 def visit_expr_stmt(self, node):
     """Visit an assignment which may have a special comment before (or
     after) it.
     if _eq not in node.children:
         # not an assignment (we don't care for augmented assignments)
     # look *after* the node; there may be a comment prefixing the NEWLINE
     # of the simple_stmt
     parent = node.parent
     idx = parent.children.index(node) + 1
     while idx < len(parent):
         if parent[idx].type == sym.SEMI:
             idx += 1
             continue  # skip over semicolon
         if parent[idx].type == sym.NEWLINE:
             prefix = parent[idx].get_prefix()
             if not isinstance(prefix, text_type):
                 prefix = prefix.decode(self.encoding)
             docstring = prepare_commentdoc(prefix)
             if docstring:
                 self.add_docstring(node, docstring)
                 return  # don't allow docstrings both before and after
     # now look *before* the node
     pnode = node[0]
     prefix = pnode.get_prefix()
     # if the assignment is the first statement on a new indentation
     # level, its preceding whitespace and comments are not assigned
     # to that token, but the first INDENT or DEDENT token
     while not prefix:
         pnode = pnode.get_prev_leaf()
         if not pnode or pnode.type not in (token.INDENT, token.DEDENT):
         prefix = pnode.get_prefix()
     if not isinstance(prefix, text_type):
         prefix = prefix.decode(self.encoding)
     docstring = prepare_commentdoc(prefix)
     self.add_docstring(node, docstring)
 def visit_expr_stmt(self, node):
     """Visit an assignment which may have a special comment before (or
     after) it.
     if _eq not in node.children:
         # not an assignment (we don't care for augmented assignments)
     # look *after* the node; there may be a comment prefixing the NEWLINE
     # of the simple_stmt
     parent = node.parent
     idx = parent.children.index(node) + 1
     while idx < len(parent):
         if parent[idx].type == sym.SEMI:
             idx += 1
             continue  # skip over semicolon
         if parent[idx].type == sym.NEWLINE:
             prefix = parent[idx].get_prefix()
             if not isinstance(prefix, text_type):
                 prefix = prefix.decode(self.encoding)
             docstring = prepare_commentdoc(prefix)
             if docstring:
                 self.add_docstring(node, docstring)
                 return  # don't allow docstrings both before and after
     # now look *before* the node
     pnode = node[0]
     prefix = pnode.get_prefix()
     # if the assignment is the first statement on a new indentation
     # level, its preceding whitespace and comments are not assigned
     # to that token, but the first INDENT or DEDENT token
     while not prefix:
         pnode = pnode.get_prev_leaf()
         if not pnode or pnode.type not in (token.INDENT, token.DEDENT):
         prefix = pnode.get_prefix()
     if not isinstance(prefix, text_type):
         prefix = prefix.decode(self.encoding)
     docstring = prepare_commentdoc(prefix)
     self.add_docstring(node, docstring)
 def visit_expr_stmt(self, node):
     """Visit an assignment which may have a special comment before it."""
     if _eq not in node.children:
         # not an assignment (we don't care for augmented assignments)
     pnode = node[0]
     prefix = pnode.get_prefix()
     # if the assignment is the first statement on a new indentation
     # level, its preceding whitespace and comments are not assigned
     # to that token, but the first INDENT or DEDENT token
     while not prefix:
         pnode = pnode.get_prev_leaf()
         if not pnode or pnode.type not in (token.INDENT, token.DEDENT):
         prefix = pnode.get_prefix()
     prefix = prefix.decode(self.encoding)
     docstring = prepare_commentdoc(prefix)
     self.add_docstring(node, docstring)
 def visit_expr_stmt(self, node):
     """Visit an assignment which may have a special comment before it."""
     if _eq not in node.children:
         # not an assignment (we don't care for augmented assignments)
     pnode = node[0]
     prefix = pnode.get_prefix()
     # if the assignment is the first statement on a new indentation
     # level, its preceding whitespace and comments are not assigned
     # to that token, but the first INDENT or DEDENT token
     while not prefix:
         pnode = pnode.get_prev_leaf()
         if not pnode or pnode.type not in (token.INDENT, token.DEDENT):
         prefix = pnode.get_prefix()
     prefix = prefix.decode(self.encoding)
     docstring = prepare_commentdoc(prefix)
     self.add_docstring(node, docstring)
def test_prepare_commentdoc():
    assert prepare_commentdoc("hello world") == []
    assert prepare_commentdoc("#: hello world") == ["hello world", ""]
    assert prepare_commentdoc("#:  hello world") == [" hello world", ""]
    assert prepare_commentdoc("#: hello\n#: world\n") == ["hello", "world", ""]
def test_prepare_commentdoc():
    assert prepare_commentdoc("hello world") == []
    assert prepare_commentdoc("#: hello world") == ["hello world", ""]
    assert prepare_commentdoc("#:  hello world") == [" hello world", ""]
    assert prepare_commentdoc("#: hello\n#: world\n") == ["hello", "world", ""]