def event_doctree_read(app, doctree): """Called by Sphinx during phase 1 (reading). * Add new Imgur IDs to the cache. :param sphinx.application.Sphinx app: Sphinx application object. :param docutils.nodes.document doctree: Tree of docutils nodes. """ albums, images = set(), set() for node in (n for c in (ImgurTextNode, ImgurImageNode) for n in doctree.traverse(c)): if node.album: albums.add(node.imgur_id) else: images.add(node.imgur_id) initialize(app.builder.env.imgur_album_cache, app.builder.env.imgur_image_cache, albums, images)
def test_initialize(): """Test function.""" album_cache, image_cache = initialize(dict(), dict(), ['album1'], ['image1']) assert sorted(album_cache) == ['album1'] assert sorted(image_cache) == ['image1'] assert album_cache['album1'].title == '' assert image_cache['image1'].title == '' album_cache['album1'].title = 'Set1' image_cache['image1'].title = 'Set2' album_cache, image_cache = initialize(album_cache, image_cache, ['album1', 'album2'], ['image1', 'image2']) assert album_cache['album1'].title == 'Set1' assert image_cache['image1'].title == 'Set2' assert album_cache['album2'].title == '' assert image_cache['image2'].title == ''
def test_update_cache_one_image_in_album(app, freezer): """Test one image in an album outdated (but not other images in said album). :param app: conftest fixture. :param freezer: conftest fixture. """ album_cache, image_cache = initialize(dict(), dict(), ['V76cJ', 'VMlM6'], ['hiX02', 'Pwx1G5j']) update_cache(album_cache, image_cache, app, 'client_id', 30, list(), list()) # Advance time by one second and outdate one image from V76cJ album. freezer.tick() image_cache['mGQBV'].mod_time = 0 update_cache(album_cache, image_cache, app, 'client_id', 30, list(), list()) # V76cJ should be updated since one of its images were. assert album_cache['V76cJ'].mod_time == int(time.time()) # Recently updated. assert album_cache['VMlM6'].mod_time != int(time.time()) # Not updated. assert image_cache['hiX02'].mod_time != int(time.time()) assert image_cache['Pwx1G5j'].mod_time != int(time.time()) # All images in V76cJ should be updated. assert image_cache['mGQBV'].mod_time == int(time.time()) assert image_cache['pc8hc'].mod_time == int(time.time()) assert image_cache['ojGG7'].mod_time == int(time.time()) assert image_cache['2QcXR3R'].mod_time != int(time.time()) assert image_cache['Hqw7KHM'].mod_time != int(time.time())
def test_initialize_not_dict(cache_in): """Test function with a non-dictionary cache value. :param cache_in: Input cache value. """ album_cache, image_cache = initialize(cache_in, cache_in, ['album1'], ['image1']) assert sorted(album_cache) == ['album1'] assert sorted(image_cache) == ['image1'] assert album_cache['album1'].title == '' assert image_cache['image1'].title == ''
def test_prune_cache_prune_nothing(app): """Test with nothing to prune. :param app: conftest fixture. """ album_cache, image_cache = initialize(dict(), dict(), ['album1'], ['image1', 'image2', 'image3']) album_cache['album1'].image_ids = ['image3'] doctree_album_ids = ['album1'] doctree_image_ids = ['image1', 'image2'] prune_cache(album_cache, image_cache, app, doctree_album_ids, doctree_image_ids) assert sorted(album_cache) == ['album1'] assert sorted(image_cache) == ['image1', 'image2', 'image3']
