def __init__(self): # start a server for objects shared across processes self.displayManager = DisplayManager() self.downloadTracker = DownloadTracker() if sys.platform == "win32": # ! ProactorEventLoop is required on Windows to run subprocess asynchronously # ! it is default since Python 3.8 but has to be changed for previous versions loop = asyncio.ProactorEventLoop() asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() # ! semaphore is required to limit concurrent asyncio executions self.semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(self.poolSize) # ! thread pool executor is used to run blocking (CPU-bound) code from a thread self.thread_executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=self.poolSize)
class DownloadManager(): #! Big pool sizes on slow connections will lead to more incomplete downloads poolSize = 4 def __init__(self): # start a server for objects shared across processes self.displayManager = DisplayManager() self.downloadTracker = DownloadTracker() self.displayManager.clear() if sys.platform == "win32": #! ProactorEventLoop is required on Windows to run subprocess asynchronously #! it is default since Python 3.8 but has to be changed for previous versions loop = asyncio.ProactorEventLoop() asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() #! semaphore is required to limit concurrent asyncio executions self.semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(self.poolSize) #! thread pool executor is used to run blocking (CPU-bound) code from a thread self.thread_executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=self.poolSize) def download_single_song(self, songObj: SongObj) -> None: ''' `songObj` `song` : song to be downloaded RETURNS `~` downloads the given song ''' self.downloadTracker.clear() self.downloadTracker.load_song_list([songObj]) self.displayManager.reset() self.displayManager.set_song_count_to(1) self._download_asynchronously([songObj]) def download_multiple_songs(self, songObjList: List[SongObj]) -> None: ''' `list<songObj>` `songObjList` : list of songs to be downloaded RETURNS `~` downloads the given songs in parallel ''' self.downloadTracker.clear() self.downloadTracker.load_song_list(songObjList) self.displayManager.reset() self.displayManager.set_song_count_to(len(songObjList)) self._download_asynchronously(songObjList) def resume_download_from_tracking_file(self, trackingFilePath: str) -> None: ''' `str` `trackingFilePath` : path to a .spotdlTrackingFile RETURNS `~` downloads songs present on the .spotdlTrackingFile in parallel ''' self.downloadTracker.clear() self.downloadTracker.load_tracking_file(trackingFilePath) songObjList = self.downloadTracker.get_song_list() self.displayManager.reset() self.displayManager.set_song_count_to(len(songObjList)) self._download_asynchronously(songObjList) async def download_song(self, songObj: SongObj) -> None: ''' `songObj` `songObj` : song to be downloaded RETURNS `~` Downloads, Converts, Normalizes song & embeds metadata as ID3 tags. ''' #! all YouTube downloads are to .\Temp; they are then converted and put into .\ and #! finally followed up with ID3 metadata tags #! we explicitly use the os.path.join function here to ensure download is #! platform agnostic # Create a .\Temp folder if not present tempFolder = Path('.', 'Temp') if not tempFolder.exists(): tempFolder.mkdir() # build file name of converted file artistStr = '' #! we eliminate contributing artist names that are also in the song name, else we #! would end up with things like 'Jetta, Mastubs - I'd love to change the world #! (Mastubs REMIX).mp3' which is kinda an odd file name. for artist in songObj.get_contributing_artists(): if artist.lower() not in songObj.get_song_name().lower(): artistStr += artist + ', ' #! the ...[:-2] is to avoid the last ', ' appended to artistStr convertedFileName = artistStr[:-2] + ' - ' + songObj.get_song_name() #! this is windows specific (disallowed chars) for disallowedChar in ['/', '?', '\\', '*', '|', '<', '>']: if disallowedChar in convertedFileName: convertedFileName = convertedFileName.replace( disallowedChar, '') #! double quotes (") and semi-colons (:) are also disallowed characters but we would #! like to retain their equivalents, so they aren't removed in the prior loop convertedFileName = convertedFileName.replace( '"', "'").replace(': ', ' - ') convertedFilePath = Path(".", f"{convertedFileName}.opus") # if a song is already downloaded skip it if convertedFilePath.is_file(): if self.displayManager: self.displayManager.notify_download_skip() if self.downloadTracker: self.downloadTracker.notify_download_completion(songObj) #! None is the default return value of all functions, we just explicitly define #! it here as a continent way to avoid executing the rest of the function. return None # download Audio from YouTube if self.displayManager: youtubeHandler = YouTube( url=songObj.get_youtube_link(), on_progress_callback=self.displayManager.pytube_progress_hook ) else: youtubeHandler = YouTube(songObj.get_youtube_link()) trackAudioStream = youtubeHandler.streams.filter( only_audio=True).order_by('bitrate').last() if not trackAudioStream: print(f"Unable to get audio stream for \"{songObj.get_song_name()}\" " f"by \"{songObj.get_contributing_artists()[0]}\" " f"from video \"{songObj.get_youtube_link()}\"") return None downloadedFilePathString = await