    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(DatabaseWrapper, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        if 'OPTIONS' in self.settings_dict:
            self.MARS_Connection = self.settings_dict['OPTIONS'].get(
                'MARS_Connection', False)
            self.datefirst = self.settings_dict['OPTIONS'].get('datefirst', 7)
            self.unicode_results = self.settings_dict['OPTIONS'].get(
                'unicode_results', False)

        if _DJANGO_VERSION >= 13:
            self.features = DatabaseFeatures(self)
            raise Exception("The version is %s" % _DJANGO_VERSION)
            self.features = DatabaseFeatures()
        self.client = DatabaseClient(self)
        self.creation = DatabaseCreation(self)
        self.introspection = DatabaseIntrospection(self)
        if _DJANGO_VERSION >= 12:
            self.ops = DatabaseOperations(self)
            self.validation = BaseDatabaseValidation(self)
            self.ops = DatabaseOperations()
            self.validation = BaseDatabaseValidation()

        self.connection = None
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(DatabaseWrapper, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        if 'OPTIONS' in self.settings_dict:
            self.MARS_Connection = self.settings_dict['OPTIONS'].get('MARS_Connection', False)
            self.datefirst = self.settings_dict['OPTIONS'].get('datefirst', 7)
            self.unicode_results = self.settings_dict['OPTIONS'].get('unicode_results', False)

        if _DJANGO_VERSION >= 13:
            self.features = DatabaseFeatures(self)
            raise Exception("The version is %s" % _DJANGO_VERSION)
            self.features = DatabaseFeatures()
        self.client = DatabaseClient(self)
        self.creation = DatabaseCreation(self)
        self.introspection = DatabaseIntrospection(self)
        if _DJANGO_VERSION >= 12:
            self.ops = DatabaseOperations(self)
            self.validation = BaseDatabaseValidation(self)
            self.ops = DatabaseOperations()
            self.validation = BaseDatabaseValidation()

        self.connection = None
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(DatabaseWrapper, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        opts = self.settings_dict["OPTIONS"]

        # capability for multiple result sets or cursors
        self.supports_mars = False
        self.open_cursor = None

        # Some drivers need unicode encoded as UTF8. If this is left as
        # None, it will be determined based on the driver, namely it'll be
        # False if the driver is a windows driver and True otherwise.
        # However, recent versions of FreeTDS and pyodbc (0.91 and 3.0.6 as
        # of writing) are perfectly okay being fed unicode, which is why
        # this option is configurable.
        if 'driver_needs_utf8' in opts:
            self.driver_charset = 'utf-8'
            self.driver_charset = opts.get('driver_charset', None)

        # data type compatibility to databases created by old django-pyodbc
        self.use_legacy_datetime = opts.get('use_legacy_datetime', False)

        # interval to wait for recovery from network error
        interval = opts.get('connection_recovery_interval_msec', 0.0)
        self.connection_recovery_interval_msec = float(interval) / 1000

        # make lookup operators to be collation-sensitive if needed
        collation = opts.get('collation', None)
        if collation:
            self.operators = dict(self.__class__.operators)
            ops = {}
            for op in self.operators:
                sql = self.operators[op]
                if sql.startswith('LIKE '):
                    ops[op] = '%s COLLATE %s' % (sql, collation)

        self.features = DatabaseFeatures(self)
        self.ops = DatabaseOperations(self)
        self.client = DatabaseClient(self)
        self.creation = DatabaseCreation(self)
        self.introspection = DatabaseIntrospection(self)
        self.validation = BaseDatabaseValidation(self)
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(DatabaseWrapper, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        opts = self.settings_dict["OPTIONS"]

        # capability for multiple result sets or cursors
        self.supports_mars = False

        # Some drivers need unicode encoded as UTF8. If this is left as
        # None, it will be determined based on the driver, namely it'll be
        # False if the driver is a windows driver and True otherwise.
        # However, recent versions of FreeTDS and pyodbc (0.91 and 3.0.6 as
        # of writing) are perfectly okay being fed unicode, which is why
        # this option is configurable.
        if 'driver_needs_utf8' in opts:
            self.driver_charset = 'utf-8'
            self.driver_charset = opts.get('driver_charset', None)

        # data type compatibility to databases created by old django-pyodbc
        self.use_legacy_datetime = opts.get('use_legacy_datetime', False)

        # interval to wait for recovery from network error
        interval = opts.get('connection_recovery_interval_msec', 0.0)
        self.connection_recovery_interval_msec = float(interval) / 1000

        # make lookup operators to be collation-sensitive if needed
        collation = opts.get('collation', None)
        if collation:
            self.operators = dict(self.__class__.operators)
            ops = {}
            for op in self.operators:
                sql = self.operators[op]
                if sql.startswith('LIKE '):
                    ops[op] = '%s COLLATE %s' % (sql, collation)

        self.features = DatabaseFeatures(self)
        self.ops = DatabaseOperations(self)
        self.client = DatabaseClient(self)
        self.creation = DatabaseCreation(self)
        self.introspection = DatabaseIntrospection(self)
        self.validation = BaseDatabaseValidation(self)
class DatabaseWrapper(BaseDatabaseWrapper):
    drv_name = None
    driver_needs_utf8 = None
    MARS_Connection = False
    unicode_results = False
    datefirst = 7

    # Collations:       http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms184391.aspx
    #                   http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms179886.aspx
    # T-SQL LIKE:       http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms179859.aspx
    # Full-Text search: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms142571.aspx
    #   CONTAINS:       http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms187787.aspx
    #   FREETEXT:       http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms176078.aspx

    operators = {
        # Since '=' is used not only for string comparision there is no way
        # to make it case (in)sensitive. It will simply fallback to the
        # database collation.
        'exact': '= %s',
        'iexact': "= UPPER(%s)",
        'contains': "LIKE %s ESCAPE '\\' COLLATE " + collation,
        'icontains': "LIKE UPPER(%s) ESCAPE '\\' COLLATE "+ collation,
        'gt': '> %s',
        'gte': '>= %s',
        'lt': '< %s',
        'lte': '<= %s',
        'startswith': "LIKE %s ESCAPE '\\' COLLATE " + collation,
        'endswith': "LIKE %s ESCAPE '\\' COLLATE " + collation,
        'istartswith': "LIKE UPPER(%s) ESCAPE '\\' COLLATE " + collation,
        'iendswith': "LIKE UPPER(%s) ESCAPE '\\' COLLATE " + collation,

        # TODO: remove, keep native T-SQL LIKE wildcards support
        # or use a "compatibility layer" and replace '*' with '%'
        # and '.' with '_'
        'regex': 'LIKE %s COLLATE ' + collation,
        'iregex': 'LIKE %s COLLATE ' + collation,

        # TODO: freetext, full-text contains...

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(DatabaseWrapper, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        if 'OPTIONS' in self.settings_dict:
            self.MARS_Connection = self.settings_dict['OPTIONS'].get('MARS_Connection', False)
            self.datefirst = self.settings_dict['OPTIONS'].get('datefirst', 7)
            self.unicode_results = self.settings_dict['OPTIONS'].get('unicode_results', False)

        if _DJANGO_VERSION >= 13:
            self.features = DatabaseFeatures(self)
            raise Exception("The version is %s" % _DJANGO_VERSION)
            self.features = DatabaseFeatures()
        self.client = DatabaseClient(self)
        self.creation = DatabaseCreation(self)
        self.introspection = DatabaseIntrospection(self)
        if _DJANGO_VERSION >= 12:
            self.ops = DatabaseOperations(self)
            self.validation = BaseDatabaseValidation(self)
            self.ops = DatabaseOperations()
            self.validation = BaseDatabaseValidation()

        self.connection = None

    def _cursor(self):
        new_conn = False
        settings_dict = self.settings_dict
        db_str, user_str, passwd_str, port_str = None, None, None, None
        if _DJANGO_VERSION >= 12:
            options = settings_dict['OPTIONS']
            if settings_dict['NAME']:
                db_str = settings_dict['NAME']
            if settings_dict['HOST']:
                host_str = settings_dict['HOST']
                host_str = 'localhost'
            if settings_dict['USER']:
                user_str = settings_dict['USER']
            if settings_dict['PASSWORD']:
                passwd_str = settings_dict['PASSWORD']
            if settings_dict['PORT']:
                port_str = settings_dict['PORT']
            options = settings_dict['DATABASE_OPTIONS']
            if settings_dict['DATABASE_NAME']:
                db_str = settings_dict['DATABASE_NAME']
            if settings_dict['DATABASE_HOST']:
                host_str = settings_dict['DATABASE_HOST']
                host_str = 'localhost'
            if settings_dict['DATABASE_USER']:
                user_str = settings_dict['DATABASE_USER']
            if settings_dict['DATABASE_PASSWORD']:
                passwd_str = settings_dict['DATABASE_PASSWORD']
            if settings_dict['DATABASE_PORT']:
                port_str = settings_dict['DATABASE_PORT']
        if self.connection is None:
            new_conn = True
            if not db_str:
                from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
                raise ImproperlyConfigured('You need to specify NAME in your Django settings file.')

