def initialise(): # Initialise the speech recognition engine and the iCub controller my_speech = SpeechRecognizer( hmm_path= "/home/massimiliano/pyERA/examples/ex_icub_trust_cognitive_architecture/sphinx/model/en-us/en-us", language_model_path= "/home/massimiliano/pyERA/examples/ex_icub_trust_cognitive_architecture/sphinx/model/en-us/en-us.lm.bin", dictionary_path= "/home/massimiliano/pyERA/examples/ex_icub_trust_cognitive_architecture/sphinx/data/icub.dic", grammar_path= "/home/massimiliano/pyERA/examples/ex_icub_trust_cognitive_architecture/sphinx/data/icub.gram", rule_name='icub.basicCmd', fsg_name="icub") # iCub initialization my_icub = iCub(icub_root='/icubSim') # Load acapela configuration from file my_icub.set_acapela_credential("./acapela_config.csv") account_login, application_login, application_password, service_url = my_icub.get_acapela_credential( ) print("[ACAPELA]Acapela configuration parameters:") print("Account Login: "******"Application Login: "******"Account Password: "******"Service URL: " + str(service_url)) print("") # Return the objects return my_speech, my_icub
def test(dirs): print('Testing on {0}'.format(dirs)) print('Loading recognizer, please wait...') speech_recognizer = SpeechRecognizer(DICTIONARY) print('Loading completed.') all = 0 correct = 0 for i, dir in enumerate(dirs): curr_all = 0 curr_correct = 0 for file in os.walk(DIR_NAME + '/' + dir).next()[2]: expected_word = file.split('_')[0] if not filter(expected_word): continue rate, samples ='{0}/{1}/{2}'.format( DIR_NAME, dir, file)) rate, speech_words = extract_words(rate, samples, 1) if len(speech_words) != 1: print('Error extracting {0}/{1}'.format(dir, file)) continue word, _ = try_recognition(rate, speech_words[0], speech_recognizer) all += 1 curr_all += 1 if word == expected_word: correct += 1 curr_correct += 1 else: print 'Expected {0}, got {1}'.format(expected_word, word) if curr_all > 0: print('Correct {0}% in {1}'.format(100.0 * curr_correct / curr_all, dir)) print('Completed {0}%'.format(100.0 * (i + 1) / float(len(dirs)))) print('--------------------------------') print('Correct {0}%'.format(100.0 * correct / all)) print('Done testing.')
def test(evaluation): print('Loading recognizer, please wait...') speech_recognizer = SpeechRecognizer('../dictionary/') print('Loading completed.') n = len(evaluation['test']) all = 0 correct = 0 for i, example in enumerate(evaluation['test']): curr_all = 0 curr_correct = 0 example_name = example['file'] hint = example['expected_words_count'] rate, samples ='../wav/{0}.wav'.format(example_name)) rate, speech_words = extract_words(rate, samples, hint) if len(speech_words) != len(example['words']): print('Error in extracting words. Skipping {0}.'.format( example_name)) continue for word, sol_word in zip(speech_words, example['words']): sol, _ = try_recognition(rate, word, speech_recognizer) #print('Expected {0}, recognized {1}'.format(sol_word, sol)) all += 1 curr_all += 1 if sol == sol_word: correct += 1 curr_correct += 1 print('Completed {0}%'.format(100.0 * (i + 1) / float(n))) print('Stats on {0}, correct {1}%'.format( example_name, 100.0 * curr_correct / curr_all)) break print('--------------------------------------') print('Correct {0}%'.format(100.0 * correct / all))
def initialise(root='/icubSim'): # Initialise the speech recognition engine and the iCub controller my_speech = SpeechRecognizer(hmm_path=HMM_PATH, language_model_path=LANGUAGE_MODEL_PATH, dictionary_path=DICTIONARY_PATH, grammar_path=GRAMMAR_PATH, rule_name='icub.basicCmd', fsg_name="icub") # iCub initialization my_icub = iCub(icub_root=root) # Load acapela configuration from file my_icub.set_acapela_credential(ACAPELA_CSV) account_login, application_login, application_password, service_url = my_icub.get_acapela_credential( ) print("[ACAPELA]Acapela configuration parameters:") print("Account Login: "******"Application Login: "******"Account Password: "******"Service URL: " + str(service_url)) print("") # Return the objects return my_speech, my_icub
