await v_url.delete() elif video: await v_url.edit(f"`Preparing to upload video:`\ \n**{ytdl_data['title']}**\ \nby *{ytdl_data['uploader']}*") await v_url.client.send_file( v_url.chat_id, f"{ytdl_data['id']}.mp4", supports_streaming=True, caption=ytdl_data['title'], progress_callback=lambda d, t: asyncio.get_event_loop( ).create_task( progress(d, t, v_url, c_time, "Uploading..", f"{ytdl_data['title']}.mp4"))) os.remove(f"{ytdl_data['id']}.mp4") await v_url.delete() MODULE_LIST.append("youtube_dl") SYNTAX.update({ "youtube_dl": "\ **Requested Module --> YouTube Downloader**\ \n\n`.ytv <link>`\ \nUsage: Downloads YouTube video (with audio)\ \n\n`.yta <link>`\ \nUsage: Downloads audio only\ " })
# # Licensed under the Raphielscape Public License, Version 1.c (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # """ Userbot module containing commands related to android""" from sql.global_variables_sql import SYNTAX, MODULE_LIST from telethon import events import re from requests import get from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from userbot import CMD_HELP from userbot.utils import register MODULE_LIST.append("android") GITHUB = '' DEVICES_DATA = '' \ 'certified-android-devices/master/devices.json' @borg.on(events.NewMessage(pattern=r"\.magisk", outgoing=True)) async def magisk(event): if event.fwd_from: return """ magisk latest releases """ magisk_dict = { "Stable": "", "Beta":
# Pirated from Priyam's The TG Bot 2.0 # A clean and beautiful alternative to .help # Syntax (.syntax <module_name>) from telethon import events from userbot.utils import admin_cmd import asyncio from import functions, types from sql.global_variables_sql import SYNTAX, MODULE_LIST MODULE_LIST.append("syntax") @borg.on(admin_cmd(pattern="syntax ?(.*)")) async def _(event): if event.fwd_from: return module = if module: if module in SYNTAX: await event.edit(SYNTAX[module]) else: await event.edit("Please specify a valid module.") else: await event.edit("Please specify a module.\n**Tip: Get a list of all modules using .modules**")
return await ups.edit('`Successfully Updated!\n' 'Restarting, please wait...`') else: # Classic Updater, pretty straightforward. try: ups_rem.pull(ac_br) except GitCommandError: repo.git.reset("--hard", "FETCH_HEAD") reqs_upgrade = await update_requirements() await ups.edit('`Successfully Updated!\n' 'Bot is restarting... Wait for a second!`') # Spin a new instance of bot args = [sys.executable, "-m", "userbot"] execle(sys.executable, *args, environ) return MODULE_LIST.append("PhoeniX Updater") SYNTAX.update({ "PhoeniX Updater": "\ **PhoeniX Updater**\ \n\n• `.update`\ \nUsage: __Checks for OTA update.__\ \n\n• `.update now`\ \nUsage: __Downloads and Installs the OTA update.__\ " })
try: response = conv.wait_event( events.NewMessage(incoming=True, from_users=1124136160)) await event.client.forward_messages(chat, reply_message) response = await response except YouBlockedUserError: await event.reply( "```Please unblock me (@NovelCoronaBot) u N***a```") return if response.text.startswith("Country"): await event.edit( "Something Went Wrong Check [This Post](" ) else: await event.delete() await event.client.send_message(event.chat_id, response.message) MODULE_LIST.append("corona_virus") SYNTAX.update({ "corona_virus": "\ **Get current Corona Virus stats for any country**\ \n\n• `.covid <country name>`\ \n\n• `.corona <as a reply to country name>`\ \n__Usage: First send the name of the country. Then reply__ `.corona` __to the message.__\ \n\nFirst letter of the country name must be capital!!\ " })
