*([\w\s]*)') match =, query) try: openApp = except: self.speak('unable to open the application') self.logger.exception("Error in opening application") openApp = '' return openApp def openFileExplorer(self, query): comp = regex.compile(r'(open)\s*([\w\s]*)\s*inside\s*([\w])\s') match =, query) try: drivePath = folderPath = except: self.speak("Drive name is missing.....try again") self.logger.exception("Drive name missing in 'open drive'") path = drivePath + ":/" + folderPath + "/" path = os.path.realpath(path) os.startfile(path) def getInfoWebSearch(self, query): comp = regex.compile(r'(search)\s*([\w\s]*)') match =, query) try: squery = except AttributeError: squery = '' squery = squery.replace('about', '').replace(' ', '+') url = '' + squery self.openFirefox(url) def tellInfoFromWiki(self, query): comp = regex.compile(r'(something\s*about)\s*([\w\s]+)') match =, query) try: self.getDataFromWiki(match) except AttributeError: self.speak('unable to process your request now') self.logger.exception("Exception in 'say something'") def playMusic(self): path = 'X://Covia//' folder = path for the_file in os.listdir(folder): file_path = os.path.join(folder, the_file) try: if os.path.isfile(file_path): os.unlink(file_path) except Exception as e: self.logger.exception("Unable to find directory") self.speak('unable to find music directory') self.speak('Which song shall I play?') mysong = self.listenAudio() if mysong: flag = 0 url = "" + mysong.replace( ' ', '+') response = urlopen(url) html = soup1 = BeautifulSoup(html, "lxml") url_list = [] for vid in soup1.findAll(attrs={'class': 'yt-uix-tile-link'}): if ('' + vid['href'] ).startswith(""): flag = 1 final_url = '' + vid['href'] url_list.append(final_url) if flag == 1: url = url_list[0] ydl_opts = {} os.chdir(path) with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl:[url]) for the_file in os.listdir(folder): path = os.path.join(folder, the_file) player = vlc.MediaPlayer(path) duration = player.get_length() / 1000 duration = time.time() + duration while True: exitQuery = self.listenAudio() if exitQuery != None: exitQuery = exitQuery.split() if self.validateCommand(exitQuery, self.exitCmd): player.stop() break continue if flag == 0: self.speak('I have not found anything in Youtube ') def getWeatherInfo(self): owm = pyowm.OWM('57a134899fde0edebadf307061e9fd23') observation = owm.weather_at_place('Barpeta, IN') w = observation.get_weather() self.speak(w.get_wind()) self.speak('humidity') self.speak(w.get_humidity()) self.speak('temperature') self.speak(w.get_temperature('celsius')) def openNotepad(self): path = 'C:\\Windows\\notepad.exe' os.startfile(path) def getHeadines(self, url): response = rq.get(url) status_code = response.status_code if (status_code == 200): self.topNewsHeadlines(response) else: self.speak("Error in fetching data from internet") self.logger.error("error in fetching data") def topNewsHeadlines(self, response): elems = [] soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser') for i in range(1, 11): selector = '#content > div.view.view-category-wise-content-list.view-id-category_wise_content_list.view-display-id-section_wise_content_listing.view-dom-id-.custom > div.view-content > div:nth-child(' + str( i) + ') > div.detail > h2 > a' selected = if (len(selected) and selected[0].text != '\n'): selected = selected[0].text elems.append(selected) for i in range(len(elems)): news = str(i + 1) + '..........' + elems[i] self.speak(news) def getDataFromWiki(self, match): squery = gotText = wikipedia.summary(squery) gotText = regex.sub('(\/[\w]+\/)', '', gotText) gotText = regex.sub('(\[[\d]+\])', '', gotText) gotText = regex.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9\s\(\)\-\,\.]