def initialise(objects_path): # Initialise the speech recognition engine and the iCub controller my_speech = SpeechRecognizer( hmm_path= "/home/massimiliano/pyERA/examples/ex_icub_trust_cognitive_architecture/sphinx/model/en-us/en-us", language_model_path= "/home/massimiliano/pyERA/examples/ex_icub_trust_cognitive_architecture/sphinx/model/en-us/en-us.lm.bin", dictionary_path= "/home/massimiliano/pyERA/examples/ex_icub_trust_cognitive_architecture/sphinx/data/icub.dic", grammar_path= "/home/massimiliano/pyERA/examples/ex_icub_trust_cognitive_architecture/sphinx/data/icub.gram", rule_name='icub.basicCmd', fsg_name="icub") # iCub initialization my_icub = iCub(icub_root='/icubSim') # Load acapela configuration from file my_icub.set_acapela_credential("./acapela_config.csv") account_login, application_login, application_password, service_url = my_icub.get_acapela_credential( ) print("[ACAPELA]Acapela configuration parameters:") print("Account Login: "******"Application Login: "******"Account Password: "******"Service URL: " + str(service_url)) print("") #If there are images of template stored in the folder, #it opens the folder and load the objects in memory. print("[STATE init] loading objects from memory...") for file in os.listdir(objects_path): if file.endswith(".png"): object_name = os.path.splitext(file)[0] print("Object name: " + object_name) print("Object path: " + os.path.join(objects_path, file)) template = cv2.imread(os.path.join(objects_path, file)) my_icub.learn_object_from_histogram(template, object_name) # Return the objects return my_speech, my_icub
import sys from speech_recognition import SpeechRecognizer if __name__ == '__main__': try: recog = SpeechRecognizer() except SpeechRecognizer.InvalidDevice as e: print(e.message) sys.exit(1)
def main(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore') clear_tmp() print('0. Simplified') print('1. Full') option = input('Select input: ') if option == 0: dir = 'simplified_dict/' else: dir = 'dictionary/' print('Loading recognizer, please wait...') speech_recognizer = SpeechRecognizer(dir) print('Loading completed.') print('0. Record new') print('1. Use existing wav file (from wav/)') print('2. Just record wav for later use') print('3. Split existing file (from wav/)') option = input('Select input: ') if option == 0: speech_file = record_wav() elif option == 1: speech_file = raw_input('File name (without .wav): ') elif option == 2: _ = record_wav() return elif option == 3: speech_file = raw_input('File name (without .wav): ') hint = input( 'Hint maybe (enter expected number of words, 0 for no hint)? ') rate, samples ='wav/{0}.wav'.format(speech_file)) rate, speech_words = extract_words(rate, samples, hint) for speech in speech_words: _ = save_tmp_wav(rate, speech) print('Extracted {0} words'.format(len(speech_words))) return else: print('Invalid option') return hint = input('Hint maybe (enter expected number of words, 0 for no hint)? ') rate, samples ='wav/{0}.wav'.format(speech_file)) rate, speech_words = extract_words(rate, samples, hint) print('Extracted {0}'.format(len(speech_words))) correct_count = 0 count = 0 for speech in speech_words: speech_copy = speech[:] _ = raw_input('Press enter to continue...') wav_name = save_tmp_wav(rate, speech) play_wav('tmp/{0}'.format(wav_name)) word, confidence = try_recognition(rate, speech_copy, speech_recognizer) print('Recognized [{0}] with confidence {1}'.format(word, confidence)) count += 1 correct = input('Is it correct (0/1)? ') if correct == 0: add = input('Do you want to add this word in dictionary (0/1)? ') if add == 0: print(':(') else: text_word = raw_input('Write string representation: ') text_word.rstrip('\n').replace(' ', '_') save_wav(text_word, wav_name, rate, speech) print('Added new word [{0}]'.format(text_word)) else: correct_count += 1 os.rename('tmp/{0}'.format(wav_name), 'tmp/{0}.wav'.format(word)) print(':)') print('Recognized {0}% correctly.'.format( 100.0 * float(correct_count) / float(count)))