def test_update_cache_error_keep_previous(app): """Make sure error handling preserves previous data in cache. :param app: conftest fixture. """ httpretty.register_uri(httpretty.GET, API_URL.format(type='album', id='album'), body='{"data": {}}', status=500) album_cache, image_cache = initialize(dict(), dict(), ['album'], []) album_cache['album'].description = 'Old' album_cache['album'].title = 'Old' update_cache(album_cache, image_cache, app, 'client_id', 30, list(), list()) assert album_cache['album'].description == 'Old' assert album_cache['album'].title == 'Old' assert album_cache['album'].mod_time == 0 merged = '\n'.join('\t'.join(m) for m in app.messages) assert 'query unsuccessful from no "error" key in JSON' in merged
def test_update_cache_whitelist(app): """Test updating only whitelisted items. :param app: conftest fixture. """ album_cache, image_cache = initialize(dict(), dict(), ['V76cJ', 'VMlM6'], ['hiX02', 'Pwx1G5j']) update_cache(album_cache, image_cache, app, 'client_id', 30, ['V76cJ'], ['hiX02']) updated = [m[1].split('/')[-1] for m in app.messages if m[0] == 'info' and m[1].startswith('querying https://api')] assert album_cache['V76cJ'].mod_time > 0 assert album_cache['VMlM6'].mod_time == 0 assert image_cache['hiX02'].mod_time > 0 assert image_cache['Pwx1G5j'].mod_time == 0 assert image_cache['mGQBV'].mod_time > 0 assert image_cache['pc8hc'].mod_time > 0 assert image_cache['ojGG7'].mod_time > 0 assert updated == ['V76cJ', 'hiX02']
def test_update_cache_whitelist_parent_changed(app): """Make sure child image is still updated when parent album no longer has the image. :param app: conftest fixture. """ album_cache, image_cache = initialize(dict(), dict(), ['V76cJ'], ['hiX02', 'Pwx1G5j', '2QcXR3R']) album_cache['V76cJ'].image_ids = ['2QcXR3R'] update_cache(album_cache, image_cache, app, 'client_id', 30, [], ['2QcXR3R']) updated = [m[1].split('/')[-1] for m in app.messages if m[0] == 'info' and m[1].startswith('querying https://api')] assert album_cache['V76cJ'].mod_time > 0 assert image_cache['hiX02'].mod_time == 0 assert image_cache['Pwx1G5j'].mod_time == 0 assert image_cache['2QcXR3R'].mod_time > 0 assert image_cache['mGQBV'].mod_time > 0 assert image_cache['pc8hc'].mod_time > 0 assert image_cache['ojGG7'].mod_time > 0 assert updated == ['V76cJ', '2QcXR3R']
def test_update_cache_half(app): """Test with half the albums and half the standalone images being outdated. :param app: conftest fixture. """ album_cache, image_cache = initialize(dict(), dict(), ['V76cJ', 'VMlM6'], ['hiX02', 'Pwx1G5j']) album_cache['V76cJ'].mod_time = int(time.time()) album_cache['V76cJ'].title = 'No Change' album_cache['VMlM6'].image_ids = ['image1', 'image2', 'image2'] image_cache['hiX02'].mod_time = int(time.time()) image_cache['hiX02'].title = 'No Change' update_cache(album_cache, image_cache, app, 'client_id', 30, list(), list()) assert album_cache['V76cJ'].title == 'No Change' assert album_cache['V76cJ'].image_ids == list() assert album_cache['VMlM6'].title == 'Screenshots' assert album_cache['VMlM6'].image_ids == ['2QcXR3R', 'Hqw7KHM'] assert image_cache['hiX02'].title == 'No Change' assert image_cache['Pwx1G5j'].title is None
def event_before_read_docs(app, env, _): """Called by Sphinx before phase 1 (reading). * Verify config. * Initialize the cache dict before reading any docs with an empty dictionary if not exists. * Prune old/invalid data from cache. :param sphinx.application.Sphinx app: Sphinx application object. :param sphinx.environment.BuildEnvironment env: Sphinx build environment. :param _: Not used. """ client_id = app.config['imgur_client_id'] if not client_id: raise ExtensionError('imgur_client_id config value must be set for Imgur API calls.') if not RE_CLIENT_ID.match(client_id): raise ExtensionError('imgur_client_id config value must be 5-30 lower case hexadecimal characters only.') imgur_album_cache = getattr(env, 'imgur_album_cache', None) imgur_image_cache = getattr(env, 'imgur_image_cache', None) env.imgur_album_cache, env.imgur_image_cache = initialize(imgur_album_cache, imgur_image_cache, (), ()) prune_cache(env.imgur_album_cache, env.imgur_image_cache, app)