"`\"A comma is a short pause, a coma is a long pause.\"`") if x == 95: await event.edit( "`\"Someday you will either not wake up or not go to sleep.\"`") if x == 96: await event.edit( "`\"Bermuda Triangle might be the exit portal of this simulation.\"`" ) if x == 97: await event.edit( "`\"If we put solar panels above parking lots, then our cars wouldn't get hot and we would have a lot of clean energy.\"`" ) MODULE_LIST.append("logical things") SYNTAX.update({ "logical things": "\ **Let's thinks about random logic(s) with the logic module**\ \n\n• `.logic`\ \nUsage: __Brings out a random logical sentence.__\ " })
# Exclusive for PhoeniX Userbot. # By @Techy05 (DON'T REMOVE THESE LINES) ## Don't modify this module from sql.global_variables_sql import SYNTAX, MODULE_LIST, SOLUTION, ERROR_LIST MODULE_LIST.append("errors") SYNTAX.update({ "errors": "\ **Getting errors/problems while using PhoeniX? Or a module isn't working?**\ \nDon't worry, Let's fix them\ \n\n• `.errors`\ \nUsage: __Shows the list of known errors in Userbots__\ \n\n• `.solution <error_name>`\ \nUsage: __Shows the solution for the requested error/problem__\ " }) ERROR_LIST.append("updater not working") SOLUTION.update({ "updater not working": "\ **So, you're having problems with updater. PhoeniX Service will fix it.**\ \n\nERROR: `Unfortunately, the directory /app does not seem to be a git repository.`\ \nSolution: __Use “.update now” and check again if it works.__\ \n__If it still doesn't work, then use “.chl” once.__\ \n\nERROR: `[UPDATER]: Looks like you are using your own custom branch (master). in that case, Updater is unable to identify which branch is to be merged. please checkout to any official branch`\ \nSolution: __Delete PhoeniX repo from your account. Refork__ [PhoeniX]( __Then Manual Deploy from Heroku to fix__\ \nIf you use custom fork, then please don't mess with branches.\ "
@command(pattern="^.clearfilter (.*)") async def on_snip_delete(event): name = remove_filter(event.chat_id, name) await event.edit(f"filter {name} deleted successfully") @command(pattern="^.clearallfilters$") async def on_all_snip_delete(event): remove_all_filters(event.chat_id) await event.edit(f"filters **in current chat** deleted successfully") MODULE_LIST.append("filters") SYNTAX.update({ "filters": "\ **Requested Module --> Filters**\ \n\n• `.savefilter`\ \nUsage: __Saves a filter in the current chat__\ \n\n• `.listfilters`\ \nUsage: __Lists all the filters in the current chat.__\ \n\n• `.clearfilter`\ \nUsage: __Removes a filter in the current chat.__\ \n\n• `.clearallfilters`\ \nUsage: __Removes all the filters in the current chat.__\ " })
return start = await event.edit("Pong!") end = ms = (end - start).microseconds / 1000 await event.edit("Pong!\n{}".format(ms)) @command(pattern="^.alive") async def _(event): if event.fwd_from: return start = await event.edit("Yeah!") end = await event.edit("Yeah! 👍🏻 I'm Alive 🍻") MODULE_LIST.append("ping") SYNTAX.update({ "ping": "\ **Checks if PhoeniX is working or not!!**\ \n\n `.ping`\ \nUsage: __Ping-Pong!!__\ \n\n `.alive`\ \nUsage: __Same as .ping__\ " })
async def get_user_from_id(user, event): if isinstance(user, str): user = int(user) try: user_obj = await event.client.get_entity(user) except (TypeError, ValueError) as err: await event.edit(str(err)) return None return user_obj MODULE_LIST.append("admin") SYNTAX.update({ "admin": "\ **Detailed usage of Function(s) in Admin module -->**\ \n\n• `.promote <username/reply> <custom rank (optional)>`\ \nUsage: __Provides admin rights to the person in the chat.__\ \n\n• `.demote <username/reply>`\ \nUsage: __Revokes the person's admin permissions in the chat.__\ \n\n• `.ban <username/reply> <reason (optional)>`\ \nUsage: __Bans the person off your chat.__\ \n\n• `.unban <username/reply>`\ \nUsage: __Removes the ban from the person in the chat.__\ \n\n• `.mute <username/reply> <reason (optional)>`\ \nUsage: __Mutes the person in the chat, works on admins too.__\ \n\n• `.unmute <username/reply>`\