            cstr_parts = []
            if 'driver' in options:
                driver = options['driver']
                if os.name == 'nt':
                    driver = 'SQL Server'
                    driver = 'FreeTDS'

            if 'dsn' in options:
                cstr_parts.append('DSN=%s' % options['dsn'])
                # Only append DRIVER if DATABASE_ODBC_DSN hasn't been set
                cstr_parts.append('DRIVER={%s}' % driver)
                if os.name == 'nt' or driver == 'FreeTDS' and \
                        options.get('host_is_server', False):
                    if port_str:
                        host_str += ',%s' % port_str
                    cstr_parts.append('SERVER=%s' % host_str)
                    cstr_parts.append('SERVERNAME=%s' % host_str)

            if user_str:
                cstr_parts.append('UID=%s;PWD=%s' % (user_str, passwd_str))
                if driver in ('SQL Server', 'SQL Native Client'):
                    cstr_parts.append('Integrated Security=SSPI')

            cstr_parts.append('DATABASE=%s' % db_str)

            if self.MARS_Connection:
            if 'extra_params' in options:

            connstr = ';'.join(cstr_parts)
            autocommit = options.get('autocommit', False)
            if self.unicode_results:
                self.connection = Database.connect(connstr, \
                        autocommit=autocommit, \
                self.connection = Database.connect(connstr, \

        cursor = self.connection.cursor()
        if new_conn:
            # Set date format for the connection. Also, make sure Sunday is
            # considered the first day of the week (to be consistent with the
            # Django convention for the 'week_day' Django lookup) if the user
            # hasn't told us otherwise
            cursor.execute("SET DATEFORMAT ymd; SET DATEFIRST %s" % self.datefirst)
            if self.ops._get_sql_server_ver(self.connection) < 2005:
                self.creation.data_types['TextField'] = 'ntext'

            if self.driver_needs_utf8 is None:
                self.driver_needs_utf8 = True
                self.drv_name = self.connection.getinfo(Database.SQL_DRIVER_NAME).upper()
                if self.drv_name in ('SQLSRV32.DLL', 'SQLNCLI.DLL', 'SQLNCLI10.DLL'):
                    self.driver_needs_utf8 = False

                # http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms131686.aspx
                if self.ops._get_sql_server_ver(self.connection) >= 2005 and self.drv_name in ('SQLNCLI.DLL', 'SQLNCLI10.DLL') and self.MARS_Connection:
                    # How to to activate it: Add 'MARS_Connection': True
                    # to the DATABASE_OPTIONS dictionary setting
                    self.features.can_use_chunked_reads = True

            # FreeTDS can't execute some sql queries like CREATE DATABASE etc.
            # in multi-statement, so we need to commit the above SQL sentence(s)
            # to avoid this
            if self.drv_name.startswith('LIBTDSODBC') and not self.connection.autocommit:

        return CursorWrapper(cursor, self.driver_needs_utf8)
class DatabaseWrapper(BaseDatabaseWrapper):
    drv_name = None
    driver_needs_utf8 = None
    MARS_Connection = False
    unicode_results = False
    datefirst = 7

    # Collations:       http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms184391.aspx
    #                   http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms179886.aspx
    # T-SQL LIKE:       http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms179859.aspx
    # Full-Text search: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms142571.aspx
    #   CONTAINS:       http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms187787.aspx
    #   FREETEXT:       http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms176078.aspx

    operators = {
        # Since '=' is used not only for string comparision there is no way
        # to make it case (in)sensitive. It will simply fallback to the
        # database collation.
        'exact': '= %s',
        'iexact': "= UPPER(%s)",
        'contains': "LIKE %s ESCAPE '\\' COLLATE " + collation,
        'icontains': "LIKE UPPER(%s) ESCAPE '\\' COLLATE " + collation,
        'gt': '> %s',
        'gte': '>= %s',
        'lt': '< %s',
        'lte': '<= %s',
        'startswith': "LIKE %s ESCAPE '\\' COLLATE " + collation,
        'endswith': "LIKE %s ESCAPE '\\' COLLATE " + collation,
        'istartswith': "LIKE UPPER(%s) ESCAPE '\\' COLLATE " + collation,
        'iendswith': "LIKE UPPER(%s) ESCAPE '\\' COLLATE " + collation,

        # TODO: remove, keep native T-SQL LIKE wildcards support
        # or use a "compatibility layer" and replace '*' with '%'
        # and '.' with '_'
        'regex': 'LIKE %s COLLATE ' + collation,
        'iregex': 'LIKE %s COLLATE ' + collation,

        # TODO: freetext, full-text contains...

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(DatabaseWrapper, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        if 'OPTIONS' in self.settings_dict:
            self.MARS_Connection = self.settings_dict['OPTIONS'].get(
                'MARS_Connection', False)
            self.datefirst = self.settings_dict['OPTIONS'].get('datefirst', 7)
            self.unicode_results = self.settings_dict['OPTIONS'].get(
                'unicode_results', False)

        self.features = DatabaseFeatures()
        self.ops = DatabaseOperations()
        self.client = DatabaseClient(self)
        self.creation = DatabaseCreation(self)
        self.introspection = DatabaseIntrospection(self)
        if _DJANGO_VERSION >= 12:
            self.validation = BaseDatabaseValidation(self)
            self.validation = BaseDatabaseValidation()

        self.connection = None

    def _cursor(self):
        new_conn = False
        settings_dict = self.settings_dict
        db_str, user_str, passwd_str, port_str = None, None, None, None
        if _DJANGO_VERSION >= 12:
            options = settings_dict['OPTIONS']
            if settings_dict['NAME']:
                db_str = settings_dict['NAME']
            if settings_dict['HOST']:
                host_str = settings_dict['HOST']
                host_str = 'localhost'
            if settings_dict['USER']:
                user_str = settings_dict['USER']
            if settings_dict['PASSWORD']:
                passwd_str = settings_dict['PASSWORD']
            if settings_dict['PORT']:
                port_str = settings_dict['PORT']
            options = settings_dict['DATABASE_OPTIONS']
            if settings_dict['DATABASE_NAME']:
                db_str = settings_dict['DATABASE_NAME']
            if settings_dict['DATABASE_HOST']:
                host_str = settings_dict['DATABASE_HOST']
                host_str = 'localhost'
            if settings_dict['DATABASE_USER']:
                user_str = settings_dict['DATABASE_USER']
            if settings_dict['DATABASE_PASSWORD']:
                passwd_str = settings_dict['DATABASE_PASSWORD']
            if settings_dict['DATABASE_PORT']:
                port_str = settings_dict['DATABASE_PORT']
        if self.connection is None:
            new_conn = True
            if not db_str:
                from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
                raise ImproperlyConfigured(
                    'You need to specify NAME in your Django settings file.')

