def notify_10mins_ahead(self): try: userdao = UserDAO() current_time = print '-' * 40 print 'push before 10 minutes' print 'current_time :', current_time hour = current_time.hour if current_time.minute >= 20 and current_time.minute <= 29: minute = 30 elif current_time.minute >= 50 and current_time.minute <= 59: hour += 1 minute = 0 else: minute = 0 cron_time = current_time.replace(hour=hour, minute=minute, second=0, microsecond=0) print 'cron_time :', cron_time print '-' * 40 session = Session() result = session.query(Booking, Master, User, UserPushKey) \ .join(Master, Booking.master_id == \ .join(User, Booking.user_id == \ .outerjoin(UserPushKey, == UserPushKey.user_id) \ .filter(or_(Booking.cleaning_status == BC.BOOKING_UPCOMMING, Booking.cleaning_status == BC.BOOKING_STARTED)) \ .filter( == \ .filter(func.HOUR(Booking.start_time) == cron_time.time().hour) \ .filter(func.MINUTE(Booking.start_time) == cron_time.time().minute) \ .all() for row in result: key = userdao.get_user_salt_by_id([:16] crypto = aes.MyCrypto(key) booking_id = pushkey = row.UserPushKey.pushkey if row.UserPushKey != None else '' user_name = crypto.decodeAES( phone = crypto.decodeAES( master_name = devicetype = row.User.devicetype print 'push to', user_name, master_name, booking_id print pushkey if devicetype != 'android': pushkey = crypto.decodeAES( send_10mins_ahead_notification(devicetype, [pushkey], booking_id) send_alimtalk(phone, 'noti_10', user_name, master_name) except Exception, e: print_err_detail(e)
def notify(self): try: userdao = UserDAO() current_time = print '-' * 40 print 'push before 2 hours' print 'current_time :', current_time hour = current_time.hour minute = 30 if current_time.minute >= 30 else 0 #current_time = current_time + dt.timedelta(hours=2) cron_time = current_time.replace(hour=hour+2, minute=minute, second = 0, microsecond=0) print 'cron_time :', cron_time print '-' * 40 session = Session() result = session.query(Booking, Master, MasterPushKey, User) \ .join(Master, Booking.master_id == \ .join(MasterPushKey, == MasterPushKey.master_id) \ .join(User, Booking.user_id == \ .filter(Booking.cleaning_status == BC.BOOKING_UPCOMMING) \ .filter( == \ .filter(func.HOUR(Booking.start_time) == cron_time.time().hour) \ .filter(func.MINUTE(Booking.start_time) == cron_time.time().minute) \ .all() for row in result: key = userdao.get_user_salt_by_id([:16] crypto = aes.MyCrypto(key) if == 'da2a1f50-fd36-40bf-8460-55b3e1b2c459': continue booking_id = pushkey = row.MasterPushKey.pushkey if row.MasterPushKey != None else '' master_name = start_time = row.Booking.start_time time_str = convert_datetime_format4(start_time) print 'push to', master_name, booking_id print pushkey send_master_ahead_notification('android', [pushkey], booking_id, master_name, time_str) except Exception, e: print_err_detail(e)
def notify_24hours_ahead(self): try: userdao = UserDAO() current_time = print '-' * 40 print 'push before 24 hours' print 'current_time :', current_time hour = current_time.hour minute = 30 if current_time.minute >= 30 else 0 current_time = current_time + dt.timedelta(days=1) cron_time = current_time.replace(hour=hour, minute=minute, second=0, microsecond=0) print 'cron_time :', cron_time print '-' * 40 session = Session() result = session.query(Booking, Master, User, UserPushKey) \ .join(Master, Booking.master_id == \ .join(User, Booking.user_id == \ .outerjoin(UserPushKey, == UserPushKey.user_id) \ .filter(or_(Booking.cleaning_status == BC.BOOKING_UPCOMMING, Booking.cleaning_status == BC.BOOKING_STARTED)) \ .filter( == \ .filter(func.HOUR(Booking.start_time) == cron_time.time().hour) \ .filter(func.MINUTE(Booking.start_time) == cron_time.time().minute) \ .all() for row in result: key = userdao.get_user_salt_by_id([:16] crypto = aes.MyCrypto(key) booking_id = pushkey = row.UserPushKey.pushkey if row.UserPushKey != None else '' user_name = crypto.decodeAES( phone = crypto.decodeAES( master_name = devicetype = row.User.devicetype price = row.Booking.price_with_task start_time = row.Booking.start_time print 'push to', user_name, master_name, booking_id print pushkey if devicetype != 'android': pushkey = crypto.decodeAES( ampm = '오전' hour = start_time.hour if hour >= 12: if hour > 12: hour -= 12 ampm = '오후' minute = start_time.minute time_str = '%s %d시' % (ampm, hour) if minute == 30: time_str += ' 반' send_day_ahead_notification(devicetype, [pushkey], booking_id, user_name, time_str) send_alimtalk(phone, 'noti_24', user_name, master_name) except Exception, e: print_err_detail(e)
def notify_charge_failure(self): try: mongo_logger = get_mongo_logger() userdao = UserDAO() current_time = print '-' * 40 print 'charge failure notification via alimtalk' print 'current_time :', current_time hour = current_time.hour minute = 30 if current_time.minute >= 30 else 0 cron_time = current_time.replace(hour=hour, minute=minute, second=0, microsecond=0) print 'cron_time :', cron_time print '-' * 40 session = Session() result = session.query(Booking, User) \ .join(User, Booking.user_id == \ .filter(Booking.cleaning_status == BC.BOOKING_COMPLETED) \ .filter(Booking.payment_status != BC.BOOKING_PAID) \ .filter( == \ .filter(func.HOUR(Booking.estimated_end_time) == cron_time.time().hour) \ .filter(func.MINUTE(Booking.estimated_end_time) == cron_time.time().minute) \ .filter(User.is_b2b == 0) \ .filter(Booking.source == 'hm') \ .all() for row in result: if '' in # b2b 무시 continue if row.User.is_b2b == 1: # b2b 무시 continue if row.Booking.source != 'hm': # 11번가 무시 continue key = userdao.get_user_salt_by_id([:16] crypto = aes.MyCrypto(key) user_id = phone = crypto.decodeAES( cleaning_time = convert_datetime_format2( row.Booking.start_time) price = '{:,}원'.format(row.Booking.price_with_task) try: send_alimtalk(phone, 'notify_charge_failure', cleaning_time, price) mongo_logger.debug('user charge failure', extra={ 'dt': current_time, 'user_id': user_id, 'price': price, 'cleaning_time': cleaning_time }) except Exception, e: mongo_logger.error('err user charge failure', extra={ 'dt': current_time, 'user_id': user_id, 'price': price, 'cleaning_time': cleaning_time }) except Exception, e: print_err_detail(e) mongo_logger.error('failed to user charge failure', extra={'err': str(e)})
def add_upcoming(self): try: print '-' * 40 print 'charge and add upcoming appointment started' current_time = print current_time hour = current_time.hour minute = 30 if current_time.minute >= 30 else 0 cron_time = current_time.replace(hour=hour, minute=minute, second=0, microsecond=0) print cron_time print '-' * 40 userdao = UserDAO() session = Session() result = session.query(Booking) \ .filter(or_(Booking.appointment_type == BC.ONE_TIME_A_MONTH, Booking.appointment_type == BC.TWO_TIME_A_MONTH, Booking.appointment_type == BC.FOUR_TIME_A_MONTH)) \ .filter( == \ .filter(func.HOUR(Booking.start_time) == cron_time.time().hour) \ .filter(func.MINUTE(Booking.start_time) == cron_time.time().minute) \ .all() for row in result: try: # add next appointment booking_id = request_id = row.request_id # 11번가의 경우 정해진 새로 추가 하지 않는다. if row.source in [ '11st', 'auction', 'gmarket' ] or row.user_type in ['11st', 'auction', 'gmarket']: continue # 전체 취소인 경우가 아닐 때만 새로 추가한다. if self.is_cancelled_all(booking_id): continue