if len(final_output) > Config.MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE_LIMIT: with io.BytesIO(str.encode(final_output)) as out_file: = "eval.text" await borg.send_file(event.chat_id, out_file, force_document=True, allow_cache=False, caption=cmd, reply_to=reply_to_id) await event.delete() else: await event.edit(final_output) async def aexec(code, event): exec(f'async def __aexec(event): ' + ''.join(f'\n {l}' for l in code.split('\n'))) return await locals()['__aexec'](event) MODULE_LIST.append("evaluate") SYNTAX.update({ "evaluate": "\ **Requested Module --> Evaluate Python Code**\ \n\n• `.evaluate` <python code>\ \nUsage: __Evaluates a python code for syntax errors and gives a detail of the error.__\ " })
user_object = await event.client.get_entity(input_str) user_id = replied_user = await event.client(GetFullUserRequest(user_id)) return replied_user, None except Exception as e: return None, e elif event.is_private: try: user_id = event.chat_id replied_user = await event.client(GetFullUserRequest(user_id)) return replied_user, None except Exception as e: return None, e else: try: user_object = await event.client.get_entity(int(input_str)) user_id = replied_user = await event.client(GetFullUserRequest(user_id)) return replied_user, None except Exception as e: return None, e MODULE_LIST.append("about user") SYNTAX.update({ "about_user": "******" })
afk_since = wday.strftime('%A') elif hours > 1: afk_since = f"`{int(hours)}h{int(minutes)}m` **ago**" elif minutes > 0: afk_since = f"`{int(minutes)}m{int(seconds)}s` **ago**" else: afk_since = f"`{int(seconds)}s` **ago**" msg = None message_to_reply = f"__Master__ {BOSS} __is AFK Right Now.__ Since when, you ask? `{total_afk_time}` Exactly :P" + \ f"\n\nWhen will I be back? ~~Soon~~ __Whenever I feel like it__**( ಠ ʖ̯ ಠ)**\n**REASON**: {reason}" \ if reason \ else f"**Heya!**\n__Master__ {BOSS} __is currently unavailable. Since when, you ask? For {total_afk_time} I guess.__\n\nWhen will I be back? ~~Soon~~ __Whenever I feel like it__**( ಠ ʖ̯ ಠ)** " msg = await event.reply(message_to_reply) await asyncio.sleep(5) if event.chat_id in last_afk_message: # pylint:disable=E0602 await last_afk_message[event.chat_id].delete() # pylint:disable=E0602 last_afk_message[event.chat_id] = msg # pylint:disable=E0602 MODULE_LIST.append("afk") SYNTAX.update({ "afk": "\ **Requested Module --> AFK (Away from Keyboard)**\ \n\n• `afk`\ \nUsage: __You are AFK. Everyone who tag you or PM you automatically gets a reply informing that you are AFK__\ \n\n• `afk <reason>\ \nUsage: __Same as .afk but also tells the reason__\ " })
await borg.forward_messages(chat, reply_message) response = await response except YouBlockedUserError: await event.reply( "```Please unblock @sangmatainfo_bot and try again```") return if response.text.startswith("Forward"): await event.edit( "```can you kindly disable your forward privacy settings for good?```" ) else: if response.text.startswith("Select"): await event.edit( "`Please go to` @DrWebBot `and select your language.`") else: await event.edit( f"**Antivirus scan was completed. I got dem final results.**\n {response.message.message}" ) MODULE_LIST.append("antivirus") SYNTAX.update({ "antivirus": "\ **Requested Module --> Antivirus**\ \n\n `.scan <while replying to a file>`\ \nUsage: __Scans the replied message (file) for viruses.__\ " })
h = [(u[0], u[1], u[2]), (u[0], u[1], ''), (u[0], '', '')] for something in reversed([ y for y in ([ ''.join(x) for x in (f + (s, g, s + s * f.count(''), t), f + (g, s * 2 + s * f.count(''), t), f[:i] + (o, f[i], s * 2 + s * f.count(''), t), f[:i] + (s + s * f.count(''), o, f[i], s, t), f[:i] + (s * 2 + s * f.count(''), o, f[i], t), f[:i] + (s * 3 + s * f.count(''), o, t), f[:i] + (s * 3 + s * f.count(''), g, t)) ] for i, f in enumerate(reversed(h))) ]): for something_else in something: await asyncio.sleep(0.2) try: await message.edit(something_else) except MessageIdInvalidError: return MODULE_LIST.append("dustbin") SYNTAX.update({ "dustbin": "\ **Requested Module --> Dump into Dustbin**\ \n\n• `.bin`\ \nUsage: __Dump food into the bin.__\ " })
