def __init__(self, start_position, ready=False):
        MenuObject.__init__(self, start_position)

        self.ready = False if not ready else True

        # Import ready status indicator images.
        ready_status_indicator_sheet = SpriteSheet('resources/images/ready_status_indicators.png')
        ready_status_image_list = [ready_status_indicator_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(0, 0, 15, 15)),
                                   ready_status_indicator_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(15, 0, 15, 15))]
        self.image_list = ready_status_image_list
    def __init__(self, parent, start_position=Vector2(0.0, 0.0)):
        self.width = globals.screen.get_width()
        self.height = globals.screen.get_height()
        self.font = pygame.font.SysFont('arial', 12)

        UIFrame.__init__(self, start_position, self.width, self.height, parent)
        #WorldObject.__init__(self, start_position, self.screen_size_x, self.screen_size_y, velocity, image_list)

        #self.pause_menu = PauseMenu(font, self.screen_size_x, self.screen_size_y, screen)

        # # Make a chat box.
        # self.chat_box = ChatBox(player_heads_up_display=self)

        # Load sprite sheets. = 0
        self.max_health = 0
        crosshair_sheet = SpriteSheet("resources/images/Crosshair Sheet.png")
        sprite_sheet = SpriteSheet("resources/images/Sprite Sheet1.png")

        # Load crosshair.
        self.crosshair = BlitData(
            crosshair_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(176, 158, 46, 48)))

        # load health bar info
        self.hp_overlay = BlitData(
            sprite_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(652, 373, 290, 90)), (0, 0))
        self.hp_bar = BlitData(
            sprite_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(722, 485, 213, 40)), (64, 22))
        self.mana_bar = BlitData(
            sprite_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(722, 529, 146, 20)), (68, 65),
            (0, 0, 159, 20))

        # set colorkey so black pixels will be transparent
        # self.image.set_colorkey(BLACK)  # set black to transparent
        # self.image.fill(BLACK)

        # ammo and weapon data
        self.ammo_string = "send me text"
        self.weapon_string = "send me text"
        self.ammo_string_surface = self.font.render(self.ammo_string, True,
                                                    [255, 255, 255])
        self.weapon_string_surface = self.font.render(self.weapon_string, True,
                                                      [255, 255, 255])
        self.ammo_blit = BlitData(self.ammo_string_surface,
                                  (globals.screen.get_width() / 1.16,
                                   globals.screen.get_height() / 1.11))
        self.weapon_blit = BlitData(self.weapon_string_surface,
                                    (globals.screen.get_width() / 1.16,
                                     globals.screen.get_height() / 1.066))
        # order this list in which one you want blit first.  top picture = last in the list.
        #self.blit_list = [self.hp_overlay, self.hp_bar, self.ammo_blit, self.weapon_blit, self.crosshair]
        self.blit_list = [
            self.hp_overlay, self.hp_bar, self.mana_bar, self.ammo_blit,
            self.weapon_blit, self.crosshair
    def __init__(self, always_visible=False, x_offset=0, y_offset=0, box_width=None, box_height=None, max_chars=65,
                 player_heads_up_display=None, screen=None):
        self.screen = screen
        self.always_visible = always_visible
        self.max_chars = max_chars
        self.view_offset = 0  # The part of the text log you're viewing.  0 is the most recent on the bottom.

        # These values move the ChatBox from it's default position at the bottom left hand corner of the screen.
        self.x_offset = x_offset
        self.y_offset = y_offset

        self.hidden = not self.always_visible  # while this is true the ChatBox shouldn't be displayed.
        self.alpha = 255
        self.delaying_to_fade = False
        self.is_fading = False  # while this is true, the ChatBox text is fading to transparency.
        self.fade_delay = 3  # seconds after the ChatBox is deselected until the text starts to fade.
        self.fade_time = 2  # seconds that it fades for after the fadeDelay
        self.last_deselect_time = 0  # time that the fade process started.
        self.last_fade_start_time = 0
        self.selected = False
        self.fade_proportion = 0  # This will hold the proportion to convert the time to terms of opacity (0-255)
        self.font = pygame.font.SysFont('arial', 12)

        self.cursor_blink_time = 1.5  # the cursor will change every half of this number
        self.last_cursor_blink = 0
        self.cursor_is_blinking = False
        self.cursor_surface = self.font.render("|", True, [255, 255, 255])

        self.text_content = []  # list of strings. lower index = older
        self.input = None  # a string of input to send to the textBox.
        self.surface_content = []  # a list of surface slices. lower index = older
        self.border_offset = 14  # offset text by ten pixels to account for the border of the chatBox
        self.blit_dict = {}
        self.alpha_blit_dict = {}

        temp_sprite_sheet = SpriteSheet("resources/images/Sprite Sheet1.png")
        self.box_image = temp_sprite_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(5, 15, 370, 135))
        # this image is cursed to never change color.
        self.unfocused_image = temp_sprite_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(6, 158, 368, 130))
        if box_width is not None and box_height is not None:
            self.box_image = pygame.transform.scale(self.box_image, (box_width, box_height))
            self.unfocused_image = pygame.transform.scale(self.box_image, (box_width, box_height))
        self.image = self.box_image  # everything will be blit onto here.

