class TestApi(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): """Utility code shared among all tests.""" = SpinRewriter('*****@*****.**', 'test_api_key') def test_init(self): """Test initialization of SpinRewriter. SpinRewriter is initialized on every test run and stored as We need to test for stored values and if underlying Api class was also initialized correctly. """ self.assertEquals(, '*****@*****.**') self.assertEquals(, 'test_api_key') self.assertIsInstance(, Api) @mock.patch('spinrewriter.urllib2') def test_unique_variation_default_call(self, urllib2): """Test call of unique_variation() with default values.""" # mock response from SpinRewriter mocked_response = u"""{ "status":"OK", "response":"This is my pet.", "api_requests_made":1, "api_requests_available":99, "protected_terms":"", "nested_spintax":"false", "confidence_level":"medium" }""" = mocked_response # test call self.assertEquals('This is my dog.'), 'This is my pet.', ) @mock.patch('spinrewriter.urllib2') def test_text_with_spintax_default_call(self, urllib2): """Test call of text_with_spintax_call() with default values.""" # mock response from SpinRewriter mocked_response = u"""{ "status":"OK", "response":"This is my {dog|pet|animal}.", "api_requests_made":2, "api_requests_available":98, "protected_terms":"", "nested_spintax":"false", "confidence_level":"medium" }""" = mocked_response # test call self.assertEquals('This is my dog.'), 'This is my {dog|pet|animal}.', )
def setUp(self): """Utility code shared among all tests.""" = SpinRewriter('*****@*****.**', 'test_api_key')
def spinrewriter_spinner(filepath, download_min=99999000): ''' wordai content spinner api Parameters ---------- dict username password Returns ------- ''' reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf8') rewriter = SpinRewriter('', '') fieldnames = ['Video_URL', 'Author', 'Content_rating', 'Version', 'Filesize', 'screenshots', 'Updated', 'Description', 'Review_number', 'Downloads', 'Link', 'Genre', 'Developer_badge', 'Item_name', 'Rating_value', 'package_name', 'IAP', 'Physical_address', 'Author_link', 'Compatibility', 'Developer_ID', 'cover_image', 'Price'] # decide what to spin, add to "to_spin" with open(filepath) as csvfile: reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames, delimiter=' ', quotechar='|', ) to_spin = "" for row in reader: row["Description"] = row["Description"].decode('unicode_escape').encode('ascii', 'ignore') # stardardize string if len(row["Description"].split()) > 25 and len(row["Description"].split()) < 4000: try: # only spin if download number >10000 if row["Downloads"] and int( row["Downloads"].split(" - ", 1)[0].replace(",", "").replace(" ", "")) > download_min: # only spin if it is English. temporary turn off # print row["Description"] # if detect(unicode(row["Description"].split(".", 1)[0], errors='ignore')) == 'en': # only take the first sentence to_spin += str(row["Description"]).replace("\n", "\|/") + "||||||||" # print countx except Exception as e: print e # if str(e) == "No features in text.": # to_spin += str(row["Description"]).replace("\n", "\|/") + "||||||||" continue # print to_spin print "spinning...", (len(to_spin.split(" ")) / 3900 + 2), "blocks of 3.8k words are going to be spinned" result_spin = "" # spin each 3800 words #TODO not working count_spinned = 0 for i in range(1, (len(to_spin.split(" ")) / 3900 + 2)): splitted_words = unicode(" ".join(to_spin.split(" ")[3900 * (i - 1):3900 * i]), errors='replace') try: spinned = str(rewriter.unique_variation(splitted_words)) if len(spinned) > 20: result_spin += spinned else: result_spin += splitted_words count_spinned += 1 except Exception as e: print e result_spin += splitted_words count_spinned += 1 if str(e) == "Error!!!, Quota limit for API calls reached.": break else: continue print count_spinned, "blocks per ", (len(to_spin.split(" ")) / 3800 + 2), "completed" # for i in range(0,len(result_spin.split("----------"))): # print result_spin.split("----------")[i] print len(result_spin.split("||||||||")) result = [] with open(filepath) as csvfile: count = 0 count2 = 0 count3 = 0 reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames, delimiter=' ', quotechar='|', ) for row in reader: # print row count3 += 1 print count3 if len(row["Description"].split()) > 25 and len(row["Description"].split()) < 4000: try: # only spin if download number >10000 if row["Downloads"] and int( row["Downloads"].split(" - ", 1)[0].replace(",", "").replace(" ", "")) > download_min: # only spin if it is English. temporary turn off # if detect(unicode(row["Description"].split(".", 1)[0], errors='ignore')) == 'en': # only take the first sentence print row["Description"] row["Description"] = result_spin.split("||||||||")[count].replace("\|/", "\n") print row["Description"] count += 1 print "count1,", count # spinned_content = str(rewriter.unique_variation(row["Description"].replace("\n", "|"))).replace("|", "\n") # if len(spinned_content) > 20: # to debug: if an error return, skip # row["Description"] = spinned_content + ".." except Exception as e: print "Error!!!, ", e continue result.append(row) count2 += 1 print "count2,", count2 # number of spinned 3.8k for testing # print "result spin block", result_spin.count("SPINNEDDDDDDDDDDDDD") with open(filepath + "_spinned", 'w') as csvfile: spamwriter = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames, delimiter=' ', quotechar='|', ) # spamwriter.writeheader() for row in result: spamwriter.writerow(row) csvfile.close() spamwriter = None
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs import requests import pandas as pd from keyCombo.keyComboFinder import combify from keyCombo.comboData import stopwords from spinrewriter import SpinRewriter rewriter = SpinRewriter('*****@*****.**', '82109b0#51de401_45b0364?5ada2fd') def number_check(text): try: int(text) return True except: return False def rev_len(x): return -len(x) def combo_counter(combos, paragraph): count = 0 original_len = len(paragraph) combos.sort(key=rev_len) for each in combos: como_length = len(each) para_len = len(paragraph) paragraph = paragraph.replace(each, "") new_len = len(paragraph)
class TestApi(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): """Utility code shared among all tests.""" = SpinRewriter('*****@*****.**', 'test_api_key') def test_init(self): """Test initialization of SpinRewriter. SpinRewriter is initialized on every test run and stored as We need to test for stored values and if underlying Api class was also initialized correctly. """ self.assertEquals(, '*****@*****.**') self.assertEquals(, 'test_api_key') self.assertIsInstance(, Api) @mock.patch('spinrewriter.urllib2') def test_unique_variation_default_call(self, urllib2): """Test call of unique_variation() with default values.""" # mock response from SpinRewriter mocked_response = u"""{ "status":"OK", "response":"This is my pet.", "api_requests_made":1, "api_requests_available":99, "protected_terms":"", "nested_spintax":"false", "confidence_level":"medium" }""" = mocked_response # test call self.assertEquals('This is my dog.'), 'This is my pet.', ) @mock.patch('spinrewriter.urllib2') def test_text_with_spintax_default_call(self, urllib2): """Test call of text_with_spintax_call() with default values.""" # mock response from SpinRewriter mocked_response = u"""{ "status":"OK", "response":"This is my {dog|pet|animal}.", "api_requests_made":2, "api_requests_available":98, "protected_terms":"", "nested_spintax":"false", "confidence_level":"medium" }""" = mocked_response # test call self.assertEquals('This is my dog.'), 'This is my {dog|pet|animal}.', ) @mock.patch('spinrewriter.urllib2') def test_text_with_spintax_error(self, urllib2): # mock response from SpinRewriter mocked_response = u"""{"status":"ERROR", "response":"Authentication failed. Unique API key is not valid for this user."}""" # noqa = mocked_response # test call with self.assertRaises(ex.AuthenticationError):'This is my dog.') @mock.patch('spinrewriter.urllib2') def test_unique_variation_error(self, urllib2): # mock response from SpinRewriter mocked_response = u"""{"status":"ERROR", "response":"Authentication failed. Unique API key is not valid for this user."}""" # noqa = mocked_response # test call with self.assertRaises(ex.AuthenticationError):'This is my dog.')