def useragent(): """ useragent random setter """ useragents = BeautifulSoup( requests.get( '' 'useragents/explore/operating_system_name/android/').content, 'lxml').findAll('td', {'class': 'useragent'}) user_agent = choice(useragents) return user_agent.text MODULE_LIST.append("direct_link") SYNTAX.update({ "direct_link": "\ **Requested Module --> Direct Link Generator**\ \n\n• `.direct <url>`\ \nUsage: __Generate direct download link from supported URL(s)__\ \n\nSupported websites:\ \nGoogle Drive\ \\ \nCloud Mail\ \nYandex.Disk\ \nAFH\ \nZippyShare\ \nMediaFire\
await event.edit("EVERyBOdy") await asyncio.sleep(0.3) await event.edit("iZ") await asyncio.sleep(0.2) await event.edit("GangSTur") await asyncio.sleep(0.5) await event.edit("UNtIL ") await asyncio.sleep(0.2) await event.edit("I") await asyncio.sleep(0.3) await event.edit("ArRivE") await asyncio.sleep(0.3) await event.edit("🔥🔥🔥") await asyncio.sleep(0.3) await event.edit("EVERyBOdy iZ GangSTur UNtIL I ArRivE 🔥🔥🔥") MODULE_LIST.append("pro_noob") SYNTAX.update({ "pro_noob": "\ **Available commands in pro_noob**\ \n\n`.younoob`\ \n`.menoob`\ \n`.youpro`\ \n`.mepro`\ \n`.gangasta`\ " })
"Looking for Guilty.", "Looking for Guilty..", "Looking for Guilty...", "Getting F.I.R..", "Getting F.I.R...", "**!!Guilty Arrested!!**", "**!! Guilty Arrested !!**", "__user BANNED from TELEGRAM__", "__USER banned FROM telegram__", "__user BANNED from TELEGRAM__", f"***JUSTICE***\n\nPolice has arrested [{firstname}](tg://user?id={idd})!" ] for i in animation_ttl: await asyncio.sleep(animation_interval) await event.edit(animation_chars[i % 37]) MODULE_LIST.append("police") SYNTAX.update({ "police": "\ **Requested Module --> police**\ \n\n`.police`\ \nUsage: Call police, make an FIR. Police will arrest the guilty.\ " })
# By Priyam Kalra # Use .syntax emoji/reactions/ascii to know all commands from telethon import events from userbot.utils import admin_cmd import asyncio from import functions, types from sql.global_variables_sql import SYNTAX, MODULE_LIST MODULE_LIST.append("reactions") MODULE_LIST.append("emojis") MODULE_LIST.append("ascii") emojis = { "yee": "ツ", "happy": "(ʘ‿ʘ)", "veryhappy": "=͟͟͞͞٩(๑☉ᴗ☉)੭ु⁾⁾", "amazed": "ヾ(o✪‿✪o)シ", "crying": "༎ຶ︵༎ຶ", "dicc": "╰U╯☜(◉ɷ◉ )", "fek": "╰U╯\n(‿ˠ‿)", "ded": "✖‿✖", "sad": "⊙︿⊙",
# await event.edit("Restarting [███]...\n`.ping` or `.alive` to check if I am alive after a lil bit.") # await asyncio.sleep(2) await event.edit( "Restarted. Use `.ping` or `.alive` to check if I am alive") await borg.disconnect() # os.execl(sys.executable, sys.executable, *sys.argv) # You probably don't need it but whatever quit() @borg.on(admin_cmd("shutdown")) async def _(event): if event.fwd_from: return await event.edit("Turning off ...Manually turn me on later") await borg.disconnect() MODULE_LIST.append("PhoeniX Tools") SYNTAX.update({ "PhoeniX Tools": "\ **Requested Module --> PhoeniX Developer Tools**\ \n\n• `.restart`\ \nUsage: __Restarts the bot. Takes 2 mins__\ \n\n• `.shutdown`\ \nUsage: __Shut downs the bot.__\ " })
os.remove(downloaded_file_name) else: message = previous_message.message else: message = "SYNTAX: `.iffuci <long text to include>`" url = "" r =, data=message.encode("UTF-8")).json() url = f"{r['key']}" end = ms = (end - start).seconds if r["isUrl"]: nurl = f"{r['key']}" await event.edit( "code is pasted to {} in {} seconds. GoTo Original URL: {}".format( url, ms, nurl)) else: await event.edit("code is pasted to {} in {} seconds".format(url, ms)) MODULE_LIST.append("iffuci") SYNTAX.update({ "iffuci": "\ **IFFUCI is website to store long codes as links.**\ \nThis is a very useful module.\ \n\n• `.iffuci <text>\ \nUsage: __Limit for the text is like infinity. This module will give you a link on which your text is stored.__\ \n\nUseful for storing large changelogs or important codes. But don't delete the link.\ " })