org_master_id = self.get_org_master(request_id) appointment_type = row.appointment_type user_id = row.user_id master_id = org_master_id if org_master_id != None else row.master_id additional_task = row.additional_task cleaning_duration = row.cleaning_duration booking_time = price = row.price price_with_task = row.price_with_task card_idx = userdao.get_user_default_card_index(user_id) addr_idx = row.addr_idx message = row.message trash_location = row.trash_location laundry_apply_all = self.get_last_laundry_all(request_id) enterhome = row.enterhome enterbuilding = row.enterbuilding havetools = row.havetools havepet = row.havepet is_dirty = row.is_dirty master_gender = row.master_gender wage_per_hour = row.wage_per_hour status = row.status cleaning_status = row.cleaning_status routing_method = row.routing_method source = row.source user_type = row.user_type actual_price = price if havetools == 1: additional_task = 0 else: additional_task = 64 #actual_price += BC.VACCUM_CHARGE if laundry_apply_all == 1: additional_task += 4 # 빨래 print 'booking_id', booking_id print 'user_id', user_id, 'master_id', master_id, 'price', price, 'request_id', request_id # get next appointment info start_time, estimated_end_time = self.get_next_appointment_date( request_id, appointment_type) appointment_index = self.get_next_appointment_index( request_id, cleaning_status, appointment_type) # add appointment self.add_new_appointment( request_id, master_id, user_id, appointment_type, appointment_index, booking_time, start_time, estimated_end_time, cleaning_duration, additional_task, price, actual_price, card_idx, addr_idx, message, trash_location, enterhome, enterbuilding, routing_method, havetools, havepet, laundry_apply_all, is_dirty, master_gender, wage_per_hour, source, user_type) except Exception, e: session.rollback() print_err_detail(e) continue except Exception, e: session.rollback() print_err_detail(e)
def charge(self): try: print '-' * 40 print 'charge started' current_time = print current_time hour = current_time.hour minute = 30 if current_time.minute >= 30 else 0 cron_time = current_time.replace(hour=hour, minute=minute, second=0, microsecond=0) print cron_time print '-' * 40 userdao = UserDAO() session = Session() result = session.query(Booking) \ .filter(or_(Booking.cleaning_status == BC.BOOKING_UPCOMMING, Booking.cleaning_status == BC.BOOKING_STARTED)) \ .filter(Booking.payment_status == BC.BOOKING_UNPAID_YET) \ .filter( == \ .filter(func.HOUR(Booking.start_time) == cron_time.time().hour) \ .filter(func.MINUTE(Booking.start_time) == cron_time.time().minute) \ .all() for row in result: try: # payment booking_id = user_id = row.user_id price = int(row.price_with_task) user_name = userdao.get_user_name(user_id) devicetype = userdao.get_user_device_type(user_id) if devicetype == 'None': # 안드로이드 사용자만 자동 과금한다 continue print booking_id, user_id, price, user_name, 'tried to pay' ret_code, msg = request_payment( user_id, user_name, booking_id, price, row.appointment_type) # 자동 결제 성공 if ret_code: # paid 로 상태 변경이 필요함 card_idx = userdao.get_user_default_card_index(user_id) tid = msg row.card_idx = card_idx row.tid = tid row.payment_status = BC.BOOKING_PAID #row.cleaning_status = BC.BOOKING_UPCOMMING row.status = BC.BOOKING_PAID print tid, 'success' else: # 자동 결제 실패 row.payment_status = BC.BOOKING_PAYMENT_FAILED #row.cleaning_status = BC.BOOKING_UPCOMMING row.status == BC.BOOKING_PAYMENT_FAILED print msg, 'failed' session.commit() except Exception, e: session.rollback() print_err_detail(e) continue except Exception, e: session.rollback() print_err_detail(e)