def test_update_cache_none_needed(app, freezer): """Test no updates needed. :param app: conftest fixture. :param freezer: conftest fixture. """ album_cache, image_cache = initialize(dict(), dict(), ['album1'], ['image1', 'image2', 'image3']) album_cache['album1'].image_ids = ['image3'] album_cache['album1'].mod_time = int(time.time()) image_cache['image1'].mod_time = int(time.time()) image_cache['image2'].mod_time = int(time.time()) image_cache['image3'].mod_time = int(time.time()) before = {k: v.__dict__.copy() for k, v in album_cache.items()} before.update({k: v.__dict__.copy() for k, v in image_cache.items()}) freezer.tick() update_cache(album_cache, image_cache, app, 'client_id', 30, list(), list()) after = {k: v.__dict__.copy() for k, v in album_cache.items()} after.update({k: v.__dict__.copy() for k, v in image_cache.items()}) assert not app.messages assert after == before
def test_prune_cache_bad_types(app, doctree_none): """Test pruning v1.0.0/invalid items from cache. :param app: conftest fixture. :param bool doctree_none: Test with None value for last argument. """ album_cache, image_cache = initialize(dict(), dict(), ['album1', 'willBeBad1'], ['image1', 'willBeBad2']) doctree_album_ids = None if doctree_none else list(album_cache) # Same effect. doctree_image_ids = None if doctree_none else list(image_cache) # Same effect. for key in ('album2', 0, False, None, ''): album_cache[key] = album_cache['album1'] if not doctree_none: doctree_album_ids.append(key) for key in ('image2', 0, False, None, ''): image_cache[key] = image_cache['image1'] if not doctree_none: doctree_image_ids.append(key) album_cache['willBeBad1'] = None image_cache['willBeBad2'] = str() prune_cache(album_cache, image_cache, app, doctree_album_ids, doctree_image_ids) assert sorted(album_cache) == ['album1'] assert sorted(image_cache) == ['image1']
def test_update_cache_everything(app): """Test with everything outdated. :param app: conftest fixture. """ album_cache, image_cache = initialize(dict(), dict(), ['V76cJ'], ['hiX02']) before = {k: v.__dict__.copy() for k, v in album_cache.items()} before.update({k: v.__dict__.copy() for k, v in image_cache.items()}) update_cache(album_cache, image_cache, app, 'client_id', 30, list(), list()) after = {k: v.__dict__.copy() for k, v in album_cache.items()} after.update({k: v.__dict__.copy() for k, v in image_cache.items()}) assert after != before assert sorted(album_cache) == ['V76cJ'] assert sorted(image_cache) == ['hiX02', 'mGQBV', 'ojGG7', 'pc8hc'] assert album_cache['V76cJ'].mod_time == int(time.time()) assert image_cache['hiX02'].mod_time == int(time.time()) assert image_cache['mGQBV'].mod_time == int(time.time()) assert image_cache['ojGG7'].mod_time == int(time.time()) assert image_cache['pc8hc'].mod_time == int(time.time()) assert album_cache['V76cJ'].imgur_id == 'V76cJ' assert image_cache['hiX02'].imgur_id == 'hiX02' assert image_cache['mGQBV'].imgur_id == 'mGQBV' assert image_cache['ojGG7'].imgur_id == 'ojGG7' assert image_cache['pc8hc'].imgur_id == 'pc8hc' assert album_cache['V76cJ'].description.startswith('Installing a Qi wireless induction charger inside my door to c') assert image_cache['hiX02'].description is None assert image_cache['mGQBV'].description.startswith('Removed door panel from my car and tested whether my