def spglib_dataset(s, symprec=1e-5):
    s = structure(s)
    fracs = s.frac_coords
    lattice = s.lattice.matrix
    types = [x.number for x in s.species]
    ds = spglib.get_symmetry_dataset((lattice, fracs, types), symprec)

    if not ds:
        error = spglib.get_error_message()
        if error == "no error":
            error += ". (or so spglib claims...)"
        raise SpglibError(spglib.get_error_message())

    return ds
文件: call-spglib.py 项目: ExpHP/rsp2
 def throw(cls):
     error = spglib.get_error_message()
     if error == "no error":  # right...
         error = "an unspecified Bad Thing happened while calling spglib"
     raise cls(error)
    def symmetry(self, symprec=1e-2, angle_tolerance=-1.0):
        Returns a dictionary containing space-group information. This information 
        is computed from the crystal unit cell.
        symprec : float, optional
            Symmetry-search distance tolerance in Cartesian coordinates [Angstroms].
        angle_tolerance: float, optional
            Symmetry-search tolerance in degrees. If the value is negative (default), 
            an internally optimized routine is used to judge symmetry.
        info : dict
            Dictionary of space-group information. The following keys are available:

            * ``'international_symbol'``: International Tables of Crystallography 
              space-group symbol (short);

            * ``'international_full'``: International Tables of 
              Crystallography space-group full symbol;

            * ``'hall_symbol'`` : Hall symbol;

            * ``'hm_symbol'`` : Hermann-Mauguin symbol;

            *``'centering'``: Centering-type ("P", "F", etc.);

            * ``'pointgroup'`` : International Tables of 
              Crystallography point-group;

            * ``'international_number'`` : International Tables of 
              Crystallography space-group number (between 1 and 230);

            * ``'hall_number'`` : Hall number (between 1 and 531).
        RuntimeError : if symmetry-determination has not succeeded.
        Note that crystals generated from the Protein Data Bank are often incomplete; 
        in such cases the space-group information will be incorrect.
        dataset = get_symmetry_dataset(cell=self._spglib_cell(),

        if dataset is None:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "[SPGLIB] Symmetry-determination has not found a match.")

        spg_type = get_spacegroup_type(dataset["hall_number"])
        hm_symbol = Hall2HM[dataset["hall"]]

        # We do not distinguish between base-centered "A", "B", and "C"
        # "A" and "B" are translated to "C"
        centering = CenteringType(hm_symbol[0] if hm_symbol[0] not in
                                  {"A", "B"} else "C")
        info = {
            "international_symbol": dataset["international"],
            "hall_symbol": dataset["hall"],
            "hm_symbol": hm_symbol,
            "centering": centering,
            "international_number": dataset["number"],
            "hall_number": dataset["hall_number"],
            "international_full": spg_type["international_full"],
            "pointgroup": spg_type["pointgroup_international"],

        err_msg = get_error_message()
        if err_msg != "no error":
            raise RuntimeError(
                "[SPGLIB] Symmetry-determination has returned the following error: {err_msg}"

        return info
    def spacegroup_info(self, symprec = 1e-2, angle_tolerance = -1.0):
        Returns a dictionary containing space-group information. This information
        is computed from the crystal unit cell, and is not taken from records if available.
        symprec : float, optional
            Symmetry-search distance tolerance in Cartesian coordinates [Angstroms].
        angle_tolerance: float, optional
            Symmetry-search tolerance in degrees. If the value is negative (default), 
            an internally optimized routine is used to judge symmetry.
        info : dict or None
            Dictionary of space-group information. The following keys are available:

            * ``'international_symbol'``: International Tables of Crystallography space-group symbol (short);

            * ``'international_full'``: International Tables of Crystallography space-group full symbol;

            * ``'hall_symbol'`` : Hall symbol;

            * ``'pointgroup'`` : International Tables of Crystallography point-group;

            * ``'international_number'`` : International Tables of Crystallography space-group number (between 1 and 230);

            * ``'hall_number'`` : Hall number (between 1 and 531).

            If symmetry-determination has failed, None is returned.
        RuntimeError : If symmetry-determination has yielded an error.
        Note that crystals generated from the Protein Data Bank are often incomplete; 
        in such cases the space-group information will be incorrect.
        dataset = get_symmetry_dataset(cell = self._spglib_cell(),
                                       symprec = symprec, 
                                       angle_tolerance = angle_tolerance)

        if dataset: 
            spg_type = get_spacegroup_type(dataset['hall_number'])

            info = {'international_symbol': dataset['international'],
                    'hall_symbol'         : dataset['hall'],
                    'international_number': dataset['number'],
                    'hall_number'         : dataset['hall_number'],
                    'international_full'  : spg_type['international_full'],
                    'pointgroup'          : spg_type['pointgroup_international']} 

            err_msg = get_error_message()
            if (err_msg != 'no error'):
                raise RuntimeError('Symmetry-determination has returned the following error: {}'.format(err_msg))
            return info
        return None