self._download_from_youtube(convertedFileName, tempFolder, trackAudioStream) if downloadedFilePathString is None: return None downloadedFilePath = Path(downloadedFilePathString) # convert downloaded file command = 'ffmpeg -v quiet -y -i "%s" -acodec libopus -b:a 80K -vbr on -compression_level 10 "%s"' #! bash/ffmpeg on Unix systems need to have excape char (\) for special characters: \$ #! alternatively the quotes could be reversed (single <-> double) in the command then #! the windows special characters needs escaping (^): ^\ ^& ^| ^> ^< ^^ if sys.platform == 'win32': formattedCommand = command % ( str(downloadedFilePath), str(convertedFilePath) ) else: formattedCommand = command % ( str(downloadedFilePath).replace('$', '\$'), str(convertedFilePath).replace('$', '\$') ) process = await asyncio.subprocess.create_subprocess_shell(formattedCommand) _ = await process.communicate() #! Wait till converted file is actually created while True: if convertedFilePath.is_file(): break if self.displayManager: self.displayManager.notify_conversion_completion() # embed song details audioFile = OggOpus(convertedFilePath) #! Get rid of all existing tags (if any exist) audioFile.delete() #! song name audioFile['title'] = songObj.get_song_name() audioFile['titlesort'] = songObj.get_song_name() #! track number audioFile['tracknumber'] = str(songObj.get_track_number()) #! genres audioFile['genre'] = songObj.get_genres() #! all involved artists audioFile['artist'] = songObj.get_contributing_artists() #! album name audioFile['album'] = songObj.get_album_name() #! album artist (all of 'em) audioFile['albumartist'] = songObj.get_album_artists() #! album release date (to what ever precision available) audioFile['date'] = songObj.get_album_release() audioFile['originaldate'] = songObj.get_album_release() #! setting the album art audioFile = OggOpus(convertedFilePath) rawAlbumArt = urlopen(songObj.get_album_cover_url()).read() picture = Picture() = rawAlbumArt picture.type = 3 picture.desc = u"Cover" picture.mime = u"image/jpeg" picture_data = picture.write() encoded_data = base64.b64encode(picture_data) vcomment_value = encoded_data.decode("ascii") audioFile["metadata_block_picture"] = [vcomment_value] # Do the necessary cleanup if self.displayManager: self.displayManager.notify_download_completion() if self.downloadTracker: self.downloadTracker.notify_download_completion(songObj) # delete the unnecessary YouTube download File if downloadedFilePath and downloadedFilePath.is_file(): downloadedFilePath.unlink() def close(self) -> None: ''' RETURNS `~` cleans up across all processes ''' self.displayManager.close() async def _download_from_youtube(self, convertedFileName, tempFolder, trackAudioStream): #! The following function calls blocking code, which would block whole event loop. #! Therefore it has to be called in a separate thread via ThreadPoolExecutor. This #! is not a problem, since GIL is released for the I/O operations, so it shouldn't #! hurt performance. return await self.loop.run_in_executor( self.thread_executor, self._perform_audio_download, convertedFileName, tempFolder, trackAudioStream ) def _perform_audio_download(self, convertedFileName, tempFolder, trackAudioStream): #! The actual download, if there is any error, it'll be here, try: #! pyTube will save the song in .\Temp\$songName.mp4 or .webm, it doesn't save as '.mp3' downloadedFilePath = output_path=tempFolder, filename=convertedFileName, skip_existing=False ) return downloadedFilePath except: #! This is equivalent to a failed download, we do nothing, the song remains on #! downloadTrackers download queue and all is well... #! #! None is again used as a convenient exit tempFiles = Path(tempFolder).glob(f'{convertedFileName}.*') for tempFile in tempFiles: tempFile.unlink() return None async def _pool_download(self, song_obj: SongObj): #! Run asynchronous task in a pool to make sure that all processes #! don't run at once. # tasks that cannot acquire semaphore will wait here until it's free # only certain amount of tasks can acquire the semaphore at the same time async with self.semaphore: return await self.download_song(song_obj) def _download_asynchronously(self, song_obj_list): tasks = [self._pool_download(song) for song in song_obj_list] # call all task asynchronously, and wait until all are finished self.loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.gather(*tasks))
class DownloadManager(): #! Big pool sizes on slow connections will lead to more incomplete downloads poolSize = 4 def __init__(self): # start a server for objects shared across processes self.displayManager = DisplayManager() self.downloadTracker = DownloadTracker() self.displayManager.clear() if sys.platform == "win32": #! ProactorEventLoop is required on Windows to run subprocess asynchronously #! it is default since Python 3.8 but has to be changed for previous versions loop = asyncio.ProactorEventLoop() asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() #! semaphore is required to limit concurrent asyncio executions self.semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(self.poolSize) #! thread pool executor is used to run blocking (CPU-bound) code from a thread self.thread_executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=self.poolSize) def download_single_song(self, songObj: SongObj) -> None: ''' `songObj` `song` : song