        self.shift_is_pressed = False

        if hasattr(globals, 'online_game'):
            self.last_message_received = 0
            self.get_new_messages_thread = RepeatTask(1, self.get_new_messages)

        self.player_heads_up_display = player_heads_up_display
        self.last_paused =
    def __init__(self, start_position, ready=False):
        MenuObject.__init__(self, start_position)

        self.ready = False if not ready else True

        # Import ready status indicator images.
        ready_status_indicator_sheet = SpriteSheet(
        ready_status_image_list = [
            ready_status_indicator_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(0, 0, 15, 15)),
            ready_status_indicator_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(15, 0, 15, 15))
        self.image_list = ready_status_image_list
def init():
    global camera
    global current_screen
    global online_game
    global screen

    #menu images
    global button_img_list
    global join_game_img_list
    global forward_button_img_list
    global back_button_img_list
    global text_field_img_list
    global ready_button_img_list
    global small_forward_button_img_list
    global small_back_button_img_list
    global close_button_img_list

    #cycle button contents
    global map_names

    global button_1_sound

    current_screen = "main menu"
    screen_size = pygame.display.list_modes()[0]
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode(screen_size, DOUBLEBUF)

    #import button images
    button_sheet = SpriteSheet("resources/images/ButtonSpriteSheet.png")
    button_img_list = [button_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(475, 306, 80, 19), None)]
    join_game_img_list = [button_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(497, 281, 33, 10))]
    forward_button_img_list = [button_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(0, 76, 50, 278), None)]
    back_button_img_list = [button_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(54, 76, 50, 278), None)]
    small_forward_button_img_list = [button_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(494, 226, 18, 15)),
                                     button_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(494, 243, 18, 15))]
    small_back_button_img_list = [button_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(516, 242, 18, 15)),
                                  button_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(516, 225, 18, 15))]
    text_field_img_list = [button_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(479, 278, 75, 12), None),
                           button_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(479, 293, 75, 12), None)]
    ready_button_img_list = [button_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(0, 0, 157, 38), None),
                             button_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(0, 38, 157, 38), None)]
    close_button_img_list = [button_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(108, 77, 44, 44), None)]

    #populate cycle_button elements
    map_names = [Label(euclid.Vector2(0, 0), "Matt World"),
                 Label(euclid.Vector2(0, 0), "Fun Zone"),
                 Label(euclid.Vector2(0, 0), "Snake Juice")]

    button_1_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound("resources/sounds/menu_button.wav")
    def __init__(self, bullet_image_list):
        bullet_velocity = 800
        sprite_sheet_1 = SpriteSheet("resources/images/Sprite Sheet1.png")
        image_list = [
            sprite_sheet_1.imageAt(pygame.Rect(966, 332, 35, 21)),
            sprite_sheet_1.imageAt(pygame.Rect(471, 93, 102, 40))
        gun_x_position = 7.0
        gun_y_position = 0.0
        delay = 1
        damage = 5
        ammo = 30
        max_ammo = 30
        reload_time = 2.0
        accuracy = .07
        width = 35
        height = 21
        look_left_offset = -16

        Gun.__init__(self, bullet_velocity, delay, damage, ammo, max_ammo,
                     reload_time, accuracy, image_list, gun_x_position,
                     gun_y_position, width, height, look_left_offset)


        self.bullet_image_list = bullet_image_list
    def __init__(self, bullet_image_list):

        sprite_sheet_1 = SpriteSheet("resources/images/Sprite Sheet1.png")
        image_list = [
            sprite_sheet_1.imageAt(pygame.Rect(732, 316, 58, 30)),
            sprite_sheet_1.imageAt(pygame.Rect(811, 315, 84, 40))

        reload_time = 2
        accuracy = .1
        damage = 10
        ammo = 30
        max_ammo = 30
        delay = .8
        bullet_velocity = 1000
        width = 58
        height = 30
        look_left_offset = 16
        gun_x_position = -9.0
        gun_y_position = -13.0

