文件: main.py 项目: GauravTiwari07/GT
spy = Spy("Bond", "Mr.", 30, 4.8)

# Assigning our default spy some number of statuses to choose from pool of statuses
spy.pool_of_status = ["I'm Bond", "At your service", "bow down to the king"]

# Assigning our spy some friends
# we create to Spy objects and assign them name "friend1" & "friend2"
# we then add these friends to spy's friend list
friend1 = Spy("Paras", "Mr", 21, 4.99)
friend2 = Spy("holmes", "Mr", 21, 2.99)

# Asking user to continue as the spy we made above
choice = input("Do you want to continue as {} {} (Y or N) ".format(
    spy.get_salutation(), spy.get_name()))

# Checking if user is a default one or not
if choice == "Y" or choice == "y":
    ask_for_info = False
    ask_for_info = True

# if user was not the default one we let the "make_a_spy" method handle the task of collecting spy info
# otherwise welcome him as default spy
if ask_for_info:
    spy = make_a_spy()

# Welcome the spy (We use the spy object and its methods)
print("Welcome {} {} age : {}, rating : {:0.2f}".format(
    spy.get_salutation(), spy.get_name(), spy.get_age(), spy.get_rating()))
# creating a default spy with parameters as under
spy = Spy("Bond", "Mr.", 30, 4.8)

# Assigning our default spy some number of statuses to choose from pool of statuses
spy.pool_of_status = ["I'm Bond", "At your service", "bow down to the king"]

# Assigning our spy some friends
# we create to Spy objects and assign them name "friend1" & "friend2"
# we then add these friends to spy's friend list
friend1 = Spy("Paras", "Mr", 21, 4.99)
friend2 = Spy("Sam", "Mr", 21, 2.99)

# Asking user to continue as the spy we made above
choice = input("Do you want to continue as {} {} (Y or N) ".format(spy.get_salutation(), spy.get_name()))

# Checking if user is a default one or not
if choice == "Y" or choice == "y":
    ask_for_info = False
    ask_for_info = True

# if user was not the default one we let the "make_a_spy" method handle the task of collecting spy info
# otherwise welcome him as default spy
if ask_for_info:
    spy = make_a_spy()

# Welcome the spy (We use the spy object and its methods)
print("Welcome {} {} age : {}, rating : {:0.2f}"
      .format(spy.get_salutation(), spy.get_name(), spy.get_age(), spy.get_rating()))