to be downloaded RETURNS `~` downloads the given song ''' self.downloadTracker.clear() self.downloadTracker.load_song_list([songObj]) self.displayManager.reset() self.displayManager.set_song_count_to(1) self._download_asynchronously([songObj]) def download_multiple_songs(self, songObjList: List[SongObj]) -> None: ''' `list<songObj>` `songObjList` : list of songs to be downloaded RETURNS `~` downloads the given songs in parallel ''' self.downloadTracker.clear() self.downloadTracker.load_song_list(songObjList) self.displayManager.reset() self.displayManager.set_song_count_to(len(songObjList)) self._download_asynchronously(songObjList) def resume_download_from_tracking_file(self, trackingFilePath: str) -> None: ''' `str` `trackingFilePath` : path to a .spotdlTrackingFile RETURNS `~` downloads songs present on the .spotdlTrackingFile in parallel ''' self.downloadTracker.clear() self.downloadTracker.load_tracking_file(trackingFilePath) songObjList = self.downloadTracker.get_song_list() self.displayManager.reset() self.displayManager.set_song_count_to(len(songObjList)) self._download_asynchronously(songObjList) async def download_song(self, songObj: SongObj) -> None: ''' `songObj` `songObj` : song to be downloaded RETURNS `~` Downloads, Converts, Normalizes song & embeds metadata as ID3 tags. ''' #! all YouTube downloads are to .\Temp; they are then converted and put into .\ and #! finally followed up with ID3 metadata tags #! we explicitly use the os.path.join function here to ensure download is #! platform agnostic # Create a .\Temp folder if not present tempFolder = Path('.', 'Temp') if not tempFolder.exists(): tempFolder.mkdir() # build file name of converted file artistStr = '' #! we eliminate contributing artist names that are also in the song name, else we #! would end up with things like 'Jetta, Mastubs - I'd love to change the world #! (Mastubs REMIX).mp3' which is kinda an odd file name. for artist in songObj.get_contributing_artists(): if artist.lower() not in songObj.get_song_name().lower(): artistStr += artist + ', ' #! the ...[:-2] is to avoid the last ', ' appended to artistStr convertedFileName = artistStr[:-2] + ' - ' + songObj.get_song_name() #! this is windows specific (disallowed chars) for disallowedChar in ['/', '?', '\\', '*', '|', '<', '>']: if disallowedChar in convertedFileName: convertedFileName = convertedFileName.replace( disallowedChar, '') #! double quotes (") and semi-colons (:) are also disallowed characters but we would #! like to retain their equivalents, so they aren't removed in the prior loop convertedFileName = convertedFileName.replace('"', "'").replace( ': ', ' - ') convertedFilePath = Path(".", f"{convertedFileName}.mp3") # if a song is already downloaded skip it if convertedFilePath.is_file(): if self.displayManager: self.displayManager.notify_download_skip() if self.downloadTracker: self.downloadTracker.notify_download_completion(songObj) #! None is the default return value of all functions, we just explicitly define #! it here as a continent way to avoid executing the rest of the function. return None # download Audio from YouTube if self.displayManager: youtubeHandler = YouTube( url=songObj.get_youtube_link(), on_progress_callback=self.displayManager.pytube_progress_hook) else: youtubeHandler = YouTube(songObj.get_youtube_link()) trackAudioStream = youtubeHandler.streams.filter( only_audio=True).order_by('bitrate').last() if not trackAudioStream: print( f"Unable to get audio stream for \"{songObj.get_song_name()}\" " f"by \"{songObj.get_contributing_artists()[0]}\" " f"from video \"{songObj.get_youtube_link()}\"") return None downloadedFilePathString = await self._download_from_youtube( convertedFileName, tempFolder, trackAudioStream) if downloadedFilePathString is None: return None downloadedFilePath = Path(downloadedFilePathString) # convert downloaded file to MP3 with normalization #! -af loudnorm=I=-7:LRA applies EBR 128 loudness normalization algorithm with #! intergrated loudness target (I) set to -17, using values lower than -15 #! causes 'pumping' i.e. rhythmic variation in loudness that should not #! exist -loud parts exaggerate, soft parts left alone. #! #! dynaudnorm applies dynamic non-linear RMS based normalization, this is what #! actually normalized the audio. The loudnorm filter just makes the apparent #! loudness constant #! #! apad=pad_dur=2 adds 2 seconds of silence toward the end of the track, this is #! done because the loudnorm filter clips/cuts/deletes the last 1-2 seconds on #! occasion especially if the song is EDM-like, so we add a few extra seconds to #! combat that. #! #! -acodec libmp3lame sets the encoded to 'libmp3lame' which is far better #! than the default 'mp3_mf', '-abr true' automatically determines and passes the #! audio encoding bitrate to the filters and encoder. This ensures that the #! sampled length of songs matches the actual length (i.e. a 5 min song won't display #! as 47 seconds long in your music player, yeah that was an issue earlier.) command = 'ffmpeg -v quiet -y -i "%s" -acodec libmp3lame -abr true ' \ f'-b:a {trackAudioStream.bitrate} ' \ '-af "apad=pad_dur=2, dynaudnorm, loudnorm=I=-17" "%s"' #! bash/ffmpeg on Unix systems need to have excape char (\) for special characters: \$ #! alternatively the quotes could be reversed (single <-> double) in the command then #! the windows