        Gun.__init__(self, bullet_velocity, delay, damage, ammo, max_ammo,
                     reload_time, accuracy, image_list, gun_x_position,
                     gun_y_position, width, height, look_left_offset)

        self.bullet_image_list = bullet_image_list
    def __init__(self, parent, start_position=Vector2(0.0, 0.0)):
        self.width = globals.screen.get_width()
        self.height = globals.screen.get_height()
        self.font = pygame.font.SysFont('arial', 12)

        UIFrame.__init__(self, start_position, self.width, self.height, parent)
        #WorldObject.__init__(self, start_position, self.screen_size_x, self.screen_size_y, velocity, image_list)

        #self.pause_menu = PauseMenu(font, self.screen_size_x, self.screen_size_y, screen)

        # # Make a chat box.
        # self.chat_box = ChatBox(player_heads_up_display=self)

        # Load sprite sheets. = 0
        self.max_health = 0
        crosshair_sheet = SpriteSheet("resources/images/Crosshair Sheet.png")
        sprite_sheet = SpriteSheet("resources/images/Sprite Sheet1.png")

        # Load crosshair.
        self.crosshair = BlitData(crosshair_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(176, 158, 46, 48)))

        # load health bar info
        self.hp_overlay = BlitData(sprite_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(652, 373, 290, 90)), (0, 0))
        self.hp_bar = BlitData(sprite_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(722, 485, 213, 40)), (64, 22))
        self.mana_bar = BlitData(sprite_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(722, 529, 146, 20)), (68, 65), (0, 0, 159, 20))

        # set colorkey so black pixels will be transparent
        # self.image.set_colorkey(BLACK)  # set black to transparent
        # self.image.fill(BLACK)

        # ammo and weapon data
        self.ammo_string = "send me text"
        self.weapon_string = "send me text"
        self.ammo_string_surface = self.font.render(self.ammo_string, True, [255, 255, 255])
        self.weapon_string_surface = self.font.render(self.weapon_string, True, [255, 255, 255])
        self.ammo_blit = BlitData(self.ammo_string_surface,
                                  (globals.screen.get_width() / 1.16, globals.screen.get_height() / 1.11))
        self.weapon_blit = BlitData(self.weapon_string_surface,
                                    (globals.screen.get_width() / 1.16, globals.screen.get_height() / 1.066))
        # order this list in which one you want blit first.  top picture = last in the list.
        #self.blit_list = [self.hp_overlay, self.hp_bar, self.ammo_blit, self.weapon_blit, self.crosshair]
        self.blit_list = [self.hp_overlay, self.hp_bar, self.mana_bar, self.ammo_blit, self.weapon_blit, self.crosshair]
    def __init__(self, bullet_image_list):
        #load image for bigbertha
        image_list = []  # override gun's image list
        sprite_sheet_1 = SpriteSheet("resources/images/Sprite Sheet1.png")
            sprite_sheet_1.imageAt(pygame.Rect(726, 131, 146, 34)))
            sprite_sheet_1.imageAt(pygame.Rect(726, 187, 146, 34)))
        bullet_velocity = 1100
        delay = .8
        damage = 420
        ammo = 10
        max_ammo = 10
        reload_time = 1.5
        accuracy = 0.2

        Gun.__init__(self, bullet_velocity, delay, damage, ammo, max_ammo,
                     reload_time, accuracy, image_list)


        self.bullet_image_list = bullet_image_list
    def __init__(self, bullet_image_list):
        #load image for bigbertha
        image_list = []  # override gun's image list
        sprite_sheet_1 = SpriteSheet("resources/images/Sprite Sheet1.png")
        image_list.append(sprite_sheet_1.imageAt(pygame.Rect(726, 131, 146, 34)))
        image_list.append(sprite_sheet_1.imageAt(pygame.Rect(726, 187, 146, 34)))
        bullet_velocity = 1100
        delay = .8
        damage = 420
        ammo = 10
        max_ammo = 10
        reload_time = 1.5
        accuracy = 0.2

        Gun.__init__(self, bullet_velocity, delay, damage, ammo, max_ammo, reload_time, accuracy, image_list)


        self.bullet_image_list = bullet_image_list
    def __init__(self, bullet_image_list):
        bullet_velocity = 800
        sprite_sheet_1 = SpriteSheet("resources/images/Sprite Sheet1.png")
        image_list = [sprite_sheet_1.imageAt(pygame.Rect(966, 332, 35, 21)),
                      sprite_sheet_1.imageAt(pygame.Rect(471, 93, 102, 40))]
        gun_x_position = 7.0
        gun_y_position = 0.0
        delay = 1
        damage = 5
        ammo = 30
        max_ammo = 30
        reload_time = 2.0
        accuracy = .07
        width = 35
        height = 21
        look_left_offset = -16