+', '', gotText) gotText = gotText.replace('\n', '') self.speak(gotText) time.sleep(2) self.speak('Do you want to save this information?') answer = self.listenAudio() answer = answer.split() if self.validateCommand(answer, self.posAnswers): raNum = squery + str(random.randint(1, 1000)) drive = 'X:\\Docs\\' + raNum + ".txt" file = open(drive, 'w+') file.write(gotText) file.close() self.speak('information saved in docs folder with ' + raNum + ' name.') elif self.validateCommand(answer, self.negAnswers): self.speak('As your wish!') def openFirefox(self, url): browser = self.initializeBrowser(url) xquery = 'running' while (xquery != 'close browser'): xquery = self.listenAudio() if (xquery == 'close browser'): browser.close() def sendEmail(self): self.speak('Who is the recipient?') recipient = self.listenAudio() recipient = recipient.replace(' ', '') if (recipient != None and (self.permissions["master_access"] == 1 or self.permissions["email_access"] == 1)): SqlQueryRecipient = 'SELECT email_id FROM email_list WHERE shortname = "' + recipient + '"' EmailIdList = self.getDatafromDb(SqlQueryRecipient) if (len(EmailIdList)): emailId = EmailIdList[0][0] self.speak('What should I say to him?') content = self.listenAudioLong() if (content == None): content = "Hii there" self.speak('can i send the message?') resp = self.listenAudio() if (resp == None): resp = "yes" if (resp == 'yes'): userSql = 'SELECT email, epass FROM email_auth WHERE cred_id=(SELECT cred_id FROM credentials WHERE username= "******")' userEmailCred = self.getDatafromDb(userSql) username = userEmailCred[0][0] password = userEmailCred[0][1] mail = smtplib.SMTP('', 587) mail.ehlo() mail.starttls() mail.login(username, password) mail.sendmail(username, emailId, content) mail.close() self.speak('Email has been sent successfully') else: self.speak('Email sending cancelled') else: self.speak('no recipients found') def initializeBrowser(self, url): browser = Firefox() browser.get(url) return browser def driverFunc(self): try: self.speak("Agent started")"Agent started") self.speak("please verify your identity!") username = str(input())'USERNAME: '******'select username,password from credentials where username="******"' userData = self.getDatafromDb(Sqlquery) if (len(userData)): self.speak('Enter the password') passcode = str(input()) self.logger.debug(passcode) self.speak('Processing passcode') self.authUser(userData, passcode) else: self.logger.error("user not found") self.speak('user not found!') sys.exit() except Exception as e: self.logger.exception( "Exception in main function(before authentication). message: " + str(e)) finally: logging.shutdown() self.mydb.close() def quit(self): sys.exit()
def rex_start(): r = sr.Recognizer() engine1 = pyttsx3.init() engine1.setProperty('rate', 150) engine1.say("Hello, I am Rex the voice assistant.") engine1.runAndWait() with sr.Microphone() as source: print('Say Something!') engine1.say("Say Something that i can do for you") engine1.runAndWait() audio = r.listen(source) print('Done!') try: text = r.recognize_google(audio) print('You said:\n' + text) lang = 'en' engine1 = pyttsx3.init() engine1.setProperty('rate', 150) engine1.say("You Searched " + text) engine1.runAndWait() if text == 'YouTube':'') elif text == 'tell a joke': z = """A man asks a farmer near a field, Sorry sir, would you mind if I crossed your field instead of going around it? You see, I have to catch the 4:23 train.\n\ The farmer says, Sure, go right ahead. And if my bull sees you, you’ll even catch the 4:11 one.""" engine1.say(z) print(z) engine1.runAndWait() elif text == 'tell me a weather': api_address = '' # city = input('City Name :') # url = api_address + city json_data = requests.get(api_address).json() format_add = json_data['weather'][0]['description'] engine1.say(format_add) print(format_add) engine1.runAndWait() elif text == 'tell me a time': z = z1 = z.strftime("%I hours %M minutes %S seconds %p") z2 = z.strftime("%A, %B %d, %Y") engine1.say(z2) engine1.say(z1) print(z1) print(z2) engine1.runAndWait() elif text == 'dictionary': dictionary = PyDictionary() engine1.say("say a word") engine1.runAndWait() with sr.Microphone() as source1: audio1 = r.listen(source1) text1 = r.recognize_google(audio1) lang = 'en' print(text1) engine1.say("You Said " + text1) engine1.say("Meaning") print("Meanings:") print(dictionary.meaning(text1)) print(dictionary.translate(text1, 'ur-PK')) engine1.say(dictionary.meaning(text1)) engine1.say(dictionary.translate(text1, 'ur-PK')) engine1.runAndWait() else: f_text = '' + text except Exception as e: print(e)