            cstr_parts = []
            if 'driver' in options:
                driver = options['driver']
                if os.name == 'nt':
                    driver = 'SQL Server'
                    driver = 'FreeTDS'

            if 'dsn' in options:
                cstr_parts.append('DSN=%s' % options['dsn'])
                # Only append DRIVER if DATABASE_ODBC_DSN hasn't been set
                cstr_parts.append('DRIVER={%s}' % driver)

                if os.name == 'nt' or driver == 'FreeTDS' and \
                        options.get('host_is_server', False):
                    if port_str:
                        host_str += ',%s' % port_str
                    cstr_parts.append('SERVER=%s' % host_str)
                    cstr_parts.append('SERVERNAME=%s' % host_str)

            if user_str:
                cstr_parts.append('UID=%s;PWD=%s' % (user_str, passwd_str))
                if driver in ('SQL Server', 'SQL Native Client'):
                    cstr_parts.append('Integrated Security=SSPI')

            cstr_parts.append('DATABASE=%s' % db_str)

            if self.MARS_Connection:

            if 'extra_params' in options:

            connstr = ';'.join(cstr_parts)
            autocommit = options.get('autocommit', False)
            if self.unicode_results:
                self.connection = Database.connect(connstr, \
                        autocommit=autocommit, \
                self.connection = Database.connect(connstr, \

        cursor = self.connection.cursor()
        if new_conn:
            # Set date format for the connection. Also, make sure Sunday is
            # considered the first day of the week (to be consistent with the
            # Django convention for the 'week_day' Django lookup) if the user
            # hasn't told us otherwise
            cursor.execute("SET DATEFORMAT ymd; SET DATEFIRST %s" %
            if self.ops._get_sql_server_ver(self.connection) < 2005:
                self.creation.data_types['TextField'] = 'ntext'

            if self.driver_needs_utf8 is None:
                self.driver_needs_utf8 = True
                self.drv_name = self.connection.getinfo(
                if self.drv_name in ('SQLSRV32.DLL', 'SQLNCLI.DLL',
                    self.driver_needs_utf8 = False

                # http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms131686.aspx
                if self.ops._get_sql_server_ver(
                        self.connection) >= 2005 and self.drv_name in (
                            'SQLNCLI10.DLL') and self.MARS_Connection:
                    # How to to activate it: Add 'MARS_Connection': True
                    # to the DATABASE_OPTIONS dictionary setting
                    self.features.can_use_chunked_reads = True

            # FreeTDS can't execute some sql queries like CREATE DATABASE etc.
            # in multi-statement, so we need to commit the above SQL sentence(s)
            # to avoid this
            if self.drv_name.startswith(
                    'LIBTDSODBC') and not self.connection.autocommit:

        return CursorWrapper(cursor, self.driver_needs_utf8)
class DatabaseWrapper(BaseDatabaseWrapper):
    vendor = 'microsoft'
    # This dictionary maps Field objects to their associated MS SQL column
    # types, as strings. Column-type strings can contain format strings; they'll
    # be interpolated against the values of Field.__dict__ before being output.
    # If a column type is set to None, it won't be included in the output.
    data_types = {
        'AutoField':         'int IDENTITY (1, 1)',
        'BigIntegerField':   'bigint',
        'BinaryField':       'varbinary(max)',
        'BooleanField':      'bit',
        'CharField':         'nvarchar(%(max_length)s)',
        'CommaSeparatedIntegerField': 'nvarchar(%(max_length)s)',
        'DateField':         'date',
        'DateTimeField':     'datetime2',
        'DecimalField':      'numeric(%(max_digits)s, %(decimal_places)s)',
        'DurationField':     'bigint',
        'FileField':         'nvarchar(%(max_length)s)',
        'FilePathField':     'nvarchar(%(max_length)s)',
        'FloatField':        'double precision',
        'IntegerField':      'int',
        'IPAddressField':    'nvarchar(15)',
        'GenericIPAddressField': 'nvarchar(39)',
        'NullBooleanField':  'bit',
        'OneToOneField':     'int',
        'PositiveIntegerField': 'int',
        'PositiveSmallIntegerField': 'smallint',
        'SlugField':         'nvarchar(%(max_length)s)',
        'SmallIntegerField': 'smallint',
        'TextField':         'nvarchar(max)',
        'TimeField':         'time',
        'UUIDField':         'char(32)',
    data_type_check_constraints = {
        'PositiveIntegerField': '[%(column)s] >= 0',
        'PositiveSmallIntegerField': '[%(column)s] >= 0',
    operators = {
        # Since '=' is used not only for string comparision there is no way
        # to make it case (in)sensitive.
        'exact': '= %s',
        'iexact': "= UPPER(%s)",
        'contains': "LIKE %s ESCAPE '\\'",
        'icontains': "LIKE UPPER(%s) ESCAPE '\\'",
        'gt': '> %s',
        'gte': '>= %s',
        'lt': '< %s',
        'lte': '<= %s',
        'startswith': "LIKE %s ESCAPE '\\'",
        'endswith': "LIKE %s ESCAPE '\\'",
        'istartswith': "LIKE UPPER(%s) ESCAPE '\\'",
        'iendswith': "LIKE UPPER(%s) ESCAPE '\\'",

    # The patterns below are used to generate SQL pattern lookup clauses when
    # the right-hand side of the lookup isn't a raw string (it might be an expression
    # or the result of a bilateral transformation).
    # In those cases, special characters for LIKE operators (e.g. \, *, _) should be
    # escaped on database side.
    # Note: we use str.format() here for readability as '%' is used as a wildcard for
    # the LIKE operator.
    pattern_esc = r"REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE({}, '\', '\\'), '%%', '\%%'), '_', '\_')"
    pattern_ops = {
        'contains': "LIKE '%%' + {} + '%%'",
        'icontains': "LIKE '%%' + UPPER({}) + '%%'",
        'startswith': "LIKE {} + '%%'",
        'istartswith': "LIKE UPPER({}) + '%%'",
        'endswith': "LIKE '%%' + {}",
        'iendswith': "LIKE '%%' + UPPER({})",

    Database = Database
    SchemaEditorClass = DatabaseSchemaEditor

    _codes_for_networkerror = (
    _sql_server_versions = {
        9: 2005,
        10: 2008,
        11: 2012,
        12: 2014,

    # https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/sql-database-develop-csharp-retry-windows/
    _transient_error_numbers = (

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(DatabaseWrapper, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        opts = self.settings_dict["OPTIONS"]

        # capability for multiple result sets or cursors
        self.supports_mars = False

        # Some drivers need unicode encoded as UTF8. If this is left as
        # None, it will be determined based on the driver, namely it'll be
        # False if the driver is a windows driver and True otherwise.
        # However, recent versions of FreeTDS and pyodbc (0.91 and 3.0.6 as
        # of writing) are perfectly okay being fed unicode, which is why
        # this option is configurable.
        if 'driver_needs_utf8' in opts:
            self.driver_charset = 'utf-8'
            self.driver_charset = opts.get('driver_charset', None)

        # data type compatibility to databases created by old django-pyodbc
        self.use_legacy_datetime = opts.get('use_legacy_datetime', False)

        # interval to wait for recovery from network error
        interval = opts.get('connection_recovery_interval_msec', 0.0)
        self.connection_recovery_interval_msec = float(interval) / 1000

        # make lookup operators to be collation-sensitive if needed
        collation = opts.get('collation', None)
        if collation:
            self.operators = dict(self.__class__.operators)
            ops = {}
            for op in self.operators:
                sql = self.operators[op]
                if sql.startswith('LIKE '):
                    ops[op] = '%s COLLATE %s' % (sql, collation)

        self.features = DatabaseFeatures(self)
        self.ops = DatabaseOperations(self)
        self.client = DatabaseClient(self)
        self.creation = DatabaseCreation(self)
        self.introspection = DatabaseIntrospection(self)
        self.validation = BaseDatabaseValidation(self)

    def create_cursor(self):
        return CursorWrapper(self.connection.cursor(), self)

    def get_connection_params(self):
        settings_dict = self.settings_dict
        if settings_dict['NAME'] == '':
            from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
            raise ImproperlyConfigured(
                "settings.DATABASES is improperly configured. "
                "Please supply the NAME value.")
        conn_params = settings_dict.copy()
        if conn_params['NAME'] is None:
            conn_params['NAME'] = 'master'
        return conn_params

    def get_new_connection(self, conn_params):
        database = conn_params['NAME']
        host = conn_params.get('HOST', 'localhost')
        user = conn_params.get('USER', None)
        password = conn_params.get('PASSWORD', None)
        port = conn_params.get('PORT', None)

        default_driver = 'SQL Server' if os.name == 'nt' else 'FreeTDS'
        options = conn_params.get('OPTIONS', {})
        driver = options.get('driver', default_driver)
        dsn = options.get('dsn', None)