        Gun.__init__(self, bullet_velocity, delay, damage, ammo, max_ammo, reload_time, accuracy, image_list,
                     gun_x_position, gun_y_position, width, height, look_left_offset)


        self.bullet_image_list = bullet_image_list
    def __init__(self, bullet_image_list):

        sprite_sheet_1 = SpriteSheet("resources/images/Sprite Sheet1.png")
        image_list = [sprite_sheet_1.imageAt(pygame.Rect(732, 316, 58, 30)),
                      sprite_sheet_1.imageAt(pygame.Rect(811, 315, 84, 40))]

        reload_time = 2
        accuracy = .1
        damage = 10
        ammo = 30
        max_ammo = 30
        delay = .8
        bullet_velocity = 1000
        width = 58
        height = 30
        look_left_offset = 16
        gun_x_position = -9.0
        gun_y_position = -13.0

        Gun.__init__(self, bullet_velocity, delay, damage, ammo, max_ammo, reload_time, accuracy, image_list,
                     gun_x_position, gun_y_position, width, height, look_left_offset)

        self.bullet_image_list = bullet_image_list
    def load_sprite_images(self):
        gets images from sprite sheets

        # sprite sheets
        effectSheet = SpriteSheet("resources/images/Effects Spritesheet.png")
        explosionSheet = SpriteSheet("resources/images/explosion.png")
        lunar_pioneer_sheet = SpriteSheet("resources/images/lunar pioneer.png")
        background_objects_sheet = SpriteSheet("resources/images/grandfather clock.png")
        dust_sheet = SpriteSheet("resources/images/Dust Spritesheet.png")

        self.lightning_animation = [effectSheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(654, 886, 34, 14)),
                                    effectSheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(705, 885, 32, 14)),
                                    effectSheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(750, 872, 62, 40)),
                                    effectSheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(826, 871, 68, 37)),
                                    effectSheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(911, 881, 72, 29))]
        #putting explosion into big bertha
        berthaImage.append(explosionSheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(22, 115, 72, 63)))
        berthaImage.append(explosionSheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(110, 108, 99, 81)))
        berthaImage.append(explosionSheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(384, 116, 103, 88)))
        berthaImage.append(explosionSheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(509, 27, 110, 80)))
        berthaImage.append(explosionSheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(650, 29, 84, 72)))

        #lunar pioneer images
        self.lunar_pioneer_images = [lunar_pioneer_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(35, 25, 20, 20)),
                                     lunar_pioneer_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(101, 26, 20, 20))]
        #grandfather clock images
        self.grandfather_clock = [background_objects_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(7, 12, 18, 71)),
                                  background_objects_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(39, 12, 18, 71)),
                                  background_objects_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(71, 12, 18, 71)),
                                  background_objects_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(39, 12, 18, 71))]
        #spawn images
        self.spawn_animation = [effectSheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(291, 695, 2, 217)),
                                effectSheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(281, 695, 2, 217)),
                                effectSheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(270, 695, 2, 217)),
                                effectSheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(270, 695, 2, 217)),
                                effectSheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(260, 695, 4, 217)),
                                effectSheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(242, 695, 12, 216)),
                                effectSheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(215, 695, 22, 217)),
                                effectSheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(180, 695, 30, 217)),
                                effectSheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(148, 695, 22, 217)),
                                effectSheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(108, 695, 30, 217)),
                                effectSheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(53, 695, 48, 217)),
                                effectSheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(4, 695, 46, 217))]

        self.spawn_animation = normalize_rects(self.spawn_animation)
        #dust cloud
        #dust_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(544, 250, 82, 17))  # this image is just broken for no reason.
        self.dust_cloud = [dust_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(156, 28, 150, 41)),
                           dust_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(351, 20, 189, 58)),
                           dust_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(2, 130, 196, 61)),
                           dust_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(257, 141, 194, 57)),
                           dust_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(3, 230, 198, 57)),
                           dust_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(257, 253, 197, 57))]
    def __init__(self,
        self.screen = screen
        self.always_visible = always_visible
        self.max_chars = max_chars
        self.view_offset = 0  # The part of the text log you're viewing.  0 is the most recent on the bottom.

