def test_sph2car():
    x, y, z = sph2car([np.pi / 2], [0], [1])
    assert_almost_equal(x, 1, decimal=5)
    assert_almost_equal(y, 0, decimal=5)
    assert_almost_equal(z, 0, decimal=5)

    x, y, z = sph2car([np.pi / 2], [0])
    assert_almost_equal(x, 1, decimal=5)
    assert_almost_equal(y, 0, decimal=5)
    assert_almost_equal(z, 0, decimal=5)
def uniform_random(N):
    """Generate points inside the sphere randomly, discard those lying
    outside the sphere, and project the remaining points to the sphere surface.

    # Try to generate enough points so that, after rejection, there will
    # be at least N left

    square_volume = 2**3
    sphere_volume = 4 / 3 * np.pi
    p = 1 / (1 - sphere_volume / square_volume) * 1.1 * N

    x = np.random.uniform(low=-1, high=1, size=p)
    y = np.random.uniform(low=-1, high=1, size=p)
    z = np.random.uniform(low=-1, high=1, size=p)

    r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)
    mask = ~((r == 0) | (r > 1))

    r = r[mask][:N]
    x = x[mask][:N]
    y = y[mask][:N]
    z = z[mask][:N]

    theta = np.arccos(z / r)
    phi = np.arctan2(y, x)

    return coord.sph2car(theta, phi)
def plot_ODF(grid_density=100):
    theta_grid = np.linspace(0, np.pi, grid_density)
    phi_grid = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, grid_density)

    phi_vec, theta_vec = np.meshgrid(phi_grid, theta_grid)
    phi_vec, theta_vec = phi_vec.ravel(), theta_vec.ravel()

    xyz = np.column_stack(coord.sph2car(theta_vec, phi_vec))

    ODF = w[0] * single_tensor_ODF(xyz, rotation=R0)
    ODF += w[1] * single_tensor_ODF(xyz, rotation=R1)

    ODF = ODF.reshape((grid_density, grid_density))

    plot.surf_grid_3D(ODF, theta_grid, phi_grid, scale_radius=True)
def saff_kuijlaars(N):

    'Distributing many points on a sphere' by E.B. Saff and A.B.J. Kuijlaars,
    Mathematical Intelligencer, 19.1 (1997), pp. 5--11

    k = np.arange(N)
    h = -1 + 2 * k / (N - 1)
    theta = np.arccos(h)
    phi = np.zeros_like(h)
    for i in range(1, N - 1):
        phi[i] = (phi[i - 1] + 3.6 / np.sqrt(N * (1 - h[i]**2))) % (2 * np.pi)

    return coord.sph2car(theta, phi)
#from dipy.data import get_sphere
#verts, faces = get_sphere('symmetric724')

## from dipy.core.triangle_subdivide import create_unit_sphere
## verts, edges, sides = create_unit_sphere(5)
## faces = edges[sides, 0]

from dipy.core.triangle_subdivide import create_unit_sphere
verts, edges, sides = create_unit_sphere(5)
faces = edges[sides, 0]

theta, phi, r = car2sph(*verts.T)

sampling_xyz = np.column_stack(
    sph2car(coords['gradient_theta'], coords['gradient_phi'])

## verts = np.column_stack(sph2car(theta, phi))
## from dipy.core.meshes import faces_from_vertices
## faces = faces_from_vertices(verts)

def separation_from_odf(odf):
    # Find angles
    from dipy.reconst.recspeed import local_maxima
    p, i = local_maxima(odf, edges)
    p = p[:2]
    i = i[:2]
    print "Peaks:", p
    print "Angular separation:", np.rad2deg(np.arccos(np.abs(np.dot(verts[i[0]], verts[i[1]]))))
def build_coverage(points, fname_miss=None, symm=True):
    """Compute surface coverage for a set of directions.

    points : string or ndarray
        File name of file containing a 3xN array of unit vectors,
        or ndarray with vectors.

    # Norm threshold below which we simply drop vectors assuming they were
    # noise or zeros (such as B0 term in DWI data)
    drop_norm = 1e-8

    # Load vectors from disk

    if hasattr(points, '__array_interface__'):
        bvecs = points
        bvecs = load_bvecs(points)

    all_idx = np.arange(bvecs.shape[1])
    if fname_miss is None:
        # If no missing directions are given, make an empty 3x0 array so that
        # later we don't need to constantly special-case code for None
        bv_good = bvecs
        bv_miss = np.empty((3,0))
        # Preprocess the input to read it as a 1-d list while skipping comment
        # lines.
        tmp = open(os.path.join(data_path, fname_miss)).read()
        bad_raw = StringIO(' '.join(l for l in tmp.splitlines()
                                    if not l.strip().startswith('#')))
        bad_idx = np.loadtxt(bad_raw,int)
        if bad_idx.ndim==0:
            # Corner case: if the input file contains a single number, loadtxt
            # returns an array scalar instead of a 1-element 1-d array.  We
            # need to fix that so code further down doesn't explode
            bad_idx.shape = (1,)
        # split the full list between good/bad directions
        good_idx = np.setdiff1d(all_idx,bad_idx)
        bv_good = bvecs[:,good_idx]
        bv_miss  = bvecs[:,bad_idx]

    # The first vector is typically 0, so we drop it if present
    if vec_norms(bv_good)[0] < drop_norm:
        bv_good = bv_good[:,1:]

    # The full bvecs lists contains every vector and its opposite direction
    if symm:
        bv_good, bv_miss = symmetrize(bv_good, bv_miss)
    # Find the total number of bvecs.  We do this now rather than taking
    # len(bvecs) to properly account for the possibly dropped B0 term.
    nvecs = bv_good.shape[1] + bv_miss.shape[1]

    # Now compute and draw the coverage field generated by the 'good'
    # directions

    # compute scalar field from point distribution bv_good on the
    # sphere mesh
    theta, phi = sphere.mesh(closed=True)
    xyz = np.dstack(coord.sph2car(theta, phi))
    field = dwi_coverage(bv_good, xyz, nvecs)

    return bv_good,sphere,field,bv_miss
b = np.load(bvals)
bvecs = np.load(bvecs)
bvecs = bvecs[b > 0]
b = b[b > 0]

theta, phi, _ = coord.car2sph(*bvecs.T)
theta_odf, phi_odf = theta132, phi132

kernel = inv_funk_radon_even_kernel
kernel_N = 8
X = kernel_matrix(theta, phi, theta_odf, phi_odf, kernel=kernel, N=kernel_N)
D = 150 # Grid density for plots (higher => more dense)

b = 3000 + np.random.normal(scale=4, size=len(theta)) # Make up somewhat realistic b-values

xyz = np.column_stack(coord.sph2car(theta, phi))

sph_io.savez('sphere_pts', gradient_theta=theta, gradient_phi=phi,
                           odf_theta=theta_odf, odf_phi=phi_odf, b=b)

# Fiber weights
w = [0.5, 0.5]

angles = np.deg2rad(np.arange(40, 60, 5))
angles = np.insert(angles, 0, 0)

SNR = None

for k, gamma in enumerate(angles):
    print "Angle:", np.rad2deg(gamma)