idea woul') assert image_cache['ojGG7'].description.startswith("Setting my phone in my door pocket charges it! The door panel'") assert image_cache['pc8hc'].description == 'Closeup of Nokia DT-900 charger wedged in my door panel.' assert album_cache['V76cJ'].title == '2010 JSW, 2012 Projects' assert image_cache['hiX02'].title is None assert image_cache['mGQBV'].title == 'Wireless Charging 1: Testing' assert image_cache['ojGG7'].title == 'Wireless Charging 3: Works' assert image_cache['pc8hc'].title == 'Wireless Charging 2: Testing Closeup' assert album_cache['V76cJ'].image_ids == ['mGQBV', 'pc8hc', 'ojGG7']
def test_update_cache_error_handling(app, album): """Test error handling. :param app: conftest fixture. :param bool album: Error on album instead of image. """ if album: httpretty.register_uri(httpretty.GET, API_URL.format(type='album', id='album'), body='{}', status=500) album_cache, image_cache = initialize(dict(), dict(), ['album'], ['611EovQ']) else: httpretty.register_uri(httpretty.GET, API_URL.format(type='image', id='image'), body='{}', status=500) album_cache, image_cache = initialize(dict(), dict(), ['V76cJ'], ['image']) before = {k: v.__dict__.copy() for k, v in album_cache.items()} before.update({k: v.__dict__.copy() for k, v in image_cache.items()}) update_cache(album_cache, image_cache, app, 'client_id', 30, list(), list()) after = {k: v.__dict__.copy() for k, v in album_cache.items()} after.update({k: v.__dict__.copy() for k, v in image_cache.items()}) assert after != before if album: assert sorted(album_cache) == ['album'] assert sorted(image_cache) == ['611EovQ'] assert image_cache['611EovQ'].mod_time > 0 assert image_cache['611EovQ'].description.startswith('Right before I moved desks for the 6th time in 1.5 years') assert image_cache['611EovQ'].title == 'Work, June 1st, 2016: Uber' assert album_cache['album'].mod_time == 0 assert album_cache['album'].description == '' assert album_cache['album'].title == '' assert album_cache['album'].image_ids == list() else: assert sorted(album_cache) == ['V76cJ'] assert sorted(image_cache) == ['image', 'mGQBV', 'ojGG7', 'pc8hc'] assert album_cache['V76cJ'].mod_time > 0 assert album_cache['V76cJ'].description.startswith('Installing a Qi wireless induction charger inside my door ') assert album_cache['V76cJ'].title == '2010 JSW, 2012 Projects' assert album_cache['V76cJ'].image_ids == ['mGQBV', 'pc8hc', 'ojGG7'] assert image_cache['image'].mod_time == 0 assert image_cache['image'].description == '' assert image_cache['image'].title == '' assert image_cache['mGQBV'].mod_time > 0 assert image_cache['mGQBV'].description.startswith('Removed door panel from my car and tested whether my idea ') assert image_cache['mGQBV'].title == 'Wireless Charging 1: Testing' assert image_cache['ojGG7'].mod_time > 0 assert image_cache['ojGG7'].description.startswith('Setting my phone in my door pocket charges it! The door pa') assert image_cache['ojGG7'].title == 'Wireless Charging 3: Works' assert image_cache['pc8hc'].mod_time > 0 assert image_cache['pc8hc'].description == 'Closeup of Nokia DT-900 charger wedged in my door panel.' assert image_cache['pc8hc'].title == 'Wireless Charging 2: Testing Closeup' # Verify log. merged = '\n'.join('\t'.join(m) for m in app.messages) if album: assert 'query unsuccessful from no "data" key in JSON' in merged assert '"id": "611EovQ"' in merged else: assert '"id": "V76cJ"' in merged assert '"id": "mGQBV"' in merged assert '"id": "ojGG7"' in merged assert '"id": "pc8hc"' in merged assert 'query unsuccessful from no "data" key in JSON' in merged