"Telegram HQ: `Hello This is Telegram HQ. Who is this?`\n\nmpSinGH: `Yo this is` @HawkEyesMohak", "Telegram HQ: `Oh Hello Peru Sir!! I Know You Are The Creator Of The Awesome PhoeniX Userbot. How May I Help You?`", f"Telegram HQ: `Oh Hello Peru Sir!! I Know You Are The Creator Of The Awesome PhoeniX Userbot. How May I Help You?`\n\nmpSinGH: `Hello Sir, Please Ban` {BOSS}'s `Telegram Account.`", "Telegram HQ: `May I Know What Did He Do?`", "Telegram HQ: `May I Know What Did He Do?`\n\nmpSinGH: `He tried to use the forbidden .call command and tried connecting to DarkWEB`", "Telegram HQ: `OMG!!! I'll Make Sure That Guy Account Will Get Banned From Telegram Within 24Hrs.`", "Telegram HQ: `OMG!!! I'll Make Sure That Guy Account Will Get Banned From Telegram Within 24Hrs.`\n\nmpSinGH: `Thanks, See You Later Brah.`", "Telegram HQ: `Please Don't Thank Sir. It's Our Duty To Ban These Guys. Thanks For Reporting Him`", "Telegram HQ: `Please Don't Thank Sir. It's Our Duty To Ban These Guys. Thanks For Reporting Him`\n\nmpSinGH: `Okay! See you later`", "Telegram HQ: `Sure Sur. TC Bye Bye :)`", "`Private Call Disconnected.`", f"{BOSS}'s **account will get banned in 24 Hours**", f"{BOSS}'s **account will get banned in 24 Hours**\n\n__Contact__ @HawkEyesMohak __to free up your account.__" ] for i in animation_ttl: await asyncio.sleep(animation_interval) await event.edit(animation_chars[i % 22]) MODULE_LIST.append("call") SYNTAX.update({ "call": "\ **Requested Module --> Private Call**\ \n\n• `.call`\ \nUsage: __Places a Private Call to the forbidden DarkWEB__\ " })
@errors_handler async def selfdestruct(destroy): """ For .sd command, make seflf-destructable messages. """ message = destroy.text counter = int(message[4:6]) text = str(destroy.text[6:]) await destroy.delete() smsg = await destroy.client.send_message(destroy.chat_id, text) await sleep(counter) await smsg.delete() if BOTLOG: await destroy.client.send_message(BOTLOG_CHATID, "Self-destructed successfully") MODULE_LIST.append("purge") MODULE_LIST.append("self_destruct") SYNTAX.update({ "purge": "\ **A paragraph from Dictionary for purge module**\ \n\n• `.purge`\ \nUsage: Purges all messages starting from the reply.\ \n\n• `.purgeme <no of your messages>`\ \nUsage: Deletes specified no of your latest messages.\ \n\n• `.del`\ \nUsage: Deletes the message you replied to.\ \n\n• `.edit <newmessage>`\ \nUsage: Replace your last message with <newmessage>.\ "
AppMinutes = math.floor(AppQuotaUsed % 60) await asyncio.sleep(1.5) return await dyno.edit( "**Dyno Usage**:\n\n" f" -> `Dyno usage for` **{Var.HEROKU_APP_NAME}**:\n" f" • `{AppHours}`**h** `{AppMinutes}`**m** " f"**|** [`{AppPercentage}`**%**]" "\n\n" " -> `Dyno hours quota remaining this month`:\n" f" • `{hours}`**h** `{minutes}`**m** " f"**|** [`{percentage}`**%**]") MODULE_LIST.append("heroku") @command(pattern="^.syntax heroku") async def info(event): await borg.send_message( event.chat_id, "**Info for Module to Manage Heroku:**\n\n`.usage`\nUsage:__Check your heroku dyno hours status.__\n\n`.set var <NEW VAR> <VALUE>`\nUsage: __add new variable or update existing value variable__\n**!!! WARNING !!!, after setting a variable the bot will restart.**\n\n`.get var or .get var <VAR>`\nUsage: __get your existing varibles, use it only on your private group!__\n**This returns all of your private information, please be cautious...**\n\n`.del var <VAR>`\nUsage: __delete existing variable__\n**!!! WARNING !!!, after deleting variable the bot will restarted**" ) await event.delete() def prettyjson(obj, indent=2, maxlinelength=80): """Renders JSON content with indentation and line splits/concatenations to fit maxlinelength. Only dicts, lists and basic types are supported"""
"`Hacking.. 35%\n█████████▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ `", "`Hacking... 43%\n███████████▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ `", "`modifying INFORMATION... 52%\n█████████████▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ `", "`MODIFYING information... 58%\n███████████████▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ `", "`modifying INFORMATION... 69%\n█████████████████▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ `", "`Adding Modules... 84%\n█████████████████████▒▒▒▒ `", "`Adding Finishing Touches... 98%\n████████████████████████▒`", "`HACKED... 100%\n█████████████████████████ `", "`Your Telegram Account Hacked Successfully...`\n__Your userbot will now start spamming everywhere...__\n\n**Pay 25$ To** @TechyNewbie **Or delete and re-deploy your userbot to remove this hack.**" ] for i in animation_ttl: await asyncio.sleep(animation_interval) await event.edit(animation_chars[i % 21]) MODULE_LIST.append("hack") SYNTAX.update({ "hack": "\ **Special Prank module for Hacking**\ \n\n• ```.hack``` (as a reply to message)\ \nUsage: __Hacks the Telegram account of the targeted user.__\ \n\n• ```.gmailhack``` (as a reply to message)\ \nUsage: __Hacks the Google account of the targeted user.__\ " })
# Exclusive module for PhoeniX # By @Techy05 # You should use this module without proper credits # Syntax (.solution <error_name>) from telethon import events from userbot.utils import admin_cmd import asyncio from import functions, types from sql.global_variables_sql import SYNTAX, MODULE_LIST, ERROR, ERROR_LIST MODULE_LIST.append("solution") @borg.on(admin_cmd(pattern="solution ?(.*)")) async def _(event): if event.fwd_from: return err = if err: if err in ERROR: await event.edit(ERROR[err]) else: await event.edit( "No information for this error yet!\n**Tip: Get a list of all errors using .errors**" ) else: await event.edit( "Please specify an error.\n**Tip: Get a list of all errors using .errors**" )
color_name = driver.find_element_by_xpath( '/html/body/div[1]/main/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div/span[2]/input' ).get_attribute('value') await e.edit("`Done...\n100%`") file = './carbon.png' await e.edit("`Uploading..`") await e.client.send_file( e.chat_id, file, caption= "<< `Here's your carbon!` \n **Carbonised by** @PhoeniX_UserBOT.>>\n**Colour Scheme: **`{}`" .format(color_name), force_document=True, reply_to=e.message.reply_to_msg_id, ) os.remove('./Anubis.png') driver.quit() # Removing carbon.png after uploading await e.delete() # Deleting msg MODULE_LIST.append("carbon") SYNTAX.update({ "carbon": "\ **Requested Module --> Carbon**\ ヾ• `.carbon <text>`\ \nUsage: __Carbonises text into a picture. Check it out__\ " })
# For UniBorg # By Priyam Kalra # Syntax (.rmota <device_model>) from sql.global_variables_sql import SYNTAX, MODULE_LIST from telethon import events from import functions, types from uniborg.util import admin_cmd MODULE_LIST.append("rmota") @borg.on(admin_cmd(pattern="rmota ?(.*)")) async def _(event): if event.fwd_from: return input_str = if input_str: if input_str.startswith("RM") or input_str.startswith("CPH"): model = input_str else: await event.edit("**ERROR: Please enter a valid device model name!**") return else: await event.edit("**ERROR: Please enter a valid device model name!**") return bot = "@realmeupdaterbot" await event.edit(f"```Looking for latest OTA for {model}...```") async with borg.conversation(bot) as bot_conv: if True: response = await silently_send_message(bot_conv, "/start")