        # These values move the ChatBox from it's default position at the bottom left hand corner of the screen.
        self.x_offset = x_offset
        self.y_offset = y_offset

        self.hidden = not self.always_visible  # while this is true the ChatBox shouldn't be displayed.
        self.alpha = 255
        self.delaying_to_fade = False
        self.is_fading = False  # while this is true, the ChatBox text is fading to transparency.
        self.fade_delay = 3  # seconds after the ChatBox is deselected until the text starts to fade.
        self.fade_time = 2  # seconds that it fades for after the fadeDelay
        self.last_deselect_time = 0  # time that the fade process started.
        self.last_fade_start_time = 0
        self.selected = False
        self.fade_proportion = 0  # This will hold the proportion to convert the time to terms of opacity (0-255)
        self.font = pygame.font.SysFont('arial', 12)

        self.cursor_blink_time = 1.5  # the cursor will change every half of this number
        self.last_cursor_blink = 0
        self.cursor_is_blinking = False
        self.cursor_surface = self.font.render("|", True, [255, 255, 255])

        self.text_content = []  # list of strings. lower index = older
        self.input = None  # a string of input to send to the textBox.
        self.surface_content = [
        ]  # a list of surface slices. lower index = older
        self.border_offset = 14  # offset text by ten pixels to account for the border of the chatBox
        self.blit_dict = {}
        self.alpha_blit_dict = {}

        temp_sprite_sheet = SpriteSheet("resources/images/Sprite Sheet1.png")
        self.box_image = temp_sprite_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(
            5, 15, 370, 135))
        # this image is cursed to never change color.
        self.unfocused_image = temp_sprite_sheet.imageAt(
            pygame.Rect(6, 158, 368, 130))
        if box_width is not None and box_height is not None:
            self.box_image = pygame.transform.scale(self.box_image,
                                                    (box_width, box_height))
            self.unfocused_image = pygame.transform.scale(
                self.box_image, (box_width, box_height))
        self.image = self.box_image  # everything will be blit onto here.

        self.shift_is_pressed = False

        if hasattr(globals, 'online_game'):
            self.last_message_received = 0
            self.get_new_messages_thread = RepeatTask(1, self.get_new_messages)

        self.player_heads_up_display = player_heads_up_display
        self.last_paused =
    def load_sprite_images(self):
        gets images from sprite sheets

        # sprite sheets
        effectSheet = SpriteSheet("resources/images/Effects Spritesheet.png")
        explosionSheet = SpriteSheet("resources/images/explosion.png")
        lunar_pioneer_sheet = SpriteSheet("resources/images/lunar pioneer.png")
        background_objects_sheet = SpriteSheet(
            "resources/images/grandfather clock.png")
        dust_sheet = SpriteSheet("resources/images/Dust Spritesheet.png")

        self.lightning_animation = [
            effectSheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(654, 886, 34, 14)),
            effectSheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(705, 885, 32, 14)),
            effectSheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(750, 872, 62, 40)),
            effectSheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(826, 871, 68, 37)),
            effectSheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(911, 881, 72, 29))
        #putting explosion into big bertha
        berthaImage.append(explosionSheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(22, 115, 72,
            explosionSheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(110, 108, 99, 81)))
            explosionSheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(384, 116, 103, 88)))
            explosionSheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(509, 27, 110, 80)))
        berthaImage.append(explosionSheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(650, 29, 84,

        #lunar pioneer images
        self.lunar_pioneer_images = [
            lunar_pioneer_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(35, 25, 20, 20)),
            lunar_pioneer_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(101, 26, 20, 20))
        #grandfather clock images
        self.grandfather_clock = [
            background_objects_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(7, 12, 18, 71)),
            background_objects_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(39, 12, 18, 71)),
            background_objects_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(71, 12, 18, 71)),
            background_objects_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(39, 12, 18, 71))
        #spawn images
        self.spawn_animation = [
            effectSheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(291, 695, 2, 217)),
            effectSheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(281, 695, 2, 217)),
            effectSheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(270, 695, 2, 217)),
            effectSheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(270, 695, 2, 217)),
            effectSheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(260, 695, 4, 217)),
            effectSheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(242, 695, 12, 216)),
            effectSheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(215, 695, 22, 217)),
            effectSheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(180, 695, 30, 217)),
            effectSheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(148, 695, 22, 217)),
            effectSheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(108, 695, 30, 217)),
            effectSheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(53, 695, 48, 217)),
            effectSheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(4, 695, 46, 217))

        self.spawn_animation = normalize_rects(self.spawn_animation)
        #dust cloud
        #dust_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(544, 250, 82, 17))  # this image is just broken for no reason.
        self.dust_cloud = [
            dust_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(156, 28, 150, 41)),
            dust_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(351, 20, 189, 58)),
            dust_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(2, 130, 196, 61)),
            dust_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(257, 141, 194, 57)),
            dust_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(3, 230, 198, 57)),
            dust_sheet.imageAt(pygame.Rect(257, 253, 197, 57))