        # unixODBC uses string 'FreeTDS'; iODBC requires full path to lib
        if driver == 'FreeTDS' or driver.endswith('/libtdsodbc.so'):
            driver_is_freetds = True
            driver_is_freetds = False

        # Microsoft driver names assumed here are:
        # * SQL Server
        # * SQL Native Client
        # * SQL Server Native Client 10.0/11.0
        # * ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server
        ms_drivers = re.compile('.*SQL (Server$|(Server )?Native Client)')

        cstr_parts = []
        if dsn:
            cstr_parts.append('DSN=%s' % dsn)
            # Only append DRIVER if DATABASE_ODBC_DSN hasn't been set
            if os.path.isabs(driver):
                cstr_parts.append('DRIVER=%s' % driver) # iODBC compatible
                cstr_parts.append('DRIVER={%s}' % driver)

            if ms_drivers.match(driver) or driver_is_freetds and \
                options.get('host_is_server', False):
                if port:
                    host += ';PORT=%s' % port
                cstr_parts.append('SERVER=%s' % host)
                cstr_parts.append('SERVERNAME=%s' % host)

        if user:
            cstr_parts.append('UID=%s;PWD=%s' % (user, password))
            if ms_drivers.match(driver):
                cstr_parts.append('Integrated Security=SSPI')

        cstr_parts.append('DATABASE=%s' % database)

        if ms_drivers.match(driver) and not driver == 'SQL Server':
            self.supports_mars = True
        if self.supports_mars:
        if options.get('extra_params', None):

        connstr = ';'.join(cstr_parts)
        unicode_results = options.get('unicode_results', False)
        timeout = options.get('connection_timeout', 0)
        retries = options.get('connection_retries', 5)
        backoff_time = options.get('connection_retry_backoff_time', 5)

        conn = None
        retry_count = 0
        need_to_retry = False
        while conn is None:
                conn = Database.connect(connstr,
            except Exception as e:
                for error_number in self._transient_error_numbers:
                    if error_number in e.args[1]:
                        if error_number in e.args[1] and retry_count < retries:
                            need_to_retry = True
                            retry_count = retry_count + 1
                            need_to_retry = False
                if not need_to_retry:

        return conn

    def init_connection_state(self):
        drv_name = self.connection.getinfo(Database.SQL_DRIVER_NAME).upper()
        driver_is_freetds = drv_name.startswith('LIBTDSODBC')
        driver_is_sqlsrv32 = drv_name == 'SQLSRV32.DLL'

        if driver_is_freetds:
            self.supports_mars = False
                drv_ver = self.connection.getinfo(Database.SQL_DRIVER_VER)
                ver = tuple(map(int, drv_ver.split('.')[:2]))
                if ver < (0, 95):
                    # FreeTDS can't execute some sql queries like CREATE DATABASE etc.
                    # in multi-statement, so we need to commit the above SQL sentence(s)
                    # to avoid this
                # unknown driver version
        elif driver_is_sqlsrv32:
            self.supports_mars = False

        ms_drv_names = re.compile('^(LIB)?(SQLN?CLI|MSODBCSQL)')

        if driver_is_sqlsrv32 or ms_drv_names.match(drv_name):
            self.driver_charset = None

        # http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms131686.aspx
        if self.supports_mars and ms_drv_names.match(drv_name):
            self.features.can_use_chunked_reads = True

        if self.sql_server_version < 2008:
            self.features.has_bulk_insert = False

        settings_dict = self.settings_dict
        cursor = self.create_cursor()

        # Set date format for the connection. Also, make sure Sunday is
        # considered the first day of the week (to be consistent with the
        # Django convention for the 'week_day' Django lookup) if the user
        # hasn't told us otherwise
        options = settings_dict.get('OPTIONS', {})
        datefirst = options.get('datefirst', 7)
        cursor.execute('SET DATEFORMAT ymd; SET DATEFIRST %s' % datefirst)

        # http://blogs.msdn.com/b/sqlnativeclient/archive/2008/02/27/microsoft-sql-server-native-client-and-microsoft-sql-server-2008-native-client.aspx
            val = cursor.execute('SELECT SYSDATETIME()').fetchone()[0]
            if isinstance(val, text_type):
                # the driver doesn't support the modern datetime types
                self.use_legacy_datetime = True
            # the server doesn't support the modern datetime types
            self.use_legacy_datetime = True
        if self.use_legacy_datetime:
            self.features.supports_microsecond_precision = False

    def is_usable(self):
            self.create_cursor().execute("SELECT 1")
        except Database.Error:
            return False
            return True

    def schema_editor(self, *args, **kwargs):
        "Returns a new instance of this backend's SchemaEditor"
        return DatabaseSchemaEditor(self, *args, **kwargs)

    def sql_server_version(self):
        with self.temporary_connection() as cursor:
            cursor.execute("SELECT CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion') AS varchar)")
            ver = cursor.fetchone()[0]
            ver = int(ver.split('.')[0])
            if not ver in self._sql_server_versions:
                raise NotImplementedError('SQL Server v%d is not supported.' % ver)
            return self._sql_server_versions[ver]

    def to_azure_sql_db(self):
        with self.temporary_connection() as cursor:
            cursor.execute("SELECT CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('EngineEdition') AS integer)")
            return cursor.fetchone()[0] == EDITION_AZURE_SQL_DB

    def _execute_foreach(self, sql, table_names=None):
        cursor = self.cursor()
        if table_names is None:
            table_names = self.introspection.table_names(cursor)
        for table_name in table_names:
            cursor.execute(sql % self.ops.quote_name(table_name))

    def _get_trancount(self):
        with self.connection.cursor() as cursor:
            return cursor.execute('SELECT @@TRANCOUNT').fetchone()[0]

    def _on_error(self, e):
        if e.args[0] in self._codes_for_networkerror:
                # close the stale connection
                # wait a moment for recovery from network error
            self.connection = None

    def _savepoint(self, sid):
        with self.cursor() as cursor:
            cursor.execute('SELECT @@TRANCOUNT')
            trancount = cursor.fetchone()[0]
            if trancount == 0:

    def _savepoint_commit(self, sid):
        # SQL Server has no support for partial commit in a transaction

    def _savepoint_rollback(self, sid):
        with self.cursor() as cursor:
            # FreeTDS v0.95 requires TRANCOUNT that is greater than 0
            cursor.execute('SELECT @@TRANCOUNT')
            trancount = cursor.fetchone()[0]
            if trancount > 0:

    def _set_autocommit(self, autocommit):
        with self.wrap_database_errors:
            allowed = not autocommit
            if not allowed:
                # FreeTDS v0.95 requires TRANCOUNT that is greater than 0
                allowed = self._get_trancount() > 0
            if allowed:
                self.connection.autocommit = autocommit

    def _use_legacy_datetime(self):
        for field in ('DateField', 'DateTimeField', 'TimeField'):
            self.data_types[field] = 'datetime'

    def check_constraints(self, table_names=None):
        self._execute_foreach('ALTER TABLE %s WITH CHECK CHECK CONSTRAINT ALL',

    def disable_constraint_checking(self):
        # Azure SQL Database doesn't support sp_msforeachtable
        #cursor.execute('EXEC sp_msforeachtable "ALTER TABLE ? NOCHECK CONSTRAINT ALL"')
        if not self.needs_rollback:
            self._execute_foreach('ALTER TABLE %s NOCHECK CONSTRAINT ALL')
        return not self.needs_rollback

    def enable_constraint_checking(self):
        # Azure SQL Database doesn't support sp_msforeachtable
        #cursor.execute('EXEC sp_msforeachtable "ALTER TABLE ? WITH CHECK CHECK CONSTRAINT ALL"')
        if not self.needs_rollback:
class DatabaseWrapper(BaseDatabaseWrapper):
    vendor = "microsoft"
    operators = {
        # Since '=' is used not only for string comparision there is no way
        # to make it case (in)sensitive.
        "exact": "= %s",
        "iexact": "= UPPER(%s)",
        "contains": "LIKE %s ESCAPE '\\'",
        "icontains": "LIKE UPPER(%s) ESCAPE '\\'",
        "gt": "> %s",
        "gte": ">= %s",
        "lt": "< %s",
        "lte": "<= %s",
        "startswith": "LIKE %s ESCAPE '\\'",
        "endswith": "LIKE %s ESCAPE '\\'",
        "istartswith": "LIKE UPPER(%s) ESCAPE '\\'",
        "iendswith": "LIKE UPPER(%s) ESCAPE '\\'",
    _codes_for_networkerror = ("08S01", "08S02")
    _sql_server_versions = {9: 2005, 10: 2008, 11: 2012}