# pip install moviepy import speech_recognition as sr import moviepy.editor as mp from pydub import AudioSegment from nltk import sent_tokenize from nltk import word_tokenize from nltk.corpus import stopwords # Retirando o texto de uma videoaula aula = mp.VideoFileClip('aula.mp4').subclip(0,120)'aula.wav') with sr.AudioFile('aula.wav') as source: arquivo = sr.Recognizer() audio = arquivo.record(source) # Passa a variável para a API do Google frase = arquivo.recognize_google(audio,language='pt-BR') print("\n Texto da VideoAula: ") print(frase) # Separa o texto da ementa em sentenças/períodos periodos = sent_tokenize(frase) print("\n Texto separado em Períodos: ") print(periodos) print("\n")
import speech_recognition as sr import pyttsx3 import subprocess import time from googlesearch import search AI_hear = sr.Recognizer() AI_understand = '' AI_speak = pyttsx3.init() running = True a = [] n = 0 while running : #hear with sr.Microphone() as mic: print("AI: How can i help you?") audio = AI_hear.listen(mic) print('AI: ...') try: me = AI_hear.recognize_google(audio) print("Me: "+me) except: me = "" #knowledge if me is not None: n+=1 for i in range (0,n) :
def game_loop(): global pontos gameExit = False global falouAlf if falouAlf == False: falouAlf = falaAlfabeto() else: time.sleep(0.01) while not gameExit: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() quit() gameDisplay.fill(white) imagem(loopImg, 0, 0) letraAtual = random.choice(alf) if letraAtual == "z": letraSeg = "a" letraSegMaisc = "A" else: letraSeg = alf[alf.find(letraAtual) + 1] letraSegMaisc = alfMaisc[alf.find(letraAtual) + 1] frase1 = 'A letra é ' + " " + letraAtual + " ... " pcLetra = gTTS(text=frase1, lang="pt", slow=False) + ".mp3") mixer.init() + ".mp3") time.sleep(1.5) frase2 = 'Qual é a letra seguinte?' pcLetra = gTTS(text=frase2, lang="pt", slow=False)"perguntaLetra.mp3") mixer.init()"perguntaLetra.mp3") time.sleep(0.2) pontuacao(pontos) mostra_letra_atual(letraAtual) microfone = sr.Recognizer() with sr.Microphone() as source: #Chama um algoritmo de reducao de ruidos no som microfone.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source) time.sleep(0.01) audio = microfone.listen(source) time.sleep(0.752) try: pessoaFalou = microfone.recognize_google(audio, language="pt-BR") letraFalada = format(pessoaFalou) print("pessoaFalou: " + pessoaFalou) if letraFalada == letraSeg or letraFalada == letraSegMaisc: pontos += 1 acertou(pontos) print("Total : " + pontos) elif letraFalada != letraSeg or letraFalada != letraSegMaisc: if letraSeg == "a": if letraFalada == "ah" or letraFalada == "A" or letraFalada == "á" or letraFalada == "Á": pontos += 1 acertou(pontos) print("Total : " + pontos) if letraSeg == "b": if letraFalada == "be" or letraFalada == "bee" or letraFalada == "bê" or letraFalada == "Be" or letraFalada == "Bê" or letrafalada == "BE" or letraFalada == "BÊ": pontos += 1 acertou(pontos) print("Total : " + pontos) if letraSeg == "c": if letraFalada == "ce" or letraFalada == "ssê" or letraFalada == "cê" or letraFalada == "Ce" or letraFalada == "Cê" or letrafalada == "CE" or letraFalada == "CÊ": pontos += 1 acertou(pontos) print("Total : " + pontos) if letraSeg == "d": if letraFalada == "de" or letraFalada == "dê" or letraFalada == "De" or letraFalada == "Dê" or letrafalada == "DE" or letraFalada == "DÊ": pontos += 1 acertou(pontos) print("Total : " + pontos) if letraSeg == "e": if letraFalada == "ee" or letraFalada == "É" or letraFalada == "é" or letraFalada == "ê" or letraFalada == "eh" or letraFalada == "Ê" or letraFalada == "EE": pontos += 1 acertou(pontos) print("Total : " + pontos) if letraSeg == "f": if letraFalada == "ef" or letraFalada == "éf" or letraFalada == "éfi" or letraFalada == "EF" or letraFalada == "EFE": pontos += 1 acertou(pontos) print("Total : " + pontos) if letraSeg == "g": if letraFalada == "ge" or letraFalada == "gê" or letraFalada == "Ge" or letraFalada == "Gê" or letraFalada == "GÊ" or letrafalada == "GE": pontos += 1 acertou(pontos) print("Total : " + pontos) if letraSeg == "h": if letraFalada == "agá" or letraFalada == "AGÁ": pontos += 1 acertou(pontos) print("Total : " + pontos) if