def test_DT(dt, M2=None): if M2 is None: M2 = snappy.Manifold() dtc = spherogram.DTcodec(dt) L = M0, M1 = dtc.exterior(), L.exterior() L.view(M2.LE) #M2.LE.sorted_components() M2.LE.callback() return manifolds_match(M0, M1) and manifolds_match(M1, M2)
def random_link(): return spherogram.DTcodec(snappy.HTLinkExteriors.random().DT_code()).link()
import snappy, spherogram import spherogram.links.orthogonal from nsnappytools import appears_hyperbolic from sage.all import * links = snappy.HTLinkExteriors() for i in range(1): dt = links.random().DT_code() dtm = [tuple([-d for d in comp]) for comp in dt] for d in [dt, dtm]: dtc = spherogram.DTcodec(d) L = assert d == L.DT_code() dt = [(8, -10, 14), (12, -20, 18, 22, 4, 24, -2, 6, 26, 16)] dtc = spherogram.DTcodec(dt) L = def asymmetric_link_DTs(N): found = 0 while found < N: M = snappy.HTLinkExteriors.random() if appears_hyperbolic(M) and M.symmetry_group().order() == 1: found += 1 yield M.DT_code() def matches_peripheral_data(isom): Id = matrix(ZZ, [[1,0], [0,1]]) cusp_perm = isom.cusp_images() cusp_maps = isom.cusp_maps()
def add_signs(dt): codec = spherogram.DTcodec(dt) return codec.encode(header=False)