    Database = Database

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(DatabaseWrapper, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        opts = self.settings_dict["OPTIONS"]

        # capability for multiple result sets or cursors
        self.supports_mars = opts.get("MARS_Connection", False)
        self.open_cursor = None

        # Some drivers need unicode encoded as UTF8. If this is left as
        # None, it will be determined based on the driver, namely it'll be
        # False if the driver is a windows driver and True otherwise.
        # However, recent versions of FreeTDS and pyodbc (0.91 and 3.0.6 as
        # of writing) are perfectly okay being fed unicode, which is why
        # this option is configurable.
        self.driver_needs_utf8 = opts.get("driver_needs_utf8", False)

        # data type compatibility to databases created by old django-pyodbc
        self.use_legacy_datetime = opts.get("use_legacy_datetime", False)

        # interval to wait for recovery from network error
        interval = opts.get("connection_recovery_interval_msec", 0.0)
        self.connection_recovery_interval_msec = float(interval) / 1000

        # make lookup operators to be collation-sensitive if needed
        collation = opts.get("collation", None)
        if collation:
            self.operators = dict(self.__class__.operators)
            ops = {}
            for op in self.operators:
                sql = self.operators[op]
                if sql.startswith("LIKE "):
                    ops[op] = "%s COLLATE %s" % (sql, collation)

        self.features = DatabaseFeatures(self)
        self.ops = DatabaseOperations(self)
        self.client = DatabaseClient(self)
        self.creation = DatabaseCreation(self)
        self.introspection = DatabaseIntrospection(self)
        self.validation = BaseDatabaseValidation(self)

    def close(self):
        if self.connection is None:
        if self.open_cursor:

        except Database.Error:
            # In some cases (database restart, network connection lost etc...)
            # the connection to the database is lost without giving Django a
            # notification. If we don't set self.connection to None, the error
            # will occur a every request.
            logger.warning("pyodbc error while closing the connection.", exc_info=sys.exc_info())
            self.connection = None
            self.open_cursor = None

    def create_cursor(self):
        return CursorWrapper(self._create_cursor(), self)

    def get_connection_params(self):
        settings_dict = self.settings_dict
        if not settings_dict["NAME"]:
            from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured

            raise ImproperlyConfigured("settings.DATABASES is improperly configured. " "Please supply the NAME value.")
        return settings_dict

    def get_new_connection(self, conn_params):
        database = conn_params["NAME"]
        host = conn_params.get("HOST", "localhost")
        user = conn_params.get("USER", None)
        password = conn_params.get("PASSWORD", None)
        port = conn_params.get("PORT", None)

        default_driver = "SQL Server" if os.name == "nt" else "FreeTDS"
        options = conn_params.get("OPTIONS", {})
        driver = options.get("driver", default_driver)
        dsn = options.get("dsn", None)

        # Microsoft driver names assumed here are:
        # * SQL Server
        # * SQL Native Client
        # * SQL Server Native Client 10.0/11.0
        # * ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server
        ms_drivers = re.compile(".*SQL (Server$|(Server )?Native Client)")

        cstr_parts = []
        if dsn:
            cstr_parts.append("DSN=%s" % dsn)
            # Only append DRIVER if DATABASE_ODBC_DSN hasn't been set
            cstr_parts.append("DRIVER={%s}" % driver)
            if ms_drivers.match(driver) or driver == "FreeTDS" and options.get("host_is_server", False):
                if port:
                    host += ";PORT=%s" % port
                cstr_parts.append("SERVER=%s" % host)
                cstr_parts.append("SERVERNAME=%s" % host)

        if user:
            cstr_parts.append("UID=%s;PWD=%s" % (user, password))
            if ms_drivers.match(driver):
                cstr_parts.append("Integrated Security=SSPI")

        cstr_parts.append("DATABASE=%s" % database)

        if self.supports_mars:

        if options.get("extra_params", None):

        connstr = ";".join(cstr_parts)
        unicode_results = options.get("unicode_results", False)

        conn = Database.connect(connstr, unicode_results=unicode_results)

        drv_name = conn.getinfo(Database.SQL_DRIVER_NAME).upper()

        driver_is_freetds = drv_name.startswith("LIBTDSODBC")
        if driver_is_freetds:
            self.use_legacy_datetime = True
            self.supports_mars = False

        ms_drv_names = re.compile("^((LIB)?SQLN?CLI|LIBMSODBCSQL)")

        if drv_name == "SQLSRV32.DLL" or ms_drv_names.match(drv_name):
            self.driver_needs_utf8 = False

        # http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms131686.aspx
        if self.supports_mars and ms_drv_names.match(drv_name):
            # How to to activate it: Add 'MARS_Connection': True
            # to the OPTIONS dictionary setting
            self.features.can_use_chunked_reads = True

        # FreeTDS can't execute some sql queries like CREATE DATABASE etc.
        # in multi-statement, so we need to commit the above SQL sentence(s)
        # to avoid this
        if driver_is_freetds and not conn_params["AUTOCOMMIT"]:

        return conn

    def init_connection_state(self):
        if self.sql_server_version < 2008:
            self.use_legacy_datetime = True
            self.features.has_bulk_insert = False

        if self.use_legacy_datetime:
            self.features.supports_microsecond_precision = False

        settings_dict = self.settings_dict
        cursor = self._create_cursor()

        # Set date format for the connection. Also, make sure Sunday is
        # considered the first day of the week (to be consistent with the
        # Django convention for the 'week_day' Django lookup) if the user
        # hasn't told us otherwise
        options = settings_dict.get("OPTIONS", {})
        datefirst = options.get("datefirst", 7)
        cursor.execute("SET DATEFORMAT ymd; SET DATEFIRST %s" % datefirst)

    def is_usable(self):
            # use a pyodbc cursor directly, bypassing Django's utilities.
            self._create_cursor().execute("SELECT 1")
        except Database.Error:
            return False
            return True

    def sql_server_version(self):
        with self.temporary_connection():
            # use a pyodbc cursor directly, bypassing Django's utilities.
            cursor = self._create_cursor()
            cursor.execute("SELECT CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion') AS varchar)")
            ver = cursor.fetchone()[0]
            ver = int(ver.split(".")[0])
            if not ver in self._sql_server_versions:
                raise NotImplementedError("SQL Server v%d is not supported." % ver)
            return self._sql_server_versions[ver]

    def to_azure_sql_db(self):
        with self.temporary_connection():
            # use a pyodbc cursor directly, bypassing Django's utilities.
            cursor = self._create_cursor()
            cursor.execute("SELECT CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('EngineEdition') AS integer)")
            return cursor.fetchone()[0] == EDITION_AZURE_SQL_DB

    def _create_cursor(self):
        if self.supports_mars:
            cursor = self.connection.cursor()
            if not self.open_cursor:
                self.open_cursor = self.connection.cursor()
            cursor = self.open_cursor
        return cursor

    def _cursor_closed(self, cursor):
        if not self.supports_mars:
            self.open_cursor = None

    def _execute_foreach(self, sql, table_names=None):
        cursor = self.cursor()
        if not table_names:
            table_names = self.introspection.get_table_list(cursor)
        for table_name in table_names:
            cursor.execute(sql % self.ops.quote_name(table_name))

    def _on_error(self, e):
        if e.args[0] in self._codes_for_networkerror:
                # close the stale connection
                # wait a moment for recovery from network error
                import time

            self.connection = None

    def _savepoint(self, sid):
        cursor = self.cursor()
        cursor.execute("SELECT @@TRANCOUNT")
        trancount = cursor.fetchone()[0]
        if trancount == 0:

    def _savepoint_commit(self, sid):
        # SQL Server has no support for partial commit in a transaction

    def _set_autocommit(self, autocommit):
        if autocommit:
        self.connection.autocommit = autocommit

    def check_constraints(self, table_names=None):
        self._execute_foreach("ALTER TABLE %s WITH CHECK CHECK CONSTRAINT ALL", table_names)

    def disable_constraint_checking(self):
        # Windows Azure SQL Database doesn't support sp_msforeachtable
        # cursor.execute('EXEC sp_msforeachtable "ALTER TABLE ? NOCHECK CONSTRAINT ALL"')
        self._execute_foreach("ALTER TABLE %s NOCHECK CONSTRAINT ALL")
        return True

    def enable_constraint_checking(self):
        # Windows Azure SQL Database doesn't support sp_msforeachtable
        # cursor.execute('EXEC sp_msforeachtable "ALTER TABLE ? WITH CHECK CHECK CONSTRAINT ALL"')
class DatabaseWrapper(BaseDatabaseWrapper):
    vendor = 'microsoft'
    operators = {
        # Since '=' is used not only for string comparision there is no way
        # to make it case (in)sensitive.
        'exact': '= %s',
        'iexact': "= UPPER(%s)",
        'contains': "LIKE %s ESCAPE '\\'",
        'icontains': "LIKE UPPER(%s) ESCAPE '\\'",
        'gt': '> %s',
        'gte': '>= %s',
        'lt': '< %s',
        'lte': '<= %s',
        'startswith': "LIKE %s ESCAPE '\\'",
        'endswith': "LIKE %s ESCAPE '\\'",
        'istartswith': "LIKE UPPER(%s) ESCAPE '\\'",
        'iendswith': "LIKE UPPER(%s) ESCAPE '\\'",
    _codes_for_networkerror = (
    _sql_server_versions = {
        9: 2005,
        10: 2008,
        11: 2012,
        12: 2014,

    Database = Database

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(DatabaseWrapper, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        opts = self.settings_dict["OPTIONS"]

        # capability for multiple result sets or cursors
        self.supports_mars = False
        self.open_cursor = None

        # Some drivers need unicode encoded as UTF8. If this is left as
        # None, it will be determined based on the driver, namely it'll be
        # False if the driver is a windows driver and True otherwise.
        # However, recent versions of FreeTDS and pyodbc (0.91 and 3.0.6 as
        # of writing) are perfectly okay being fed unicode, which is why
        # this option is configurable.
        self.driver_needs_utf8 = opts.get('driver_needs_utf8', False)

        # data type compatibility to databases created by old django-pyodbc
        self.use_legacy_datetime = opts.get('use_legacy_datetime', False)

        # interval to wait for recovery from network error
        interval = opts.get('connection_recovery_interval_msec', 0.0)
        self.connection_recovery_interval_msec = float(interval) / 1000

        # make lookup operators to be collation-sensitive if needed
        collation = opts.get('collation', None)
        if collation:
            self.operators = dict(self.__class__.operators)
            ops = {}
            for op in self.operators:
                sql = self.operators[op]
                if sql.startswith('LIKE '):
                    ops[op] = '%s COLLATE %s' % (sql, collation)

        self.features = DatabaseFeatures(self)
        self.ops = DatabaseOperations(self)
        self.client = DatabaseClient(self)
        self.creation = DatabaseCreation(self)
        self.introspection = DatabaseIntrospection(self)
        self.validation = BaseDatabaseValidation(self)

    def create_cursor(self):
        if self.supports_mars:
            cursor = self._create_cursor()
            if not self.open_cursor or not self.open_cursor.active:
                self.open_cursor = self._create_cursor()
            cursor = self.open_cursor
        return cursor

    def get_connection_params(self):
        settings_dict = self.settings_dict
        if settings_dict['NAME'] == '':
            from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
            raise ImproperlyConfigured(
                "settings.DATABASES is improperly configured. "
                "Please supply the NAME value.")
        conn_params = settings_dict.copy()
        if conn_params['NAME'] is None:
            conn_params['NAME'] = 'master'
        return conn_params

    def get_new_connection(self, conn_params):
        database = conn_params['NAME']
        host = conn_params.get('HOST', 'localhost')
        user = conn_params.get('USER', None)
        password = conn_params.get('PASSWORD', None)
        port = conn_params.get('PORT', None)

        default_driver = 'SQL Server' if os.name == 'nt' else 'FreeTDS'
        options = conn_params.get('OPTIONS', {})
        driver = options.get('driver', default_driver)
        dsn = options.get('dsn', None)

        # Microsoft driver names assumed here are:
        # * SQL Server
        # * SQL Native Client
        # * SQL Server Native Client 10.0/11.0
        # * ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server
        ms_drivers = re.compile('.*SQL (Server$|(Server )?Native Client)')

        cstr_parts = []
        if dsn:
            cstr_parts.append('DSN=%s' % dsn)
            # Only append DRIVER if DATABASE_ODBC_DSN hasn't been set
            cstr_parts.append('DRIVER={%s}' % driver)
            if ms_drivers.match(driver) or driver == 'FreeTDS' and \
                options.get('host_is_server', False):
                if port:
                    host += ';PORT=%s' % port
                cstr_parts.append('SERVER=%s' % host)
                cstr_parts.append('SERVERNAME=%s' % host)

        if user:
            cstr_parts.append('UID=%s;PWD=%s' % (user, password))
            if ms_drivers.match(driver):
                cstr_parts.append('Integrated Security=SSPI')

        cstr_parts.append('DATABASE=%s' % database)

        if ms_drivers.match(driver) and not driver == 'SQL Server':
            self.supports_mars = True
        if self.supports_mars:
        if options.get('extra_params', None):

        connstr = ';'.join(cstr_parts)
        unicode_results = options.get('unicode_results', False)

        conn = Database.connect(connstr, unicode_results=unicode_results)

        drv_name = conn.getinfo(Database.SQL_DRIVER_NAME).upper()

        driver_is_freetds = drv_name.startswith('LIBTDSODBC')
        driver_is_sqlsrv32 = drv_name == 'SQLSRV32.DLL'
        driver_is_snac9 = drv_name == 'SQLNCLI.DLL'

        if driver_is_freetds or driver_is_sqlsrv32:
            self.use_legacy_datetime = True
            self.supports_mars = False
        elif driver_is_snac9:
            self.use_legacy_datetime = True

        ms_drv_names = re.compile('^(LIB)?(SQLN?CLI|MSODBCSQL)')

        if driver_is_sqlsrv32 or ms_drv_names.match(drv_name):
            self.driver_needs_utf8 = False

        # http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms131686.aspx
        if self.supports_mars and ms_drv_names.match(drv_name):
            self.features.can_use_chunked_reads = True

        # FreeTDS can't execute some sql queries like CREATE DATABASE etc.
        # in multi-statement, so we need to commit the above SQL sentence(s)
        # to avoid this
        if driver_is_freetds and not conn_params['AUTOCOMMIT']:

        return conn

    def init_connection_state(self):
        if self.sql_server_version < 2008:
            self.use_legacy_datetime = True
            self.features.has_bulk_insert = False

        if self.use_legacy_datetime:
            self.features.supports_microsecond_precision = False

        settings_dict = self.settings_dict
        cursor = self.create_cursor()