letraSeg == "i": if letraFalada == "ii" or letraFalada == "ih" or letraFalada == "í" or letraFalada == "íh" or letraFalada == "Í": pontos += 1 acertou(pontos) print("Total : " + pontos) if letraSeg == "j": if letraFalada == "jota" or letraFalada == "joota" or letraFalada == "Jota" or letraFalada == "JOTA" or letraFalada == "jóta" or letraFalada == "Jóta" or letrafalada == "JÓTA": pontos += 1 acertou(pontos) print("Total : " + pontos) if letraSeg == "k": if letraFalada == "ca" or letraFalada == "cá" or letraFalada == "CA" or letraFalada == "CÁ" or letraFalada == "ka" or letraFalada == "kah" or letrafalada == "KA" or letrafalada == "K": pontos += 1 acertou(pontos) print("Total : " + pontos) if letraSeg == "l": if letraFalada == "éli" or letraFalada == "ÉLI" or letraFalada == "éle" or letraFalada == "ÉLE": pontos += 1 acertou(pontos) print("Total : " + pontos) if letraSeg == "m": if letraFalada == "ême" or letraFalada == "Ême" or letraFalada == "ÊME" or letraFalada == "eme" or letraFalada == "Eme" or letrafalada == "EME": pontos += 1 acertou(pontos) print("Total : " + pontos) if letraSeg == "n": if letraFalada == "êne" or letraFalada == "Êne" or letraFalada == "ÊNE" or letraFalada == "ene" or letraFalada == "Ene" or letrafalada == "ENE": pontos += 1 acertou(pontos) print("Total : " + pontos) if letraSeg == "o": if letraFalada == "o" or letraFalada == "O" or letraFalada == "oh" or letraFalada == "ó" or letraFalada == "Ó": pontos += 1 acertou(pontos) print("Total : " + pontos) if letraSeg == "p": if letraFalada == "pe" or letraFalada == "Pe" or letraFalada == "PE" or letraFalada == "pê" or letraFalada == "Pê" or letrafalada == "PÊ": pontos += 1 acertou(pontos) print("Total : " + pontos) if letraSeg == "q": if letraFalada == "quê" or letraFalada == "Q" or letraFalada == "quÊ" or letraFalada == "Quê" or letraFalada == "QUÊ" or letraFalada == "QUE" or letraFalada == "que": pontos += 1 acertou(pontos) print("Total : " + pontos) if letraSeg == "r": if letraFalada == "eeri" or letraFalada == "érre" or letraFalada == "erre" or letraFalada == "ERRE" or letraFalada == "Erre" or letraFalada == "Érre" or letrafalada == "ÉRRE": pontos += 1 acertou(pontos) print("Total : " + pontos) if letraSeg == "s": if letraFalada == "ésse" or letraFalada == "Ésse" or letraFalada == "ÉSSE" or letraFalada == "éssi" or letraFalada == "Éssi" or letraFalada == "ÉSSI": pontos += 1 acertou(pontos) print("Total : " + pontos) if letraSeg == "t": if letraFalada == "té" or letraFalada == "tê" or letraFalada == "Té" or letraFalada == "Tê" or letraFalada == "TÉ" or letraFalada == "TÊ": pontos += 1 acertou(pontos) print("Total : " + pontos) if letraSeg == "v": if letraFalada == "vê" or letraFalada == "Vê" or letraFalada == "VÊ" or letraFalada == "ver": pontos += 1 acertou(pontos) print("Total : " + pontos) if letraSeg == "w": if letraFalada == "dáblio" or letraFalada == "Dáblio" or letraFalada == "DÁblio" or letraFalada == "DÁBLIO": pontos += 1 acertou(pontos) print("Total : " + pontos) if letraSeg == "y": if letraFalada == "ípsilon" or letraFalada == "Ípsilon" or letraFalada == "ÍPsilon" or letraFalada == "ÍPSILON" or letraFalada == "ipsilon" or letraFalada == "ipsilon" or letraFalada == "IPsilon" or letraFalada == "IPSILON": pontos += 1 acertou(pontos) print("Total : " + pontos) if letraSeg == "z": if letraFalada == "zê" or letraFalada == "Zê" or letraFalada == "ZÊ": pontos += 1 acertou(pontos) print("Total : " + pontos) pontos -= 1 errou(pontos, letraSegMaisc) print("Total : " + pontos) except: mixer.init()"hein.mp3") time.sleep(1) pygame.display.update() clock.tick(60)
import nltk from import LancasterStemmer # import Rpi.GPIO as GPIO stemmer = LancasterStemmer() import speech_recognition as sr import pyttsx3 import numpy import tensorflow import json import tflearn import random import pickle speech = sr.Recognizer() try: engine = pyttsx3.init() except ImportError: print('Requested driver is not found') except RuntimeError: print('Driver failed to initialize') engine.setProperty('voice', 'english') engine.setProperty("rate", 150) with open("/home/rahul/Documents/v2/json file/intents.json") as f: data = json.load(f)