special characters needs escaping (^): ^\ ^& ^| ^> ^< ^^ if sys.platform == 'win32': formattedCommand = command % (str(downloadedFilePath), str(convertedFilePath)) else: formattedCommand = command % (str(downloadedFilePath).replace( '$', '\$'), str(convertedFilePath).replace('$', '\$')) process = await asyncio.subprocess.create_subprocess_shell( formattedCommand) _ = await process.communicate() #! Wait till converted file is actually created while True: if convertedFilePath.is_file(): break if self.displayManager: self.displayManager.notify_conversion_completion() # embed song details #! we save tags as both ID3 v2.3 and v2.4 #! The simple ID3 tags audioFile = EasyID3(convertedFilePath) #! Get rid of all existing ID3 tags (if any exist) audioFile.delete() #! song name audioFile['title'] = songObj.get_song_name() audioFile['titlesort'] = songObj.get_song_name() #! track number audioFile['tracknumber'] = str(songObj.get_track_number()) #! genres (pretty pointless if you ask me) #! we only apply the first available genre as ID3 v2.3 doesn't support multiple #! genres and ~80% of the world PC's run Windows - an OS with no ID3 v2.4 support genres = songObj.get_genres() if len(genres) > 0: audioFile['genre'] = genres[0] #! all involved artists audioFile['artist'] = songObj.get_contributing_artists() #! album name audioFile['album'] = songObj.get_album_name() #! album artist (all of 'em) audioFile['albumartist'] = songObj.get_album_artists() #! album release date (to what ever precision available) audioFile['date'] = songObj.get_album_release() audioFile['originaldate'] = songObj.get_album_release() #! save as both ID3 v2.3 & v2.4 as v2.3 isn't fully features and #! windows doesn't support v2.4 until later versions of Win10 #! setting the album art audioFile = ID3(convertedFilePath) rawAlbumArt = urlopen(songObj.get_album_cover_url()).read() audioFile['APIC'] = AlbumCover(encoding=3, mime='image/jpeg', type=3, desc='Cover', data=rawAlbumArt) # Do the necessary cleanup if self.displayManager: self.displayManager.notify_download_completion() if self.downloadTracker: self.downloadTracker.notify_download_completion(songObj) # delete the unnecessary YouTube download File if downloadedFilePath and downloadedFilePath.is_file(): downloadedFilePath.unlink() def close(self) -> None: ''' RETURNS `~` cleans up across all processes ''' self.displayManager.close() async def _download_from_youtube(self, convertedFileName, tempFolder, trackAudioStream): #! The following function calls blocking code, which would block whole event loop. #! Therefore it has to be called in a separate thread via ThreadPoolExecutor. This #! is not a problem, since GIL is released for the I/O operations, so it shouldn't #! hurt performance. return await self.loop.run_in_executor(self.thread_executor, self._perform_audio_download, convertedFileName, tempFolder, trackAudioStream) def _perform_audio_download(self, convertedFileName, tempFolder, trackAudioStream): #! The actual download, if there is any error, it'll be here, try: #! pyTube will save the song in .\Temp\$songName.mp4 or .webm, it doesn't save as '.mp3' downloadedFilePath = output_path=tempFolder, filename=convertedFileName, skip_existing=False) return downloadedFilePath except: #! This is equivalent to a failed download, we do nothing, the song remains on #! downloadTrackers download queue and all is well... #! #! None is again used as a convenient exit tempFiles = Path(tempFolder).glob(f'{convertedFileName}.*') for tempFile in tempFiles: tempFile.unlink() return None async def _pool_download(self, song_obj: SongObj): #! Run asynchronous task in a pool to make sure that all processes #! don't run at once. # tasks that cannot acquire semaphore will wait here until it's free # only certain amount of tasks can acquire the semaphore at the same time async with self.semaphore: return await self.download_song(song_obj) def _download_asynchronously(self, song_obj_list): tasks = [self._pool_download(song) for song in song_obj_list] # call all task asynchronously, and wait until all are finished self.loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.gather(*tasks))
class DownloadManager(): # ! Big pool sizes on slow connections will lead to more incomplete downloads poolSize = 4 def __init__(self, ffmpeg_path: str = "ffmpeg"): # start a server for objects shared across processes self.displayManager = DisplayManager() self.downloadTracker = DownloadTracker() if sys.platform == "win32": # ! ProactorEventLoop is required on Windows to run subprocess asynchronously # ! it is default since Python 3.8 but has to be changed for previous versions loop = asyncio.ProactorEventLoop() asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() # ! semaphore is required to limit concurrent asyncio executions self.semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(self.poolSize) # ! thread pool executor is used to run blocking (CPU-bound) code from a thread self.thread_executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=self.poolSize) # ! ffmpeg path self.ffmpeg_path = ffmpeg_path def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.displayManager.close() def download_single_song(self, songObj: SongObj) -> None: ''' `songObj` `song` : song to be downloaded RETURNS `~` downloads the given song ''' self.downloadTracker.clear() self.downloadTracker.load_song_list([songObj]) self.displayManager.set_song_count_to(1) self._download_asynchronously([songObj]) def download_multiple_songs(self, songObjList: List[SongObj]) -> None: ''' `list<songObj>` `songObjList` : list of songs to be downloaded RETURNS `~` downloads the given songs in parallel ''' self.downloadTracker.clear() self.downloadTracker.load_song_list(songObjList) self.displayManager.set_song_count_to(len(songObjList)) self._download_asynchronously(songObjList) def resume_download_from_tracking_file(self, trackingFilePath: str) -> None: ''' `str` `trackingFilePath` : path to a .spotdlTrackingFile RETURNS `~` downloads songs present on the .spotdlTrackingFile in parallel ''' self.downloadTracker.clear() self.downloadTracker.load_tracking_file(trackingFilePath) songObjList = self.downloadTracker.get_song_list() self.displayManager.set_song_count_to(len(songObjList)) self._download_asynchronously(songObjList) async def download_song(self, songObj: SongObj) -> None: ''' `songObj` `songObj` : song to be downloaded RETURNS `~` Downloads, Converts, Normalizes song & embeds metadata as ID3 tags. ''' dispayProgressTracker = self.displayManager.new_progress_tracker( songObj) # ! since most errors are expected to happen within this function, we wrap in # ! exception catcher to prevent blocking on multiple downloads try: # ! all YouTube downloads are to .\Temp; they are then converted and put into .\ and # ! finally followed up with ID3 metadata tags # ! we explicitly use the os.path.join function here to ensure download is # ! platform agnostic # Create a .\Temp folder if not present tempFolder = Path('.', 'Temp') if not tempFolder.exists(): tempFolder.mkdir() # build file name of converted file artistStr = '' # ! we eliminate contributing artist names that are also in the song name, else we # ! would end up with things like 'Jetta, Mastubs - I'd love to change the world # ! (Mastubs REMIX).mp3' which is kinda an odd file name. for artist in songObj.get_contributing_artists(): if artist.lower() not in songObj.get_song_name().lower(): artistStr += artist + ', ' # make sure that main artist is included in artistStr even if they # are in the song name, for example # Lil Baby - Never Recover (Lil Baby & Gunna, Drake).mp3 if songObj.get_contributing_artists()[0].lower( ) not in artistStr.lower(): artistStr = songObj.get_contributing_artists( )[0] + ', ' + artistStr # ! the ...[:-2] is to avoid the last ', ' appended to artistStr convertedFileName = artistStr[:-2] + \ ' - ' + songObj.get_song_name() # ! this is windows specific (disallowed chars) for disallowedChar in ['/', '?', '\\', '*', '|', '<', '>']: if disallowedChar in convertedFileName: convertedFileName = convertedFileName.replace( disallowedChar, '') # ! double quotes (") and semi-colons (:) are also disallowed characters but we would # ! like to retain their equivalents, so they aren't removed in the prior loop convertedFileName = convertedFileName.replace('"', "'").replace( ':', '-') convertedFilePath = Path(".", f"{convertedFileName}.mp3") # if a song is already downloaded skip it if convertedFilePath.is_file(): if self.displayManager: dispayProgressTracker.notify_download_skip() if self.downloadTracker: self.downloadTracker.notify_download_completion(songObj) # ! None is the default return value of all functions, we just explicitly define # ! it here as a continent way to avoid executing the rest of the function. return None # download Audio from YouTube if dispayProgressTracker: youtubeHandler = YouTube( url=songObj.get_youtube_link(), on_progress_callback=dispayProgressTracker. pytube_progress_hook) else: youtubeHandler = YouTube(songObj.get_youtube_link()) trackAudioStream = youtubeHandler.streams.filter( only_audio=True).order_by('bitrate').last() if not trackAudioStream: print( f"Unable to get audio stream for \"{songObj.get_song_name()}\" " f"by \"{songObj.get_contributing_artists()[0]}\" " f"from video \"{songObj.get_youtube_link()}\"") return None downloadedFilePathString = await self._download_from_youtube( convertedFileName, tempFolder, trackAudioStream) if downloadedFilePathString is None: return None if dispayProgressTracker: dispayProgressTracker.notify_youtube_download_completion() downloadedFilePath = Path(downloadedFilePathString) ffmpeg_success = await ffmpeg.convert( trackAudioStream=trackAudioStream, downloadedFilePath=downloadedFilePath, convertedFilePath=convertedFilePath, ffmpegPath=self.ffmpeg_path) if dispayProgressTracker: dispayProgressTracker.notify_conversion_completion() if ffmpeg_success is False: # delete the file that wasn't successfully converted convertedFilePath.unlink() else: # if a file was successfully downloaded, tag it self.set_id3_data(convertedFilePath, songObj) # Do the necessary cleanup if dispayProgressTracker: dispayProgressTracker.notify_download_completion() if self.downloadTracker: self.downloadTracker.notify_download_completion(songObj) # delete the unnecessary YouTube download File if downloadedFilePath and downloadedFilePath.is_file(): downloadedFilePath.unlink() except Exception as e: tb = traceback.format_exc() if dispayProgressTracker: dispayProgressTracker.notify_error(e, tb) else: raise e def set_id3_data(self, convertedFilePath, songObj): # embed song details # ! we save tags as both ID3 v2.3 and v2.4 # ! The simple ID3 tags audioFile = EasyID3(convertedFilePath) # ! Get rid of all existing ID3 tags (if any exist) audioFile.delete() # ! song name audioFile['title'] = songObj.get_song_name() audioFile['titlesort'] = songObj.get_song_name() # ! track number audioFile['tracknumber'] = str(songObj.get_track_number()) # ! disc number audioFile['discnumber'] = str(songObj.get_disc_number()) # ! genres (pretty pointless if you ask me) # ! we only apply the first available genre as ID3 v2.3 doesn't support multiple # ! genres and ~80% of the world PC's run Windows - an OS with no ID3 v2.4 support genres = songObj.get_genres() if len(genres) > 0: audioFile['genre'] = genres[0] # ! all involved artists audioFile['artist'] = songObj.get_contributing_artists() # ! album name audioFile['album'] = songObj.get_album_name() # ! album artist (all of 'em) audioFile['albumartist'] = songObj.get_album_artists() # ! album release date (to what ever precision available) audioFile['date'] = songObj.get_album_release() audioFile['originaldate'] = songObj.get_album_release() # ! save as both ID3 v2.3 & v2.4 as v2.3 isn't fully features and # ! windows doesn't support v2.4 until later versions of Win10 # ! setting the album art audioFile = ID3(convertedFilePath) rawAlbumArt = urlopen(songObj.get_album_cover_url()).read() audioFile['APIC'] = AlbumCover(encoding=3, mime='image/jpeg', type=3, desc='Cover', data=rawAlbumArt) # ! setting the lyrics lyrics = songObj.get_lyrics() USLTOutput = USLT(encoding=3, lang=u'eng', desc=u'desc', text=lyrics) audioFile["USLT::'eng'"] = USLTOutput async def _download_from_youtube(self, convertedFileName, tempFolder, trackAudioStream): # ! The following function calls blocking code, which would block whole event loop. # ! Therefore it has to be called in a separate thread via ThreadPoolExecutor. This # ! is not a problem, since GIL is released for the I/O operations, so it shouldn't # ! hurt performance. return await self.loop.run_in_executor(self.thread_executor, self._perform_audio_download, convertedFileName, tempFolder, trackAudioStream) def _perform_audio_download(self, convertedFileName, tempFolder, trackAudioStream): # ! The actual download, if there is any error, it'll be here, try: # ! pyTube will save the song in .\Temp\$songName.mp4 or .webm, # ! it doesn't save as '.mp3' downloadedFilePath = output_path=tempFolder, filename=convertedFileName, skip_existing=False) return downloadedFilePath except: # noqa:E722 # ! This is equivalent to a failed download, we do nothing, the song remains on # ! downloadTrackers download queue and all is well... # ! # ! None is again used as a convenient exit tempFiles = Path(tempFolder).glob(f'{convertedFileName}.*') for tempFile in tempFiles: tempFile.unlink() return None async def _pool_download(self, song_obj: SongObj): # ! Run asynchronous task in a pool to make sure that all processes # ! don't run at once. # tasks that cannot acquire semaphore will wait here until it's free # only certain amount of tasks can acquire the semaphore at the same time async with self.semaphore: return await self.download_song(song_obj) def _download_asynchronously(self, song_obj_list): tasks = [self._pool_download(song) for song in song_obj_list] # call all task asynchronously, and wait until all are finished self.loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.gather(*tasks))
def download_song(songObj: SongObj, displayManager: DisplayManager = None, downloadTracker: DownloadTracker = None) -> None: ''' `songObj` `songObj` : song to be downloaded `AutoProxy` `displayManager` : autoproxy reference to a `DisplayManager` `AutoProxy` `downloadTracker`: autoproxy reference to a `DownloadTracker` RETURNS `~` Downloads, Converts, Normalizes song & embeds metadata as ID3 tags. ''' #! all YouTube downloads are to .\Temp; they are then converted and put into .\ and #! finally followed up with ID3 metadata tags #! we explicitly use the os.path.join function here to ensure download is #! platform agnostic # Create a .\Temp folder if not present tempFolder = join('.', 'Temp') if not exists(tempFolder): mkdir(tempFolder) # build file name of converted file artistStr = '' #! we eliminate contributing artist names that are also in the song name, else we #! would end up with things like 'Jetta, Mastubs - I'd love to change the world #! (Mastubs REMIX).mp3' which is kinda an odd file name. for artist in songObj.get_contributing_artists(): if artist.lower() not in songObj.get_song_name().lower(): artistStr += artist + ', ' #! the ...[:-2] is to avoid the last ', ' appended to artistStr convertedFileName = artistStr[:-2] + ' - ' + songObj.get_song_name() #! this is windows specific (disallowed chars) for disallowedChar in ['/', '?', '\\', '*', '|', '<', '>']: if disallowedChar in convertedFileName: convertedFileName = convertedFileName.replace(disallowedChar, '') #! double quotes (") and semi-colons (:) are also disallowed characters but we would #! like to retain their equivalents, so they aren't removed in the prior loop convertedFileName = convertedFileName.replace('"', "'").replace(': ', ' - ') #! if a songObj's playlistIndex is not None then we prepend it to keep the playlist/album order playlistIndex = songObj.get_playlist_index() if playlistIndex is not None: convertedFileName = '{:04d}'.format( playlistIndex) + ' - ' + convertedFileName convertedFilePath = join('.', convertedFileName) + '.mp3' # if a song is already downloaded skip it if exists(convertedFilePath): if displayManager: displayManager.notify_download_skip() if downloadTracker: downloadTracker.notify_download_completion(songObj) #! None is the default return value of all functions, we just explicitly define #! it here as a continent way to avoid executing the rest of the function. return None # download Audio from YouTube if displayManager: youtubeHandler = YouTube( url=songObj.get_youtube_link(), on_progress_callback=displayManager.pytube_progress_hook) else: youtubeHandler = YouTube(songObj.get_youtube_link()) trackAudioStream = youtubeHandler.streams.get_audio_only() #! The actual download, if there is any error, it'll be here, try: #! pyTube will save the song in .\Temp\$songName.mp4, it doesn't save as '.mp3' downloadedFilePath = output_path=tempFolder, filename=convertedFileName, skip_existing=False) except: #! This is equivalent to a failed download, we do nothing, the song remains on #! downloadTrackers download queue and all is well... #! #! None is again used as a convenient exit remove(join(tempFolder, convertedFileName) + '.mp4') return None # convert downloaded file to MP3 with normalization #! -af loudnorm=I=-7:LRA applies EBR 128 loudness normalization algorithm with #! intergrated loudness target (I) set to -17, using values lower than -15 #! causes 'pumping' i.e. rhythmic variation in loudness that should not #! exist -loud parts exaggerate, soft parts left alone. #! #! apad=pad_dur=2 adds 2 seconds of silence toward the end of the track, this is #! done because the loudnorm filter clips/cuts/deletes the last 1-2 seconds on #! occasion especially if the song is EDM-like, so we add a few extra seconds to #! combat that. #! #! -acodec libmp3lame sets the encoded to 'libmp3lame' which is far better #! than the default 'mp3_mf', '-abr true' automatically determines and passes the #! audio encoding bitrate to the filters and encoder. This ensures that the #! sampled length of songs matches the actual length (i.e. a 5 min song won't display #! as 47 seconds long in your music player, yeah that was an issue earlier.) command = 'ffmpeg -v quiet -y -i "%s" -acodec libmp3lame -abr true -af loudnorm=I=-17 "%s"' formattedCommand = command % (downloadedFilePath, convertedFilePath) run_in_shell(formattedCommand) #! Wait till converted file is actually created while True: if exists(convertedFilePath): break if displayManager: displayManager.notify_conversion_completion() # embed song details #! we save tags as both ID3 v2.3 and v2.4 #! The simple ID3 tags audioFile = EasyID3(convertedFilePath) #! Get rid of all existing ID3 tags (if any exist) audioFile.delete() #! song name audioFile['title'] = songObj.get_song_name() audioFile['titlesort'] = songObj.get_song_name() #! track number audioFile['tracknumber'] = str(songObj.get_track_number()) #! genres (pretty pointless if you ask me) #! we only apply the first available genre as ID3 v2.3 doesn't support multiple #! genres and ~80% of the world PC's run Windows - an OS with no ID3 v2.4 support genres = songObj.get_genres() if len(genres) > 0: audioFile['genre'] = genres[0] #! all involved artists audioFile['artist'] = songObj.get_contributing_artists() #! album name audioFile['album'] = songObj.get_album_name() #! album artist (all of 'em) audioFile['albumartist'] = songObj.get_album_artists() #! album release date (to what ever precision available) audioFile['date'] = songObj.get_album_release() audioFile['originaldate'] = songObj.get_album_release() #! spotify link: in case you wanna re-download your whole offline library, #! you can just read the links from the tags and redownload the songs. audioFile['website'] = songObj.get_spotify_link() #! save as both ID3 v2.3 & v2.4 as v2.3 isn't fully features and #! windows doesn't support v2.4 until later versions of Win10 #! setting the album art audioFile = ID3(convertedFilePath) rawAlbumArt = urlopen(songObj.get_album_cover_url()).read() audioFile['APIC'] = AlbumCover(encoding=3, mime='image/jpeg', type=3, desc='Cover', data=rawAlbumArt) #! adding lyrics try: lyrics = songObj.get_song_lyrics() USLTOutput = USLT(encoding=3, lang=u'eng', desc=u'desc', text=lyrics) audioFile["USLT::'eng'"] = USLTOutput except: pass # Do the necessary cleanup if displayManager: displayManager.notify_download_completion() if downloadTracker: downloadTracker.notify_download_completion(songObj) # delete the unnecessary YouTube download File remove(downloadedFilePath)
def download_song( songObj: SongObj, displayManager: DisplayManager = None, downloadTracker: DownloadTracker = None, ) -> None: """ `songObj` `songObj` : song to be downloaded `AutoProxy` `displayManager` : autoproxy reference to a `DisplayManager` `AutoProxy` `downloadTracker`: autoproxy reference to a `DownloadTracker` RETURNS `~` Downloads, Converts, Normalizes song & embeds metadata as ID3 tags. """ #! all YouTube downloads are to .\Temp; they are then converted and put into .\ and #! finally followed up with ID3 metadata tags #! we explicitly use the os.path.join function here to ensure download is #! platform agnostic # Create a .\Temp folder if not present tempFolder = join(".", "Temp") if not exists(tempFolder): mkdir(tempFolder) # build file name of converted file artistStr = "" #! we eliminate contributing artist names that are also in the song name, else we #! would end up with things like 'Jetta, Mastubs - I'd love to change the world #! (Mastubs REMIX).mp3' which is kinda an odd file name. for artist in songObj.get_contributing_artists(): if artist.lower() not in songObj.get_song_name().lower(): artistStr += artist + ", " #! the ...[:-2] is to avoid the last ', ' appended to artistStr convertedFileName = artistStr[:-2] + " - " + songObj.get_song_name() #! this is windows specific (disallowed chars) for disallowedChar in ["/", "?", "\\", "*", "|", "<", ">"]: if disallowedChar in convertedFileName: convertedFileName = convertedFileName.replace(disallowedChar, "") #! double quotes (") and semi-colons (:) are also disallowed characters but we would #! like to retain their equivalents, so they aren't removed in the prior loop convertedFileName = convertedFileName.replace('"', "'").replace(": ", " - ") convertedFilePath = join(".", convertedFileName) + ".mp3" # if a song is already downloaded skip it if exists(convertedFilePath): if displayManager: displayManager.notify_download_skip() if downloadTracker: downloadTracker.notify_download_completion(songObj) #! None is the default return value of all functions, we just explicitly define #! it here as a continent way to avoid executing the rest of the function. return None Lyrics = songObj.get_lyrics() # download Audio from YouTube if displayManager: youtubeHandler = YouTube( url=songObj.get_youtube_link(), on_progress_callback=displayManager.pytube_progress_hook, ) else: youtubeHandler = YouTube(songObj.get_youtube_link()) trackAudioStream = youtubeHandler.streams.get_audio_only() #! The actual download, if there is any error, it'll be here, try: #! pyTube will save the song in .\Temp\$songName.mp4, it doesn't save as '.mp3' downloadedFilePath = output_path=tempFolder, filename=convertedFileName, skip_existing=False) except: #! This is equivalent to a failed download, we do nothing, the song remains on #! downloadTrackers download queue and all is well... #! #! None is again used as a convenient exit remove(join(tempFolder, convertedFileName) + ".mp4") return None # convert downloaded file to MP3 with normalization #! -af loudnorm=I=-7:LRA applies EBR 128 loudness normalization algorithm with #! intergrated loudness target (I) set to -17, using values lower than -15 #! causes 'pumping' i.e. rhythmic variation in loudness that should not #! exist -loud parts exaggerate, soft parts left alone. #! #! dynaudnorm applies dynamic non-linear RMS based normalization, this is what #! actually normalized the audio. The loudnorm filter just makes the apparent #! loudness constant #! #! apad=pad_dur=2 adds 2 seconds of silence toward the end of the track, this is #! done because the loudnorm filter clips/cuts/deletes the last 1-2 seconds on #! occasion especially if the song is EDM-like, so we add a few extra seconds to #! combat that. #! #! -acodec libmp3lame sets the encoded to 'libmp3lame' which is far better #! than the default 'mp3_mf', '-abr true' automatically determines and passes the #! audio encoding bitrate to the filters and encoder. This ensures that the #! sampled length of songs matches the actual length (i.e. a 5 min song won't display #! as 47 seconds long in your music player, yeah that was an issue earlier.) command = 'ffmpeg -v quiet -hwaccel_output_format cuda -y -i "%s" -acodec libmp3lame -abr true "%s"' formattedCommand = command % (downloadedFilePath, convertedFilePath) # run_in_shell(formattedCommand) return_code = None return_code = call(formattedCommand) if return_code != 0: raise ("Error occurred during conversion, ffmpeg issue probably") if displayManager: displayManager.notify_conversion_completion() # embed song details #! we save tags as both ID3 v2.3 and v2.4 #! The simple ID3 tags audioFile = EasyID3(convertedFilePath) #! Get rid of all existing ID3 tags (if any exist) audioFile.delete() #! song name audioFile["title"] = songObj.get_song_name() audioFile["titlesort"] = songObj.get_song_name() #! track number audioFile["tracknumber"] = str(songObj.get_track_number()) #! genres (pretty pointless if you ask me) #! we only apply the first available genre as ID3 v2.3 doesn't support multiple #! genres and ~80% of the world PC's run Windows - an OS with no ID3 v2.4 support genres = songObj.get_genres() if len(genres) > 0: audioFile["genre"] = genres[0] #! all involved artists audioFile["artist"] = songObj.get_contributing_artists() #! album name audioFile["album"] = songObj.get_album_name() #! album artist (all of 'em) audioFile["albumartist"] = songObj.get_album_artists() #! album release date (to what ever precision available) audioFile["date"] = songObj.get_album_release() audioFile["originaldate"] = songObj.get_album_release() #! save as both ID3 v2.3 & v2.4 as v2.3 isn't fully features and #! windows doesn't support v2.4 until later versions of Win10 #! setting the album art audioFile = ID3(convertedFilePath) rawAlbumArt = get(songObj.get_album_cover_url()).content audioFile["APIC"] = AlbumCover(encoding=3, mime="image/jpeg", type=3, desc="Cover", data=rawAlbumArt) audioFile["USLT"] = USLT(encoding=3, desc=u"Lyrics", text=Lyrics) # Do the necessary cleanup if displayManager: displayManager.notify_download_completion() if downloadTracker: downloadTracker.notify_download_completion(songObj) # delete the unnecessary YouTube download File remove(downloadedFilePath)