        # Set date format for the connection. Also, make sure Sunday is
        # considered the first day of the week (to be consistent with the
        # Django convention for the 'week_day' Django lookup) if the user
        # hasn't told us otherwise
        options = settings_dict.get('OPTIONS', {})
        datefirst = options.get('datefirst', 7)
        cursor.execute('SET DATEFORMAT ymd; SET DATEFIRST %s' % datefirst)

    def is_usable(self):
            self.create_cursor().execute("SELECT 1")
        except Database.Error:
            return False
            return True

    def schema_editor(self, *args, **kwargs):
        "Returns a new instance of this backend's SchemaEditor"
        return DatabaseSchemaEditor(self, *args, **kwargs)

    def sql_server_version(self):
        with self.temporary_connection() as cursor:
            cursor.execute("SELECT CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion') AS varchar)")
            ver = cursor.fetchone()[0]
            ver = int(ver.split('.')[0])
            if not ver in self._sql_server_versions:
                raise NotImplementedError('SQL Server v%d is not supported.' % ver)
            return self._sql_server_versions[ver]

    def to_azure_sql_db(self):
        with self.temporary_connection() as cursor:
            cursor.execute("SELECT CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('EngineEdition') AS integer)")
            return cursor.fetchone()[0] == EDITION_AZURE_SQL_DB

    def _close(self):
        if self.open_cursor:
                self.open_cursor = None
        super(DatabaseWrapper, self)._close()

    def _create_cursor(self):
        return CursorWrapper(self.connection.cursor(), self)

    def _execute_foreach(self, sql, table_names=None):
        cursor = self.cursor()
        if not table_names:
            table_names = self.introspection.get_table_list(cursor)
        for table_name in table_names:
            cursor.execute(sql % self.ops.quote_name(table_name))

    def _on_error(self, e):
        if e.args[0] in self._codes_for_networkerror:
                # close the stale connection
                # wait a moment for recovery from network error
                import time
            self.connection = None

    def _savepoint(self, sid):
        cursor = self.cursor()
        cursor.execute('SELECT @@TRANCOUNT')
        trancount = cursor.fetchone()[0]
        if trancount == 0:

    def _savepoint_commit(self, sid):
        # SQL Server has no support for partial commit in a transaction

    def _set_autocommit(self, autocommit):
        with self.wrap_database_errors:
            if autocommit:
            self.connection.autocommit = autocommit

    def check_constraints(self, table_names=None):
        self._execute_foreach('ALTER TABLE %s WITH CHECK CHECK CONSTRAINT ALL',

    def disable_constraint_checking(self):
        # Azure SQL Database doesn't support sp_msforeachtable
        #cursor.execute('EXEC sp_msforeachtable "ALTER TABLE ? NOCHECK CONSTRAINT ALL"')
        self._execute_foreach('ALTER TABLE %s NOCHECK CONSTRAINT ALL')
        return True

    def enable_constraint_checking(self):
        # Azure SQL Database doesn't support sp_msforeachtable
        #cursor.execute('EXEC sp_msforeachtable "ALTER TABLE ? WITH CHECK CHECK CONSTRAINT ALL"')
文件: base.py 项目: wdarioc7/python
class DatabaseWrapper(BaseDatabaseWrapper):
    vendor = 'microsoft'
    # This dictionary maps Field objects to their associated MS SQL column
    # types, as strings. Column-type strings can contain format strings; they'll
    # be interpolated against the values of Field.__dict__ before being output.
    # If a column type is set to None, it won't be included in the output.
    data_types = {
        'AutoField':         'int IDENTITY (1, 1)',
        'BigIntegerField':   'bigint',
        'BinaryField':       'varbinary(max)',
        'BooleanField':      'bit',
        'CharField':         'nvarchar(%(max_length)s)',
        'CommaSeparatedIntegerField': 'nvarchar(%(max_length)s)',
        'DateField':         'date',
        'DateTimeField':     'datetime2',
        'DecimalField':      'numeric(%(max_digits)s, %(decimal_places)s)',
        'DurationField':     'bigint',
        'FileField':         'nvarchar(%(max_length)s)',
        'FilePathField':     'nvarchar(%(max_length)s)',
        'FloatField':        'double precision',
        'IntegerField':      'int',
        'IPAddressField':    'nvarchar(15)',
        'GenericIPAddressField': 'nvarchar(39)',
        'NullBooleanField':  'bit',
        'OneToOneField':     'int',
        'PositiveIntegerField': 'int',
        'PositiveSmallIntegerField': 'smallint',
        'SlugField':         'nvarchar(%(max_length)s)',
        'SmallIntegerField': 'smallint',
        'TextField':         'nvarchar(max)',
        'TimeField':         'time',
        'UUIDField':         'char(32)',
    data_type_check_constraints = {
        'PositiveIntegerField': '[%(column)s] >= 0',
        'PositiveSmallIntegerField': '[%(column)s] >= 0',
    operators = {
        # Since '=' is used not only for string comparision there is no way
        # to make it case (in)sensitive.
        'exact': '= %s',
        'iexact': "= UPPER(%s)",
        'contains': "LIKE %s ESCAPE '\\'",
        'icontains': "LIKE UPPER(%s) ESCAPE '\\'",
        'gt': '> %s',
        'gte': '>= %s',
        'lt': '< %s',
        'lte': '<= %s',
        'startswith': "LIKE %s ESCAPE '\\'",
        'endswith': "LIKE %s ESCAPE '\\'",
        'istartswith': "LIKE UPPER(%s) ESCAPE '\\'",
        'iendswith': "LIKE UPPER(%s) ESCAPE '\\'",

    # The patterns below are used to generate SQL pattern lookup clauses when
    # the right-hand side of the lookup isn't a raw string (it might be an expression
    # or the result of a bilateral transformation).
    # In those cases, special characters for LIKE operators (e.g. \, *, _) should be
    # escaped on database side.
    # Note: we use str.format() here for readability as '%' is used as a wildcard for
    # the LIKE operator.
    pattern_esc = r"REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE({}, '\', '\\'), '%%', '\%%'), '_', '\_')"
    pattern_ops = {
        'contains': "LIKE '%%' + {} + '%%'",
        'icontains': "LIKE '%%' + UPPER({}) + '%%'",
        'startswith': "LIKE {} + '%%'",
        'istartswith': "LIKE UPPER({}) + '%%'",
        'endswith': "LIKE '%%' + {}",
        'iendswith': "LIKE '%%' + UPPER({})",

    Database = Database
    SchemaEditorClass = DatabaseSchemaEditor

    _codes_for_networkerror = (
    _sql_server_versions = {
        9: 2005,
        10: 2008,
        11: 2012,
        12: 2014,

    # https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/sql-database-develop-csharp-retry-windows/
    _transient_error_numbers = (

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(DatabaseWrapper, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        opts = self.settings_dict["OPTIONS"]

        # capability for multiple result sets or cursors
        self.supports_mars = False

        # Some drivers need unicode encoded as UTF8. If this is left as
        # None, it will be determined based on the driver, namely it'll be
        # False if the driver is a windows driver and True otherwise.
        # However, recent versions of FreeTDS and pyodbc (0.91 and 3.0.6 as
        # of writing) are perfectly okay being fed unicode, which is why
        # this option is configurable.
        if 'driver_needs_utf8' in opts:
            self.driver_charset = 'utf-8'
            self.driver_charset = opts.get('driver_charset', None)

        # data type compatibility to databases created by old django-pyodbc
        self.use_legacy_datetime = opts.get('use_legacy_datetime', False)

        # interval to wait for recovery from network error
        interval = opts.get('connection_recovery_interval_msec', 0.0)
        self.connection_recovery_interval_msec = float(interval) / 1000

        # make lookup operators to be collation-sensitive if needed
        collation = opts.get('collation', None)
        if collation:
            self.operators = dict(self.__class__.operators)
            ops = {}
            for op in self.operators:
                sql = self.operators[op]
                if sql.startswith('LIKE '):
                    ops[op] = '%s COLLATE %s' % (sql, collation)

        self.features = DatabaseFeatures(self)
        self.ops = DatabaseOperations(self)
        self.client = DatabaseClient(self)
        self.creation = DatabaseCreation(self)
        self.introspection = DatabaseIntrospection(self)
        self.validation = BaseDatabaseValidation(self)

    def create_cursor(self):
        return CursorWrapper(self.connection.cursor(), self)

    def get_connection_params(self):
        settings_dict = self.settings_dict
        if settings_dict['NAME'] == '':
            from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
            raise ImproperlyConfigured(
                "settings.DATABASES is improperly configured. "
                "Please supply the NAME value.")
        conn_params = settings_dict.copy()
        if conn_params['NAME'] is None:
            conn_params['NAME'] = 'master'
        return conn_params

    def get_new_connection(self, conn_params):
        database = conn_params['NAME']
        host = conn_params.get('HOST', 'localhost')
        user = conn_params.get('USER', None)
        password = conn_params.get('PASSWORD', None)
        port = conn_params.get('PORT', None)

        default_driver = 'SQL Server' if os.name == 'nt' else 'FreeTDS'
        options = conn_params.get('OPTIONS', {})
        driver = options.get('driver', default_driver)
        dsn = options.get('dsn', None)

        # unixODBC uses string 'FreeTDS'; iODBC requires full path to lib
        if driver == 'FreeTDS' or driver.endswith('/libtdsodbc.so'):
            driver_is_freetds = True
            driver_is_freetds = False

        # Microsoft driver names assumed here are:
        # * SQL Server
        # * SQL Native Client
        # * SQL Server Native Client 10.0/11.0
        # * ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server
        ms_drivers = re.compile('.*SQL (Server$|(Server )?Native Client)')

        cstr_parts = {}
        if dsn:
            cstr_parts['DSN'] = dsn
            # Only append DRIVER if DATABASE_ODBC_DSN hasn't been set
            cstr_parts['DRIVER'] = driver

            if ms_drivers.match(driver) or driver_is_freetds and \
                options.get('host_is_server', False):
                if port:
                    cstr_parts['PORT'] = str(port)
                cstr_parts['SERVER'] = host
                cstr_parts['SERVERNAME'] = host

        if user:
            cstr_parts['UID'] = user
            cstr_parts['PWD'] = password
            if ms_drivers.match(driver):
                cstr_parts['Trusted_Connection'] = 'yes'
                cstr_parts['Integrated Security'] = 'SSPI'

        cstr_parts['DATABASE'] = database

        if ms_drivers.match(driver) and not driver == 'SQL Server':
            self.supports_mars = True
        if self.supports_mars:
            cstr_parts['MARS_Connection'] = 'yes'

        connstr = encode_connection_string(cstr_parts)

        # extra_params are glued on the end of the string without encoding,
        # so it's up to the settings writer to make sure they're appropriate -
        # use encode_connection_string if constructing from external input.
        if options.get('extra_params', None):
            connstr += ';' + options['extra_params']

        unicode_results = options.get('unicode_results', False)
        timeout = options.get('connection_timeout', 0)
        retries = options.get('connection_retries', 5)
        backoff_time = options.get('connection_retry_backoff_time', 5)

        conn = None
        retry_count = 0
        need_to_retry = False
        while conn is None:
                conn = Database.connect(connstr,
            except Exception as e:
                for error_number in self._transient_error_numbers:
                    if error_number in e.args[1]:
                        if error_number in e.args[1] and retry_count < retries:
                            need_to_retry = True
                            retry_count = retry_count + 1
                            need_to_retry = False
                if not need_to_retry:

        return conn

    def init_connection_state(self):
        drv_name = self.connection.getinfo(Database.SQL_DRIVER_NAME).upper()
        driver_is_freetds = drv_name.startswith('LIBTDSODBC')
        driver_is_sqlsrv32 = drv_name == 'SQLSRV32.DLL'

        if driver_is_freetds:
            self.supports_mars = False
                drv_ver = self.connection.getinfo(Database.SQL_DRIVER_VER)
                ver = tuple(map(int, drv_ver.split('.')[:2]))
                if ver < (0, 95):
                    # FreeTDS can't execute some sql queries like CREATE DATABASE etc.
                    # in multi-statement, so we need to commit the above SQL sentence(s)
                    # to avoid this
                # unknown driver version
        elif driver_is_sqlsrv32:
            self.supports_mars = False

        ms_drv_names = re.compile('^(LIB)?(SQLN?CLI|MSODBCSQL)')

        if driver_is_sqlsrv32 or ms_drv_names.match(drv_name):
            self.driver_charset = None

        # http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms131686.aspx
        if self.supports_mars and ms_drv_names.match(drv_name):
            self.features.can_use_chunked_reads = True

        if self.sql_server_version < 2008:
            self.features.has_bulk_insert = False

        settings_dict = self.settings_dict
        cursor = self.create_cursor()

        # Set date format for the connection. Also, make sure Sunday is
        # considered the first day of the week (to be consistent with the
        # Django convention for the 'week_day' Django lookup) if the user
        # hasn't told us otherwise
        options = settings_dict.get('OPTIONS', {})
        datefirst = options.get('datefirst', 7)
        cursor.execute('SET DATEFORMAT ymd; SET DATEFIRST %s' % datefirst)

        # http://blogs.msdn.com/b/sqlnativeclient/archive/2008/02/27/microsoft-sql-server-native-client-and-microsoft-sql-server-2008-native-client.aspx
            val = cursor.execute('SELECT SYSDATETIME()').fetchone()[0]
            if isinstance(val, text_type):
                # the driver doesn't support the modern datetime types
                self.use_legacy_datetime = True
            # the server doesn't support the modern datetime types
            self.use_legacy_datetime = True
        if self.use_legacy_datetime:
            self.features.supports_microsecond_precision = False

    def is_usable(self):
            self.create_cursor().execute("SELECT 1")
        except Database.Error:
            return False
            return True

    def schema_editor(self, *args, **kwargs):
        "Returns a new instance of this backend's SchemaEditor"
        return DatabaseSchemaEditor(self, *args, **kwargs)

    def sql_server_version(self):
        with self.temporary_connection() as cursor:
            cursor.execute("SELECT CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion') AS varchar)")
            ver = cursor.fetchone()[0]
            ver = int(ver.split('.')[0])
            if not ver in self._sql_server_versions:
                raise NotImplementedError('SQL Server v%d is not supported.' % ver)
            return self._sql_server_versions[ver]

    def to_azure_sql_db(self):
        with self.temporary_connection() as cursor:
            cursor.execute("SELECT CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('EngineEdition') AS integer)")
            return cursor.fetchone()[0] == EDITION_AZURE_SQL_DB

    def _execute_foreach(self, sql, table_names=None):
        cursor = self.cursor()
        if table_names is None:
            table_names = self.introspection.table_names(cursor)
        for table_name in table_names:
            cursor.execute(sql % self.ops.quote_name(table_name))

    def _get_trancount(self):
        with self.connection.cursor() as cursor:
            return cursor.execute('SELECT @@TRANCOUNT').fetchone()[0]

    def _on_error(self, e):
        if e.args[0] in self._codes_for_networkerror:
                # close the stale connection
                # wait a moment for recovery from network error
            self.connection = None

    def _savepoint(self, sid):
        with self.cursor() as cursor:
            cursor.execute('SELECT @@TRANCOUNT')
            trancount = cursor.fetchone()[0]
            if trancount == 0:

    def _savepoint_commit(self, sid):
        # SQL Server has no support for partial commit in a transaction

    def _savepoint_rollback(self, sid):
        with self.cursor() as cursor:
            # FreeTDS v0.95 requires TRANCOUNT that is greater than 0
            cursor.execute('SELECT @@TRANCOUNT')
            trancount = cursor.fetchone()[0]
            if trancount > 0:

    def _set_autocommit(self, autocommit):
        with self.wrap_database_errors:
            allowed = not autocommit
            if not allowed:
                # FreeTDS v0.95 requires TRANCOUNT that is greater than 0
                allowed = self._get_trancount() > 0
            if allowed:
                self.connection.autocommit = autocommit

    def _use_legacy_datetime(self):
        for field in ('DateField', 'DateTimeField', 'TimeField'):
            self.data_types[field] = 'datetime'

    def check_constraints(self, table_names=None):
        self._execute_foreach('ALTER TABLE %s WITH CHECK CHECK CONSTRAINT ALL',

    def disable_constraint_checking(self):
        # Azure SQL Database doesn't support sp_msforeachtable
        #cursor.execute('EXEC sp_msforeachtable "ALTER TABLE ? NOCHECK CONSTRAINT ALL"')
        if not self.needs_rollback:
            self._execute_foreach('ALTER TABLE %s NOCHECK CONSTRAINT ALL')
        return not self.needs_rollback

    def enable_constraint_checking(self):
        # Azure SQL Database doesn't support sp_msforeachtable
        #cursor.execute('EXEC sp_msforeachtable "ALTER TABLE ? WITH CHECK CHECK CONSTRAINT ALL"')
        if not self.needs_rollback: